//! Aligned memory use std::{mem, ptr}; /// Scalar types, aka "plain old data" pub trait Pod {} impl Pod for bool {} impl Pod for u8 {} impl Pod for u16 {} impl Pod for u32 {} impl Pod for u64 {} impl Pod for i8 {} impl Pod for i16 {} impl Pod for i32 {} impl Pod for i64 {} /// Provides u8 slices at a specified alignment #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct AlignedMemory { max_len: usize, align_offset: usize, mem: Vec, zero_up_to_max_len: bool, } impl AlignedMemory { fn get_mem(max_len: usize) -> (Vec, usize) { let mut mem: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(max_len.saturating_add(ALIGN)); mem.push(0); let align_offset = mem.as_ptr().align_offset(ALIGN); mem.resize(align_offset, 0); (mem, align_offset) } fn get_mem_zeroed(max_len: usize) -> (Vec, usize) { // use calloc() to get zeroed memory from the OS instead of using // malloc() + memset(), see // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/54628 let mut mem = vec![0; max_len]; let align_offset = mem.as_ptr().align_offset(ALIGN); mem.resize(max_len.saturating_add(align_offset), 0); (mem, align_offset) } /// Returns a filled AlignedMemory by copying the given slice pub fn from_slice(data: &[u8]) -> Self { let max_len = data.len(); let (mut mem, align_offset) = Self::get_mem(max_len); mem.extend_from_slice(data); Self { max_len, align_offset, mem, zero_up_to_max_len: false, } } /// Returns a new empty AlignedMemory with uninitialized preallocated memory pub fn with_capacity(max_len: usize) -> Self { let (mem, align_offset) = Self::get_mem(max_len); Self { max_len, align_offset, mem, zero_up_to_max_len: false, } } /// Returns a new empty AlignedMemory with zero initialized preallocated memory pub fn with_capacity_zeroed(max_len: usize) -> Self { let (mut mem, align_offset) = Self::get_mem_zeroed(max_len); mem.truncate(align_offset); Self { max_len, align_offset, mem, zero_up_to_max_len: true, } } /// Returns a new filled AlignedMemory with zero initialized preallocated memory pub fn zero_filled(max_len: usize) -> Self { let (mem, align_offset) = Self::get_mem_zeroed(max_len); Self { max_len, align_offset, mem, zero_up_to_max_len: true, } } /// Calculate memory size pub fn mem_size(&self) -> usize { self.mem.capacity().saturating_add(mem::size_of::()) } /// Get the length of the data pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.mem.len().saturating_sub(self.align_offset) } /// Is the memory empty pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.mem.len() == self.align_offset } /// Get the current write index pub fn write_index(&self) -> usize { self.mem.len() } /// Get an aligned slice pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] { let start = self.align_offset; let end = self.mem.len(); &self.mem[start..end] } /// Get an aligned mutable slice pub fn as_slice_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { let start = self.align_offset; let end = self.mem.len(); &mut self.mem[start..end] } /// Grows memory with `value` repeated `num` times starting at the `write_index` pub fn fill_write(&mut self, num: usize, value: u8) -> std::io::Result<()> { let new_len = match ( self.mem.len().checked_add(num), self.align_offset.checked_add(self.max_len), ) { (Some(new_len), Some(allocation_end)) if new_len <= allocation_end => new_len, _ => { return Err(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "aligned memory resize failed", )) } }; if self.zero_up_to_max_len && value == 0 { // Safe because everything up to `max_len` is zeroed and no shrinking is allowed unsafe { self.mem.set_len(new_len); } } else { self.mem.resize(new_len, value); } Ok(()) } /// Write a generic type T into the memory. /// /// # Safety /// /// Unsafe since it assumes that there is enough capacity. pub unsafe fn write_unchecked(&mut self, value: T) { let pos = self.mem.len(); let new_len = pos.saturating_add(mem::size_of::()); debug_assert!(new_len <= self.align_offset.saturating_add(self.max_len)); self.mem.set_len(new_len); ptr::write_unaligned( self.mem.get_unchecked_mut(pos..new_len).as_mut_ptr().cast(), value, ); } /// Write a slice of bytes into the memory. /// /// # Safety /// /// Unsafe since it assumes that there is enough capacity. pub unsafe fn write_all_unchecked(&mut self, value: &[u8]) { let pos = self.mem.len(); let new_len = pos.saturating_add(value.len()); debug_assert!(new_len <= self.align_offset.saturating_add(self.max_len)); self.mem.set_len(new_len); self.mem .get_unchecked_mut(pos..new_len) .copy_from_slice(value); } } // Custom Clone impl is needed to ensure alignment. Derived clone would just // clone self.mem and there would be no guarantee that the clone allocation is // aligned. impl Clone for AlignedMemory { fn clone(&self) -> Self { AlignedMemory::from_slice(self.as_slice()) } } impl std::io::Write for AlignedMemory { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result { match ( self.mem.len().checked_add(buf.len()), self.align_offset.checked_add(self.max_len), ) { (Some(new_len), Some(allocation_end)) if new_len <= allocation_end => {} _ => { return Err(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "aligned memory write failed", )) } } self.mem.extend_from_slice(buf); Ok(buf.len()) } fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { Ok(()) } } impl> From for AlignedMemory { fn from(bytes: T) -> Self { AlignedMemory::from_slice(bytes.as_ref()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #![allow(clippy::integer_arithmetic)] use {super::*, std::io::Write}; fn do_test() { let mut aligned_memory = AlignedMemory::::with_capacity(10); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.write(&[42u8; 1]).unwrap(), 1); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.write(&[42u8; 9]).unwrap(), 9); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.as_slice(), &[42u8; 10]); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.write(&[42u8; 0]).unwrap(), 0); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.as_slice(), &[42u8; 10]); aligned_memory.write(&[42u8; 1]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.as_slice(), &[42u8; 10]); aligned_memory.as_slice_mut().copy_from_slice(&[84u8; 10]); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.as_slice(), &[84u8; 10]); let mut aligned_memory = AlignedMemory::::with_capacity_zeroed(10); aligned_memory.fill_write(5, 0).unwrap(); aligned_memory.fill_write(2, 1).unwrap(); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.write(&[2u8; 3]).unwrap(), 3); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.as_slice(), &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]); aligned_memory.fill_write(1, 3).unwrap_err(); aligned_memory.write(&[4u8; 1]).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.as_slice(), &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]); let aligned_memory = AlignedMemory::::zero_filled(10); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.len(), 10); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.as_slice(), &[0u8; 10]); let mut aligned_memory = AlignedMemory::::with_capacity_zeroed(15); unsafe { aligned_memory.write_unchecked::(42); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.len(), 1); aligned_memory.write_unchecked::(0xCAFEBADDDEADCAFE); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.len(), 9); aligned_memory.fill_write(3, 0).unwrap(); aligned_memory.write_all_unchecked(b"foo"); assert_eq!(aligned_memory.len(), 15); } let mem = aligned_memory.as_slice(); assert_eq!(mem[0], 42); assert_eq!( unsafe { ptr::read_unaligned::(mem[1..1 + mem::size_of::()].as_ptr().cast()) }, 0xCAFEBADDDEADCAFE ); assert_eq!(&mem[1 + mem::size_of::()..][..3], &[0, 0, 0]); assert_eq!(&mem[1 + mem::size_of::() + 3..], b"foo"); } #[test] fn test_aligned_memory() { do_test::<1>(); do_test::<32768>(); } #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "<= self.align_offset.saturating_add(self.max_len)")] fn test_write_unchecked_debug_assert() { let mut aligned_memory = AlignedMemory::<8>::with_capacity(15); unsafe { aligned_memory.write_unchecked::(42); aligned_memory.write_unchecked::(24); } } #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "<= self.align_offset.saturating_add(self.max_len)")] fn test_write_all_unchecked_debug_assert() { let mut aligned_memory = AlignedMemory::<8>::with_capacity(5); unsafe { aligned_memory.write_all_unchecked(b"foo"); aligned_memory.write_all_unchecked(b"bar"); } } }