
497 lines
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Raw Normal View History

//! FIXME copied from the solana stake program
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use solana_program::{
clock::{Epoch, UnixTimestamp},
instruction::{AccountMeta, Instruction},
system_instruction, sysvar,
use std::str::FromStr;
const STAKE_CONFIG: &str = "StakeConfig11111111111111111111111111111111";
/// FIXME copied from solana stake program
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum StakeInstruction {
/// Initialize a stake with lockup and authorization information
/// # Account references
/// 0. [WRITE] Uninitialized stake account
/// 1. [] Rent sysvar
/// Authorized carries pubkeys that must sign staker transactions
/// and withdrawer transactions.
/// Lockup carries information about withdrawal restrictions
Initialize(Authorized, Lockup),
/// Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal
/// # Account references
/// 0. [WRITE] Stake account to be updated
/// 1. [] (reserved for future use) Clock sysvar
/// 2. [SIGNER] The stake or withdraw authority
Authorize(Pubkey, StakeAuthorize),
/// Delegate a stake to a particular vote account
/// # Account references
/// 0. [WRITE] Initialized stake account to be delegated
/// 1. [] Vote account to which this stake will be delegated
/// 2. [] Clock sysvar
/// 3. [] Stake history sysvar that carries stake warmup/cooldown history
/// 4. [] Address of config account that carries stake config
/// 5. [SIGNER] Stake authority
/// The entire balance of the staking account is staked. DelegateStake
/// can be called multiple times, but re-delegation is delayed
/// by one epoch
/// Split u64 tokens and stake off a stake account into another stake account.
/// # Account references
/// 0. [WRITE] Stake account to be split; must be in the Initialized or Stake state
/// 1. [WRITE] Uninitialized stake account that will take the split-off amount
/// 2. [SIGNER] Stake authority
/// Withdraw unstaked lamports from the stake account
/// # Account references
/// 0. [WRITE] Stake account from which to withdraw
/// 1. [WRITE] Recipient account
/// 2. [] Clock sysvar
/// 3. [] Stake history sysvar that carries stake warmup/cooldown history
/// 4. [SIGNER] Withdraw authority
/// 5. Optional: [SIGNER] Lockup authority, if before lockup expiration
/// The u64 is the portion of the stake account balance to be withdrawn,
/// must be `<= ValidatorStakeAccount.lamports - staked_lamports`.
/// Deactivates the stake in the account
/// # Account references
/// 0. [WRITE] Delegated stake account
/// 1. [] Clock sysvar
/// 2. [SIGNER] Stake authority
/// Set stake lockup
/// # Account references
/// 0. [WRITE] Initialized stake account
/// 1. [SIGNER] Lockup authority
/// Merge two stake accounts. Both accounts must be deactivated and have identical lockup and
/// authority keys.
/// # Account references
/// 0. [WRITE] Destination stake account for the merge
/// 1. [WRITE] Source stake account for to merge. This account will be drained
/// 2. [] Clock sysvar
/// 3. [] Stake history sysvar that carries stake warmup/cooldown history
/// 4. [SIGNER] Stake authority
/// Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal with a derived key
/// # Account references
/// 0. [WRITE] Stake account to be updated
/// 1. [SIGNER] Base key of stake or withdraw authority
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum StakeState {
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
Stake(Meta, Stake),
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
#[derive(Default, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Meta {
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub rent_exempt_reserve: u64,
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub authorized: Authorized,
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub lockup: Lockup,
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Stake {
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub delegation: Delegation,
/// credits observed is credits from vote account state when delegated or redeemed
pub credits_observed: u64,
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Delegation {
/// to whom the stake is delegated
pub voter_pubkey: Pubkey,
/// activated stake amount, set at delegate() time
pub stake: u64,
/// epoch at which this stake was activated, std::Epoch::MAX if is a bootstrap stake
pub activation_epoch: Epoch,
/// epoch the stake was deactivated, std::Epoch::MAX if not deactivated
pub deactivation_epoch: Epoch,
/// how much stake we can activate per-epoch as a fraction of currently effective stake
pub warmup_cooldown_rate: f64,
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum StakeAuthorize {
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
#[derive(Default, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Authorized {
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub staker: Pubkey,
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub withdrawer: Pubkey,
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
#[derive(Default, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Lockup {
/// UnixTimestamp at which this stake will allow withdrawal, unless the
/// transaction is signed by the custodian
pub unix_timestamp: UnixTimestamp,
/// epoch height at which this stake will allow withdrawal, unless the
/// transaction is signed by the custodian
pub epoch: Epoch,
/// custodian signature on a transaction exempts the operation from
/// lockup constraints
pub custodian: Pubkey,
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
impl StakeState {
/// Get Delegation
pub fn delegation(&self) -> Option<Delegation> {
match self {
StakeState::Stake(_meta, stake) => Some(stake.delegation),
_ => None,
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
impl Delegation {
/// Create new Delegation
pub fn new(
voter_pubkey: &Pubkey,
stake: u64,
activation_epoch: Epoch,
warmup_cooldown_rate: f64,
) -> Self {
Self {
voter_pubkey: *voter_pubkey,
/// Check if it bootstrap
pub fn is_bootstrap(&self) -> bool {
self.activation_epoch == std::u64::MAX
/// Return tuple (effective, activating, deactivating) stake
pub fn stake_activating_and_deactivating(
target_epoch: Epoch,
history: Option<&StakeHistory>,
fix_stake_deactivate: bool,
) -> (u64, u64, u64) {
let delegated_stake = self.stake;
// first, calculate an effective and activating stake
let (effective_stake, activating_stake) =
self.stake_and_activating(target_epoch, history, fix_stake_deactivate);
// then de-activate some portion if necessary
if target_epoch < self.deactivation_epoch {
// not deactivated
(effective_stake, activating_stake, 0)
} else if target_epoch == self.deactivation_epoch {
// can only deactivate what's activated
(effective_stake, 0, effective_stake.min(delegated_stake))
} else if let Some((history, mut prev_epoch, mut prev_cluster_stake)) =
history.and_then(|history| {
.map(|cluster_stake_at_deactivation_epoch| {
// target_epoch > self.deactivation_epoch
// loop from my deactivation epoch until the target epoch
// current effective stake is updated using its previous epoch's cluster stake
let mut current_epoch;
let mut current_effective_stake = effective_stake;
loop {
current_epoch = prev_epoch + 1;
// if there is no deactivating stake at prev epoch, we should have been
// fully undelegated at this moment
if prev_cluster_stake.deactivating == 0 {
// I'm trying to get to zero, how much of the deactivation in stake
// this account is entitled to take
let weight =
current_effective_stake as f64 / prev_cluster_stake.deactivating as f64;
// portion of newly not-effective cluster stake I'm entitled to at current epoch
let newly_not_effective_cluster_stake =
prev_cluster_stake.effective as f64 * self.warmup_cooldown_rate;
let newly_not_effective_stake =
((weight * newly_not_effective_cluster_stake) as u64).max(1);
current_effective_stake =
if current_effective_stake == 0 {
if current_epoch >= target_epoch {
if let Some(current_cluster_stake) = history.get(&current_epoch) {
prev_epoch = current_epoch;
prev_cluster_stake = current_cluster_stake;
} else {
// deactivating stake should equal to all of currently remaining effective stake
(current_effective_stake, 0, current_effective_stake)
} else {
// no history or I've dropped out of history, so assume fully deactivated
(0, 0, 0)
// returned tuple is (effective, activating) stake
fn stake_and_activating(
target_epoch: Epoch,
history: Option<&StakeHistory>,
fix_stake_deactivate: bool,
) -> (u64, u64) {
let delegated_stake = self.stake;
if self.is_bootstrap() {
// fully effective immediately
(delegated_stake, 0)
} else if fix_stake_deactivate && self.activation_epoch == self.deactivation_epoch {
// activated but instantly deactivated; no stake at all regardless of target_epoch
// this must be after the bootstrap check and before all-is-activating check
(0, 0)
} else if target_epoch == self.activation_epoch {
// all is activating
(0, delegated_stake)
} else if target_epoch < self.activation_epoch {
// not yet enabled
(0, 0)
} else if let Some((history, mut prev_epoch, mut prev_cluster_stake)) =
history.and_then(|history| {
.map(|cluster_stake_at_activation_epoch| {
// target_epoch > self.activation_epoch
// loop from my activation epoch until the target epoch summing up my entitlement
// current effective stake is updated using its previous epoch's cluster stake
let mut current_epoch;
let mut current_effective_stake = 0;
loop {
current_epoch = prev_epoch + 1;
// if there is no activating stake at prev epoch, we should have been
// fully effective at this moment
if prev_cluster_stake.activating == 0 {
// how much of the growth in stake this account is
// entitled to take
let remaining_activating_stake = delegated_stake - current_effective_stake;
let weight =
remaining_activating_stake as f64 / prev_cluster_stake.activating as f64;
// portion of newly effective cluster stake I'm entitled to at current epoch
let newly_effective_cluster_stake =
prev_cluster_stake.effective as f64 * self.warmup_cooldown_rate;
let newly_effective_stake =
((weight * newly_effective_cluster_stake) as u64).max(1);
current_effective_stake += newly_effective_stake;
if current_effective_stake >= delegated_stake {
current_effective_stake = delegated_stake;
if current_epoch >= target_epoch || current_epoch >= self.deactivation_epoch {
if let Some(current_cluster_stake) = history.get(&current_epoch) {
prev_epoch = current_epoch;
prev_cluster_stake = current_cluster_stake;
} else {
delegated_stake - current_effective_stake,
} else {
// no history or I've dropped out of history, so assume fully effective
(delegated_stake, 0)
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub fn split_only(
stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
lamports: u64,
split_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
) -> Instruction {
let account_metas = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
AccountMeta::new(*split_stake_pubkey, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::Split(lamports), account_metas)
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub fn authorize(
stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
new_authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize,
) -> Instruction {
let account_metas = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
&StakeInstruction::Authorize(*new_authorized_pubkey, stake_authorize),
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub fn merge(
destination_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
source_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
) -> Instruction {
let account_metas = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*destination_stake_pubkey, false),
AccountMeta::new(*source_stake_pubkey, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::stake_history::id(), false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::Merge, account_metas)
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub fn create_account(
from_pubkey: &Pubkey,
stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
authorized: &Authorized,
lockup: &Lockup,
lamports: u64,
) -> Vec<Instruction> {
std::mem::size_of::<StakeState>() as u64,
initialize(stake_pubkey, authorized, lockup),
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub fn initialize(stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized: &Authorized, lockup: &Lockup) -> Instruction {
&StakeInstruction::Initialize(*authorized, *lockup),
AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::rent::id(), false),
/// FIXME copied from the stake program
pub fn delegate_stake(
stake_pubkey: &Pubkey,
authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey,
vote_pubkey: &Pubkey,
) -> Instruction {
let account_metas = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*vote_pubkey, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::stake_history::id(), false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(Pubkey::from_str(STAKE_CONFIG).unwrap(), false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true),
Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::DelegateStake, account_metas)