// @flow import invariant from 'assert'; import * as BufferLayout from 'buffer-layout'; import nacl from 'tweetnacl'; import bs58 from 'bs58'; import * as Layout from './layout'; import {PublicKey} from './publickey'; import {Account} from './account'; import * as shortvec from './util/shortvec-encoding'; import type {Blockhash} from './blockhash'; /** * @typedef {string} TransactionSignature */ export type TransactionSignature = string; /** * Maximum over-the-wire size of a Transaction */ export const PACKET_DATA_SIZE = 512; /** * List of TransactionInstruction object fields that may be initialized at construction * * @typedef {Object} TransactionInstructionCtorFields * @property {?Array} keys * @property {?PublicKey} programId * @property {?Buffer} data */ type TransactionInstructionCtorFields = {| keys?: Array<{pubkey: PublicKey, isSigner: boolean}>, programId?: PublicKey, data?: Buffer, |}; /** * Transaction Instruction class */ export class TransactionInstruction { /** * Public keys to include in this transaction * Boolean represents whether this pubkey needs to sign the transaction */ keys: Array<{pubkey: PublicKey, isSigner: boolean}> = []; /** * Program Id to execute */ programId: PublicKey; /** * Program input */ data: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(0); constructor(opts?: TransactionInstructionCtorFields) { opts && Object.assign(this, opts); } } /** * @private */ type SignaturePubkeyPair = {| signature: Buffer | null, publicKey: PublicKey, |}; /** * List of Transaction object fields that may be initialized at construction * * @typedef {Object} TransactionCtorFields * @property (?recentBlockhash} A recent block hash * @property (?signatures} One or more signatures * */ type TransactionCtorFields = {| recentBlockhash?: Blockhash, signatures?: Array, |}; /** * Transaction class */ export class Transaction { /** * Signatures for the transaction. Typically created by invoking the * `sign()` method */ signatures: Array = []; /** * The first (payer) Transaction signature */ get signature(): Buffer | null { if (this.signatures.length > 0) { return this.signatures[0].signature; } return null; } /** * The instructions to atomically execute */ instructions: Array = []; /** * A recent transaction id. Must be populated by the caller */ recentBlockhash: ?Blockhash; /** * Construct an empty Transaction */ constructor(opts?: TransactionCtorFields) { opts && Object.assign(this, opts); } /** * Add one or more instructions to this Transaction */ add( ...items: Array ): Transaction { if (items.length === 0) { throw new Error('No instructions'); } items.forEach(item => { if (item instanceof Transaction) { this.instructions = this.instructions.concat(item.instructions); } else { this.instructions.push(new TransactionInstruction(item)); } }); return this; } /** * @private */ _getSignData(): Buffer { const {recentBlockhash} = this; if (!recentBlockhash) { throw new Error('Transaction recentBlockhash required'); } if (this.instructions.length < 1) { throw new Error('No instructions provided'); } const keys = this.signatures.map(({publicKey}) => publicKey.toString()); let numRequiredSignatures = 0; let numCreditOnlySignedAccounts = 0; let numCreditOnlyUnsignedAccounts = 0; this.instructions.forEach(instruction => { instruction.keys.forEach(keySignerPair => { const keyStr = keySignerPair.pubkey.toString(); if (!keys.includes(keyStr)) { if (keySignerPair.isSigner) { numRequiredSignatures += 1; } keys.push(keyStr); } }); const programId = instruction.programId.toString(); if (!keys.includes(programId)) { keys.push(programId); numCreditOnlyUnsignedAccounts += 1; } }); if (numRequiredSignatures > this.signatures.length) { throw new Error( `Insufficent signatures: expected ${numRequiredSignatures} but got ${ this.signatures.length }`, ); } let keyCount = []; shortvec.encodeLength(keyCount, keys.length); const instructions = this.instructions.map(instruction => { const {data, programId} = instruction; let keyIndicesCount = []; shortvec.encodeLength(keyIndicesCount, instruction.keys.length); let dataCount = []; shortvec.encodeLength(dataCount, instruction.data.length); return { programIdIndex: keys.indexOf(programId.toString()), keyIndicesCount: Buffer.from(keyIndicesCount), keyIndices: Buffer.from( instruction.keys.map(keyObj => keys.indexOf(keyObj.pubkey.toString()), ), ), dataLength: Buffer.from(dataCount), data, }; }); instructions.forEach(instruction => { invariant(instruction.programIdIndex >= 0); instruction.keyIndices.forEach(keyIndex => invariant(keyIndex >= 0)); }); let instructionCount = []; shortvec.encodeLength(instructionCount, instructions.length); let instructionBuffer = Buffer.alloc(PACKET_DATA_SIZE); Buffer.from(instructionCount).copy(instructionBuffer); let instructionBufferLength = instructionCount.length; instructions.forEach(instruction => { const instructionLayout = BufferLayout.struct([ BufferLayout.u8('programIdIndex'), BufferLayout.blob( instruction.keyIndicesCount.length, 'keyIndicesCount', ), BufferLayout.seq( BufferLayout.u8('keyIndex'), instruction.keyIndices.length, 'keyIndices', ), BufferLayout.blob(instruction.dataLength.length, 'dataLength'), BufferLayout.seq( BufferLayout.u8('userdatum'), instruction.data.length, 'data', ), ]); const length = instructionLayout.encode( instruction, instructionBuffer, instructionBufferLength, ); instructionBufferLength += length; }); instructionBuffer = instructionBuffer.slice(0, instructionBufferLength); const signDataLayout = BufferLayout.struct([ BufferLayout.blob(1, 'numRequiredSignatures'), BufferLayout.blob(1, 'numCreditOnlySignedAccounts'), BufferLayout.blob(1, 'numCreditOnlyUnsignedAccounts'), BufferLayout.blob(keyCount.length, 'keyCount'), BufferLayout.seq(Layout.publicKey('key'), keys.length, 'keys'), Layout.publicKey('recentBlockhash'), ]); const transaction = { numRequiredSignatures: Buffer.from([this.signatures.length]), numCreditOnlySignedAccounts: Buffer.from([numCreditOnlySignedAccounts]), numCreditOnlyUnsignedAccounts: Buffer.from([ numCreditOnlyUnsignedAccounts, ]), keyCount: Buffer.from(keyCount), keys: keys.map(key => new PublicKey(key).toBuffer()), recentBlockhash: Buffer.from(bs58.decode(recentBlockhash)), }; let signData = Buffer.alloc(2048); const length = signDataLayout.encode(transaction, signData); instructionBuffer.copy(signData, length); signData = signData.slice(0, length + instructionBuffer.length); return signData; } /** * Sign the Transaction with the specified accounts. Multiple signatures may * be applied to a Transaction. The first signature is considered "primary" * and is used when testing for Transaction confirmation. * * Transaction fields should not be modified after the first call to `sign`, * as doing so may invalidate the signature and cause the Transaction to be * rejected. * * The Transaction must be assigned a valid `recentBlockhash` before invoking this method */ sign(...signers: Array) { this.signPartial(...signers); } /** * Partially sign a Transaction with the specified accounts. The `Account` * inputs will be used to sign the Transaction immediately, while any * `PublicKey` inputs will be referenced in the signed Transaction but need to * be filled in later by calling `addSigner()` with the matching `Account`. * * All the caveats from the `sign` method apply to `signPartial` */ signPartial(...partialSigners: Array) { if (partialSigners.length === 0) { throw new Error('No signers'); } const signatures: Array = partialSigners.map( accountOrPublicKey => { const publicKey = accountOrPublicKey instanceof Account ? accountOrPublicKey.publicKey : accountOrPublicKey; return { signature: null, publicKey, }; }, ); this.signatures = signatures; const signData = this._getSignData(); partialSigners.forEach((accountOrPublicKey, index) => { if (accountOrPublicKey instanceof PublicKey) { return; } const signature = nacl.sign.detached( signData, accountOrPublicKey.secretKey, ); invariant(signature.length === 64); signatures[index].signature = Buffer.from(signature); }); } /** * Fill in a signature for a partially signed Transaction. The `signer` must * be the corresponding `Account` for a `PublicKey` that was previously provided to * `signPartial` */ addSigner(signer: Account) { const index = this.signatures.findIndex(sigpair => signer.publicKey.equals(sigpair.publicKey), ); if (index < 0) { throw new Error(`Unknown signer: ${signer.publicKey.toString()}`); } const signData = this._getSignData(); const signature = nacl.sign.detached(signData, signer.secretKey); invariant(signature.length === 64); this.signatures[index].signature = Buffer.from(signature); } /** * Serialize the Transaction in the wire format. * * The Transaction must have a valid `signature` before invoking this method */ serialize(): Buffer { const {signatures} = this; if (!signatures) { throw new Error('Transaction has not been signed'); } const signData = this._getSignData(); const signatureCount = []; shortvec.encodeLength(signatureCount, signatures.length); const transactionLength = signatureCount.length + signatures.length * 64 + signData.length; const wireTransaction = Buffer.alloc(transactionLength); invariant(signatures.length < 256); Buffer.from(signatureCount).copy(wireTransaction, 0); signatures.forEach(({signature}, index) => { invariant(signature !== null, `null signature`); invariant(signature.length === 64, `signature has invalid length`); Buffer.from(signature).copy( wireTransaction, signatureCount.length + index * 64, ); }); signData.copy( wireTransaction, signatureCount.length + signatures.length * 64, ); invariant( wireTransaction.length <= PACKET_DATA_SIZE, `Transaction too large: ${wireTransaction.length} > ${PACKET_DATA_SIZE}`, ); return wireTransaction; } /** * Deprecated method * @private */ get keys(): Array { invariant(this.instructions.length === 1); return this.instructions[0].keys.map(keyObj => keyObj.pubkey); } /** * Deprecated method * @private */ get programId(): PublicKey { invariant(this.instructions.length === 1); return this.instructions[0].programId; } /** * Deprecated method * @private */ get data(): Buffer { invariant(this.instructions.length === 1); return this.instructions[0].data; } /** * Parse a wire transaction into a Transaction object. */ static from(buffer: Buffer): Transaction { const PUBKEY_LENGTH = 32; const SIGNATURE_LENGTH = 64; let transaction = new Transaction(); // Slice up wire data let byteArray = [...buffer]; const signatureCount = shortvec.decodeLength(byteArray); let signatures = []; for (let i = 0; i < signatureCount; i++) { const signature = byteArray.slice(0, SIGNATURE_LENGTH); byteArray = byteArray.slice(SIGNATURE_LENGTH); signatures.push(signature); } byteArray = byteArray.slice(1); // Skip numRequiredSignatures byte byteArray = byteArray.slice(1); // Skip numCreditOnlySignedAccounts byte byteArray = byteArray.slice(1); // Skip numCreditOnlyUnsignedAccounts byte const accountCount = shortvec.decodeLength(byteArray); let accounts = []; for (let i = 0; i < accountCount; i++) { const account = byteArray.slice(0, PUBKEY_LENGTH); byteArray = byteArray.slice(PUBKEY_LENGTH); accounts.push(account); } const recentBlockhash = byteArray.slice(0, PUBKEY_LENGTH); byteArray = byteArray.slice(PUBKEY_LENGTH); const instructionCount = shortvec.decodeLength(byteArray); let instructions = []; for (let i = 0; i < instructionCount; i++) { let instruction = {}; instruction.programIndex = byteArray.shift(); const accountIndexCount = shortvec.decodeLength(byteArray); instruction.accountIndex = byteArray.slice(0, accountIndexCount); byteArray = byteArray.slice(accountIndexCount); const dataLength = shortvec.decodeLength(byteArray); instruction.data = byteArray.slice(0, dataLength); byteArray = byteArray.slice(dataLength); instructions.push(instruction); } // Populate Transaction object transaction.recentBlockhash = new PublicKey(recentBlockhash).toBase58(); for (let i = 0; i < signatureCount; i++) { const sigPubkeyPair = { signature: Buffer.from(signatures[i]), publicKey: new PublicKey(accounts[i]), }; transaction.signatures.push(sigPubkeyPair); } for (let i = 0; i < instructionCount; i++) { let instructionData = { keys: [], programId: new PublicKey(accounts[instructions[i].programIndex]), data: Buffer.from(instructions[i].data), }; for (let j = 0; j < instructions[i].accountIndex.length; j++) { const pubkey = new PublicKey(accounts[instructions[i].accountIndex[j]]); instructionData.keys.push({ pubkey, isSigner: transaction.signatures.some( keyObj => keyObj.publicKey.toString() === pubkey.toString(), ), }); } let instruction = new TransactionInstruction(instructionData); transaction.instructions.push(instruction); } return transaction; } }