// @flow import { Account, Connection, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, } from '../src'; import {DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT, NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND} from '../src/timing'; import {mockRpc, mockRpcEnabled} from './__mocks__/node-fetch'; import {mockGetRecentBlockhash} from './mockrpc/get-recent-blockhash'; import {url} from './url'; import {sleep} from '../src/util/sleep'; if (!mockRpcEnabled) { // Testing max commitment level takes around 20s to complete jest.setTimeout(30000); } const errorMessage = 'Invalid request'; const errorResponse = { error: { message: errorMessage, }, result: undefined, }; test('get account info - error', () => { const account = new Account(); const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getAccountInfo', params: [account.publicKey.toBase58()], }, errorResponse, ]); return expect(connection.getAccountInfo(account.publicKey)).rejects.toThrow( errorMessage, ); }); test('get program accounts', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url, 'recent'); const account0 = new Account(); const account1 = new Account(); const programId = new Account(); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'requestAirdrop', params: [ account0.publicKey.toBase58(), LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, {commitment: 'recent'}, ], }, { error: null, result: '0WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', }, ]); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'requestAirdrop', params: [ account1.publicKey.toBase58(), 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, {commitment: 'recent'}, ], }, { error: null, result: '0WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', }, ]); await connection.requestAirdrop(account0.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); await connection.requestAirdrop(account1.publicKey, 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); mockGetRecentBlockhash('recent'); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'sendTransaction', }, { error: null, result: '3WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', }, ]); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [ [ '3WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', ], {commitment: 'recent'}, ], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: [ { slot: 0, confirmations: 11, status: {Ok: null}, }, ], }, }, ]); let transaction = SystemProgram.assign({ fromPubkey: account0.publicKey, programId: programId.publicKey, }); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, account0); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'sendTransaction', }, { error: null, result: '3WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', }, ]); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [ [ '3WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', ], {commitment: 'recent'}, ], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: [ { slot: 0, confirmations: 11, status: {Ok: null}, }, ], }, }, ]); transaction = SystemProgram.assign({ fromPubkey: account1.publicKey, programId: programId.publicKey, }); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, account1); mockGetRecentBlockhash('recent'); const {feeCalculator} = await connection.getRecentBlockhash(); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getProgramAccounts', params: [programId.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: [ { account: { data: '', executable: false, lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account0.publicKey.toBase58(), }, { account: { data: '', executable: false, lamports: 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account1.publicKey.toBase58(), }, ], }, ]); const programAccounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts( programId.publicKey, ); expect(programAccounts.length).toBe(2); programAccounts.forEach(function (element) { expect([ account0.publicKey.toBase58(), account1.publicKey.toBase58(), ]).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([element.pubkey])); if (element.pubkey == account0.publicKey) { expect(element.account.lamports).toBe( LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, ); } else { expect(element.account.lamports).toBe( 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, ); } }); }); test('validatorExit', async () => { if (!mockRpcEnabled) { console.log('validatorExit skipped on live node'); return; } const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'validatorExit', }, { error: null, result: false, }, ]); const result = await connection.validatorExit(); expect(result).toBe(false); }); test('get balance', async () => { const account = new Account(); const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getBalance', params: [account.publicKey.toBase58()], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: 0, }, }, ]); const balance = await connection.getBalance(account.publicKey); expect(balance).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); }); test('get inflation', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getInflation', params: [], }, { error: null, result: { foundation: 0.05, foundationTerm: 7.0, initial: 0.15, storage: 0.1, taper: 0.15, terminal: 0.015, }, }, ]); const inflation = await connection.getInflation(); for (const key of [ 'initial', 'terminal', 'taper', 'foundation', 'foundationTerm', 'storage', ]) { expect(inflation).toHaveProperty(key); expect(inflation[key]).toBeGreaterThan(0); } }); test('get epoch info', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url, 'recent'); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getEpochInfo', params: [{commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: { epoch: 0, slotIndex: 1, slotsInEpoch: 8192, absoluteSlot: 1, }, }, ]); const epochInfo = await connection.getEpochInfo(); for (const key of ['epoch', 'slotIndex', 'slotsInEpoch', 'absoluteSlot']) { expect(epochInfo).toHaveProperty(key); expect(epochInfo[key]).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); } }); test('get epoch schedule', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getEpochSchedule', params: [], }, { error: null, result: { firstNormalEpoch: 8, firstNormalSlot: 8160, leaderScheduleSlotOffset: 8192, slotsPerEpoch: 8192, warmup: true, }, }, ]); const epochSchedule = await connection.getEpochSchedule(); for (const key of [ 'firstNormalEpoch', 'firstNormalSlot', 'leaderScheduleSlotOffset', 'slotsPerEpoch', ]) { expect(epochSchedule).toHaveProperty('warmup'); expect(epochSchedule).toHaveProperty(key); if (epochSchedule.warmup) { expect(epochSchedule[key]).toBeGreaterThan(0); } } }); test('get slot', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getSlot', }, { error: null, result: 123, }, ]); const slotLeader = await connection.getSlot(); if (mockRpcEnabled) { expect(slotLeader).toBe(123); } else { // No idea what the correct slot value should be on a live cluster, so // just check the type expect(typeof slotLeader).toBe('number'); } }); test('get slot leader', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getSlotLeader', }, { error: null, result: '11111111111111111111111111111111', }, ]); const slotLeader = await connection.getSlotLeader(); if (mockRpcEnabled) { expect(slotLeader).toBe('11111111111111111111111111111111'); } else { // No idea what the correct slotLeader value should be on a live cluster, so // just check the type expect(typeof slotLeader).toBe('string'); } }); test('get cluster nodes', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getClusterNodes', }, { error: null, result: [ { pubkey: '11111111111111111111111111111111', gossip: '', tpu: '', rpc: null, }, ], }, ]); const clusterNodes = await connection.getClusterNodes(); if (mockRpcEnabled) { expect(clusterNodes).toHaveLength(1); expect(clusterNodes[0].pubkey).toBe('11111111111111111111111111111111'); expect(typeof clusterNodes[0].gossip).toBe('string'); expect(typeof clusterNodes[0].tpu).toBe('string'); expect(clusterNodes[0].rpc).toBeNull(); } else { // There should be at least one node (the node that we're talking to) expect(clusterNodes.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); } }); test('getVoteAccounts', async () => { if (mockRpcEnabled) { console.log('non-live test skipped'); return; } const connection = new Connection(url); const voteAccounts = await connection.getVoteAccounts(); expect( voteAccounts.current.concat(voteAccounts.delinquent).length, ).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); test('confirm transaction - error', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); const badTransactionSignature = 'bad transaction signature'; mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'confirmTransaction', params: [badTransactionSignature], }, errorResponse, ]); await expect( connection.confirmTransaction(badTransactionSignature), ).rejects.toThrow(errorMessage); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [[badTransactionSignature]], }, errorResponse, ]); await expect( connection.getSignatureStatus(badTransactionSignature), ).rejects.toThrow(errorMessage); }); test('get transaction count', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getTransactionCount', params: [], }, { error: null, result: 1000000, }, ]); const count = await connection.getTransactionCount(); expect(count).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); }); test('get total supply', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getTotalSupply', params: [], }, { error: null, result: 1000000, }, ]); const count = await connection.getTotalSupply(); expect(count).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); }); test('get minimum balance for rent exemption', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption', params: [512], }, { error: null, result: 1000000, }, ]); const count = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(512); expect(count).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); }); test('get confirmed block', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getSlot', params: [], }, { error: null, result: 1, }, ]); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 0) { continue; } mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [0], }, { error: null, result: { blockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [], }, }, ]); // Block 0 never has any transactions in automation localnet const block0 = await connection.getConfirmedBlock(0); const blockhash0 = block0.blockhash; expect(block0.transactions.length).toBe(0); expect(blockhash0).not.toBeNull(); expect(block0.previousBlockhash).not.toBeNull(); expect(block0.parentSlot).toBe(0); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [1], }, { error: null, result: { blockhash: '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [ { meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, }, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, }, ], }, }, ]); // Find a block that has a transaction, usually Block 1 let x = 1; while (x < 10) { const block1 = await connection.getConfirmedBlock(x); if (block1.transactions.length >= 1) { expect(block1.previousBlockhash).toBe(blockhash0); expect(block1.blockhash).not.toBeNull(); expect(block1.parentSlot).toBe(0); expect(block1.transactions[0].transaction).not.toBeNull(); break; } x++; } mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER], }, { error: null, result: null, }, ]); await expect( connection.getConfirmedBlock(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), ).rejects.toThrow(); }); test('get recent blockhash', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); mockGetRecentBlockhash(); const {blockhash, feeCalculator} = await connection.getRecentBlockhash(); expect(blockhash.length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(43); expect(feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); }); test('getVersion', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getVersion', params: [], }, { error: null, result: {'solana-core': '0.20.4'}, }, ]); const version = await connection.getVersion(); expect(version['solana-core']).toBeTruthy(); }); test('request airdrop', async () => { const account = new Account(); const connection = new Connection(url, 'recent'); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption', params: [0, {commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: 50, }, ]); const minimumAmount = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption( 0, 'recent', ); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'requestAirdrop', params: [ account.publicKey.toBase58(), minimumAmount + 40, {commitment: 'recent'}, ], }, { error: null, result: '1WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', }, ]); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'requestAirdrop', params: [account.publicKey.toBase58(), 2, {commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: '2WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', }, ]); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getBalance', params: [account.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: minimumAmount + 42, }, }, ]); await connection.requestAirdrop(account.publicKey, minimumAmount + 40); await connection.requestAirdrop(account.publicKey, 2); const balance = await connection.getBalance(account.publicKey); expect(balance).toBe(minimumAmount + 42); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getAccountInfo', params: [account.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: { owner: '11111111111111111111111111111111', lamports: minimumAmount + 42, data: '', executable: false, }, }, }, ]); const accountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(account.publicKey); expect(accountInfo.lamports).toBe(minimumAmount + 42); expect(accountInfo.data).toHaveLength(0); expect(accountInfo.owner).toEqual(SystemProgram.programId); }); // expected to take around 20s test('request airdrop - max commitment', async () => { const account = new Account(); const connection = new Connection(url, 'max'); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption', params: [0, {commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: 50, }, ]); const minimumAmount = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption( 0, 'recent', ); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'requestAirdrop', params: [ account.publicKey.toBase58(), minimumAmount + 40, {commitment: 'max'}, ], }, { error: null, result: '1WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', }, ]); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getBalance', params: [account.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'max'}], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: minimumAmount + 40, }, }, ]); const signature = await connection.requestAirdrop( account.publicKey, minimumAmount + 40, ); const balance = await connection.getBalance(account.publicKey); expect(balance).toBe(minimumAmount + 40); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [ [ '1WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', ], {commitment: 'recent'}, ], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: [ { slot: 0, confirmations: null, status: {Ok: null}, }, ], }, }, ]); const {value} = await connection.getSignatureStatus(signature, 'recent'); if (value === null) { expect(value).not.toBeNull(); return; } // Signature should be finalized and therefore confirmations should be null if (value.confirmations !== null) { expect(value.confirmations).toBeNull(); return; } }); test('transaction', async () => { const accountFrom = new Account(); const accountTo = new Account(); const connection = new Connection(url, 'recent'); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption', params: [0, {commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: 50, }, ]); const minimumAmount = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption( 0, 'recent', ); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'requestAirdrop', params: [ accountFrom.publicKey.toBase58(), minimumAmount + 100010, {commitment: 'recent'}, ], }, { error: null, result: '0WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', }, ]); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getBalance', params: [accountFrom.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: minimumAmount + 100010, }, }, ]); await connection.requestAirdrop( accountFrom.publicKey, minimumAmount + 100010, ); expect(await connection.getBalance(accountFrom.publicKey)).toBe( minimumAmount + 100010, ); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'requestAirdrop', params: [ accountTo.publicKey.toBase58(), minimumAmount + 21, {commitment: 'recent'}, ], }, { error: null, result: '8WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', }, ]); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getBalance', params: [accountTo.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: minimumAmount + 21, }, }, ]); await connection.requestAirdrop(accountTo.publicKey, minimumAmount + 21); expect(await connection.getBalance(accountTo.publicKey)).toBe( minimumAmount + 21, ); mockGetRecentBlockhash('recent'); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'sendTransaction', }, { error: null, result: '3WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', }, ]); const transaction = SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, toPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, lamports: 10, }); const signature = await connection.sendTransaction(transaction, accountFrom); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'confirmTransaction', params: [ '3WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', {commitment: 'recent'}, ], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: true, }, }, ]); // Wait for one confirmation await sleep(1000); let i = 0; for (;;) { if (await connection.confirmTransaction(signature)) { break; } console.log('not confirmed', signature); expect(mockRpcEnabled).toBe(false); expect(++i).toBeLessThan(10); await sleep(500); } mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [ [ '3WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', ], {commitment: 'recent'}, ], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: [ { slot: 0, confirmations: 11, status: {Ok: null}, }, ], }, }, ]); const response = (await connection.getSignatureStatus(signature)).value; if (response === null) { expect(response).not.toBeNull(); return; } const responseConfirmations = response.confirmations; if (typeof responseConfirmations !== 'number') { expect(typeof responseConfirmations).toEqual('number'); return; } expect(response.status).toEqual({Ok: null}); expect(response.slot).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); expect(responseConfirmations).toBeGreaterThan(0); const unprocessedSignature = '8WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk'; mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [ [ '3WE5w4B7v59x6qjyC4FbG2FEKYKQfvsJwqSxNVmtMjT8TQ31hsZieDHcSgqzxiAoTL56n2w5TncjqEKjLhtF4Vk', unprocessedSignature, ], {commitment: 'recent'}, ], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: [ { slot: 0, confirmations: 11, status: {Ok: null}, }, null, ], }, }, ]); const responses = ( await connection.getSignatureStatuses([signature, unprocessedSignature]) ).value; expect(responses.length).toEqual(2); const firstResponse = responses[0]; expect(responses[1]).toBeNull(); if (firstResponse === null) { expect(firstResponse).not.toBeNull(); return; } expect(firstResponse.slot).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(response.slot); expect(firstResponse.status).toEqual(response.status); if (typeof firstResponse.confirmations !== 'number') { expect(typeof firstResponse.confirmations).toEqual('number'); return; } expect(firstResponse.confirmations).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual( responseConfirmations, ); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getBalance', params: [accountFrom.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: minimumAmount + 2, }, }, ]); // accountFrom may have less than 100000 due to transaction fees const balance = await connection.getBalance(accountFrom.publicKey); expect(balance).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(balance).toBeLessThanOrEqual(minimumAmount + 100000); mockRpc.push([ url, { method: 'getBalance', params: [accountTo.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'recent'}], }, { error: null, result: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: minimumAmount + 31, }, }, ]); expect(await connection.getBalance(accountTo.publicKey)).toBe( minimumAmount + 31, ); }); test('multi-instruction transaction', async () => { if (mockRpcEnabled) { console.log('non-live test skipped'); return; } const accountFrom = new Account(); const accountTo = new Account(); const connection = new Connection(url, 'recent'); await connection.requestAirdrop(accountFrom.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); expect(await connection.getBalance(accountFrom.publicKey)).toBe( LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ); const minimumAmount = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption( 0, 'recent', ); await connection.requestAirdrop(accountTo.publicKey, minimumAmount + 21); expect(await connection.getBalance(accountTo.publicKey)).toBe( minimumAmount + 21, ); // 1. Move(accountFrom, accountTo) // 2. Move(accountTo, accountFrom) const transaction = SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, toPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, lamports: 100, }).add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, toPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, lamports: 100, }), ); const signature = await connection.sendTransaction( transaction, accountFrom, accountTo, ); let i = 0; for (;;) { if (await connection.confirmTransaction(signature)) { break; } expect(mockRpcEnabled).toBe(false); expect(++i).toBeLessThan(10); await sleep(500); } const response = (await connection.getSignatureStatus(signature)).value; if (response !== null) { expect(typeof response.slot).toEqual('number'); expect(response.status).toEqual({Ok: null}); } else { expect(response).not.toBeNull(); } // accountFrom may have less than LAMPORTS_PER_SOL due to transaction fees expect(await connection.getBalance(accountFrom.publicKey)).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect( await connection.getBalance(accountFrom.publicKey), ).toBeLessThanOrEqual(LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); expect(await connection.getBalance(accountTo.publicKey)).toBe( minimumAmount + 21, ); }); test('account change notification', async () => { if (mockRpcEnabled) { console.log('non-live test skipped'); return; } const connection = new Connection(url, 'recent'); const owner = new Account(); const programAccount = new Account(); const mockCallback = jest.fn(); const subscriptionId = connection.onAccountChange( programAccount.publicKey, mockCallback, ); const balanceNeeded = Math.max( await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(0), 1, ); await connection.requestAirdrop(owner.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); try { let transaction = SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: owner.publicKey, toPubkey: programAccount.publicKey, lamports: balanceNeeded, }); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, owner); } catch (err) { await connection.removeAccountChangeListener(subscriptionId); throw err; } // Wait for mockCallback to receive a call let i = 0; for (;;) { if (mockCallback.mock.calls.length > 0) { break; } if (++i === 30) { throw new Error('Account change notification not observed'); } // Sleep for a 1/4 of a slot, notifications only occur after a block is // processed await sleep((250 * DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT) / NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND); } await connection.removeAccountChangeListener(subscriptionId); expect(mockCallback.mock.calls[0][0].lamports).toBe(balanceNeeded); expect(mockCallback.mock.calls[0][0].owner).toEqual(SystemProgram.programId); }); test('program account change notification', async () => { if (mockRpcEnabled) { console.log('non-live test skipped'); return; } const connection = new Connection(url, 'recent'); const owner = new Account(); const programAccount = new Account(); // const mockCallback = jest.fn(); const balanceNeeded = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(0); let notified = false; const subscriptionId = connection.onProgramAccountChange( SystemProgram.programId, keyedAccountInfo => { if (keyedAccountInfo.accountId !== programAccount.publicKey.toString()) { //console.log('Ignoring another account', keyedAccountInfo); return; } expect(keyedAccountInfo.accountInfo.lamports).toBe(balanceNeeded); expect(keyedAccountInfo.accountInfo.owner).toEqual( SystemProgram.programId, ); notified = true; }, ); await connection.requestAirdrop(owner.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); try { let transaction = SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: owner.publicKey, toPubkey: programAccount.publicKey, lamports: balanceNeeded, }); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, owner); } catch (err) { await connection.removeProgramAccountChangeListener(subscriptionId); throw err; } // Wait for mockCallback to receive a call let i = 0; while (!notified) { //for (;;) { if (++i === 30) { throw new Error('Program change notification not observed'); } // Sleep for a 1/4 of a slot, notifications only occur after a block is // processed await sleep((250 * DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT) / NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND); } await connection.removeProgramAccountChangeListener(subscriptionId); }); test('slot notification', async () => { if (mockRpcEnabled) { console.log('non-live test skipped'); return; } const connection = new Connection(url, 'recent'); let notified = false; const subscriptionId = connection.onSlotChange(slotInfo => { expect(slotInfo.parent).toBeDefined(); expect(slotInfo.slot).toBeDefined(); expect(slotInfo.root).toBeDefined(); expect(slotInfo.slot).toBeGreaterThan(slotInfo.parent); expect(slotInfo.slot).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(slotInfo.root); notified = true; }); // Wait for mockCallback to receive a call let i = 0; while (!notified) { if (++i === 30) { throw new Error('Slot change notification not observed'); } // Sleep for a 1/4 of a slot, notifications only occur after a block is // processed await sleep((250 * DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT) / NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND); } await connection.removeSlotChangeListener(subscriptionId); }); test('root notification', async () => { if (mockRpcEnabled) { console.log('non-live test skipped'); return; } const connection = new Connection(url, 'recent'); let roots = []; const subscriptionId = connection.onRootChange(root => { roots.push(root); }); // Wait for mockCallback to receive a call let i = 0; while (roots.length < 2) { if (++i === 30) { throw new Error('Root change notification not observed'); } // Sleep for a 1/4 of a slot, notifications only occur after a block is // processed await sleep((250 * DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT) / NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND); } expect(roots[1]).toBeGreaterThan(roots[0]); await connection.removeRootChangeListener(subscriptionId); });