Add special feature for inter-crate safe dev-related code reuse (#32169)

* Add dev-utils feature for inter-crate test code safe reuse

* Sanitize mode

* Fix typo...

* Use case/esac intead of if

* port to `cargo tree` + `jq`

* Fix typo...

* Properly abort on errors

* Add trailing commas

* Select only normal dependencies

* Use more concise comma-separated code

* Skip if taint packages are empty

* Fold long lines and format code a bit

* Fix shellcheck

* Improve jq query and remove uneeded marker feature

* Use folding heredoc giving up proper indenting..

* Use jq's alternative operator (//)

* Rename to dev-context-only-utils

* Fix typo...


Co-authored-by: Trent Nelson <>
This commit is contained in:
Ryo Onodera 2023-07-07 09:30:20 +09:00 committed by GitHub
parent 98ca5a9707
commit 18247431b9
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 164 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -140,7 +140,9 @@ wait_step() {
all_test_steps() {
command_step checks ". ci/; ci/ \$\$rust_nightly_docker_image ci/" 20 check
command_step checks1 ". ci/; ci/ \$\$rust_nightly_docker_image ci/" 20 check
command_step checks2 ". ci/; ci/ \$\$rust_nightly_docker_image ci/ check-bins" 15 check
command_step checks3 ". ci/; ci/ \$\$rust_nightly_docker_image ci/ check-all-targets" 15 check
# Full test suite

View File

@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ echo --- build environment
cargo clippy --version --verbose
$cargoNightly clippy --version --verbose
$cargoNightly hack --version --verbose
# audit is done only with "$cargo stable"
cargo audit --version
@ -110,6 +112,8 @@ else
_ scripts/ -- "+${rust_nightly}" sort --workspace --check
_ scripts/ tree
_ scripts/ -- "+${rust_nightly}" fmt --all -- --check
_ ci/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eo pipefail
scripts/ "$@"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eo pipefail
cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."
source ci/_
# only nightly is used uniformly as we contain good amount of nightly-only code
# (benches, frozen abi...)
source ci/ nightly
# There's a special common feature called `dev-context-only-utils` to
# overcome cargo's issue:
# This feature is like `cfg(test)`, which works between crates.
# Unfortunately, this in turn needs some special checks to avoid common
# pitfalls of `dev-context-only-utils` itself.
# Firstly, detect any misuse of dev-context-only-utils as normal/build
# dependencies. Also, allow some exceptions for special purpose crates. This
# white-listing mechanism can be used for core-development-oriented crates like
# bench bins.
# Put differently, use of dev-context-only-utils is forbidden for non-dev
# dependencies in general. However, allow its use for non-dev dependencies only
# if its use is confined under a dep. subgraph with all nodes being marked as
# dev-context-only-utils.
# Add your troubled package which seems to want to use `dev-context-only-utils`
# as normal (not dev) dependencies, only if you're sure that there's good
# reason to bend dev-context-only-utils's original intention and that listed
# package isn't part of released binaries.
declare tainted_packages=(
# convert to comma separeted (ref:
printf -v allowed '"%s",' "${tainted_packages[@]}"
case "$mode" in
tree | check-bins | check-all-targets | full)
echo "$0: unrecognized mode: $mode";
exit 1
if [[ $mode = "tree" || $mode = "full" ]]; then
query=$(cat <<EOF
| map(.name as \$crate
| (.dependencies
| map(select((.kind // "normal") == "normal"))
| map({
"crate" : \$crate,
"dependency" : .name,
"dependencyFeatures" : .features,
| flatten
| map(select(
| index("dev-context-only-utils")
) and (.crate as \$needle
| ([$allowed] | index(\$needle))
| not
| map([.crate, .dependency] | join(": "))
| join("\n ")
abusers="$(_ cargo "+${rust_nightly}" metadata --format-version=1 |
jq -r "$query")"
if [[ -n "$abusers" ]]; then
cat <<EOF 1>&2
\`dev-context-only-utils\` must not be used as normal dependencies, but is by \
"([crate]: [dependency])":
exit 1
# Sanity-check that tainted packages has undergone the proper tedious rituals
# to be justified as such.
query=$(cat <<EOF
| map([.name, (.features | keys)] as [\$this_crate, \$this_feature]
| if .name as \$needle | ([$allowed] | index(\$needle))
"crate": \$this_crate,
"crateFeatures": \$this_feature,
elif .dependencies | any(
.name as \$needle | ([$allowed] | index(\$needle))
| map({
"crate": \$this_crate,
"crateFeatures": \$this_feature,
| flatten
| map(select(
(.crateFeatures | index("dev-context-only-utils")) | not
| map(.crate)
| join("\n ")
_ cargo "+${rust_nightly}" metadata \
--format-version=1 \
| jq -r "$query"
if [[ -n "$misconfigured_crates" ]]; then
cat <<EOF 1>&2
All crates marked \`tainted\`, as well as their dependents, MUST declare the \
\`dev-context-only-utils\`. The following crates are in violation:
exit 1
# Detect possible compilation errors of problematic usage of
# `dev-context-only-utils`-gated code without being explicitly declared as such
# in respective workspace member `Cargo.toml`s. This cannot be detected with
# `--workspace --all-targets`, due to unintentional `dev-context-only-utils`
# feature activation by cargo's feature unification mechanism. So, we use
# `cargo hack` to exhaustively build each individual workspace members in
# isolation to work around.
# 1. Check implicit usage of `dev-context-only-utils`-gated code in non-dev (=
# production) code by building without dev dependencies (= tests/benches) for
# each crate
# 2. Check implicit usage of `dev-context-only-utils`-gated code in dev (=
# test/benches) code by building in isolation from other crates, which might
# happen to enable `dev-context-only-utils`
if [[ $mode = "check-bins" || $mode = "full" ]]; then
_ cargo "+${rust_nightly}" hack check --bins
if [[ $mode = "check-all-targets" || $mode = "full" ]]; then
_ cargo "+${rust_nightly}" hack check --all-targets