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//! Shared memory program for the Solana blockchain.
// Useful for returning data from cross-program invoked programs to the invoker.
// This program is highly optimized for its particular use case and does not
// implement the typical `process_instruction` entrypoint.
extern crate solana_sdk;
use arrayref::{array_refs, mut_array_refs};
use solana_sdk::{
entrypoint::MAX_PERMITTED_DATA_INCREASE, entrypoint::SUCCESS, program_error::ProgramError,
use std::{
mem::{align_of, size_of},
slice::{from_raw_parts, from_raw_parts_mut},
/// A more efficient `copy_from_slice` implementation.
fn fast_copy(mut src: &[u8], mut dst: &mut [u8]) {
while src.len() >= 8 {
let (src_word, src_rem) = array_refs![src, 8; ..;];
let (dst_word, dst_rem) = mut_array_refs![dst, 8; ..;];
*dst_word = *src_word;
src = src_rem;
dst = dst_rem;
unsafe {
std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src.as_ptr(), dst.as_mut_ptr(), src.len());
/// Deserializes only the particular input parameters that the shared memory
/// program uses. For more information about the format of the serialized input
/// parameters see `solana_sdk::entrypoint::deserialize`
unsafe fn deserialize_input_parametes<'a>(input: *mut u8) -> Result<(&'a mut [u8], &'a [u8]), u64> {
// Only one account expected
let num_accounts = read(input as *const u64);
if num_accounts == 0 {
return Err(ProgramError::NotEnoughAccountKeys.into());
} else if num_accounts > 1 {
return Err(ProgramError::InvalidArgument.into());
// Offset to the first (and only) account's data length
let data_len_offset = size_of::<u64>()
+ size_of::<u8>()
+ size_of::<u8>()
+ size_of::<u8>()
+ size_of::<u8>()
+ size_of::<u32>()
+ size_of::<Pubkey>()
+ size_of::<Pubkey>()
+ size_of::<u64>();
let account_data_len = read(input.add(data_len_offset) as *const usize);
let data_ptr = input.add(data_len_offset + size_of::<u64>());
let account_data = from_raw_parts_mut(data_ptr, account_data_len);
// Offset from the account data pointer to the instruction's data length
let instruction_len_offset = account_data_len
+ (account_data_len as *const u8).align_offset(align_of::<u128>())
+ size_of::<u64>();
let instruction_data_len = read(data_ptr.add(instruction_len_offset) as *const usize);
let instruction_data = from_raw_parts(
data_ptr.add(instruction_len_offset + size_of::<u64>()),
Ok((account_data, instruction_data))
/// This program expects one account and writes instruction data into the
/// account's data. The first 8 bytes of the instruction data contain the
/// little-endian offset into the account data. The rest of the instruction
/// data is written into the account data starting at that offset.
/// This program uses the raw Solana runtime's entrypoint which takes a pointer
/// to serialized input parameters. For more information about the format of
/// the serialized input parameters see `solana_sdk::entrypoint::deserialize`
/// # Safety
pub unsafe extern "C" fn entrypoint(input: *mut u8) -> u64 {
match deserialize_input_parametes(input) {
Ok((account_data, instruction_data)) => {
if instruction_data.len() < 8 {
return ProgramError::AccountDataTooSmall.into();
let (offset, content) = array_refs![instruction_data, 8; ..;];
let offset = usize::from_le_bytes(*offset);
if account_data.len() < offset + content.len() {
return ProgramError::AccountDataTooSmall.into();
let data_ptr = account_data.as_mut_ptr() as usize;
let data = from_raw_parts_mut((data_ptr + offset) as *mut u8, content.len());
fast_copy(content, data);
Err(err) => return err,