//! Example Rust-based SBF that tests out using a custom heap use { solana_program::{ account_info::AccountInfo, entrypoint::{ProgramResult, HEAP_LENGTH, HEAP_START_ADDRESS}, msg, pubkey::Pubkey, }, std::{ alloc::{alloc, Layout}, mem::{align_of, size_of}, ptr::null_mut, usize, }, }; /// Developers can implement their own heap by defining their own /// `#[global_allocator]`. The following implements a dummy for test purposes /// but can be flushed out with whatever the developer sees fit. struct BumpAllocator; unsafe impl std::alloc::GlobalAlloc for BumpAllocator { #[inline] unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 { if layout.size() == usize::MAX - 0x42 { // Return test value 0x42 as *mut u8 } else { const POS_PTR: *mut usize = HEAP_START_ADDRESS as *mut usize; const TOP_ADDRESS: usize = HEAP_START_ADDRESS as usize + HEAP_LENGTH; const BOTTOM_ADDRESS: usize = HEAP_START_ADDRESS as usize + size_of::<*mut u8>(); let mut pos = *POS_PTR; if pos == 0 { // First time, set starting position pos = TOP_ADDRESS; } pos = pos.saturating_sub(layout.size()); pos &= !(layout.align().saturating_sub(1)); if pos < BOTTOM_ADDRESS { return null_mut(); } *POS_PTR = pos; pos as *mut u8 } } #[inline] unsafe fn dealloc(&self, _: *mut u8, _: Layout) { // I'm a bump allocator, I don't free } } #[cfg(not(test))] #[global_allocator] static A: BumpAllocator = BumpAllocator; solana_program::entrypoint!(process_instruction); #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_wraps)] pub fn process_instruction( _program_id: &Pubkey, _accounts: &[AccountInfo], _instruction_data: &[u8], ) -> ProgramResult { msg!("Custom heap"); unsafe { let layout = Layout::from_size_align(usize::MAX - 0x42, align_of::()).unwrap(); let ptr = alloc(layout); assert_eq!(ptr as u64, 0x42); } Ok(()) }