
128 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."
travis_cmd_prelude() {
if [[ -n "$TRAVIS" ]]; then
echo "travis_fold:start:_"
travis_cmd_postlude() {
declare elapsed_seconds=$1
if [[ -n "$TRAVIS" ]]; then
echo "travis_fold:end:_"
# TODO: Use "travis_time" annotations instead of this fold hack:
echo "travis_fold:start:${elapsed_seconds}s"
echo "travis_fold:end:${elapsed_seconds}s"
_() {
set -x
) || exit 1
travis_cmd_postlude $SECONDS
export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings"
_ cargo fmt --all -- --check
_ cargo +nightly clippy -Zunstable-options --workspace --all-targets -- --deny=warnings
_ cargo build
_ cargo test
_ cargo run --manifest-path=utils/test-client/Cargo.toml
# # Check generated C headers
# _ cargo run --manifest-path=utils/cgen/Cargo.toml
# _ git diff --exit-code token/program/inc/token.h
# _ cc token/program/inc/token.h -o target/token.gch
# _ git diff --exit-code token-swap/program/inc/token-swap.h
# _ cc token-swap/program/inc/token-swap.h -o target/token-swap.gch
# For all BPF programs
for Xargo_toml in $(git ls-files -- '*/Xargo.toml'); do
program_dir=$(dirname "$Xargo_toml")
_ cargo build-bpf --manifest-path="$program_dir"/Cargo.toml --dump
# Run client tests
_ cargo test --manifest-path=shared-memory/client/Cargo.toml -- --nocapture
_ cargo test --manifest-path=token/perf-monitor/Cargo.toml -- --nocapture
_ cargo test --manifest-path=themis/client_ristretto/Cargo.toml -- --nocapture
# Test token js bindings
js_token() {
cd token/js
time npm install || exit $?
time npm run lint || exit $?
time npm run flow || exit $?
tsc module.d.ts || exit $?
npm run cluster:localnet || exit $?
npm run localnet:down
npm run localnet:update || exit $?
npm run localnet:up || exit $?
time npm run start || exit $?
time PROGRAM_VERSION=2.0.4 npm run start || exit $?
npm run localnet:down
_ js_token
# Test token-swap js bindings
js_token_swap() {
cd token-swap/js
time npm install || exit $?
time npm run lint || exit $?
time npm run flow || exit $?
tsc module.d.ts || exit $?
npm run cluster:localnet || exit $?
npm run localnet:down
npm run localnet:update || exit $?
npm run localnet:up || exit $?
time npm run start || exit $?
npm run localnet:down
_ js_token_swap
# Test token-swap js bindings with "production" feature
production_token_swap() {
SWAP_PROGRAM_OWNER_FEE_ADDRESS="$address" cargo build-bpf --manifest-path=token-swap/program/Cargo.toml --dump --features production
cd token-swap/js
npm run cluster:localnet || exit $?
npm run localnet:down
npm run localnet:update || exit $?
npm run localnet:up || exit $?
SWAP_PROGRAM_OWNER_FEE_ADDRESS="$address" npm run start || exit $?
npm run localnet:down
_ production_token_swap
# Test token-lending js bindings
js_token_lending() {
cd token-lending/js
time npm install || exit $?
time npm run lint || exit $?
time npm run build || exit $?
npm run cluster:localnet || exit $?
npm run localnet:down
npm run localnet:update || exit $?
npm run localnet:up || exit $?
time npm run start || exit $?
npm run localnet:down
_ js_token_lending
exit 0