
433 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import React from "react";
import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { CacheEntry, FetchStatus } from "providers/cache";
import {
} from "providers/accounts";
import { StakeAccountSection } from "components/account/StakeAccountSection";
import { TokenAccountSection } from "components/account/TokenAccountSection";
import { ErrorCard } from "components/common/ErrorCard";
import { LoadingCard } from "components/common/LoadingCard";
import { useCluster, ClusterStatus } from "providers/cluster";
import { NavLink, Redirect, useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
import { clusterPath } from "utils/url";
import { UnknownAccountCard } from "components/account/UnknownAccountCard";
import { OwnedTokensCard } from "components/account/OwnedTokensCard";
import { TokenHistoryCard } from "components/account/TokenHistoryCard";
import { TokenLargestAccountsCard } from "components/account/TokenLargestAccountsCard";
import { VoteAccountSection } from "components/account/VoteAccountSection";
import { NonceAccountSection } from "components/account/NonceAccountSection";
import { VotesCard } from "components/account/VotesCard";
import { SysvarAccountSection } from "components/account/SysvarAccountSection";
import { SlotHashesCard } from "components/account/SlotHashesCard";
import { StakeHistoryCard } from "components/account/StakeHistoryCard";
import { BlockhashesCard } from "components/account/BlockhashesCard";
import { ConfigAccountSection } from "components/account/ConfigAccountSection";
import { useFlaggedAccounts } from "providers/accounts/flagged-accounts";
import { UpgradeableLoaderAccountSection } from "components/account/UpgradeableLoaderAccountSection";
import { useTokenRegistry } from "providers/mints/token-registry";
import { Identicon } from "components/common/Identicon";
import { TransactionHistoryCard } from "components/account/history/TransactionHistoryCard";
import { TokenTransfersCard } from "components/account/history/TokenTransfersCard";
import { TokenInstructionsCard } from "components/account/history/TokenInstructionsCard";
import { RewardsCard } from "components/account/RewardsCard";
import { MetaplexMetadataCard } from "components/account/MetaplexMetadataCard";
Adding NFT support to the Explorer (#20009) * Adding NFT support to the explorer / copying over required Metaplex logic * Fixing a whitespace issue causing validation to fail * Removed MetadataProvider and instead metadata is being stamped on TokenProgramData * Fixing EOF new line sanity check issue * Added styling improvements to the Creator dropdown and NFT asset * Forgot to run Prettier * Creator address links were only redirecting to Mainnet. This redirects to the appropriate cluster * Removed dependencies not required for Explorer based use. Fixed package-lock.json because of a legacy npm version * Removed react-content-loader and popperjs * Removed MeshArt. Nobody likes VR anyways * Capped HTML animation asset width to 150px * Added an Editon check to properly identify NFTs * Refactoring away for un-necessary helpers * Dropped antd and added an image loading placeholder * Added a HTML animation flickering fix * Removed arweave check for valid uri properties * Resolving some nit comments and cleaning up * Adding Tooltips to better explain the content in the NFT Header * Started consuming MasterEdition data which is being used to display Seller Fee and Max Supply information in the Token Account Section * Fixing a bug where Edition NFTs weren't properly supported * Added better Edition support and labeling when there isn't Master Edition information added to metaplex metadata * Fixed Max Supply issue where 0 should be displayed as 1 * Updated tooltips to be shorter and more user friendly * Separting NFTHeader from AccountDetailsPage, adding a new TokenSection for NFTs and adding some cleanup
2021-10-05 11:30:05 -07:00
import { NFTHeader } from "components/account/MetaplexNFTHeader";
const TABS_LOOKUP: { [id: string]: Tab[] } = {
"spl-token:mint": [
slug: "transfers",
title: "Transfers",
path: "/transfers",
slug: "instructions",
title: "Instructions",
path: "/instructions",
slug: "largest",
title: "Distribution",
path: "/largest",
"spl-token:mint:metaplexNFT": [
slug: "metadata",
title: "Metadata",
path: "/metadata",
stake: [
slug: "rewards",
title: "Rewards",
path: "/rewards",
vote: [
slug: "vote-history",
title: "Vote History",
path: "/vote-history",
slug: "rewards",
title: "Rewards",
path: "/rewards",
"sysvar:recentBlockhashes": [
slug: "blockhashes",
title: "Blockhashes",
path: "/blockhashes",
"sysvar:slotHashes": [
slug: "slot-hashes",
title: "Slot Hashes",
path: "/slot-hashes",
"sysvar:stakeHistory": [
slug: "stake-history",
title: "Stake History",
path: "/stake-history",
type Props = { address: string; tab?: string };
export function AccountDetailsPage({ address, tab }: Props) {
const fetchAccount = useFetchAccountInfo();
const { status } = useCluster();
const info = useAccountInfo(address);
let pubkey: PublicKey | undefined;
try {
pubkey = new PublicKey(address);
} catch (err) {}
// Fetch account on load
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!info && status === ClusterStatus.Connected && pubkey) {
}, [address, status]); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
return (
<div className="container mt-n3">
<div className="header">
<div className="header-body">
<AccountHeader address={address} info={info} />
{!pubkey ? (
<ErrorCard text={`Address "${address}" is not valid`} />
) : (
<DetailsSections pubkey={pubkey} tab={tab} info={info} />
export function AccountHeader({
}: {
address: string;
info?: CacheEntry<Account>;
}) {
const { tokenRegistry } = useTokenRegistry();
const tokenDetails = tokenRegistry.get(address);
const account = info?.data;
const data = account?.details?.data;
const isToken = data?.program === "spl-token" && data?.parsed.type === "mint";
Adding NFT support to the Explorer (#20009) * Adding NFT support to the explorer / copying over required Metaplex logic * Fixing a whitespace issue causing validation to fail * Removed MetadataProvider and instead metadata is being stamped on TokenProgramData * Fixing EOF new line sanity check issue * Added styling improvements to the Creator dropdown and NFT asset * Forgot to run Prettier * Creator address links were only redirecting to Mainnet. This redirects to the appropriate cluster * Removed dependencies not required for Explorer based use. Fixed package-lock.json because of a legacy npm version * Removed react-content-loader and popperjs * Removed MeshArt. Nobody likes VR anyways * Capped HTML animation asset width to 150px * Added an Editon check to properly identify NFTs * Refactoring away for un-necessary helpers * Dropped antd and added an image loading placeholder * Added a HTML animation flickering fix * Removed arweave check for valid uri properties * Resolving some nit comments and cleaning up * Adding Tooltips to better explain the content in the NFT Header * Started consuming MasterEdition data which is being used to display Seller Fee and Max Supply information in the Token Account Section * Fixing a bug where Edition NFTs weren't properly supported * Added better Edition support and labeling when there isn't Master Edition information added to metaplex metadata * Fixed Max Supply issue where 0 should be displayed as 1 * Updated tooltips to be shorter and more user friendly * Separting NFTHeader from AccountDetailsPage, adding a new TokenSection for NFTs and adding some cleanup
2021-10-05 11:30:05 -07:00
const isNFT = isToken && data.nftData;
if (isNFT) {
return <NFTHeader nftData={data.nftData!} address={address} />;
if (tokenDetails || isToken) {
return (
<div className="row align-items-end">
<div className="col-auto">
<div className="avatar avatar-lg header-avatar-top">
{tokenDetails?.logoURI ? (
alt="token logo"
className="avatar-img rounded-circle border border-4 border-body"
) : (
className="avatar-img rounded-circle border border-body identicon-wrapper"
style={{ width: IDENTICON_WIDTH }}
<div className="col mb-3 ml-n3 ml-md-n2">
<h6 className="header-pretitle">Token</h6>
<h2 className="header-title">
{tokenDetails?.name || "Unknown Token"}
return (
<h6 className="header-pretitle">Details</h6>
<h2 className="header-title">Account</h2>
function DetailsSections({
}: {
pubkey: PublicKey;
tab?: string;
info?: CacheEntry<Account>;
}) {
const fetchAccount = useFetchAccountInfo();
const address = pubkey.toBase58();
const location = useLocation();
const { flaggedAccounts } = useFlaggedAccounts();
if (!info || info.status === FetchStatus.Fetching) {
return <LoadingCard />;
} else if (
info.status === FetchStatus.FetchFailed || === undefined
) {
return <ErrorCard retry={() => fetchAccount(pubkey)} text="Fetch Failed" />;
const account =;
const data = account?.details?.data;
const tabs = getTabs(data);
let moreTab: MoreTabs = "history";
if (tab && tabs.filter(({ slug }) => slug === tab).length === 0) {
return <Redirect to={{ ...location, pathname: `/address/${address}` }} />;
} else if (tab) {
moreTab = tab as MoreTabs;
return (
{flaggedAccounts.has(address) && (
<div className="alert alert-danger alert-scam" role="alert">
Warning! This account has been flagged by the community as a scam
account. Please be cautious sending SOL to this account.
{<InfoSection account={account} />}
{<MoreSection account={account} tab={moreTab} tabs={tabs} />}
function InfoSection({ account }: { account: Account }) {
const data = account?.details?.data;
if (data && data.program === "bpf-upgradeable-loader") {
return (
} else if (data && data.program === "stake") {
return (
} else if (data && data.program === "spl-token") {
return <TokenAccountSection account={account} tokenAccount={data.parsed} />;
} else if (data && data.program === "nonce") {
return <NonceAccountSection account={account} nonceAccount={data.parsed} />;
} else if (data && data.program === "vote") {
return <VoteAccountSection account={account} voteAccount={data.parsed} />;
} else if (data && data.program === "sysvar") {
return (
<SysvarAccountSection account={account} sysvarAccount={data.parsed} />
} else if (data && data.program === "config") {
return (
<ConfigAccountSection account={account} configAccount={data.parsed} />
} else {
return <UnknownAccountCard account={account} />;
type Tab = {
slug: MoreTabs;
title: string;
path: string;
export type MoreTabs =
| "history"
| "tokens"
| "largest"
| "vote-history"
| "slot-hashes"
| "stake-history"
| "blockhashes"
| "transfers"
| "instructions"
| "rewards"
| "metadata";
function MoreSection({
}: {
account: Account;
tab: MoreTabs;
tabs: Tab[];
}) {
const pubkey = account.pubkey;
const address = account.pubkey.toBase58();
const data = account?.details?.data;
return (
<div className="container">
<div className="header">
<div className="header-body pt-0">
<ul className="nav nav-tabs nav-overflow header-tabs">
{{ title, slug, path }) => (
<li key={slug} className="nav-item">
{tab === "tokens" && (
<OwnedTokensCard pubkey={pubkey} />
<TokenHistoryCard pubkey={pubkey} />
{tab === "history" && <TransactionHistoryCard pubkey={pubkey} />}
{tab === "transfers" && <TokenTransfersCard pubkey={pubkey} />}
{tab === "instructions" && <TokenInstructionsCard pubkey={pubkey} />}
{tab === "largest" && <TokenLargestAccountsCard pubkey={pubkey} />}
{tab === "rewards" && <RewardsCard pubkey={pubkey} />}
{tab === "vote-history" && data?.program === "vote" && (
<VotesCard voteAccount={data.parsed} />
{tab === "slot-hashes" &&
data?.program === "sysvar" &&
data.parsed.type === "slotHashes" && (
<SlotHashesCard sysvarAccount={data.parsed} />
{tab === "stake-history" &&
data?.program === "sysvar" &&
data.parsed.type === "stakeHistory" && (
<StakeHistoryCard sysvarAccount={data.parsed} />
{tab === "blockhashes" &&
data?.program === "sysvar" &&
data.parsed.type === "recentBlockhashes" && (
<BlockhashesCard blockhashes={} />
{tab === "metadata" && (
nftData={(account.details?.data as TokenProgramData).nftData!}
function getTabs(data?: ProgramData): Tab[] {
const tabs: Tab[] = [
slug: "history",
title: "History",
path: "",
let programTypeKey = "";
if (data && "parsed" in data && "type" in data.parsed) {
programTypeKey = `${data.program}:${data.parsed.type}`;
if (data && data.program in TABS_LOOKUP) {
if (data && programTypeKey in TABS_LOOKUP) {
// Add the key for Metaplex NFTs
if (
data &&
programTypeKey === "spl-token:mint" &&
(data as TokenProgramData).nftData
) {
if (
!data ||
TOKEN_TABS_HIDDEN.includes(data.program) ||
) {
slug: "tokens",
title: "Tokens",
path: "/tokens",
return tabs;