import * as BufferLayout from '@solana/buffer-layout'; import { encodeData, decodeData, InstructionType, IInstructionInputData, } from './instruction'; import * as Layout from './layout'; import {NONCE_ACCOUNT_LENGTH} from './nonce-account'; import {PublicKey} from './publickey'; import {SYSVAR_RECENT_BLOCKHASHES_PUBKEY, SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY} from './sysvar'; import {Transaction, TransactionInstruction} from './transaction'; import {toBuffer} from './util/to-buffer'; import {u64} from './util/bigint'; /** * Create account system transaction params */ export type CreateAccountParams = { /** The account that will transfer lamports to the created account */ fromPubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key of the created account */ newAccountPubkey: PublicKey; /** Amount of lamports to transfer to the created account */ lamports: number; /** Amount of space in bytes to allocate to the created account */ space: number; /** Public key of the program to assign as the owner of the created account */ programId: PublicKey; }; /** * Transfer system transaction params */ export type TransferParams = { /** Account that will transfer lamports */ fromPubkey: PublicKey; /** Account that will receive transferred lamports */ toPubkey: PublicKey; /** Amount of lamports to transfer */ lamports: number | bigint; }; /** * Assign system transaction params */ export type AssignParams = { /** Public key of the account which will be assigned a new owner */ accountPubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key of the program to assign as the owner */ programId: PublicKey; }; /** * Create account with seed system transaction params */ export type CreateAccountWithSeedParams = { /** The account that will transfer lamports to the created account */ fromPubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key of the created account. Must be pre-calculated with PublicKey.createWithSeed() */ newAccountPubkey: PublicKey; /** Base public key to use to derive the address of the created account. Must be the same as the base key used to create `newAccountPubkey` */ basePubkey: PublicKey; /** Seed to use to derive the address of the created account. Must be the same as the seed used to create `newAccountPubkey` */ seed: string; /** Amount of lamports to transfer to the created account */ lamports: number; /** Amount of space in bytes to allocate to the created account */ space: number; /** Public key of the program to assign as the owner of the created account */ programId: PublicKey; }; /** * Create nonce account system transaction params */ export type CreateNonceAccountParams = { /** The account that will transfer lamports to the created nonce account */ fromPubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key of the created nonce account */ noncePubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key to set as authority of the created nonce account */ authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; /** Amount of lamports to transfer to the created nonce account */ lamports: number; }; /** * Create nonce account with seed system transaction params */ export type CreateNonceAccountWithSeedParams = { /** The account that will transfer lamports to the created nonce account */ fromPubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key of the created nonce account */ noncePubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key to set as authority of the created nonce account */ authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; /** Amount of lamports to transfer to the created nonce account */ lamports: number; /** Base public key to use to derive the address of the nonce account */ basePubkey: PublicKey; /** Seed to use to derive the address of the nonce account */ seed: string; }; /** * Initialize nonce account system instruction params */ export type InitializeNonceParams = { /** Nonce account which will be initialized */ noncePubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key to set as authority of the initialized nonce account */ authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; }; /** * Advance nonce account system instruction params */ export type AdvanceNonceParams = { /** Nonce account */ noncePubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key of the nonce authority */ authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; }; /** * Withdraw nonce account system transaction params */ export type WithdrawNonceParams = { /** Nonce account */ noncePubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key of the nonce authority */ authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key of the account which will receive the withdrawn nonce account balance */ toPubkey: PublicKey; /** Amount of lamports to withdraw from the nonce account */ lamports: number; }; /** * Authorize nonce account system transaction params */ export type AuthorizeNonceParams = { /** Nonce account */ noncePubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key of the current nonce authority */ authorizedPubkey: PublicKey; /** Public key to set as the new nonce authority */ newAuthorizedPubkey: PublicKey; }; /** * Allocate account system transaction params */ export type AllocateParams = { /** Account to allocate */ accountPubkey: PublicKey; /** Amount of space in bytes to allocate */ space: number; }; /** * Allocate account with seed system transaction params */ export type AllocateWithSeedParams = { /** Account to allocate */ accountPubkey: PublicKey; /** Base public key to use to derive the address of the allocated account */ basePubkey: PublicKey; /** Seed to use to derive the address of the allocated account */ seed: string; /** Amount of space in bytes to allocate */ space: number; /** Public key of the program to assign as the owner of the allocated account */ programId: PublicKey; }; /** * Assign account with seed system transaction params */ export type AssignWithSeedParams = { /** Public key of the account which will be assigned a new owner */ accountPubkey: PublicKey; /** Base public key to use to derive the address of the assigned account */ basePubkey: PublicKey; /** Seed to use to derive the address of the assigned account */ seed: string; /** Public key of the program to assign as the owner */ programId: PublicKey; }; /** * Transfer with seed system transaction params */ export type TransferWithSeedParams = { /** Account that will transfer lamports */ fromPubkey: PublicKey; /** Base public key to use to derive the funding account address */ basePubkey: PublicKey; /** Account that will receive transferred lamports */ toPubkey: PublicKey; /** Amount of lamports to transfer */ lamports: number | bigint; /** Seed to use to derive the funding account address */ seed: string; /** Program id to use to derive the funding account address */ programId: PublicKey; }; /** Decoded transfer system transaction instruction */ export type DecodedTransferInstruction = { /** Account that will transfer lamports */ fromPubkey: PublicKey; /** Account that will receive transferred lamports */ toPubkey: PublicKey; /** Amount of lamports to transfer */ lamports: bigint; }; /** Decoded transferWithSeed system transaction instruction */ export type DecodedTransferWithSeedInstruction = { /** Account that will transfer lamports */ fromPubkey: PublicKey; /** Base public key to use to derive the funding account address */ basePubkey: PublicKey; /** Account that will receive transferred lamports */ toPubkey: PublicKey; /** Amount of lamports to transfer */ lamports: bigint; /** Seed to use to derive the funding account address */ seed: string; /** Program id to use to derive the funding account address */ programId: PublicKey; }; /** * System Instruction class */ export class SystemInstruction { /** * @internal */ constructor() {} /** * Decode a system instruction and retrieve the instruction type. */ static decodeInstructionType( instruction: TransactionInstruction, ): SystemInstructionType { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); const instructionTypeLayout = BufferLayout.u32('instruction'); const typeIndex = instructionTypeLayout.decode(; let type: SystemInstructionType | undefined; for (const [ixType, layout] of Object.entries(SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS)) { if (layout.index == typeIndex) { type = ixType as SystemInstructionType; break; } } if (!type) { throw new Error('Instruction type incorrect; not a SystemInstruction'); } return type; } /** * Decode a create account system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeCreateAccount( instruction: TransactionInstruction, ): CreateAccountParams { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 2); const {lamports, space, programId} = decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.Create,, ); return { fromPubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, newAccountPubkey: instruction.keys[1].pubkey, lamports, space, programId: new PublicKey(programId), }; } /** * Decode a transfer system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeTransfer( instruction: TransactionInstruction, ): DecodedTransferInstruction { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 2); const {lamports} = decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.Transfer,, ); return { fromPubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, toPubkey: instruction.keys[1].pubkey, lamports, }; } /** * Decode a transfer with seed system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeTransferWithSeed( instruction: TransactionInstruction, ): DecodedTransferWithSeedInstruction { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 3); const {lamports, seed, programId} = decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.TransferWithSeed,, ); return { fromPubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, basePubkey: instruction.keys[1].pubkey, toPubkey: instruction.keys[2].pubkey, lamports, seed, programId: new PublicKey(programId), }; } /** * Decode an allocate system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeAllocate(instruction: TransactionInstruction): AllocateParams { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 1); const {space} = decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.Allocate,, ); return { accountPubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, space, }; } /** * Decode an allocate with seed system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeAllocateWithSeed( instruction: TransactionInstruction, ): AllocateWithSeedParams { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 1); const {base, seed, space, programId} = decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.AllocateWithSeed,, ); return { accountPubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, basePubkey: new PublicKey(base), seed, space, programId: new PublicKey(programId), }; } /** * Decode an assign system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeAssign(instruction: TransactionInstruction): AssignParams { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 1); const {programId} = decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.Assign,, ); return { accountPubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, programId: new PublicKey(programId), }; } /** * Decode an assign with seed system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeAssignWithSeed( instruction: TransactionInstruction, ): AssignWithSeedParams { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 1); const {base, seed, programId} = decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.AssignWithSeed,, ); return { accountPubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, basePubkey: new PublicKey(base), seed, programId: new PublicKey(programId), }; } /** * Decode a create account with seed system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeCreateWithSeed( instruction: TransactionInstruction, ): CreateAccountWithSeedParams { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 2); const {base, seed, lamports, space, programId} = decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.CreateWithSeed,, ); return { fromPubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, newAccountPubkey: instruction.keys[1].pubkey, basePubkey: new PublicKey(base), seed, lamports, space, programId: new PublicKey(programId), }; } /** * Decode a nonce initialize system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeNonceInitialize( instruction: TransactionInstruction, ): InitializeNonceParams { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 3); const {authorized} = decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.InitializeNonceAccount,, ); return { noncePubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, authorizedPubkey: new PublicKey(authorized), }; } /** * Decode a nonce advance system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeNonceAdvance( instruction: TransactionInstruction, ): AdvanceNonceParams { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 3); decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.AdvanceNonceAccount,, ); return { noncePubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, authorizedPubkey: instruction.keys[2].pubkey, }; } /** * Decode a nonce withdraw system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeNonceWithdraw( instruction: TransactionInstruction, ): WithdrawNonceParams { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 5); const {lamports} = decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.WithdrawNonceAccount,, ); return { noncePubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, toPubkey: instruction.keys[1].pubkey, authorizedPubkey: instruction.keys[4].pubkey, lamports, }; } /** * Decode a nonce authorize system instruction and retrieve the instruction params. */ static decodeNonceAuthorize( instruction: TransactionInstruction, ): AuthorizeNonceParams { this.checkProgramId(instruction.programId); this.checkKeyLength(instruction.keys, 2); const {authorized} = decodeData( SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.AuthorizeNonceAccount,, ); return { noncePubkey: instruction.keys[0].pubkey, authorizedPubkey: instruction.keys[1].pubkey, newAuthorizedPubkey: new PublicKey(authorized), }; } /** * @internal */ static checkProgramId(programId: PublicKey) { if (!programId.equals(SystemProgram.programId)) { throw new Error('invalid instruction; programId is not SystemProgram'); } } /** * @internal */ static checkKeyLength(keys: Array, expectedLength: number) { if (keys.length < expectedLength) { throw new Error( `invalid instruction; found ${keys.length} keys, expected at least ${expectedLength}`, ); } } } /** * An enumeration of valid SystemInstructionType's */ export type SystemInstructionType = // FIXME // It would be preferable for this type to be `keyof SystemInstructionInputData` // but Typedoc does not transpile `keyof` expressions. // See | 'AdvanceNonceAccount' | 'Allocate' | 'AllocateWithSeed' | 'Assign' | 'AssignWithSeed' | 'AuthorizeNonceAccount' | 'Create' | 'CreateWithSeed' | 'InitializeNonceAccount' | 'Transfer' | 'TransferWithSeed' | 'WithdrawNonceAccount'; type SystemInstructionInputData = { AdvanceNonceAccount: IInstructionInputData; Allocate: IInstructionInputData & { space: number; }; AllocateWithSeed: IInstructionInputData & { base: Uint8Array; programId: Uint8Array; seed: string; space: number; }; Assign: IInstructionInputData & { programId: Uint8Array; }; AssignWithSeed: IInstructionInputData & { base: Uint8Array; seed: string; programId: Uint8Array; }; AuthorizeNonceAccount: IInstructionInputData & { authorized: Uint8Array; }; Create: IInstructionInputData & { lamports: number; programId: Uint8Array; space: number; }; CreateWithSeed: IInstructionInputData & { base: Uint8Array; lamports: number; programId: Uint8Array; seed: string; space: number; }; InitializeNonceAccount: IInstructionInputData & { authorized: Uint8Array; }; Transfer: IInstructionInputData & { lamports: bigint; }; TransferWithSeed: IInstructionInputData & { lamports: bigint; programId: Uint8Array; seed: string; }; WithdrawNonceAccount: IInstructionInputData & { lamports: number; }; }; /** * An enumeration of valid system InstructionType's * @internal */ export const SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS = Object.freeze<{ [Instruction in SystemInstructionType]: InstructionType< SystemInstructionInputData[Instruction] >; }>({ Create: { index: 0, layout: BufferLayout.struct([ BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), BufferLayout.ns64('lamports'), BufferLayout.ns64('space'), Layout.publicKey('programId'), ]), }, Assign: { index: 1, layout: BufferLayout.struct([ BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), Layout.publicKey('programId'), ]), }, Transfer: { index: 2, layout: BufferLayout.struct([ BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), u64('lamports'), ]), }, CreateWithSeed: { index: 3, layout: BufferLayout.struct([ BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), Layout.publicKey('base'), Layout.rustString('seed'), BufferLayout.ns64('lamports'), BufferLayout.ns64('space'), Layout.publicKey('programId'), ]), }, AdvanceNonceAccount: { index: 4, layout: BufferLayout.struct< SystemInstructionInputData['AdvanceNonceAccount'] >([BufferLayout.u32('instruction')]), }, WithdrawNonceAccount: { index: 5, layout: BufferLayout.struct< SystemInstructionInputData['WithdrawNonceAccount'] >([BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), BufferLayout.ns64('lamports')]), }, InitializeNonceAccount: { index: 6, layout: BufferLayout.struct< SystemInstructionInputData['InitializeNonceAccount'] >([BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), Layout.publicKey('authorized')]), }, AuthorizeNonceAccount: { index: 7, layout: BufferLayout.struct< SystemInstructionInputData['AuthorizeNonceAccount'] >([BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), Layout.publicKey('authorized')]), }, Allocate: { index: 8, layout: BufferLayout.struct([ BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), BufferLayout.ns64('space'), ]), }, AllocateWithSeed: { index: 9, layout: BufferLayout.struct( [ BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), Layout.publicKey('base'), Layout.rustString('seed'), BufferLayout.ns64('space'), Layout.publicKey('programId'), ], ), }, AssignWithSeed: { index: 10, layout: BufferLayout.struct([ BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), Layout.publicKey('base'), Layout.rustString('seed'), Layout.publicKey('programId'), ]), }, TransferWithSeed: { index: 11, layout: BufferLayout.struct( [ BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), u64('lamports'), Layout.rustString('seed'), Layout.publicKey('programId'), ], ), }, }); /** * Factory class for transactions to interact with the System program */ export class SystemProgram { /** * @internal */ constructor() {} /** * Public key that identifies the System program */ static programId: PublicKey = new PublicKey( '11111111111111111111111111111111', ); /** * Generate a transaction instruction that creates a new account */ static createAccount(params: CreateAccountParams): TransactionInstruction { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.Create; const data = encodeData(type, { lamports: params.lamports, space:, programId: toBuffer(params.programId.toBuffer()), }); return new TransactionInstruction({ keys: [ {pubkey: params.fromPubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true}, {pubkey: params.newAccountPubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true}, ], programId: this.programId, data, }); } /** * Generate a transaction instruction that transfers lamports from one account to another */ static transfer( params: TransferParams | TransferWithSeedParams, ): TransactionInstruction { let data; let keys; if ('basePubkey' in params) { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.TransferWithSeed; data = encodeData(type, { lamports: BigInt(params.lamports), seed: params.seed, programId: toBuffer(params.programId.toBuffer()), }); keys = [ {pubkey: params.fromPubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, {pubkey: params.basePubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: false}, {pubkey: params.toPubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, ]; } else { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.Transfer; data = encodeData(type, {lamports: BigInt(params.lamports)}); keys = [ {pubkey: params.fromPubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true}, {pubkey: params.toPubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, ]; } return new TransactionInstruction({ keys, programId: this.programId, data, }); } /** * Generate a transaction instruction that assigns an account to a program */ static assign( params: AssignParams | AssignWithSeedParams, ): TransactionInstruction { let data; let keys; if ('basePubkey' in params) { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.AssignWithSeed; data = encodeData(type, { base: toBuffer(params.basePubkey.toBuffer()), seed: params.seed, programId: toBuffer(params.programId.toBuffer()), }); keys = [ {pubkey: params.accountPubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, {pubkey: params.basePubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: false}, ]; } else { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.Assign; data = encodeData(type, { programId: toBuffer(params.programId.toBuffer()), }); keys = [{pubkey: params.accountPubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true}]; } return new TransactionInstruction({ keys, programId: this.programId, data, }); } /** * Generate a transaction instruction that creates a new account at * an address generated with `from`, a seed, and programId */ static createAccountWithSeed( params: CreateAccountWithSeedParams, ): TransactionInstruction { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.CreateWithSeed; const data = encodeData(type, { base: toBuffer(params.basePubkey.toBuffer()), seed: params.seed, lamports: params.lamports, space:, programId: toBuffer(params.programId.toBuffer()), }); let keys = [ {pubkey: params.fromPubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true}, {pubkey: params.newAccountPubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, ]; if (params.basePubkey != params.fromPubkey) { keys.push({pubkey: params.basePubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: false}); } return new TransactionInstruction({ keys, programId: this.programId, data, }); } /** * Generate a transaction that creates a new Nonce account */ static createNonceAccount( params: CreateNonceAccountParams | CreateNonceAccountWithSeedParams, ): Transaction { const transaction = new Transaction(); if ('basePubkey' in params && 'seed' in params) { transaction.add( SystemProgram.createAccountWithSeed({ fromPubkey: params.fromPubkey, newAccountPubkey: params.noncePubkey, basePubkey: params.basePubkey, seed: params.seed, lamports: params.lamports, space: NONCE_ACCOUNT_LENGTH, programId: this.programId, }), ); } else { transaction.add( SystemProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: params.fromPubkey, newAccountPubkey: params.noncePubkey, lamports: params.lamports, space: NONCE_ACCOUNT_LENGTH, programId: this.programId, }), ); } const initParams = { noncePubkey: params.noncePubkey, authorizedPubkey: params.authorizedPubkey, }; transaction.add(this.nonceInitialize(initParams)); return transaction; } /** * Generate an instruction to initialize a Nonce account */ static nonceInitialize( params: InitializeNonceParams, ): TransactionInstruction { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.InitializeNonceAccount; const data = encodeData(type, { authorized: toBuffer(params.authorizedPubkey.toBuffer()), }); const instructionData = { keys: [ {pubkey: params.noncePubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, { pubkey: SYSVAR_RECENT_BLOCKHASHES_PUBKEY, isSigner: false, isWritable: false, }, {pubkey: SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, isSigner: false, isWritable: false}, ], programId: this.programId, data, }; return new TransactionInstruction(instructionData); } /** * Generate an instruction to advance the nonce in a Nonce account */ static nonceAdvance(params: AdvanceNonceParams): TransactionInstruction { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.AdvanceNonceAccount; const data = encodeData(type); const instructionData = { keys: [ {pubkey: params.noncePubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, { pubkey: SYSVAR_RECENT_BLOCKHASHES_PUBKEY, isSigner: false, isWritable: false, }, {pubkey: params.authorizedPubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: false}, ], programId: this.programId, data, }; return new TransactionInstruction(instructionData); } /** * Generate a transaction instruction that withdraws lamports from a Nonce account */ static nonceWithdraw(params: WithdrawNonceParams): TransactionInstruction { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.WithdrawNonceAccount; const data = encodeData(type, {lamports: params.lamports}); return new TransactionInstruction({ keys: [ {pubkey: params.noncePubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, {pubkey: params.toPubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, { pubkey: SYSVAR_RECENT_BLOCKHASHES_PUBKEY, isSigner: false, isWritable: false, }, { pubkey: SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, isSigner: false, isWritable: false, }, {pubkey: params.authorizedPubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: false}, ], programId: this.programId, data, }); } /** * Generate a transaction instruction that authorizes a new PublicKey as the authority * on a Nonce account. */ static nonceAuthorize(params: AuthorizeNonceParams): TransactionInstruction { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.AuthorizeNonceAccount; const data = encodeData(type, { authorized: toBuffer(params.newAuthorizedPubkey.toBuffer()), }); return new TransactionInstruction({ keys: [ {pubkey: params.noncePubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, {pubkey: params.authorizedPubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: false}, ], programId: this.programId, data, }); } /** * Generate a transaction instruction that allocates space in an account without funding */ static allocate( params: AllocateParams | AllocateWithSeedParams, ): TransactionInstruction { let data; let keys; if ('basePubkey' in params) { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.AllocateWithSeed; data = encodeData(type, { base: toBuffer(params.basePubkey.toBuffer()), seed: params.seed, space:, programId: toBuffer(params.programId.toBuffer()), }); keys = [ {pubkey: params.accountPubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, {pubkey: params.basePubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: false}, ]; } else { const type = SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.Allocate; data = encodeData(type, { space:, }); keys = [{pubkey: params.accountPubkey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true}]; } return new TransactionInstruction({ keys, programId: this.programId, data, }); } }