[![Build status][travis-image]][travis-url] [travis-image]: https://travis-ci.org/solana-labs/solana-program-library.svg?branch=master [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/solana-labs/solana-program-library # Solana Program Library The Solana Program Library (SPL) is a collection of on-chain programs targeting the [Sealevel parallel runtime](https://medium.com/solana-labs/sealevel-parallel-processing-thousands-of-smart-contracts-d814b378192). These programs are tested against Solana's implementation of Sealevel, solana-runtime, and deployed to its mainnet. As others implement Sealevel, we will graciously accept patches to ensure the programs here are portable across all implementations. Full documentation is available at https://spl.solana.com ## Building These programs cannot be built directly via cargo and instead require the build scripts located in Solana's BPF-SDK. Download or update the BPF-SDK by running: ```bash $ ./do.sh update ``` To build all programs, run: ```bash $ ./do.sh build all ``` Or choose a specific program: ```bash $ ./do.sh build ``` ## Testing Unit tests contained within all projects can be built via: ```bash $ ./do.sh test all ``` Or: ```bash $ ./do.sh test ``` End-to-end testing may be performed via the per-project .js bindings. See the [token program's js project](token/js) for an example. ## Clippy Clippy is also supported via: ```bash $ ./do.sh clippy all ``` Or: ``` $ ./do.sh clippy ``` ## Release Process SPL programs are currently tagged and released manually. Each program is versioned independently of the others, with all new development occurring on master. Once a program is tested and deemed ready for release: ### Bump Version * Increment the version number in the program's Cargo.toml * Generate a new program ID and replace in `/program-id.md` and `/src/lib.rs` * Run `./do.sh build ` to update relevant C bindings. (Note the location of the generated `spl_.so` for attaching to the Github release.) * Open a PR with these version changes and merge after passing CI. ### Create Github tag Program tags are of the form `-vX.Y.Z`. Create the new tag at the version-bump commit and push to the solana-program-library repository, eg: ``` $ git tag token-v1.0.0 b24bfe7 $ git push upstream --tags ``` ### Publish Github release * Go to [GitHub Releases UI](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library/releases) * Click "Draft new release", and enter the new tag in the "Tag version" box. * Title the release "SPL vX.Y.Z", complete the description, and attach the `spl_.so` binary * Click "Publish release" ### Publish to Crates.io Navigate to the program directory and run `cargo package` to test the build. Then run `cargo publish`. (Currently, programs with generated C bindings fail the final step of verification due to the location of the generated file. Once you are certain the crate is ready, run `cargo publish --no-verify` to bypass this error.)