#![allow(clippy::integer_arithmetic)] use { solana_program::{ account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo}, clock::Clock, declare_id, entrypoint::ProgramResult, msg, pubkey::Pubkey, sysvar::Sysvar, }, std::convert::TryInto, }; declare_id!("Sim1jD5C35odT8mzctm8BWnjic8xW5xgeb5MbcbErTo"); solana_program::entrypoint!(process_instruction); pub fn process_instruction( _program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &[AccountInfo], _instruction_data: &[u8], ) -> ProgramResult { let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter(); let slot_history_account_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?; let clock_account_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?; // Slot is an u64 at the end of the structure let data = slot_history_account_info.data.borrow(); let slot: u64 = u64::from_le_bytes(data[data.len() - 8..].try_into().unwrap()); let clock_from_cache = Clock::get().unwrap(); let clock_from_account = Clock::from_account_info(clock_account_info).unwrap(); msg!("next_slot from slot history is {:?} ", slot); msg!("clock from cache is in slot {:?} ", clock_from_cache.slot); msg!( "clock from account is in slot {:?} ", clock_from_account.slot ); if clock_from_cache.slot >= slot { msg!("On-chain"); } else { panic!("Simulation"); } if clock_from_cache.slot != clock_from_account.slot { panic!("Simulation"); } Ok(()) }