# The LAMPORT execution environment ## Introduction With LAMPORT (Language-Agnostic, Memory-oriented, Parallel-friendly, Optimized Run-Time), we can execute smart contracts concurrently, and written in the client’s choice of programming language. Furthermore, we demonstrate Solana’s built-in smart contract language Budget can target LAMPORT without any loss in performance. The two features that allow LAMPORT to work: Client-owned memory identified by public keys. By declaring ownership upfront and separating the program’s state from the program, the runtime knows which contracts can safely be executed concurrently. Solana’s blockchain-encoded VDF tells validator nodes at precisely what times they need to end up in the same state. Between those times, they are free to introduce non-deterministic behavior as-needed to improve execution times. ## Toolchain Stack SDK tools As shown in the diagram above an untrusted client, creates a program in the front-end language of her choice, (like C/C++/Rust/Lua), and compiles it with LLVM to a position independent shared object ELF, targeting BPF bytecode. Solana will safely load and execute the ELF.