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2018-09-16 14:46:08 -07:00
# |source| this file
# Utilities for working with EC2 instances
cloud_SetZone() {
# AWS region is zone with the last character removed
region="${zone:0:$((${#zone} - 1))}"
# Set the default zone
cloud_SetZone "us-east-1b"
# sshPrivateKey should be globally defined whenever this function is called.
# TODO: Remove usage of the sshPrivateKey global
__cloud_SshPrivateKeyCheck() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
if [[ -z $sshPrivateKey ]]; then
echo Error: sshPrivateKey not defined
exit 1
if [[ ! -r $sshPrivateKey ]]; then
echo "Error: file is not readable: $sshPrivateKey"
exit 1
# __cloud_FindInstances
# Find instances with name matching the specified pattern.
# For each matching instance, an entry in the `instances` array will be added with the
# following information about the instance:
# "name:public IP:private IP"
# filter - The instances to filter on
# examples:
# $ __cloud_FindInstances "exact-machine-name"
# $ __cloud_FindInstances "all-machines-with-a-common-machine-prefix*"
__cloud_FindInstances() {
declare filter="$1"
declare name publicIp privateIp
while read -r name publicIp privateIp; do
printf "%-30s | publicIp=%-16s privateIp=%s\n" "$name" "$publicIp" "$privateIp"
done < <(aws ec2 describe-instances \
--region "$region" \
--filters \
"Name=tag:name,Values=$filter" \
"Name=instance-state-name,Values=pending,running" \
--query "Reservations[].Instances[].[InstanceId,PublicIpAddress,PrivateIpAddress]" \
--output text
# cloud_FindInstances [namePrefix]
# Find instances with names matching the specified prefix
# For each matching instance, an entry in the `instances` array will be added with the
# following information about the instance:
# "name:public IP:private IP"
# namePrefix - The instance name prefix to look for
# examples:
# $ cloud_FindInstances all-machines-with-a-common-machine-prefix
cloud_FindInstances() {
declare namePrefix="$1"
__cloud_FindInstances "$namePrefix*"
# cloud_FindInstance [name]
# Find an instance with a name matching the exact pattern.
# For each matching instance, an entry in the `instances` array will be added with the
# following information about the instance:
# "name:public IP:private IP"
# name - The instance name to look for
# examples:
# $ cloud_FindInstance exact-machine-name
cloud_FindInstance() {
declare name="$1"
__cloud_FindInstances "$name"
# cloud_Initialize [networkName]
# Perform one-time initialization that may be required for the given testnet.
# networkName - unique name of this testnet
# This function will be called before |cloud_CreateInstances|
cloud_Initialize() {
declare networkName="$1"
set -x
aws ec2 delete-key-pair --region "$region" --key-name "$networkName"
aws ec2 import-key-pair --region "$region" --key-name "$networkName" \
--public-key-material file://"${sshPrivateKey}".pub
set -x
aws ec2 delete-security-group --region "$region" --group-name "$networkName" || true
aws ec2 create-security-group --region "$region" --group-name "$networkName" --description "Created automatically by $0"
rules=$(cat "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"/ec2-security-group-config.json)
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --region "$region" --group-name "$networkName" --cli-input-json "$rules"
2018-09-16 14:46:08 -07:00
# cloud_CreateInstances [networkName] [namePrefix] [numNodes] [imageName]
2018-09-17 08:25:10 -07:00
# [machineType] [bootDiskSize] [startupScript] [address]
2018-09-16 14:46:08 -07:00
# Creates one more identical instances.
# networkName - unique name of this testnet
# namePrefix - unique string to prefix all the instance names with
# numNodes - number of instances to create
# imageName - Disk image for the instances
# machineType - GCE machine type
# bootDiskSize - Optional size of the boot disk in GB
# startupScript - Optional startup script to execute when the instance boots
# address - Optional name of the GCE static IP address to attach to the
# instance. Requires that |numNodes| = 1 and that addressName
# has been provisioned in the GCE region that is hosting |zone|
# Tip: use cloud_FindInstances to locate the instances once this function
# returns
cloud_CreateInstances() {
declare networkName="$1"
declare namePrefix="$2"
declare numNodes="$3"
declare imageName="$4"
declare machineType="$5"
declare optionalBootDiskSize="$6"
2018-09-17 08:25:10 -07:00
declare optionalStartupScript="$7"
declare optionalAddress="$8"
2018-09-16 14:46:08 -07:00
declare -a args
--key-name "$networkName"
--count "$numNodes"
--region "$region"
--placement "AvailabilityZone=$zone"
--security-groups "$networkName"
2018-09-16 14:46:08 -07:00
--image-id "$imageName"
--instance-type "$machineType"
--tag-specifications "ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=name,Value=$namePrefix}]"
if [[ -n $optionalBootDiskSize ]]; then
--block-device-mapping "[{\"DeviceName\": \"/dev/sda1\", \"Ebs\": { \"VolumeSize\": $optionalBootDiskSize }}]"
if [[ -n $optionalStartupScript ]]; then
--user-data "file://$optionalStartupScript"
if [[ -n $optionalAddress ]]; then
[[ $numNodes = 1 ]] || {
echo "Error: address may not be supplied when provisioning multiple nodes: $optionalAddress"
exit 1
set -x
aws ec2 run-instances "${args[@]}"
if [[ -n $optionalAddress ]]; then
cloud_FindInstance "$namePrefix"
if [[ ${#instances[@]} -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "Failed to find newly created instance: $namePrefix"
declare instanceId
IFS=: read -r instanceId _ < <(echo "${instances[0]}")
2018-09-17 08:25:10 -07:00
set -x
# TODO: Poll that the instance has moved to the 'running' state instead of
# blindly sleeping for 30 seconds...
sleep 30
aws ec2 associate-address \
--instance-id "$instanceId" \
--region "$region" \
--allocation-id "$optionalAddress"
2018-09-16 14:46:08 -07:00
# cloud_DeleteInstances
# Deletes all the instances listed in the `instances` array
cloud_DeleteInstances() {
if [[ ${#instances[0]} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo No instances to delete
declare names=("${instances[@]/:*/}")
set -x
aws ec2 terminate-instances --region "$region" --instance-ids "${names[@]}"
# cloud_FetchFile [instanceName] [publicIp] [remoteFile] [localFile]
# Fetch a file from the given instance. This function uses a cloud-specific
# mechanism to fetch the file
cloud_FetchFile() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2034 # instanceName is unused
declare instanceName="$1"
declare publicIp="$2"
declare remoteFile="$3"
declare localFile="$4"
set -x
scp \
-o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" \
-o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" \
-o "User=solana" \
-o "IdentityFile=$sshPrivateKey" \
-o "LogLevel=ERROR" \
-F /dev/null \
"solana@$publicIp:$remoteFile" "$localFile"