#!/bin/bash -e # # Deploys the Solana software running on the testnet full nodes # # This script must be run by a user/machine that has successfully authenticated # with GCP and has sufficient permission. # cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." # TODO: Switch over to rolling updates ROLLING_UPDATE=false #ROLLING_UPDATE=true if [[ -z $SOLANA_METRICS_CONFIG ]]; then echo Error: SOLANA_METRICS_CONFIG environment variable is unset exit 1 fi # Default to edge channel. To select the beta channel: # export SOLANA_SNAP_CHANNEL=beta if [[ -z $SOLANA_SNAP_CHANNEL ]]; then SOLANA_SNAP_CHANNEL=edge fi # Select default network URL based on SOLANA_SNAP_CHANNEL if SOLANA_NET_URL is # unspecified if [[ -z $SOLANA_NET_URL ]]; then case $SOLANA_SNAP_CHANNEL in edge) SOLANA_NET_URL=master.testnet.solana.com ;; beta) SOLANA_NET_URL=testnet.solana.com ;; *) echo Error: Unknown SOLANA_SNAP_CHANNEL=$SOLANA_SNAP_CHANNEL exit 1 ;; esac fi echo "+++ Configuration" publicUrl="$SOLANA_NET_URL" if [[ $publicUrl = testnet.solana.com ]]; then publicIp="" # Use default value else publicIp=$(dig +short $publicUrl | head -n1) fi echo "Network entrypoint URL: $publicUrl ($publicIp)" echo "Snap channel: $SOLANA_SNAP_CHANNEL" leaderName=${publicUrl//./-} vmlist=() # Each array element is the triple "class:vmName:vmZone" # # vm_foreach_in_class [class] [cmd] # where # class - the desired VM class to operate on # cmd - the command to execute on each VM in the desired class. # The command will receive three arguments: # vmName - GCP name of the VM # vmZone - The GCP zone the VM is located in # count - Monotonically increasing count for each # invocation of cmd, starting at 1 # # vm_foreach_in_class() { declare class=$1 declare cmd=$2 declare count=1 for info in "${vmlist[@]}"; do declare vmClass vmName vmZone IFS=: read -r vmClass vmName vmZone < <(echo "$info") if [[ $class = "$vmClass" ]]; then eval "$cmd" "$vmName" "$vmZone" "$count" count=$((count + 1)) fi done } findVms() { declare class="$1" declare filter="$2" gcloud compute instances list --filter="$filter" while read -r vmName vmZone status; do if [[ $status != RUNNING ]]; then echo "Warning: $vmName is not RUNNING, ignoring it." continue fi vmlist+=("$class:$vmName:$vmZone") done < <(gcloud compute instances list --filter="$filter" --format 'value(name,zone,status)') } echo "Leader node:" findVms leader "name=$leaderName" [[ ${#vmlist[@]} = 1 ]] || { echo "Unable to find $leaderName" exit 1 } echo "Client node(s):" findVms client "name~^$leaderName-client" echo "Validator nodes:" findVms validator "name~^$leaderName-validator-" fullnode_count=0 inc_fullnode_count() { fullnode_count=$((fullnode_count + 1)) } vm_foreach_in_class leader inc_fullnode_count vm_foreach_in_class validator inc_fullnode_count # Add "network stopping" datapoint netName=${SOLANA_NET_URL%testnet.solana.com} netName=${netName:0:8} ci/metrics_write_datapoint.sh "testnet-deploy,name=\"$netName\" stop=1" gcp_vm_exec() { declare vmName=$1 declare vmZone=$2 declare message=$3 declare cmd=$4 echo "--- $message $vmName in zone $vmZone" gcloud compute ssh "$vmName" --zone "$vmZone" \ --ssh-flag="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" \ --command="$cmd" } gcp_login_quota_workaround() { declare count=$1 if [[ $((count % 5)) = 0 ]]; then # Slow down deployment to avoid triggering GCP login # quota limits (each |ssh| counts as a login) sleep 3 fi } client_start() { declare vmName=$1 declare vmZone=$2 declare count=$3 gcp_vm_exec "$vmName" "$vmZone" \ "Starting client $count:" \ "\ set -x; sudo snap install solana --$SOLANA_SNAP_CHANNEL --devmode; \ sudo snap set solana metrics-config=$SOLANA_METRICS_CONFIG \ rust-log=$RUST_LOG \ default-metrics-rate=$SOLANA_DEFAULT_METRICS_RATE \ ; \ snap info solana; \ sudo snap get solana; \ threadCount=\$(nproc); \ if [[ \$threadCount -gt 4 ]]; then threadCount=4; fi; \ tmux new -s solana -d \" \ /snap/bin/solana.bench-tps $SOLANA_NET_URL $fullnode_count --loop -s 600 --sustained -t \$threadCount 2>&1 | tee /tmp/solana.log; \ echo Error: bench-tps should never exit; \ bash \ \"; \ sleep 2; \ tmux capture-pane -t solana -p -S -100; \ tail /tmp/solana.log; \ " } client_stop() { declare vmName=$1 declare vmZone=$2 declare count=$3 gcp_vm_exec "$vmName" "$vmZone" \ "Stopping client $count:" \ "\ set -x; tmux list-sessions; \ tmux capture-pane -t solana -p; \ tmux kill-session -t solana; \ sudo snap remove solana; \ " } fullnode_start() { declare class=$1 declare vmName=$2 declare vmZone=$3 declare count=$4 ( SECONDS=0 commonNodeConfig="\ rust-log=$RUST_LOG \ default-metrics-rate=$SOLANA_DEFAULT_METRICS_RATE \ metrics-config=$SOLANA_METRICS_CONFIG \ " if [[ $class = leader ]]; then nodeConfig="mode=leader+drone $commonNodeConfig" if [[ -n $SOLANA_CUDA ]]; then nodeConfig="$nodeConfig enable-cuda=1" fi else nodeConfig="mode=validator leader-address=$publicIp $commonNodeConfig" fi gcp_vm_exec "$vmName" "$vmZone" "Starting $class $count:" \ "\ set -ex; \ logmarker='solana deploy $(date)/$RANDOM'; \ sudo snap remove solana; \ logger \$logmarker; \ sudo snap install solana --$SOLANA_SNAP_CHANNEL --devmode; \ sudo snap set solana $nodeConfig; \ snap info solana; \ sudo snap get solana; \ echo Slight delay to get more syslog output; \ sleep 2; \ sudo grep -Pzo \"\$logmarker(.|\\n)*\" /var/log/syslog \ " echo "Succeeded in ${SECONDS} seconds" ) > "log-$vmName.txt" 2>&1 & declare pid=$! # Rename log file so it can be discovered later by $pid while [[ ! -f "log-$vmName.txt" ]]; do sleep 1 done mv "log-$vmName.txt" "log-$pid.txt" gcp_login_quota_workaround "$count" pids+=("$pid") } leader_start() { fullnode_start leader "$@" } validator_start() { fullnode_start validator "$@" } fullnode_stop() { declare vmName=$1 declare vmZone=$2 declare count=$3 ( SECONDS=0 gcp_vm_exec "$vmName" "$vmZone" "Shutting down" "sudo snap remove solana" echo "Succeeded in ${SECONDS} seconds" ) > "log-$vmName.txt" 2>&1 & declare pid=$! # Rename log file so it can be discovered later by $pid while [[ ! -f "log-$vmName.txt" ]]; do sleep 1 done mv "log-$vmName.txt" "log-$pid.txt" gcp_login_quota_workaround "$count" pids+=("$pid") } wait_for_pids() { echo "--- Waiting for $*" for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do declare ok=true wait "$pid" || ok=false cat "log-$pid.txt" if ! $ok; then echo ^^^ +++ exit 1 fi done } vm_foreach_in_class client client_stop if ! $ROLLING_UPDATE; then pids=() echo "--- Shutting down all full nodes" vm_foreach_in_class leader fullnode_stop vm_foreach_in_class validator fullnode_stop wait_for_pids fullnode shutdown fi pids=() echo --- Starting leader node vm_foreach_in_class leader leader_start wait_for_pids leader pids=() echo --- Starting validator nodes vm_foreach_in_class validator validator_start wait_for_pids validators echo "--- $publicUrl sanity test" ( set -x USE_SNAP=1 ci/testnet-sanity.sh $publicUrl $fullnode_count ) vm_foreach_in_class client client_start # Add "network started" datapoint ci/metrics_write_datapoint.sh "testnet-deploy,name=\"$netName\" start=1" exit 0