Docs: Add Token multisig examples

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Trent Nelson 2020-11-09 18:59:25 -07:00 committed by Trent Nelson
parent 63f7d0ddda
commit 6de7f050a5
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@ -280,6 +280,235 @@ $ spl-token supply 559u4Tdr9umKwft3yHMsnAxohhzkFnUBPAFtibwuZD9z
1 1
``` ```
### Mutlisig usage
The main difference in `spl-token` command line usage when referencing multisig
accounts is in specifying the `--owner` argument. Typically the signer specified
by this argument directly provides a signature granting its authority, but in
the multisig case it just points to the address of the multisig account.
Signatures are then provided by the multisig signer set members specified by the
`--multisig-signer` argument.
Multisig accounts can be used for any authority on an SPL Token mint or token
- Mint account mint authority: `spl-token mint ...`, `spl-token authorize ... mint ...`
- Mint account freeze authority: `spl-token freeze ...`, `spl-token thaw ...`,
`spl-token authorize ... freeze ...`
- Token account owner authority: `spl-token transfer ...`, `spl-token approve ...`,
`spl-token revoke ...`, `spl-token burn ...`, `spl-token wrap ...`,
`spl-token unwrap ...`, `spl-token authorize ... owner ...`
- Token account close authority: `spl-token close ...`, `spl-token authorize ... close ...`
### Example: Mint with multisig authority
First create keypairs to act as the multisig signer set. In reality. these can
be any supported signer; Ledger hardware wallet, keypair file, paper wallet. For
convenience, keypair files will be used in this example.
$ for i in $(seq 3); do solana-keygen new --no-passphrase -so "signer-${i}.json"; done
Wrote new keypair to signer-1.json
Wrote new keypair to signer-2.json
Wrote new keypair to signer-3.json
In order to create the multisig account, the public keys of the signer set must
be collected.
$ for i in $(seq 3); do SIGNER="signer-${i}.json"; echo "$SIGNER: $(solana-keygen pubkey "$SIGNER")"; done
signer-1.json: BzWpkuRrwXHq4SSSFHa8FJf6DRQy4TaeoXnkA89vTgHZ
signer-2.json: DhkUfKgfZ8CF6PAGKwdABRL1VqkeNrTSRx8LZfpPFVNY
signer-3.json: D7ssXHrZJjfpZXsmDf8RwfPxe1BMMMmP1CtmX3WojPmG
Now the multisig account can be created with the `spl-token create-multisig`
subcommand. Its first positional argument is the minimum number of signers (`M`)
that must sign a transaction affecting a token/mint account that is controlled
by this multisig account. The remaining positional arguments are the public keys
of all keypairs allowed (`N`) to sign for the multisig account. This example
will use a "2 of 3" multisig account. That is, two of the three allowed keypairs
must sign all transactions.
NOTE: SPL Token Multisig accounts are limited to a signing set of eleven signers
(1 <= `N` <= 11) and minimum signers must be no more than `N` (1 <= `M` <= `N`)
$ spl-token create-multisig 2 BzWpkuRrwXHq4SSSFHa8FJf6DRQy4TaeoXnkA89vTgHZ \
Creating 2/3 multisig 46ed77fd4WTN144q62BwjU2B3ogX3Xmmc8PT5Z3Xc2re
Signature: 2FN4KXnczAz33SAxwsuevqrD1BvikP6LUhLie5Lz4ETt594X8R7yvMZzZW2zjmFLPsLQNHsRuhQeumExHbnUGC9A
Next create the token mint and recieving accounts
[as previously described](#example-creating-your-own-fungible-token)
$ spl-token create-token
Creating token 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o
Signature: 3n6zmw3hS5Hyo5duuhnNvwjAbjzC42uzCA3TTsrgr9htUonzDUXdK1d8b8J77XoeSherqWQM8mD8E1TMYCpksS2r
$ spl-token create-account 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o
Creating account EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC
Signature: 5mVes7wjE7avuFqzrmSCWneKBQyPAjasCLYZPNSkmqmk2YFosYWAP9hYSiZ7b7NKpV866x5gwyKbbppX3d8PcE9s
Then set the mint account's minting authority to the multisig account
$ spl-token authorize 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o mint 46ed77fd4WTN144q62BwjU2B3ogX3Xmmc8PT5Z3Xc2re
Updating 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o
Current mint authority: 5hbZyJ3KRuFvdy5QBxvE9KwK17hzkAUkQHZTxPbiWffE
New mint authority: 46ed77fd4WTN144q62BwjU2B3ogX3Xmmc8PT5Z3Xc2re
Signature: yy7dJiTx1t7jvLPCRX5RQWxNRNtFwvARSfbMJG94QKEiNS4uZcp3GhhjnMgZ1CaWMWe4jVEMy9zQBoUhzomMaxC
To demonstrate that the mint account is now under control of the multisig
account, attempting to mint with one (online) signer fails
$ spl-token mint 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o 1 EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC \
--owner 46ed77fd4WTN144q62BwjU2B3ogX3Xmmc8PT5Z3Xc2re \
--multisig-signer signer-1.json
Minting 1 tokens
Token: 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o
Recipient: EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC
RPC response error -32002: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: missing required signature for instruction
But repeating with a second (again, online) signer, succeeds
spl-token mint 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o 1 EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC \
--owner 46ed77fd4WTN144q62BwjU2B3ogX3Xmmc8PT5Z3Xc2re \
--multisig-signer signer-1.json \
--multisig-signer signer-2.json
Minting 1 tokens
Token: 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o
Recipient: EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC
Signature: 2ubqWqZb3ooDuc8FLaBkqZwzguhtMgQpgMAHhKsWcUzjy61qtJ7cZ1bfmYktKUfnbMYWTC1S8zdKgU6m4THsgspT
### Example: Mint with multisig authority and offline signers
This example builds off of the [online mint with multisig](#example-mint-with-multisig-authority)
example. Be sure to familiarize yourself with it, [offline signing](
and the [durable nonce](
feature before continuing.
This example will use the same mint, token and multisig accounts as the online
example. As well as multisig account signer set keypair file names.
A nonce account at `Fjyud2VXixk2vCs4DkBpfpsq48d81rbEzh6deKt7WvPj` will be used
$ solana nonce-account Fjyud2VXixk2vCs4DkBpfpsq48d81rbEzh6deKt7WvPj
Balance: 0.01 SOL
Minimum Balance Required: 0.00144768 SOL
Nonce: 6DPt2TfFBG7sR4Hqu16fbMXPj8ddHKkbU4Y3EEEWrC2E
Fee: 5000 lamports per signature
Authority: 5hbZyJ3KRuFvdy5QBxvE9KwK17hzkAUkQHZTxPbiWffE
For the fee-payer and nonce-authority roles a local hot wallet at
`5hbZyJ3KRuFvdy5QBxvE9KwK17hzkAUkQHZTxPbiWffE` is used.
First a template command is built by specifying all signers by their public
key. Upon running this command, all signers will be listed as "Absent Signers"
in the output. This command will be run by each offline signer to generate the
corresponding signature.
NOTE: The argument to the `--blockhash` parameter is the "Nonce:" field from
the designated durable nonce account.
$ spl-token mint 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o 1 EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC \
--owner 46ed77fd4WTN144q62BwjU2B3ogX3Xmmc8PT5Z3Xc2re \
--multisig-signer BzWpkuRrwXHq4SSSFHa8FJf6DRQy4TaeoXnkA89vTgHZ \
--multisig-signer DhkUfKgfZ8CF6PAGKwdABRL1VqkeNrTSRx8LZfpPFVNY \
--blockhash 6DPt2TfFBG7sR4Hqu16fbMXPj8ddHKkbU4Y3EEEWrC2E \
--fee-payer 5hbZyJ3KRuFvdy5QBxvE9KwK17hzkAUkQHZTxPbiWffE \
--nonce Fjyud2VXixk2vCs4DkBpfpsq48d81rbEzh6deKt7WvPj \
--nonce-authority 5hbZyJ3KRuFvdy5QBxvE9KwK17hzkAUkQHZTxPbiWffE \
--sign-only \
--mint-decimals 9
Minting 1 tokens
Token: 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o
Recipient: EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC
Blockhash: 6DPt2TfFBG7sR4Hqu16fbMXPj8ddHKkbU4Y3EEEWrC2E
Absent Signers (Pubkey):
Next each offline signer executes the template command, replacing each instance
of their public key with the corresponding keypair.
spl-token mint 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o 1 EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC \
--owner 46ed77fd4WTN144q62BwjU2B3ogX3Xmmc8PT5Z3Xc2re \
--multisig-signer signer-1.json \
--multisig-signer DhkUfKgfZ8CF6PAGKwdABRL1VqkeNrTSRx8LZfpPFVNY \
--blockhash 6DPt2TfFBG7sR4Hqu16fbMXPj8ddHKkbU4Y3EEEWrC2E \
--fee-payer 5hbZyJ3KRuFvdy5QBxvE9KwK17hzkAUkQHZTxPbiWffE \
--nonce Fjyud2VXixk2vCs4DkBpfpsq48d81rbEzh6deKt7WvPj \
--nonce-authority 5hbZyJ3KRuFvdy5QBxvE9KwK17hzkAUkQHZTxPbiWffE \
--sign-only \
--mint-decimals 9
Minting 1 tokens
Token: 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o
Recipient: EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC
Blockhash: 6DPt2TfFBG7sR4Hqu16fbMXPj8ddHKkbU4Y3EEEWrC2E
Signers (Pubkey=Signature):
Absent Signers (Pubkey):
$ spl-token mint 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o 1 EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC \
--owner 46ed77fd4WTN144q62BwjU2B3ogX3Xmmc8PT5Z3Xc2re \
--multisig-signer BzWpkuRrwXHq4SSSFHa8FJf6DRQy4TaeoXnkA89vTgHZ \
--multisig-signer signer-2.json \
--blockhash 6DPt2TfFBG7sR4Hqu16fbMXPj8ddHKkbU4Y3EEEWrC2E \
--fee-payer 5hbZyJ3KRuFvdy5QBxvE9KwK17hzkAUkQHZTxPbiWffE \
--nonce Fjyud2VXixk2vCs4DkBpfpsq48d81rbEzh6deKt7WvPj \
--nonce-authority 5hbZyJ3KRuFvdy5QBxvE9KwK17hzkAUkQHZTxPbiWffE \
--sign-only \
--mint-decimals 9
Minting 1 tokens
Token: 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o
Recipient: EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC
Blockhash: 6DPt2TfFBG7sR4Hqu16fbMXPj8ddHKkbU4Y3EEEWrC2E
Signers (Pubkey=Signature):
Absent Signers (Pubkey):
Finally, the offline signers communicate the `Pubkey=Signature` pair from the
output of their command to the party who will broadcast the transaction to the
cluster. The broadcasting party then runs the template command after modifying
it as follows:
1. Replaces any corresponding public keys with their keypair (`--fee-payer ...`
and `--nonce-authority ...` in this example)
1. Removes the `--sign-only` argument, and in the case of the `mint` subcommand,
the `--mint-decimals ...` argument as it will be queried from the cluster
1. Adds the offline signatures to the template command via the `--signer` argument
$ spl-token mint 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o 1 EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC \
--owner 46ed77fd4WTN144q62BwjU2B3ogX3Xmmc8PT5Z3Xc2re \
--multisig-signer BzWpkuRrwXHq4SSSFHa8FJf6DRQy4TaeoXnkA89vTgHZ \
--multisig-signer DhkUfKgfZ8CF6PAGKwdABRL1VqkeNrTSRx8LZfpPFVNY \
--blockhash 6DPt2TfFBG7sR4Hqu16fbMXPj8ddHKkbU4Y3EEEWrC2E \
--fee-payer hot-wallet.json \
--nonce Fjyud2VXixk2vCs4DkBpfpsq48d81rbEzh6deKt7WvPj \
--nonce-authority hot-wallet.json \
--signer BzWpkuRrwXHq4SSSFHa8FJf6DRQy4TaeoXnkA89vTgHZ=2QVah9XtvPAuhDB2QwE7gNaY962DhrGP6uy9zeN4sTWvY2xDUUzce6zkQeuT3xg44wsgtUw2H5Rf8pEArPSzJvHX \
--signer DhkUfKgfZ8CF6PAGKwdABRL1VqkeNrTSRx8LZfpPFVNY=2brZbTiCfyVYSCp6vZE3p7qCDeFf3z1JFmJHPBrz8SnWSDZPjbpjsW2kxFHkktTNkhES3y6UULqS4eaWztLW7FrU
Minting 1 tokens
Token: 4VNVRJetwapjwYU8jf4qPgaCeD76wyz8DuNj8yMCQ62o
Recipient: EX8zyi2ZQUuoYtXd4MKmyHYLTjqFdWeuoTHcsTdJcKHC
Signature: 2AhZXVPDBVBxTQLJohyH1wAhkkSuxRiYKomSSXtwhPL9AdF3wmhrrJGD7WgvZjBPLZUFqWrockzPp9S3fvzbgicy
## JSON RPC methods ## JSON RPC methods
There is a rich set of JSON RPC methods available for use with SPL Token: There is a rich set of JSON RPC methods available for use with SPL Token: