//! The `shred` module defines data structures and methods to pull MTU sized data frames from the //! network. There are two types of shreds: data and coding. Data shreds contain entry information //! while coding shreds provide redundancy to protect against dropped network packets (erasures). //! //! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //! | Data Shred | //! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //! | common | data | payload | //! | header | header | | //! |+---+---+--- |+---+---+---|+----------------------------------------------------------+----+| //! || s | s | . || p | f | s || data (ie ledger entries) | r || //! || i | h | . || a | l | i || | e || //! || g | r | . || r | a | z || See notes immediately after shred diagrams for an | s || //! || n | e | || e | g | e || explanation of the "restricted" section in this payload | t || //! || a | d | || n | s | || | r || //! || t | | || t | | || | i || //! || u | t | || | | || | c || //! || r | y | || o | | || | t || //! || e | p | || f | | || | e || //! || | e | || f | | || | d || //! |+---+---+--- |+---+---+---+|----------------------------------------------------------+----+| //! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //! //! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //! | Coding Shred | //! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //! | common | coding | payload | //! | header | header | | //! |+---+---+--- |+---+---+---+----------------------------------------------------------------+| //! || s | s | . || n | n | p || data (encoded data shred data) || //! || i | h | . || u | u | o || || //! || g | r | . || m | m | s || || //! || n | e | || | | i || || //! || a | d | || d | c | t || || //! || t | | || | | i || || //! || u | t | || s | s | o || || //! || r | y | || h | h | n || || //! || e | p | || r | r | || || //! || | e | || e | e | || || //! || | | || d | d | || || //! |+---+---+--- |+---+---+---+|+--------------------------------------------------------------+| //! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //! //! Notes: //! a) Coding shreds encode entire data shreds: both of the headers AND the payload. //! b) Coding shreds require their own headers for identification and etc. //! c) The erasure algorithm requires data shred and coding shred bytestreams to be equal in length. //! //! So, given a) - c), we must restrict data shred's payload length such that the entire coding //! payload can fit into one coding shred / packet. pub(crate) use self::merkle::{MerkleRoot, SIZE_OF_MERKLE_ROOT}; #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) use self::shred_code::MAX_CODE_SHREDS_PER_SLOT; use { self::{shred_code::ShredCode, traits::Shred as _}, crate::blockstore::{self, MAX_DATA_SHREDS_PER_SLOT}, bitflags::bitflags, num_enum::{IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive}, rayon::ThreadPool, reed_solomon_erasure::Error::TooFewShardsPresent, serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}, solana_entry::entry::{create_ticks, Entry}, solana_perf::packet::Packet, solana_sdk::{ clock::Slot, hash::{hashv, Hash}, pubkey::Pubkey, signature::{Keypair, Signature, Signer, SIGNATURE_BYTES}, }, static_assertions::const_assert_eq, std::{fmt::Debug, time::Instant}, thiserror::Error, }; pub use { self::{ shred_data::ShredData, stats::{ProcessShredsStats, ShredFetchStats}, }, crate::shredder::{ReedSolomonCache, Shredder}, }; mod common; mod legacy; mod merkle; mod shred_code; mod shred_data; mod stats; mod traits; pub type Nonce = u32; const_assert_eq!(SIZE_OF_NONCE, 4); pub const SIZE_OF_NONCE: usize = std::mem::size_of::(); /// The following constants are computed by hand, and hardcoded. /// `test_shred_constants` ensures that the values are correct. /// Constants are used over lazy_static for performance reasons. const SIZE_OF_COMMON_SHRED_HEADER: usize = 83; const SIZE_OF_DATA_SHRED_HEADERS: usize = 88; const SIZE_OF_CODING_SHRED_HEADERS: usize = 89; const SIZE_OF_SIGNATURE: usize = SIGNATURE_BYTES; const SIZE_OF_SHRED_VARIANT: usize = 1; const SIZE_OF_SHRED_SLOT: usize = 8; const OFFSET_OF_SHRED_VARIANT: usize = SIZE_OF_SIGNATURE; const OFFSET_OF_SHRED_SLOT: usize = SIZE_OF_SIGNATURE + SIZE_OF_SHRED_VARIANT; const OFFSET_OF_SHRED_INDEX: usize = OFFSET_OF_SHRED_SLOT + SIZE_OF_SHRED_SLOT; // Shreds are uniformly split into erasure batches with a "target" number of // data shreds per each batch as below. The actual number of data shreds in // each erasure batch depends on the number of shreds obtained from serializing // a &[Entry]. pub const DATA_SHREDS_PER_FEC_BLOCK: usize = 32; // For legacy tests and benchmarks. const_assert_eq!(LEGACY_SHRED_DATA_CAPACITY, 1051); pub const LEGACY_SHRED_DATA_CAPACITY: usize = legacy::ShredData::CAPACITY; // LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT also implies DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED. // So it cannot be LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT if not also DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED. bitflags! { #[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ShredFlags:u8 { const SHRED_TICK_REFERENCE_MASK = 0b0011_1111; const DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED = 0b0100_0000; const LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT = 0b1100_0000; } } #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum Error { #[error(transparent)] BincodeError(#[from] bincode::Error), #[error(transparent)] ErasureError(#[from] reed_solomon_erasure::Error), #[error("Invalid data size: {size}, payload: {payload}")] InvalidDataSize { size: u16, payload: usize }, #[error("Invalid erasure shard index: {0:?}")] InvalidErasureShardIndex(/*headers:*/ Box), #[error("Invalid merkle proof")] InvalidMerkleProof, #[error("Invalid num coding shreds: {0}")] InvalidNumCodingShreds(u16), #[error("Invalid parent_offset: {parent_offset}, slot: {slot}")] InvalidParentOffset { slot: Slot, parent_offset: u16 }, #[error("Invalid parent slot: {parent_slot}, slot: {slot}")] InvalidParentSlot { slot: Slot, parent_slot: Slot }, #[error("Invalid payload size: {0}")] InvalidPayloadSize(/*payload size:*/ usize), #[error("Invalid proof size: {0}")] InvalidProofSize(/*proof_size:*/ u8), #[error("Invalid recovered shred")] InvalidRecoveredShred, #[error("Invalid shard size: {0}")] InvalidShardSize(/*shard_size:*/ usize), #[error("Invalid shred flags: {0}")] InvalidShredFlags(u8), #[error("Invalid {0:?} shred index: {1}")] InvalidShredIndex(ShredType, /*shred index:*/ u32), #[error("Invalid shred type")] InvalidShredType, #[error("Invalid shred variant")] InvalidShredVariant, #[error(transparent)] IoError(#[from] std::io::Error), #[error("Unknown proof size")] UnknownProofSize, } #[repr(u8)] #[derive( Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, AbiEnumVisitor, AbiExample, Deserialize, IntoPrimitive, Serialize, TryFromPrimitive, )] #[serde(into = "u8", try_from = "u8")] pub enum ShredType { Data = 0b1010_0101, Code = 0b0101_1010, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(into = "u8", try_from = "u8")] enum ShredVariant { LegacyCode, // 0b0101_1010 LegacyData, // 0b1010_0101 // proof_size is the number of proof entries in the merkle tree branch. MerkleCode(/*proof_size:*/ u8), // 0b0100_???? MerkleData(/*proof_size:*/ u8), // 0b1000_???? } /// A common header that is present in data and code shred headers #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)] struct ShredCommonHeader { signature: Signature, shred_variant: ShredVariant, slot: Slot, index: u32, version: u16, fec_set_index: u32, } /// The data shred header has parent offset and flags #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)] struct DataShredHeader { parent_offset: u16, flags: ShredFlags, size: u16, // common shred header + data shred header + data } /// The coding shred header has FEC information #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize)] struct CodingShredHeader { num_data_shreds: u16, num_coding_shreds: u16, position: u16, // [0..num_coding_shreds) } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Shred { ShredCode(ShredCode), ShredData(ShredData), } pub(crate) enum SignedData<'a> { Chunk(&'a [u8]), // Chunk of payload past signature. MerkleRoot(MerkleRoot), } impl<'a> AsRef<[u8]> for SignedData<'a> { fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { match self { Self::Chunk(chunk) => chunk, Self::MerkleRoot(root) => root, } } } /// Tuple which uniquely identifies a shred should it exists. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, Debug, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct ShredId(Slot, /*shred index:*/ u32, ShredType); impl ShredId { pub(crate) fn new(slot: Slot, index: u32, shred_type: ShredType) -> ShredId { ShredId(slot, index, shred_type) } pub fn slot(&self) -> Slot { self.0 } pub(crate) fn unwrap(&self) -> (Slot, /*shred index:*/ u32, ShredType) { (self.0, self.1, self.2) } pub fn seed(&self, leader: &Pubkey) -> [u8; 32] { let ShredId(slot, index, shred_type) = self; hashv(&[ &slot.to_le_bytes(), &u8::from(*shred_type).to_le_bytes(), &index.to_le_bytes(), AsRef::<[u8]>::as_ref(leader), ]) .to_bytes() } } /// Tuple which identifies erasure coding set that the shred belongs to. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub(crate) struct ErasureSetId(Slot, /*fec_set_index:*/ u32); impl ErasureSetId { pub(crate) fn slot(&self) -> Slot { self.0 } // Storage key for ErasureMeta in blockstore db. pub(crate) fn store_key(&self) -> (Slot, /*fec_set_index:*/ u64) { (self.0, u64::from(self.1)) } } macro_rules! dispatch { ($vis:vis fn $name:ident(&self $(, $arg:ident : $ty:ty)?) $(-> $out:ty)?) => { #[inline] $vis fn $name(&self $(, $arg:$ty)?) $(-> $out)? { match self { Self::ShredCode(shred) => shred.$name($($arg, )?), Self::ShredData(shred) => shred.$name($($arg, )?), } } }; ($vis:vis fn $name:ident(self $(, $arg:ident : $ty:ty)?) $(-> $out:ty)?) => { #[inline] $vis fn $name(self $(, $arg:$ty)?) $(-> $out)? { match self { Self::ShredCode(shred) => shred.$name($($arg, )?), Self::ShredData(shred) => shred.$name($($arg, )?), } } }; ($vis:vis fn $name:ident(&mut self $(, $arg:ident : $ty:ty)?) $(-> $out:ty)?) => { #[inline] $vis fn $name(&mut self $(, $arg:$ty)?) $(-> $out)? { match self { Self::ShredCode(shred) => shred.$name($($arg, )?), Self::ShredData(shred) => shred.$name($($arg, )?), } } } } use dispatch; impl Shred { dispatch!(fn common_header(&self) -> &ShredCommonHeader); dispatch!(fn set_signature(&mut self, signature: Signature)); dispatch!(fn signed_data(&self) -> Result); // Returns the portion of the shred's payload which is erasure coded. dispatch!(pub(crate) fn erasure_shard(self) -> Result, Error>); // Like Shred::erasure_shard but returning a slice. dispatch!(pub(crate) fn erasure_shard_as_slice(&self) -> Result<&[u8], Error>); // Returns the shard index within the erasure coding set. dispatch!(pub(crate) fn erasure_shard_index(&self) -> Result); dispatch!(pub fn into_payload(self) -> Vec); dispatch!(pub fn payload(&self) -> &Vec); dispatch!(pub fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), Error>); // Only for tests. dispatch!(pub fn set_index(&mut self, index: u32)); dispatch!(pub fn set_slot(&mut self, slot: Slot)); pub fn copy_to_packet(&self, packet: &mut Packet) { let payload = self.payload(); let size = payload.len(); packet.buffer_mut()[..size].copy_from_slice(&payload[..]); packet.meta_mut().size = size; } // TODO: Should this sanitize output? pub fn new_from_data( slot: Slot, index: u32, parent_offset: u16, data: &[u8], flags: ShredFlags, reference_tick: u8, version: u16, fec_set_index: u32, ) -> Self { Self::from(ShredData::new_from_data( slot, index, parent_offset, data, flags, reference_tick, version, fec_set_index, )) } pub fn new_from_serialized_shred(shred: Vec) -> Result { Ok(match layout::get_shred_variant(&shred)? { ShredVariant::LegacyCode => { let shred = legacy::ShredCode::from_payload(shred)?; Self::from(ShredCode::from(shred)) } ShredVariant::LegacyData => { let shred = legacy::ShredData::from_payload(shred)?; Self::from(ShredData::from(shred)) } ShredVariant::MerkleCode(_) => { let shred = merkle::ShredCode::from_payload(shred)?; Self::from(ShredCode::from(shred)) } ShredVariant::MerkleData(_) => { let shred = merkle::ShredData::from_payload(shred)?; Self::from(ShredData::from(shred)) } }) } pub fn new_from_parity_shard( slot: Slot, index: u32, parity_shard: &[u8], fec_set_index: u32, num_data_shreds: u16, num_coding_shreds: u16, position: u16, version: u16, ) -> Self { Self::from(ShredCode::new_from_parity_shard( slot, index, parity_shard, fec_set_index, num_data_shreds, num_coding_shreds, position, version, )) } /// Unique identifier for each shred. pub fn id(&self) -> ShredId { ShredId(self.slot(), self.index(), self.shred_type()) } pub fn slot(&self) -> Slot { self.common_header().slot } pub fn parent(&self) -> Result { match self { Self::ShredCode(_) => Err(Error::InvalidShredType), Self::ShredData(shred) => shred.parent(), } } pub fn index(&self) -> u32 { self.common_header().index } pub(crate) fn data(&self) -> Result<&[u8], Error> { match self { Self::ShredCode(_) => Err(Error::InvalidShredType), Self::ShredData(shred) => shred.data(), } } // Possibly trimmed payload; // Should only be used when storing shreds to blockstore. pub(crate) fn bytes_to_store(&self) -> &[u8] { match self { Self::ShredCode(shred) => shred.payload(), Self::ShredData(shred) => shred.bytes_to_store(), } } pub fn fec_set_index(&self) -> u32 { self.common_header().fec_set_index } pub(crate) fn first_coding_index(&self) -> Option { match self { Self::ShredCode(shred) => shred.first_coding_index(), Self::ShredData(_) => None, } } pub fn version(&self) -> u16 { self.common_header().version } // Identifier for the erasure coding set that the shred belongs to. pub(crate) fn erasure_set(&self) -> ErasureSetId { ErasureSetId(self.slot(), self.fec_set_index()) } pub fn signature(&self) -> &Signature { &self.common_header().signature } pub fn sign(&mut self, keypair: &Keypair) { let data = self.signed_data().unwrap(); let signature = keypair.sign_message(data.as_ref()); self.set_signature(signature); } #[inline] pub fn shred_type(&self) -> ShredType { ShredType::from(self.common_header().shred_variant) } pub fn is_data(&self) -> bool { self.shred_type() == ShredType::Data } pub fn is_code(&self) -> bool { self.shred_type() == ShredType::Code } pub fn last_in_slot(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::ShredCode(_) => false, Self::ShredData(shred) => shred.last_in_slot(), } } /// This is not a safe function. It only changes the meta information. /// Use this only for test code which doesn't care about actual shred pub fn set_last_in_slot(&mut self) { match self { Self::ShredCode(_) => (), Self::ShredData(shred) => shred.set_last_in_slot(), } } pub fn data_complete(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::ShredCode(_) => false, Self::ShredData(shred) => shred.data_complete(), } } pub(crate) fn reference_tick(&self) -> u8 { match self { Self::ShredCode(_) => ShredFlags::SHRED_TICK_REFERENCE_MASK.bits(), Self::ShredData(shred) => shred.reference_tick(), } } #[must_use] pub fn verify(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> bool { match self.signed_data() { Ok(data) => self.signature().verify(pubkey.as_ref(), data.as_ref()), Err(_) => false, } } // Returns true if the erasure coding of the two shreds mismatch. pub(crate) fn erasure_mismatch(&self, other: &Self) -> Result { match (self, other) { (Self::ShredCode(shred), Self::ShredCode(other)) => Ok(shred.erasure_mismatch(other)), _ => Err(Error::InvalidShredType), } } pub(crate) fn num_data_shreds(&self) -> Result { match self { Self::ShredCode(shred) => Ok(shred.num_data_shreds()), Self::ShredData(_) => Err(Error::InvalidShredType), } } pub(crate) fn num_coding_shreds(&self) -> Result { match self { Self::ShredCode(shred) => Ok(shred.num_coding_shreds()), Self::ShredData(_) => Err(Error::InvalidShredType), } } } // Helper methods to extract pieces of the shred from the payload // without deserializing the entire payload. pub mod layout { use {super::*, std::ops::Range}; #[cfg(test)] use { rand::{seq::SliceRandom, Rng}, std::collections::HashMap, }; fn get_shred_size(packet: &Packet) -> Option { let size = packet.data(..)?.len(); if packet.meta().repair() { size.checked_sub(SIZE_OF_NONCE) } else { Some(size) } } pub fn get_shred(packet: &Packet) -> Option<&[u8]> { let size = get_shred_size(packet)?; packet.data(..size) } pub(crate) fn get_signature(shred: &[u8]) -> Option { Some(Signature::new(shred.get(..SIZE_OF_SIGNATURE)?)) } pub(crate) const fn get_signature_range() -> Range { 0..SIZE_OF_SIGNATURE } pub(super) fn get_shred_variant(shred: &[u8]) -> Result { let shred_variant = match shred.get(OFFSET_OF_SHRED_VARIANT) { None => return Err(Error::InvalidPayloadSize(shred.len())), Some(shred_variant) => *shred_variant, }; ShredVariant::try_from(shred_variant).map_err(|_| Error::InvalidShredVariant) } #[inline] pub(super) fn get_shred_type(shred: &[u8]) -> Result { let shred_variant = get_shred_variant(shred)?; Ok(ShredType::from(shred_variant)) } #[inline] pub fn get_slot(shred: &[u8]) -> Option { <[u8; 8]>::try_from(shred.get(OFFSET_OF_SHRED_SLOT..)?.get(..8)?) .map(Slot::from_le_bytes) .ok() } #[inline] pub(super) fn get_index(shred: &[u8]) -> Option { <[u8; 4]>::try_from(shred.get(OFFSET_OF_SHRED_INDEX..)?.get(..4)?) .map(u32::from_le_bytes) .ok() } pub fn get_version(shred: &[u8]) -> Option { <[u8; 2]>::try_from(shred.get(77..79)?) .map(u16::from_le_bytes) .ok() } // The caller should verify first that the shred is data and not code! pub(super) fn get_parent_offset(shred: &[u8]) -> Option { debug_assert_eq!(get_shred_type(shred).unwrap(), ShredType::Data); <[u8; 2]>::try_from(shred.get(83..85)?) .map(u16::from_le_bytes) .ok() } #[inline] pub fn get_shred_id(shred: &[u8]) -> Option { Some(ShredId( get_slot(shred)?, get_index(shred)?, get_shred_type(shred).ok()?, )) } pub(crate) fn get_signed_data(shred: &[u8]) -> Option { let data = match get_shred_variant(shred).ok()? { ShredVariant::LegacyCode | ShredVariant::LegacyData => { let chunk = shred.get(self::legacy::SIGNED_MESSAGE_OFFSETS)?; SignedData::Chunk(chunk) } ShredVariant::MerkleCode(proof_size) => { let merkle_root = self::merkle::ShredCode::get_merkle_root(shred, proof_size)?; SignedData::MerkleRoot(merkle_root) } ShredVariant::MerkleData(proof_size) => { let merkle_root = self::merkle::ShredData::get_merkle_root(shred, proof_size)?; SignedData::MerkleRoot(merkle_root) } }; Some(data) } // Returns offsets within the shred payload which is signed. pub(crate) fn get_signed_data_offsets(shred: &[u8]) -> Option> { let offsets = match get_shred_variant(shred).ok()? { ShredVariant::LegacyCode | ShredVariant::LegacyData => legacy::SIGNED_MESSAGE_OFFSETS, ShredVariant::MerkleCode(proof_size) => { merkle::ShredCode::get_signed_data_offsets(proof_size)? } ShredVariant::MerkleData(proof_size) => { merkle::ShredData::get_signed_data_offsets(proof_size)? } }; (offsets.end <= shred.len()).then_some(offsets) } pub fn get_reference_tick(shred: &[u8]) -> Result { if get_shred_type(shred)? != ShredType::Data { return Err(Error::InvalidShredType); } let flags = match shred.get(85) { None => return Err(Error::InvalidPayloadSize(shred.len())), Some(flags) => flags, }; Ok(flags & ShredFlags::SHRED_TICK_REFERENCE_MASK.bits()) } pub(crate) fn get_merkle_root(shred: &[u8]) -> Option { match get_shred_variant(shred).ok()? { ShredVariant::LegacyCode | ShredVariant::LegacyData => None, ShredVariant::MerkleCode(proof_size) => { merkle::ShredCode::get_merkle_root(shred, proof_size) } ShredVariant::MerkleData(proof_size) => { merkle::ShredData::get_merkle_root(shred, proof_size) } } } // Minimally corrupts the packet so that the signature no longer verifies. #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) fn corrupt_packet( rng: &mut R, packet: &mut Packet, keypairs: &HashMap, ) { fn modify_packet(rng: &mut R, packet: &mut Packet, offsets: Range) { let buffer = packet.buffer_mut(); let byte = buffer[offsets].choose_mut(rng).unwrap(); *byte = rng.gen::().max(1u8).wrapping_add(*byte); } let shred = get_shred(packet).unwrap(); let merkle_proof_size = match get_shred_variant(shred).unwrap() { ShredVariant::LegacyCode | ShredVariant::LegacyData => None, ShredVariant::MerkleCode(proof_size) | ShredVariant::MerkleData(proof_size) => { Some(proof_size) } }; let coin_flip: bool = rng.gen(); if coin_flip { // Corrupt one byte within the signature offsets. modify_packet(rng, packet, 0..SIGNATURE_BYTES); } else { // Corrupt one byte within the signed data offsets. let size = shred.len(); let offsets = get_signed_data_offsets(shred).unwrap(); modify_packet(rng, packet, offsets); if let Some(proof_size) = merkle_proof_size { // Also need to corrupt the merkle proof. // Proof entries are each 20 bytes at the end of shreds. let offset = usize::from(proof_size) * 20; modify_packet(rng, packet, size - offset..size); } } // Assert that the signature no longer verifies. let shred = get_shred(packet).unwrap(); let slot = get_slot(shred).unwrap(); let signature = get_signature(shred).unwrap(); if coin_flip { let pubkey = keypairs[&slot].pubkey(); let data = get_signed_data(shred).unwrap(); assert!(!signature.verify(pubkey.as_ref(), data.as_ref())); let offsets = get_signed_data_offsets(shred).unwrap(); assert!(!signature.verify(pubkey.as_ref(), &shred[offsets])); } else { // Slot may have been corrupted and no longer mapping to a keypair. let pubkey = keypairs.get(&slot).map(Keypair::pubkey).unwrap_or_default(); if let Some(data) = get_signed_data(shred) { assert!(!signature.verify(pubkey.as_ref(), data.as_ref())); } let offsets = get_signed_data_offsets(shred).unwrap_or_default(); assert!(!signature.verify(pubkey.as_ref(), &shred[offsets])); } } } impl From for Shred { fn from(shred: ShredCode) -> Self { Self::ShredCode(shred) } } impl From for Shred { fn from(shred: ShredData) -> Self { Self::ShredData(shred) } } impl From for Shred { fn from(shred: merkle::Shred) -> Self { match shred { merkle::Shred::ShredCode(shred) => Self::ShredCode(ShredCode::Merkle(shred)), merkle::Shred::ShredData(shred) => Self::ShredData(ShredData::Merkle(shred)), } } } impl TryFrom for merkle::Shred { type Error = Error; fn try_from(shred: Shred) -> Result { match shred { Shred::ShredCode(ShredCode::Legacy(_)) => Err(Error::InvalidShredVariant), Shred::ShredCode(ShredCode::Merkle(shred)) => Ok(Self::ShredCode(shred)), Shred::ShredData(ShredData::Legacy(_)) => Err(Error::InvalidShredVariant), Shred::ShredData(ShredData::Merkle(shred)) => Ok(Self::ShredData(shred)), } } } impl From for ShredType { #[inline] fn from(shred_variant: ShredVariant) -> Self { match shred_variant { ShredVariant::LegacyCode => ShredType::Code, ShredVariant::LegacyData => ShredType::Data, ShredVariant::MerkleCode(_) => ShredType::Code, ShredVariant::MerkleData(_) => ShredType::Data, } } } impl From for u8 { fn from(shred_variant: ShredVariant) -> u8 { match shred_variant { ShredVariant::LegacyCode => u8::from(ShredType::Code), ShredVariant::LegacyData => u8::from(ShredType::Data), ShredVariant::MerkleCode(proof_size) => proof_size | 0x40, ShredVariant::MerkleData(proof_size) => proof_size | 0x80, } } } impl TryFrom for ShredVariant { type Error = Error; fn try_from(shred_variant: u8) -> Result { if shred_variant == u8::from(ShredType::Code) { Ok(ShredVariant::LegacyCode) } else if shred_variant == u8::from(ShredType::Data) { Ok(ShredVariant::LegacyData) } else { match shred_variant & 0xF0 { 0x40 => Ok(ShredVariant::MerkleCode(shred_variant & 0x0F)), 0x80 => Ok(ShredVariant::MerkleData(shred_variant & 0x0F)), _ => Err(Error::InvalidShredVariant), } } } } pub(crate) fn recover( shreds: Vec, reed_solomon_cache: &ReedSolomonCache, ) -> Result, Error> { match shreds .first() .ok_or(TooFewShardsPresent)? .common_header() .shred_variant { ShredVariant::LegacyData | ShredVariant::LegacyCode => { Shredder::try_recovery(shreds, reed_solomon_cache) } ShredVariant::MerkleCode(_) | ShredVariant::MerkleData(_) => { let shreds = shreds .into_iter() .map(merkle::Shred::try_from) .collect::>()?; Ok(merkle::recover(shreds, reed_solomon_cache)? .into_iter() .map(Shred::from) .collect()) } } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub(crate) fn make_merkle_shreds_from_entries( thread_pool: &ThreadPool, keypair: &Keypair, entries: &[Entry], slot: Slot, parent_slot: Slot, shred_version: u16, reference_tick: u8, is_last_in_slot: bool, next_shred_index: u32, next_code_index: u32, reed_solomon_cache: &ReedSolomonCache, stats: &mut ProcessShredsStats, ) -> Result, Error> { let now = Instant::now(); let entries = bincode::serialize(entries)?; stats.serialize_elapsed += now.elapsed().as_micros() as u64; let shreds = merkle::make_shreds_from_data( thread_pool, keypair, &entries[..], slot, parent_slot, shred_version, reference_tick, is_last_in_slot, next_shred_index, next_code_index, reed_solomon_cache, stats, )?; Ok(shreds.into_iter().flatten().map(Shred::from).collect()) } // Accepts shreds in the slot range [root + 1, max_slot]. #[must_use] pub fn should_discard_shred( packet: &Packet, root: Slot, max_slot: Slot, shred_version: u16, should_drop_merkle_shreds: impl Fn(Slot) -> bool, stats: &mut ShredFetchStats, ) -> bool { debug_assert!(root < max_slot); let shred = match layout::get_shred(packet) { None => { stats.index_overrun += 1; return true; } Some(shred) => shred, }; match layout::get_version(shred) { None => { stats.index_overrun += 1; return true; } Some(version) => { if version != shred_version { stats.shred_version_mismatch += 1; return true; } } } let shred_variant = match layout::get_shred_variant(shred) { Ok(shred_variant) => shred_variant, Err(_) => { stats.bad_shred_type += 1; return true; } }; let slot = match layout::get_slot(shred) { Some(slot) => { if slot > max_slot { stats.slot_out_of_range += 1; return true; } slot } None => { stats.slot_bad_deserialize += 1; return true; } }; let index = match layout::get_index(shred) { Some(index) => index, None => { stats.index_bad_deserialize += 1; return true; } }; match ShredType::from(shred_variant) { ShredType::Code => { if index >= shred_code::MAX_CODE_SHREDS_PER_SLOT as u32 { stats.index_out_of_bounds += 1; return true; } if slot <= root { stats.slot_out_of_range += 1; return true; } } ShredType::Data => { if index >= MAX_DATA_SHREDS_PER_SLOT as u32 { stats.index_out_of_bounds += 1; return true; } let parent_offset = match layout::get_parent_offset(shred) { Some(parent_offset) => parent_offset, None => { stats.bad_parent_offset += 1; return true; } }; let parent = match slot.checked_sub(Slot::from(parent_offset)) { Some(parent) => parent, None => { stats.bad_parent_offset += 1; return true; } }; if !blockstore::verify_shred_slots(slot, parent, root) { stats.slot_out_of_range += 1; return true; } } } match shred_variant { ShredVariant::LegacyCode | ShredVariant::LegacyData => (), ShredVariant::MerkleCode(_) => { if should_drop_merkle_shreds(slot) { return true; } stats.num_shreds_merkle_code = stats.num_shreds_merkle_code.saturating_add(1); } ShredVariant::MerkleData(_) => { if should_drop_merkle_shreds(slot) { return true; } stats.num_shreds_merkle_data = stats.num_shreds_merkle_data.saturating_add(1); } } false } pub fn max_ticks_per_n_shreds(num_shreds: u64, shred_data_size: Option) -> u64 { let ticks = create_ticks(1, 0, Hash::default()); max_entries_per_n_shred(&ticks[0], num_shreds, shred_data_size) } pub fn max_entries_per_n_shred( entry: &Entry, num_shreds: u64, shred_data_size: Option, ) -> u64 { let data_buffer_size = ShredData::capacity(/*merkle_proof_size:*/ None).unwrap(); let shred_data_size = shred_data_size.unwrap_or(data_buffer_size) as u64; let vec_size = bincode::serialized_size(&vec![entry]).unwrap(); let entry_size = bincode::serialized_size(entry).unwrap(); let count_size = vec_size - entry_size; (shred_data_size * num_shreds - count_size) / entry_size } pub fn verify_test_data_shred( shred: &Shred, index: u32, slot: Slot, parent: Slot, pk: &Pubkey, verify: bool, is_last_in_slot: bool, is_last_data: bool, ) { shred.sanitize().unwrap(); assert!(shred.is_data()); assert_eq!(shred.index(), index); assert_eq!(shred.slot(), slot); assert_eq!(shred.parent().unwrap(), parent); assert_eq!(verify, shred.verify(pk)); if is_last_in_slot { assert!(shred.last_in_slot()); } else { assert!(!shred.last_in_slot()); } if is_last_data { assert!(shred.data_complete()); } else { assert!(!shred.data_complete()); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use { super::*, bincode::serialized_size, matches::assert_matches, rand::Rng, rand_chacha::{rand_core::SeedableRng, ChaChaRng}, solana_sdk::{shred_version, signature::Signer}, }; const SIZE_OF_SHRED_INDEX: usize = 4; fn bs58_decode>(data: T) -> Vec { bs58::decode(data).into_vec().unwrap() } #[test] fn test_shred_constants() { let common_header = ShredCommonHeader { signature: Signature::default(), shred_variant: ShredVariant::LegacyCode, slot: Slot::MAX, index: u32::MAX, version: u16::MAX, fec_set_index: u32::MAX, }; let data_shred_header = DataShredHeader { parent_offset: u16::MAX, flags: ShredFlags::all(), size: u16::MAX, }; let coding_shred_header = CodingShredHeader { num_data_shreds: u16::MAX, num_coding_shreds: u16::MAX, position: u16::MAX, }; assert_eq!( SIZE_OF_COMMON_SHRED_HEADER, serialized_size(&common_header).unwrap() as usize ); assert_eq!( SIZE_OF_CODING_SHRED_HEADERS - SIZE_OF_COMMON_SHRED_HEADER, serialized_size(&coding_shred_header).unwrap() as usize ); assert_eq!( SIZE_OF_DATA_SHRED_HEADERS - SIZE_OF_COMMON_SHRED_HEADER, serialized_size(&data_shred_header).unwrap() as usize ); let data_shred_header_with_size = DataShredHeader { size: 1000, ..data_shred_header }; assert_eq!( SIZE_OF_DATA_SHRED_HEADERS - SIZE_OF_COMMON_SHRED_HEADER, serialized_size(&data_shred_header_with_size).unwrap() as usize ); assert_eq!( SIZE_OF_SIGNATURE, bincode::serialized_size(&Signature::default()).unwrap() as usize ); assert_eq!( SIZE_OF_SHRED_VARIANT, bincode::serialized_size(&ShredVariant::MerkleCode(15)).unwrap() as usize ); assert_eq!( SIZE_OF_SHRED_SLOT, bincode::serialized_size(&Slot::default()).unwrap() as usize ); assert_eq!( SIZE_OF_SHRED_INDEX, bincode::serialized_size(&common_header.index).unwrap() as usize ); } #[test] fn test_version_from_hash() { let hash = [ 0xa5u8, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0x5a, ]; let version = shred_version::version_from_hash(&Hash::new(&hash)); assert_eq!(version, 1); let hash = [ 0xa5u8, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]; let version = shred_version::version_from_hash(&Hash::new(&hash)); assert_eq!(version, 0xffff); let hash = [ 0xa5u8, 0xa5, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]; let version = shred_version::version_from_hash(&Hash::new(&hash)); assert_eq!(version, 0x5a5b); } #[test] fn test_invalid_parent_offset() { let shred = Shred::new_from_data(10, 0, 1000, &[1, 2, 3], ShredFlags::empty(), 0, 1, 0); let mut packet = Packet::default(); shred.copy_to_packet(&mut packet); let shred_res = Shred::new_from_serialized_shred(packet.data(..).unwrap().to_vec()); assert_matches!( shred.parent(), Err(Error::InvalidParentOffset { slot: 10, parent_offset: 1000 }) ); assert_matches!( shred_res, Err(Error::InvalidParentOffset { slot: 10, parent_offset: 1000 }) ); } #[test] fn test_should_discard_shred() { solana_logger::setup(); let mut packet = Packet::default(); let root = 1; let shred_version = 798; let max_slot = 16; let shred = Shred::new_from_data( 2, // slot 3, // index 1, // parent_offset &[], // data ShredFlags::LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT, 0, // reference_tick shred_version, 0, // fec_set_index ); shred.copy_to_packet(&mut packet); let mut stats = ShredFetchStats::default(); assert!(!should_discard_shred( &packet, root, max_slot, shred_version, |_| false, // should_drop_merkle_shreds &mut stats )); assert_eq!(stats, ShredFetchStats::default()); packet.meta_mut().size = OFFSET_OF_SHRED_VARIANT; assert!(should_discard_shred( &packet, root, max_slot, shred_version, |_| false, // should_drop_merkle_shreds &mut stats )); assert_eq!(stats.index_overrun, 1); packet.meta_mut().size = OFFSET_OF_SHRED_INDEX; assert!(should_discard_shred( &packet, root, max_slot, shred_version, |_| false, // should_drop_merkle_shreds &mut stats )); assert_eq!(stats.index_overrun, 2); packet.meta_mut().size = OFFSET_OF_SHRED_INDEX + 1; assert!(should_discard_shred( &packet, root, max_slot, shred_version, |_| false, // should_drop_merkle_shreds &mut stats )); assert_eq!(stats.index_overrun, 3); packet.meta_mut().size = OFFSET_OF_SHRED_INDEX + SIZE_OF_SHRED_INDEX - 1; assert!(should_discard_shred( &packet, root, max_slot, shred_version, |_| false, // should_drop_merkle_shreds &mut stats )); assert_eq!(stats.index_overrun, 4); packet.meta_mut().size = OFFSET_OF_SHRED_INDEX + SIZE_OF_SHRED_INDEX + 2; assert!(should_discard_shred( &packet, root, max_slot, shred_version, |_| false, // should_drop_merkle_shreds &mut stats )); assert_eq!(stats.bad_parent_offset, 1); let shred = Shred::new_from_parity_shard( 8, // slot 2, // index &[], // parity_shard 10, // fec_set_index 30, // num_data 4, // num_code 1, // position shred_version, ); shred.copy_to_packet(&mut packet); assert!(!should_discard_shred( &packet, root, max_slot, shred_version, |_| false, // should_drop_merkle_shreds &mut stats )); let shred = Shred::new_from_data( 2, // slot std::u32::MAX - 10, // index 1, // parent_offset &[], // data ShredFlags::LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT, 0, // reference_tick shred_version, 0, // fec_set_index ); shred.copy_to_packet(&mut packet); assert!(should_discard_shred( &packet, root, max_slot, shred_version, |_| false, // should_drop_merkle_shreds &mut stats )); assert_eq!(1, stats.index_out_of_bounds); let shred = Shred::new_from_parity_shard( 8, // slot 2, // index &[], // parity_shard 10, // fec_set_index 30, // num_data_shreds 4, // num_coding_shreds 3, // position shred_version, ); shred.copy_to_packet(&mut packet); assert!(!should_discard_shred( &packet, root, max_slot, shred_version, |_| false, // should_drop_merkle_shreds &mut stats )); packet.buffer_mut()[OFFSET_OF_SHRED_VARIANT] = u8::MAX; assert!(should_discard_shred( &packet, root, max_slot, shred_version, |_| false, // should_drop_merkle_shreds &mut stats )); assert_eq!(1, stats.bad_shred_type); assert_eq!(stats.shred_version_mismatch, 0); packet.buffer_mut()[OFFSET_OF_SHRED_INDEX + SIZE_OF_SHRED_INDEX + 1] = u8::MAX; assert!(should_discard_shred( &packet, root, max_slot, shred_version, |_| false, // should_drop_merkle_shreds &mut stats )); assert_eq!(1, stats.bad_shred_type); assert_eq!(stats.shred_version_mismatch, 1); } // Asserts that ShredType is backward compatible with u8. #[test] fn test_shred_type_compat() { assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::(), std::mem::size_of::()); assert_matches!(ShredType::try_from(0u8), Err(_)); assert_matches!(ShredType::try_from(1u8), Err(_)); assert_matches!(bincode::deserialize::(&[0u8]), Err(_)); assert_matches!(bincode::deserialize::(&[1u8]), Err(_)); // data shred assert_eq!(ShredType::Data as u8, 0b1010_0101); assert_eq!(u8::from(ShredType::Data), 0b1010_0101); assert_eq!(ShredType::try_from(0b1010_0101), Ok(ShredType::Data)); let buf = bincode::serialize(&ShredType::Data).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, vec![0b1010_0101]); assert_matches!( bincode::deserialize::(&[0b1010_0101]), Ok(ShredType::Data) ); // coding shred assert_eq!(ShredType::Code as u8, 0b0101_1010); assert_eq!(u8::from(ShredType::Code), 0b0101_1010); assert_eq!(ShredType::try_from(0b0101_1010), Ok(ShredType::Code)); let buf = bincode::serialize(&ShredType::Code).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, vec![0b0101_1010]); assert_matches!( bincode::deserialize::(&[0b0101_1010]), Ok(ShredType::Code) ); } #[test] fn test_shred_variant_compat() { assert_matches!(ShredVariant::try_from(0u8), Err(_)); assert_matches!(ShredVariant::try_from(1u8), Err(_)); assert_matches!(ShredVariant::try_from(0b0101_0000), Err(_)); assert_matches!(ShredVariant::try_from(0b1010_0000), Err(_)); assert_matches!(bincode::deserialize::(&[0b0101_0000]), Err(_)); assert_matches!(bincode::deserialize::(&[0b1010_0000]), Err(_)); // Legacy coding shred. assert_eq!(u8::from(ShredVariant::LegacyCode), 0b0101_1010); assert_eq!(ShredType::from(ShredVariant::LegacyCode), ShredType::Code); assert_matches!( ShredVariant::try_from(0b0101_1010), Ok(ShredVariant::LegacyCode) ); let buf = bincode::serialize(&ShredVariant::LegacyCode).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, vec![0b0101_1010]); assert_matches!( bincode::deserialize::(&[0b0101_1010]), Ok(ShredVariant::LegacyCode) ); // Legacy data shred. assert_eq!(u8::from(ShredVariant::LegacyData), 0b1010_0101); assert_eq!(ShredType::from(ShredVariant::LegacyData), ShredType::Data); assert_matches!( ShredVariant::try_from(0b1010_0101), Ok(ShredVariant::LegacyData) ); let buf = bincode::serialize(&ShredVariant::LegacyData).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, vec![0b1010_0101]); assert_matches!( bincode::deserialize::(&[0b1010_0101]), Ok(ShredVariant::LegacyData) ); // Merkle coding shred. assert_eq!(u8::from(ShredVariant::MerkleCode(5)), 0b0100_0101); assert_eq!( ShredType::from(ShredVariant::MerkleCode(5)), ShredType::Code ); assert_matches!( ShredVariant::try_from(0b0100_0101), Ok(ShredVariant::MerkleCode(5)) ); let buf = bincode::serialize(&ShredVariant::MerkleCode(5)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, vec![0b0100_0101]); assert_matches!( bincode::deserialize::(&[0b0100_0101]), Ok(ShredVariant::MerkleCode(5)) ); for proof_size in 0..=15u8 { let byte = proof_size | 0b0100_0000; assert_eq!(u8::from(ShredVariant::MerkleCode(proof_size)), byte); assert_eq!( ShredType::from(ShredVariant::MerkleCode(proof_size)), ShredType::Code ); assert_eq!( ShredVariant::try_from(byte).unwrap(), ShredVariant::MerkleCode(proof_size) ); let buf = bincode::serialize(&ShredVariant::MerkleCode(proof_size)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, vec![byte]); assert_eq!( bincode::deserialize::(&[byte]).unwrap(), ShredVariant::MerkleCode(proof_size) ); } // Merkle data shred. assert_eq!(u8::from(ShredVariant::MerkleData(10)), 0b1000_1010); assert_eq!( ShredType::from(ShredVariant::MerkleData(10)), ShredType::Data ); assert_matches!( ShredVariant::try_from(0b1000_1010), Ok(ShredVariant::MerkleData(10)) ); let buf = bincode::serialize(&ShredVariant::MerkleData(10)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, vec![0b1000_1010]); assert_matches!( bincode::deserialize::(&[0b1000_1010]), Ok(ShredVariant::MerkleData(10)) ); for proof_size in 0..=15u8 { let byte = proof_size | 0b1000_0000; assert_eq!(u8::from(ShredVariant::MerkleData(proof_size)), byte); assert_eq!( ShredType::from(ShredVariant::MerkleData(proof_size)), ShredType::Data ); assert_eq!( ShredVariant::try_from(byte).unwrap(), ShredVariant::MerkleData(proof_size) ); let buf = bincode::serialize(&ShredVariant::MerkleData(proof_size)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, vec![byte]); assert_eq!( bincode::deserialize::(&[byte]).unwrap(), ShredVariant::MerkleData(proof_size) ); } } #[test] fn test_shred_seed() { let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed([147u8; 32]); let leader = Pubkey::new_from_array(rng.gen()); let key = ShredId( 141939602, // slot 28685, // index ShredType::Data, ); assert_eq!( bs58::encode(key.seed(&leader)).into_string(), "Gp4kUM4ZpWGQN5XSCyM9YHYWEBCAZLa94ZQuSgDE4r56" ); let leader = Pubkey::new_from_array(rng.gen()); let key = ShredId( 141945197, // slot 23418, // index ShredType::Code, ); assert_eq!( bs58::encode(key.seed(&leader)).into_string(), "G1gmFe1QUM8nhDApk6BqvPgw3TQV2Qc5bpKppa96qbVb" ); } fn verify_shred_layout(shred: &Shred, packet: &Packet) { let data = layout::get_shred(packet).unwrap(); assert_eq!(data, packet.data(..).unwrap()); assert_eq!(layout::get_slot(data), Some(shred.slot())); assert_eq!(layout::get_index(data), Some(shred.index())); assert_eq!(layout::get_version(data), Some(shred.version())); assert_eq!(layout::get_shred_id(data), Some(shred.id())); assert_eq!(layout::get_signature(data), Some(*shred.signature())); assert_eq!(layout::get_shred_type(data).unwrap(), shred.shred_type()); match shred.shred_type() { ShredType::Code => { assert_matches!( layout::get_reference_tick(data), Err(Error::InvalidShredType) ); } ShredType::Data => { assert_eq!( layout::get_reference_tick(data).unwrap(), shred.reference_tick() ); let parent_offset = layout::get_parent_offset(data).unwrap(); let slot = layout::get_slot(data).unwrap(); let parent = slot.checked_sub(Slot::from(parent_offset)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(parent, shred.parent().unwrap()); } } } #[test] fn test_serde_compat_shred_data() { const SEED: &str = "6qG9NGWEtoTugS4Zgs46u8zTccEJuRHtrNMiUayLHCxt"; const PAYLOAD: &str = "hNX8YgJCQwSFGJkZ6qZLiepwPjpctC9UCsMD1SNNQurBXv\ rm7KKfLmPRMM9CpWHt6MsJuEWpDXLGwH9qdziJzGKhBMfYH63avcchjdaUiMqzVip7cUD\ kqZ9zZJMrHCCUDnxxKMupsJWKroUSjKeo7hrug2KfHah85VckXpRna4R9QpH7tf2WVBTD\ M4m3EerctsEQs8eZaTRxzTVkhtJYdNf74KZbH58dc3Yn2qUxF1mexWoPS6L5oZBatx"; let mut rng = { let seed = <[u8; 32]>::try_from(bs58_decode(SEED)).unwrap(); ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed) }; let mut data = [0u8; legacy::ShredData::CAPACITY]; rng.fill(&mut data[..]); let keypair = Keypair::generate(&mut rng); let mut shred = Shred::new_from_data( 141939602, // slot 28685, // index 36390, // parent_offset &data, // data ShredFlags::LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT, 37, // reference_tick 45189, // version 28657, // fec_set_index ); shred.sign(&keypair); assert!(shred.verify(&keypair.pubkey())); assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Ok(())); let mut payload = bs58_decode(PAYLOAD); payload.extend({ let skip = payload.len() - SIZE_OF_DATA_SHRED_HEADERS; data.iter().skip(skip).copied() }); let mut packet = Packet::default(); packet.buffer_mut()[..payload.len()].copy_from_slice(&payload); packet.meta_mut().size = payload.len(); assert_eq!(shred.bytes_to_store(), payload); assert_eq!(shred, Shred::new_from_serialized_shred(payload).unwrap()); verify_shred_layout(&shred, &packet); } #[test] fn test_serde_compat_shred_data_empty() { const SEED: &str = "E3M5hm8yAEB7iPhQxFypAkLqxNeZCTuGBDMa8Jdrghoo"; const PAYLOAD: &str = "nRNFVBEsV9FEM5KfmsCXJsgELRSkCV55drTavdy5aZPnsp\ B8WvsgY99ZuNHDnwkrqe6Lx7ARVmercwugR5HwDcLA9ivKMypk9PNucDPLs67TXWy6k9R\ ozKmy"; let mut rng = { let seed = <[u8; 32]>::try_from(bs58_decode(SEED)).unwrap(); ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed) }; let keypair = Keypair::generate(&mut rng); let mut shred = Shred::new_from_data( 142076266, // slot 21443, // index 51279, // parent_offset &[], // data ShredFlags::DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED, 49, // reference_tick 59445, // version 21414, // fec_set_index ); shred.sign(&keypair); assert!(shred.verify(&keypair.pubkey())); assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Ok(())); let payload = bs58_decode(PAYLOAD); let mut packet = Packet::default(); packet.buffer_mut()[..payload.len()].copy_from_slice(&payload); packet.meta_mut().size = payload.len(); assert_eq!(shred.bytes_to_store(), payload); assert_eq!(shred, Shred::new_from_serialized_shred(payload).unwrap()); verify_shred_layout(&shred, &packet); } #[test] fn test_serde_compat_shred_code() { const SEED: &str = "4jfjh3UZVyaEgvyG9oQmNyFY9yHDmbeH9eUhnBKkrcrN"; const PAYLOAD: &str = "3xGsXwzkPpLFuKwbbfKMUxt1B6VqQPzbvvAkxRNCX9kNEP\ sa2VifwGBtFuNm3CWXdmQizDz5vJjDHu6ZqqaBCSfrHurag87qAXwTtjNPhZzKEew5pLc\ aY6cooiAch2vpfixNYSDjnirozje5cmUtGuYs1asXwsAKSN3QdWHz3XGParWkZeUMAzRV\ 1UPEDZ7vETKbxeNixKbzZzo47Lakh3C35hS74ocfj23CWoW1JpkETkXjUpXcfcv6cS"; let mut rng = { let seed = <[u8; 32]>::try_from(bs58_decode(SEED)).unwrap(); ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed) }; let mut parity_shard = vec![0u8; legacy::SIZE_OF_ERASURE_ENCODED_SLICE]; rng.fill(&mut parity_shard[..]); let keypair = Keypair::generate(&mut rng); let mut shred = Shred::new_from_parity_shard( 141945197, // slot 23418, // index &parity_shard, 21259, // fec_set_index 32, // num_data_shreds 58, // num_coding_shreds 43, // position 47298, // version ); shred.sign(&keypair); assert!(shred.verify(&keypair.pubkey())); assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Ok(())); let mut payload = bs58_decode(PAYLOAD); payload.extend({ let skip = payload.len() - SIZE_OF_CODING_SHRED_HEADERS; parity_shard.iter().skip(skip).copied() }); let mut packet = Packet::default(); packet.buffer_mut()[..payload.len()].copy_from_slice(&payload); packet.meta_mut().size = payload.len(); assert_eq!(shred.bytes_to_store(), payload); assert_eq!(shred, Shred::new_from_serialized_shred(payload).unwrap()); verify_shred_layout(&shred, &packet); } #[test] fn test_shred_flags() { fn make_shred(is_last_data: bool, is_last_in_slot: bool, reference_tick: u8) -> Shred { let flags = if is_last_in_slot { assert!(is_last_data); ShredFlags::LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT } else if is_last_data { ShredFlags::DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED } else { ShredFlags::empty() }; Shred::new_from_data( 0, // slot 0, // index 0, // parent_offset &[], // data flags, reference_tick, 0, // version 0, // fec_set_index ) } fn check_shred_flags( shred: &Shred, is_last_data: bool, is_last_in_slot: bool, reference_tick: u8, ) { assert_eq!(shred.data_complete(), is_last_data); assert_eq!(shred.last_in_slot(), is_last_in_slot); assert_eq!(shred.reference_tick(), reference_tick.min(63u8)); assert_eq!( layout::get_reference_tick(shred.payload()).unwrap(), reference_tick.min(63u8), ); } for is_last_data in [false, true] { for is_last_in_slot in [false, true] { // LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT also implies DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED. So it // cannot be LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT if not DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED. let is_last_in_slot = is_last_in_slot && is_last_data; for reference_tick in [0, 37, 63, 64, 80, 128, 255] { let mut shred = make_shred(is_last_data, is_last_in_slot, reference_tick); check_shred_flags(&shred, is_last_data, is_last_in_slot, reference_tick); shred.set_last_in_slot(); check_shred_flags(&shred, true, true, reference_tick); } } } } #[test] fn test_shred_flags_serde() { let flags: ShredFlags = bincode::deserialize(&[0b0111_0001]).unwrap(); assert!(flags.contains(ShredFlags::DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED)); assert!(!flags.contains(ShredFlags::LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT)); assert_eq!((flags & ShredFlags::SHRED_TICK_REFERENCE_MASK).bits(), 49u8); assert_eq!(bincode::serialize(&flags).unwrap(), [0b0111_0001]); let flags: ShredFlags = bincode::deserialize(&[0b1110_0101]).unwrap(); assert!(flags.contains(ShredFlags::DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED)); assert!(flags.contains(ShredFlags::LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT)); assert_eq!((flags & ShredFlags::SHRED_TICK_REFERENCE_MASK).bits(), 37u8); assert_eq!(bincode::serialize(&flags).unwrap(), [0b1110_0101]); let flags: ShredFlags = bincode::deserialize(&[0b1011_1101]).unwrap(); assert!(!flags.contains(ShredFlags::DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED)); assert!(!flags.contains(ShredFlags::LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT)); assert_eq!((flags & ShredFlags::SHRED_TICK_REFERENCE_MASK).bits(), 61u8); assert_eq!(bincode::serialize(&flags).unwrap(), [0b1011_1101]); } }