pub use rocksdb::Direction as IteratorDirection; use { crate::{ blockstore_meta, blockstore_metrics::{ maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf, report_rocksdb_read_perf, report_rocksdb_write_perf, BlockstoreRocksDbColumnFamilyMetrics, PerfSamplingStatus, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_GET, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_MULTI_GET, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_PUT, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_WRITE_BATCH, }, blockstore_options::{ AccessType, BlockstoreOptions, LedgerColumnOptions, ShredStorageType, }, }, bincode::{deserialize, serialize}, byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder}, log::*, prost::Message, rocksdb::{ self, compaction_filter::CompactionFilter, compaction_filter_factory::{CompactionFilterContext, CompactionFilterFactory}, properties as RocksProperties, ColumnFamily, ColumnFamilyDescriptor, CompactionDecision, DBCompactionStyle, DBCompressionType, DBIterator, DBPinnableSlice, DBRawIterator, FifoCompactOptions, IteratorMode as RocksIteratorMode, LiveFile, Options, WriteBatch as RWriteBatch, DB, }, serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}, solana_accounts_db::hardened_unpack::UnpackError, solana_sdk::{ clock::{Slot, UnixTimestamp}, pubkey::Pubkey, signature::Signature, }, solana_storage_proto::convert::generated, std::{ collections::HashMap, ffi::{CStr, CString}, fs, marker::PhantomData, path::Path, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}, Arc, }, }, thiserror::Error, }; const BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR: i64 = -1; const MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE: u64 = 256 * 1024 * 1024; // 256MB const FIFO_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE: u64 = 2 * MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE; // SST files older than this value will be picked up for compaction. This value // was chosen to be one day to strike a balance between storage getting // reclaimed in a timely manner and the additional I/O that compaction incurs. // For more details on this property, see // // include/rocksdb/advanced_options.h#L908C30-L908C30 const PERIODIC_COMPACTION_SECONDS: u64 = 60 * 60 * 24; // Column family for metadata about a leader slot const META_CF: &str = "meta"; // Column family for slots that have been marked as dead const DEAD_SLOTS_CF: &str = "dead_slots"; // Column family for storing proof that there were multiple // versions of a slot const DUPLICATE_SLOTS_CF: &str = "duplicate_slots"; // Column family storing erasure metadata for a slot const ERASURE_META_CF: &str = "erasure_meta"; // Column family for orphans data const ORPHANS_CF: &str = "orphans"; /// Column family for bank hashes const BANK_HASH_CF: &str = "bank_hashes"; // Column family for root data const ROOT_CF: &str = "root"; /// Column family for indexes const INDEX_CF: &str = "index"; /// Column family for Data Shreds pub const DATA_SHRED_CF: &str = "data_shred"; /// Column family for Code Shreds const CODE_SHRED_CF: &str = "code_shred"; /// Column family for Transaction Status const TRANSACTION_STATUS_CF: &str = "transaction_status"; /// Column family for Address Signatures const ADDRESS_SIGNATURES_CF: &str = "address_signatures"; /// Column family for TransactionMemos const TRANSACTION_MEMOS_CF: &str = "transaction_memos"; /// Column family for the Transaction Status Index. /// This column family is used for tracking the active primary index for columns that for /// query performance reasons should not be indexed by Slot. const TRANSACTION_STATUS_INDEX_CF: &str = "transaction_status_index"; /// Column family for Rewards const REWARDS_CF: &str = "rewards"; /// Column family for Blocktime const BLOCKTIME_CF: &str = "blocktime"; /// Column family for Performance Samples const PERF_SAMPLES_CF: &str = "perf_samples"; /// Column family for BlockHeight const BLOCK_HEIGHT_CF: &str = "block_height"; /// Column family for ProgramCosts const PROGRAM_COSTS_CF: &str = "program_costs"; /// Column family for optimistic slots const OPTIMISTIC_SLOTS_CF: &str = "optimistic_slots"; #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum BlockstoreError { ShredForIndexExists, InvalidShredData(Box), RocksDb(#[from] rocksdb::Error), SlotNotRooted, DeadSlot, Io(#[from] std::io::Error), Serialize(#[from] Box), FsExtraError(#[from] fs_extra::error::Error), SlotCleanedUp, UnpackError(#[from] UnpackError), UnableToSetOpenFileDescriptorLimit, TransactionStatusSlotMismatch, EmptyEpochStakes, NoVoteTimestampsInRange, ProtobufEncodeError(#[from] prost::EncodeError), ProtobufDecodeError(#[from] prost::DecodeError), ParentEntriesUnavailable, SlotUnavailable, UnsupportedTransactionVersion, MissingTransactionMetadata, } pub type Result = std::result::Result; impl std::fmt::Display for BlockstoreError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "blockstore error") } } pub enum IteratorMode { Start, End, From(Index, IteratorDirection), } pub mod columns { // This avoids relatively obvious `super::` qualifications required for all non-trivial type // references in the column doc-comments. #[cfg(doc)] use super::{blockstore_meta, generated, Pubkey, Signature, Slot, SlotColumn, UnixTimestamp}; #[derive(Debug)] /// The slot metadata column. /// /// This column family tracks the status of the received shred data for a /// given slot. Tracking the progress as the slot fills up allows us to /// know if the slot (or pieces of the slot) are ready to be replayed. /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: [`blockstore_meta::SlotMeta`] pub struct SlotMeta; #[derive(Debug)] /// The orphans column. /// /// This column family tracks whether a slot has a parent. Slots without a /// parent are by definition orphan slots. Orphans will have an entry in /// this column family with true value. Once an orphan slot has a parent, /// its entry in this column will be deleted. /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: `bool` pub struct Orphans; #[derive(Debug)] /// The dead slots column. /// This column family tracks whether a slot is dead. /// /// A slot is marked as dead if the validator thinks it will never be able /// to successfully replay this slot. Example scenarios include errors /// during the replay of a slot, or the validator believes it will never /// receive all the shreds of a slot. /// /// If a slot has been mistakenly marked as dead, the ledger-tool's /// --remove-dead-slot can unmark a dead slot. /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: `bool` pub struct DeadSlots; #[derive(Debug)] /// The duplicate slots column /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: [`blockstore_meta::DuplicateSlotProof`] pub struct DuplicateSlots; #[derive(Debug)] /// The erasure meta column. /// /// This column family stores ErasureMeta which includes metadata about /// dropped network packets (or erasures) that can be used to recover /// missing data shreds. /// /// Its index type is `crate::shred::ErasureSetId`, which consists of a Slot ID /// and a FEC (Forward Error Correction) set index. /// /// * index type: `crate::shred::ErasureSetId` `(Slot, fec_set_index: u64)` /// * value type: [`blockstore_meta::ErasureMeta`] pub struct ErasureMeta; #[derive(Debug)] /// The bank hash column. /// /// This column family persists the bank hash of a given slot. Note that /// not every slot has a bank hash (e.g., a dead slot.) /// /// The bank hash of a slot is derived from hashing the delta state of all /// the accounts in a slot combined with the bank hash of its parent slot. /// A bank hash of a slot essentially represents all the account states at /// that slot. /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: [`blockstore_meta::FrozenHashVersioned`] pub struct BankHash; #[derive(Debug)] /// The root column. /// /// This column family persists whether a slot is a root. Slots on the /// main fork will be inserted into this column when they are finalized. /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: `bool` pub struct Root; #[derive(Debug)] /// The index column /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: [`blockstore_meta::Index`] pub struct Index; #[derive(Debug)] /// The shred data column /// /// * index type: `(u64, u64)` /// * value type: [`Vec`] pub struct ShredData; #[derive(Debug)] /// The shred erasure code column /// /// * index type: `(u64, u64)` /// * value type: [`Vec`] pub struct ShredCode; #[derive(Debug)] /// The transaction status column /// /// * index type: `(u64, `[`Signature`]`, `[`Slot`])` /// * value type: [`generated::TransactionStatusMeta`] pub struct TransactionStatus; #[derive(Debug)] /// The address signatures column /// /// * index type: `(u64, `[`Pubkey`]`, `[`Slot`]`, `[`Signature`]`)` /// * value type: [`blockstore_meta::AddressSignatureMeta`] pub struct AddressSignatures; #[derive(Debug)] /// The transaction memos column /// /// * index type: [`Signature`] /// * value type: [`String`] pub struct TransactionMemos; #[derive(Debug)] /// The transaction status index column. /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: [`blockstore_meta::TransactionStatusIndexMeta`] pub struct TransactionStatusIndex; #[derive(Debug)] /// The rewards column /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: [`generated::Rewards`] pub struct Rewards; #[derive(Debug)] /// The blocktime column /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: [`UnixTimestamp`] pub struct Blocktime; #[derive(Debug)] /// The performance samples column /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: [`blockstore_meta::PerfSample`] pub struct PerfSamples; #[derive(Debug)] /// The block height column /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: `u64` pub struct BlockHeight; #[derive(Debug)] /// The program costs column /// /// * index type: [`Pubkey`] /// * value type: [`blockstore_meta::ProgramCost`] pub struct ProgramCosts; #[derive(Debug)] /// The optimistic slot column /// /// * index type: `u64` (see [`SlotColumn`]) /// * value type: [`blockstore_meta::OptimisticSlotMetaVersioned`] pub struct OptimisticSlots; // When adding a new column ... // - Add struct below and implement `Column` and `ColumnName` traits // - Add descriptor in Rocks::cf_descriptors() and name in Rocks::columns() // - Account for column in both `run_purge_with_stats()` and // `compact_storage()` in ledger/src/blockstore/ !! // - Account for column in `analyze_storage()` in ledger-tool/src/ } #[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)] struct OldestSlot(Arc); impl OldestSlot { pub fn set(&self, oldest_slot: Slot) { // this is independently used for compaction_filter without any data dependency. // also, compaction_filters are created via its factories, creating short-lived copies of // this atomic value for the single job of compaction. So, Relaxed store can be justified // in total, Ordering::Relaxed); } pub fn get(&self) -> Slot { // copy from the AtomicU64 as a general precaution so that the oldest_slot can not mutate // across single run of compaction for simpler reasoning although this isn't strict // requirement at the moment // also eventual propagation (very Relaxed) load is Ok, because compaction by nature doesn't // require strictly synchronized semantics in this regard self.0.load(Ordering::Relaxed) } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Rocks { db: rocksdb::DB, access_type: AccessType, oldest_slot: OldestSlot, column_options: LedgerColumnOptions, write_batch_perf_status: PerfSamplingStatus, } impl Rocks { fn open(path: &Path, options: BlockstoreOptions) -> Result { let access_type = options.access_type.clone(); let recovery_mode = options.recovery_mode.clone(); fs::create_dir_all(path)?; // Use default database options let mut db_options = get_db_options(&access_type); if let Some(recovery_mode) = recovery_mode { db_options.set_wal_recovery_mode(recovery_mode.into()); } let oldest_slot = OldestSlot::default(); let column_options = options.column_options.clone(); // Open the database let db = match access_type { AccessType::Primary | AccessType::PrimaryForMaintenance => Rocks { db: DB::open_cf_descriptors( &db_options, path, Self::cf_descriptors(&options, &oldest_slot), )?, access_type, oldest_slot, column_options, write_batch_perf_status: PerfSamplingStatus::default(), }, AccessType::Secondary => { let secondary_path = path.join("solana-secondary"); info!( "Opening Rocks with secondary (read only) access at: {:?}", secondary_path ); info!("This secondary access could temporarily degrade other accesses, such as by solana-validator"); Rocks { db: DB::open_cf_descriptors_as_secondary( &db_options, path, &secondary_path, Self::cf_descriptors(&options, &oldest_slot), )?, access_type, oldest_slot, column_options, write_batch_perf_status: PerfSamplingStatus::default(), } } }; db.configure_compaction(); Ok(db) } fn cf_descriptors( options: &BlockstoreOptions, oldest_slot: &OldestSlot, ) -> Vec { use columns::*; let (cf_descriptor_shred_data, cf_descriptor_shred_code) = new_cf_descriptor_pair_shreds::(options, oldest_slot); vec![ new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), cf_descriptor_shred_data, cf_descriptor_shred_code, new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), ] } fn columns() -> Vec<&'static str> { use columns::*; vec![ ErasureMeta::NAME, DeadSlots::NAME, DuplicateSlots::NAME, Index::NAME, Orphans::NAME, BankHash::NAME, Root::NAME, SlotMeta::NAME, ShredData::NAME, ShredCode::NAME, TransactionStatus::NAME, AddressSignatures::NAME, TransactionMemos::NAME, TransactionStatusIndex::NAME, Rewards::NAME, Blocktime::NAME, PerfSamples::NAME, BlockHeight::NAME, ProgramCosts::NAME, OptimisticSlots::NAME, ] } // Configure compaction on a per-column basis fn configure_compaction(&self) { // If compactions are disabled altogether, no need to tune values if should_disable_auto_compactions(&self.access_type) { info!( "Rocks's automatic compactions are disabled due to {:?} access", self.access_type ); return; } // Some columns make use of rocksdb's compaction to help in cleaning // the database. See comments in should_enable_cf_compaction() for more // details on why some columns need compaction and why others do not. // // More specifically, periodic (automatic) compaction is used as // opposed to manual compaction requests on a range. // - Periodic compaction operates on individual files once the file // has reached a certain (configurable) age. See comments at // PERIODIC_COMPACTION_SECONDS for some more deatil. // - Manual compaction operates on a range and could end up propagating // through several files and/or levels of the db. // // Given that data is inserted into the db at a somewhat steady rate, // the age of the individual files will be fairly evently distributed // over time as well. Thus, the I/O to perform cleanup with periodic // compaction is also evenly distributed over time. On the other hand, // a manual compaction spanning a large numbers of files could cause // a sudden burst in I/O. Such a burst could potentially cause a write // stall in addition to negatively impacting other parts of the system. // Thus, the choice to use periodic compactions is fairly easy. for cf_name in Self::columns() { if should_enable_cf_compaction(cf_name) { let cf_handle = self.cf_handle(cf_name); self.db .set_options_cf( &cf_handle, &[( "periodic_compaction_seconds", &PERIODIC_COMPACTION_SECONDS.to_string(), )], ) .unwrap(); } } } fn destroy(path: &Path) -> Result<()> { DB::destroy(&Options::default(), path)?; Ok(()) } fn cf_handle(&self, cf: &str) -> &ColumnFamily { self.db .cf_handle(cf) .expect("should never get an unknown column") } fn get_cf(&self, cf: &ColumnFamily, key: &[u8]) -> Result>> { let opt = self.db.get_cf(cf, key)?; Ok(opt) } fn get_pinned_cf(&self, cf: &ColumnFamily, key: &[u8]) -> Result> { let opt = self.db.get_pinned_cf(cf, key)?; Ok(opt) } fn put_cf(&self, cf: &ColumnFamily, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { self.db.put_cf(cf, key, value)?; Ok(()) } fn multi_get_cf( &self, cf: &ColumnFamily, keys: Vec<&[u8]>, ) -> Vec>> { let values = self .db .batched_multi_get_cf(cf, keys, false) .into_iter() .map(|result| match result { Ok(opt) => Ok(opt), Err(e) => Err(BlockstoreError::RocksDb(e)), }) .collect::>(); values } fn delete_cf(&self, cf: &ColumnFamily, key: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { self.db.delete_cf(cf, key)?; Ok(()) } /// Delete files whose slot range is within \[`from`, `to`\]. fn delete_file_in_range_cf( &self, cf: &ColumnFamily, from_key: &[u8], to_key: &[u8], ) -> Result<()> { self.db.delete_file_in_range_cf(cf, from_key, to_key)?; Ok(()) } fn iterator_cf(&self, cf: &ColumnFamily, iterator_mode: IteratorMode) -> DBIterator where C: Column, { let start_key; let iterator_mode = match iterator_mode { IteratorMode::From(start_from, direction) => { start_key = C::key(start_from); RocksIteratorMode::From(&start_key, direction) } IteratorMode::Start => RocksIteratorMode::Start, IteratorMode::End => RocksIteratorMode::End, }; self.db.iterator_cf(cf, iterator_mode) } fn raw_iterator_cf(&self, cf: &ColumnFamily) -> DBRawIterator { self.db.raw_iterator_cf(cf) } fn batch(&self) -> RWriteBatch { RWriteBatch::default() } fn write(&self, batch: RWriteBatch) -> Result<()> { let op_start_instant = maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( self.column_options.rocks_perf_sample_interval, &self.write_batch_perf_status, ); let result = self.db.write(batch); if let Some(op_start_instant) = op_start_instant { report_rocksdb_write_perf( PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_WRITE_BATCH, // We use write_batch as cf_name for write batch. PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_WRITE_BATCH, // op_name &op_start_instant.elapsed(), &self.column_options, ); } match result { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(e) => Err(BlockstoreError::RocksDb(e)), } } fn is_primary_access(&self) -> bool { self.access_type == AccessType::Primary || self.access_type == AccessType::PrimaryForMaintenance } /// Retrieves the specified RocksDB integer property of the current /// column family. /// /// Full list of properties that return int values could be found /// [here]( fn get_int_property_cf(&self, cf: &ColumnFamily, name: &'static std::ffi::CStr) -> Result { match self.db.property_int_value_cf(cf, name) { Ok(Some(value)) => Ok(value.try_into().unwrap()), Ok(None) => Ok(0), Err(e) => Err(BlockstoreError::RocksDb(e)), } } fn live_files_metadata(&self) -> Result> { match self.db.live_files() { Ok(live_files) => Ok(live_files), Err(e) => Err(BlockstoreError::RocksDb(e)), } } } pub trait Column { type Index; fn key_size() -> usize { std::mem::size_of::() } fn key(index: Self::Index) -> Vec; fn index(key: &[u8]) -> Self::Index; // this return Slot or some u64 fn primary_index(index: Self::Index) -> u64; fn as_index(slot: Slot) -> Self::Index; fn slot(index: Self::Index) -> Slot { Self::primary_index(index) } } pub trait ColumnName { const NAME: &'static str; } pub trait TypedColumn: Column { type Type: Serialize + DeserializeOwned; } impl TypedColumn for columns::AddressSignatures { type Type = blockstore_meta::AddressSignatureMeta; } impl TypedColumn for columns::TransactionMemos { type Type = String; } impl TypedColumn for columns::TransactionStatusIndex { type Type = blockstore_meta::TransactionStatusIndexMeta; } pub trait ProtobufColumn: Column { type Type: prost::Message + Default; } /// SlotColumn is a trait for slot-based column families. Its index is /// essentially Slot (or more generally speaking, has a 1:1 mapping to Slot). /// /// The clean-up of any LedgerColumn that implements SlotColumn is managed by /// `LedgerCleanupService`, which will periodically deprecate and purge /// oldest entries that are older than the latest root in order to maintain the /// configured --limit-ledger-size under the validator argument. pub trait SlotColumn {} impl Column for T { type Index = Slot; /// Converts a u64 Index to its RocksDB key. fn key(slot: u64) -> Vec { let mut key = vec![0; 8]; BigEndian::write_u64(&mut key[..], slot); key } /// Converts a RocksDB key to its u64 Index. fn index(key: &[u8]) -> u64 { BigEndian::read_u64(&key[..8]) } /// Obtains the primary index from the specified index. fn primary_index(index: u64) -> Slot { index } /// Converts a Slot to its u64 Index. fn as_index(slot: Slot) -> u64 { slot } } impl Column for columns::TransactionStatus { type Index = (u64, Signature, Slot); fn key((index, signature, slot): (u64, Signature, Slot)) -> Vec { let mut key = vec![0; 8 + 64 + 8]; // size_of u64 + size_of Signature + size_of Slot BigEndian::write_u64(&mut key[0..8], index); key[8..72].clone_from_slice(&signature.as_ref()[0..64]); BigEndian::write_u64(&mut key[72..80], slot); key } fn index(key: &[u8]) -> (u64, Signature, Slot) { if key.len() != 80 { Self::as_index(0) } else { let index = BigEndian::read_u64(&key[0..8]); let signature = Signature::try_from(&key[8..72]).unwrap(); let slot = BigEndian::read_u64(&key[72..80]); (index, signature, slot) } } fn primary_index(index: Self::Index) -> u64 { index.0 } fn slot(index: Self::Index) -> Slot { index.2 } fn as_index(index: u64) -> Self::Index { (index, Signature::default(), 0) } } impl ColumnName for columns::TransactionStatus { const NAME: &'static str = TRANSACTION_STATUS_CF; } impl ProtobufColumn for columns::TransactionStatus { type Type = generated::TransactionStatusMeta; } impl Column for columns::AddressSignatures { type Index = (u64, Pubkey, Slot, Signature); fn key((index, pubkey, slot, signature): (u64, Pubkey, Slot, Signature)) -> Vec { let mut key = vec![0; 8 + 32 + 8 + 64]; // size_of u64 + size_of Pubkey + size_of Slot + size_of Signature BigEndian::write_u64(&mut key[0..8], index); key[8..40].clone_from_slice(&pubkey.as_ref()[0..32]); BigEndian::write_u64(&mut key[40..48], slot); key[48..112].clone_from_slice(&signature.as_ref()[0..64]); key } fn index(key: &[u8]) -> (u64, Pubkey, Slot, Signature) { let index = BigEndian::read_u64(&key[0..8]); let pubkey = Pubkey::try_from(&key[8..40]).unwrap(); let slot = BigEndian::read_u64(&key[40..48]); let signature = Signature::try_from(&key[48..112]).unwrap(); (index, pubkey, slot, signature) } fn primary_index(index: Self::Index) -> u64 { index.0 } fn slot(index: Self::Index) -> Slot { index.2 } fn as_index(index: u64) -> Self::Index { (index, Pubkey::default(), 0, Signature::default()) } } impl ColumnName for columns::AddressSignatures { const NAME: &'static str = ADDRESS_SIGNATURES_CF; } impl Column for columns::TransactionMemos { type Index = Signature; fn key(signature: Signature) -> Vec { let mut key = vec![0; 64]; // size_of Signature key[0..64].clone_from_slice(&signature.as_ref()[0..64]); key } fn index(key: &[u8]) -> Signature { Signature::try_from(&key[..64]).unwrap() } fn primary_index(_index: Self::Index) -> u64 { unimplemented!() } fn slot(_index: Self::Index) -> Slot { unimplemented!() } fn as_index(_index: u64) -> Self::Index { Signature::default() } } impl ColumnName for columns::TransactionMemos { const NAME: &'static str = TRANSACTION_MEMOS_CF; } impl Column for columns::TransactionStatusIndex { type Index = u64; fn key(index: u64) -> Vec { let mut key = vec![0; 8]; BigEndian::write_u64(&mut key[..], index); key } fn index(key: &[u8]) -> u64 { BigEndian::read_u64(&key[..8]) } fn primary_index(index: u64) -> u64 { index } fn slot(_index: Self::Index) -> Slot { unimplemented!() } fn as_index(slot: u64) -> u64 { slot } } impl ColumnName for columns::TransactionStatusIndex { const NAME: &'static str = TRANSACTION_STATUS_INDEX_CF; } impl SlotColumn for columns::Rewards {} impl ColumnName for columns::Rewards { const NAME: &'static str = REWARDS_CF; } impl ProtobufColumn for columns::Rewards { type Type = generated::Rewards; } impl SlotColumn for columns::Blocktime {} impl ColumnName for columns::Blocktime { const NAME: &'static str = BLOCKTIME_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::Blocktime { type Type = UnixTimestamp; } impl SlotColumn for columns::PerfSamples {} impl ColumnName for columns::PerfSamples { const NAME: &'static str = PERF_SAMPLES_CF; } impl SlotColumn for columns::BlockHeight {} impl ColumnName for columns::BlockHeight { const NAME: &'static str = BLOCK_HEIGHT_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::BlockHeight { type Type = u64; } impl ColumnName for columns::ProgramCosts { const NAME: &'static str = PROGRAM_COSTS_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::ProgramCosts { type Type = blockstore_meta::ProgramCost; } impl Column for columns::ProgramCosts { type Index = Pubkey; fn key(pubkey: Pubkey) -> Vec { let mut key = vec![0; 32]; // size_of Pubkey key[0..32].clone_from_slice(&pubkey.as_ref()[0..32]); key } fn index(key: &[u8]) -> Self::Index { Pubkey::try_from(&key[..32]).unwrap() } fn primary_index(_index: Self::Index) -> u64 { unimplemented!() } fn slot(_index: Self::Index) -> Slot { unimplemented!() } fn as_index(_index: u64) -> Self::Index { Pubkey::default() } } impl Column for columns::ShredCode { type Index = (Slot, u64); fn key(index: (Slot, u64)) -> Vec { columns::ShredData::key(index) } fn index(key: &[u8]) -> (Slot, u64) { columns::ShredData::index(key) } fn primary_index(index: Self::Index) -> Slot { index.0 } fn as_index(slot: Slot) -> Self::Index { (slot, 0) } } impl ColumnName for columns::ShredCode { const NAME: &'static str = CODE_SHRED_CF; } impl Column for columns::ShredData { type Index = (Slot, u64); fn key((slot, index): (Slot, u64)) -> Vec { let mut key = vec![0; 16]; BigEndian::write_u64(&mut key[..8], slot); BigEndian::write_u64(&mut key[8..16], index); key } fn index(key: &[u8]) -> (Slot, u64) { let slot = BigEndian::read_u64(&key[..8]); let index = BigEndian::read_u64(&key[8..16]); (slot, index) } fn primary_index(index: Self::Index) -> Slot { index.0 } fn as_index(slot: Slot) -> Self::Index { (slot, 0) } } impl ColumnName for columns::ShredData { const NAME: &'static str = DATA_SHRED_CF; } impl SlotColumn for columns::Index {} impl ColumnName for columns::Index { const NAME: &'static str = INDEX_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::Index { type Type = blockstore_meta::Index; } impl SlotColumn for columns::DeadSlots {} impl ColumnName for columns::DeadSlots { const NAME: &'static str = DEAD_SLOTS_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::DeadSlots { type Type = bool; } impl SlotColumn for columns::DuplicateSlots {} impl ColumnName for columns::DuplicateSlots { const NAME: &'static str = DUPLICATE_SLOTS_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::DuplicateSlots { type Type = blockstore_meta::DuplicateSlotProof; } impl SlotColumn for columns::Orphans {} impl ColumnName for columns::Orphans { const NAME: &'static str = ORPHANS_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::Orphans { type Type = bool; } impl SlotColumn for columns::BankHash {} impl ColumnName for columns::BankHash { const NAME: &'static str = BANK_HASH_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::BankHash { type Type = blockstore_meta::FrozenHashVersioned; } impl SlotColumn for columns::Root {} impl ColumnName for columns::Root { const NAME: &'static str = ROOT_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::Root { type Type = bool; } impl SlotColumn for columns::SlotMeta {} impl ColumnName for columns::SlotMeta { const NAME: &'static str = META_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::SlotMeta { type Type = blockstore_meta::SlotMeta; } impl Column for columns::ErasureMeta { type Index = (Slot, u64); fn index(key: &[u8]) -> (Slot, u64) { let slot = BigEndian::read_u64(&key[..8]); let set_index = BigEndian::read_u64(&key[8..]); (slot, set_index) } fn key((slot, set_index): (Slot, u64)) -> Vec { let mut key = vec![0; 16]; BigEndian::write_u64(&mut key[..8], slot); BigEndian::write_u64(&mut key[8..], set_index); key } fn primary_index(index: Self::Index) -> Slot { index.0 } fn as_index(slot: Slot) -> Self::Index { (slot, 0) } } impl ColumnName for columns::ErasureMeta { const NAME: &'static str = ERASURE_META_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::ErasureMeta { type Type = blockstore_meta::ErasureMeta; } impl SlotColumn for columns::OptimisticSlots {} impl ColumnName for columns::OptimisticSlots { const NAME: &'static str = OPTIMISTIC_SLOTS_CF; } impl TypedColumn for columns::OptimisticSlots { type Type = blockstore_meta::OptimisticSlotMetaVersioned; } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Database { backend: Arc, path: Arc, column_options: Arc, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct LedgerColumn where C: Column + ColumnName, { backend: Arc, column: PhantomData, pub column_options: Arc, read_perf_status: PerfSamplingStatus, write_perf_status: PerfSamplingStatus, } impl LedgerColumn { pub fn submit_rocksdb_cf_metrics(&self) { let cf_rocksdb_metrics = BlockstoreRocksDbColumnFamilyMetrics { total_sst_files_size: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::TOTAL_SST_FILES_SIZE) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), size_all_mem_tables: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::SIZE_ALL_MEM_TABLES) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), num_snapshots: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::NUM_SNAPSHOTS) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), oldest_snapshot_time: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::OLDEST_SNAPSHOT_TIME) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), actual_delayed_write_rate: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::ACTUAL_DELAYED_WRITE_RATE) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), is_write_stopped: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::IS_WRITE_STOPPED) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), block_cache_capacity: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::BLOCK_CACHE_CAPACITY) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), block_cache_usage: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::BLOCK_CACHE_USAGE) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), block_cache_pinned_usage: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::BLOCK_CACHE_PINNED_USAGE) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), estimate_table_readers_mem: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::ESTIMATE_TABLE_READERS_MEM) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), mem_table_flush_pending: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::MEM_TABLE_FLUSH_PENDING) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), compaction_pending: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::COMPACTION_PENDING) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), num_running_compactions: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::NUM_RUNNING_COMPACTIONS) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), num_running_flushes: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::NUM_RUNNING_FLUSHES) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), estimate_oldest_key_time: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::ESTIMATE_OLDEST_KEY_TIME) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), background_errors: self .get_int_property(RocksProperties::BACKGROUND_ERRORS) .unwrap_or(BLOCKSTORE_METRICS_ERROR), }; cf_rocksdb_metrics.report_metrics(C::NAME, &self.column_options); } } pub struct WriteBatch<'a> { write_batch: RWriteBatch, map: HashMap<&'static str, &'a ColumnFamily>, } impl Database { pub fn open(path: &Path, options: BlockstoreOptions) -> Result { let column_options = Arc::new(options.column_options.clone()); let backend = Arc::new(Rocks::open(path, options)?); Ok(Database { backend, path: Arc::from(path), column_options, }) } pub fn destroy(path: &Path) -> Result<()> { Rocks::destroy(path)?; Ok(()) } pub fn get(&self, key: C::Index) -> Result> where C: TypedColumn + ColumnName, { if let Some(pinnable_slice) = self .backend .get_pinned_cf(self.cf_handle::(), &C::key(key))? { let value = deserialize(pinnable_slice.as_ref())?; Ok(Some(value)) } else { Ok(None) } } pub fn iter( &self, iterator_mode: IteratorMode, ) -> Result)> + '_> where C: Column + ColumnName, { let cf = self.cf_handle::(); let iter = self.backend.iterator_cf::(cf, iterator_mode); Ok(|pair| { let (key, value) = pair.unwrap(); (C::index(&key), value) })) } #[inline] pub fn cf_handle(&self) -> &ColumnFamily where C: Column + ColumnName, { self.backend.cf_handle(C::NAME) } pub fn column(&self) -> LedgerColumn where C: Column + ColumnName, { LedgerColumn { backend: Arc::clone(&self.backend), column: PhantomData, column_options: Arc::clone(&self.column_options), read_perf_status: PerfSamplingStatus::default(), write_perf_status: PerfSamplingStatus::default(), } } #[inline] pub fn raw_iterator_cf(&self, cf: &ColumnFamily) -> Result { Ok(self.backend.raw_iterator_cf(cf)) } pub fn batch(&self) -> Result { let write_batch = self.backend.batch(); let map = Rocks::columns() .into_iter() .map(|desc| (desc, self.backend.cf_handle(desc))) .collect(); Ok(WriteBatch { write_batch, map }) } pub fn write(&self, batch: WriteBatch) -> Result<()> { self.backend.write(batch.write_batch) } pub fn storage_size(&self) -> Result { Ok(fs_extra::dir::get_size(&self.path)?) } /// Adds a \[`from`, `to`\] range that deletes all entries between the `from` slot /// and `to` slot inclusively. If `from` slot and `to` slot are the same, then all /// entries in that slot will be removed. /// pub fn delete_range_cf(&self, batch: &mut WriteBatch, from: Slot, to: Slot) -> Result<()> where C: Column + ColumnName, { let cf = self.cf_handle::(); // Note that the default behavior of rocksdb's delete_range_cf deletes // files within [from, to), while our purge logic applies to [from, to]. // // For consistency, we make our delete_range_cf works for [from, to] by // adjusting the `to` slot range by 1. let from_index = C::as_index(from); let to_index = C::as_index(to.saturating_add(1)); batch.delete_range_cf::(cf, from_index, to_index) } /// Delete files whose slot range is within \[`from`, `to`\]. pub fn delete_file_in_range_cf(&self, from: Slot, to: Slot) -> Result<()> where C: Column + ColumnName, { self.backend.delete_file_in_range_cf( self.cf_handle::(), &C::key(C::as_index(from)), &C::key(C::as_index(to)), ) } pub fn is_primary_access(&self) -> bool { self.backend.is_primary_access() } pub fn set_oldest_slot(&self, oldest_slot: Slot) { self.backend.oldest_slot.set(oldest_slot); } pub fn live_files_metadata(&self) -> Result> { self.backend.live_files_metadata() } } impl LedgerColumn where C: Column + ColumnName, { pub fn get_bytes(&self, key: C::Index) -> Result>> { let is_perf_enabled = maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( self.column_options.rocks_perf_sample_interval, &self.read_perf_status, ); let result = self.backend.get_cf(self.handle(), &C::key(key)); if let Some(op_start_instant) = is_perf_enabled { report_rocksdb_read_perf( C::NAME, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_GET, &op_start_instant.elapsed(), &self.column_options, ); } result } pub fn multi_get_bytes(&self, keys: Vec) -> Vec>>> { let rocks_keys: Vec<_> = keys.into_iter().map(|key| C::key(key)).collect(); { let ref_rocks_keys: Vec<_> = rocks_keys.iter().map(|k| &k[..]).collect(); let is_perf_enabled = maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( self.column_options.rocks_perf_sample_interval, &self.read_perf_status, ); let result = self .backend .multi_get_cf(self.handle(), ref_rocks_keys) .into_iter() .map(|r| match r { Ok(opt) => match opt { Some(pinnable_slice) => Ok(Some(pinnable_slice.as_ref().to_vec())), None => Ok(None), }, Err(e) => Err(e), }) .collect::>>>(); if let Some(op_start_instant) = is_perf_enabled { // use multi-get instead report_rocksdb_read_perf( C::NAME, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_MULTI_GET, &op_start_instant.elapsed(), &self.column_options, ); } result } } pub fn iter( &self, iterator_mode: IteratorMode, ) -> Result)> + '_> { let cf = self.handle(); let iter = self.backend.iterator_cf::(cf, iterator_mode); Ok(|pair| { let (key, value) = pair.unwrap(); (C::index(&key), value) })) } pub fn delete_slot( &self, batch: &mut WriteBatch, from: Option, to: Option, ) -> Result where C::Index: PartialOrd + Copy + ColumnName, { let mut end = true; let iter_config = match from { Some(s) => IteratorMode::From(C::as_index(s), IteratorDirection::Forward), None => IteratorMode::Start, }; let iter = self.iter(iter_config)?; for (index, _) in iter { if let Some(to) = to { if C::primary_index(index) > to { end = false; break; } }; if let Err(e) = batch.delete::(index) { error!( "Error: {:?} while adding delete from_slot {:?} to batch {:?}", e, from, C::NAME ) } } Ok(end) } pub fn compact_range(&self, from: Slot, to: Slot) -> Result where C::Index: PartialOrd + Copy, { let cf = self.handle(); let from = Some(C::key(C::as_index(from))); let to = Some(C::key(C::as_index(to))); self.backend.db.compact_range_cf(cf, from, to); Ok(true) } #[inline] pub fn handle(&self) -> &ColumnFamily { self.backend.cf_handle(C::NAME) } #[cfg(test)] pub fn is_empty(&self) -> Result { let mut iter = self.backend.raw_iterator_cf(self.handle()); iter.seek_to_first(); Ok(!iter.valid()) } pub fn put_bytes(&self, key: C::Index, value: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { let is_perf_enabled = maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( self.column_options.rocks_perf_sample_interval, &self.write_perf_status, ); let result = self.backend.put_cf(self.handle(), &C::key(key), value); if let Some(op_start_instant) = is_perf_enabled { report_rocksdb_write_perf( C::NAME, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_PUT, &op_start_instant.elapsed(), &self.column_options, ); } result } /// Retrieves the specified RocksDB integer property of the current /// column family. /// /// Full list of properties that return int values could be found /// [here]( pub fn get_int_property(&self, name: &'static std::ffi::CStr) -> Result { self.backend.get_int_property_cf(self.handle(), name) } } impl LedgerColumn where C: TypedColumn + ColumnName, { pub fn multi_get(&self, keys: Vec) -> Vec>> { let rocks_keys: Vec<_> = keys.into_iter().map(|key| C::key(key)).collect(); { let ref_rocks_keys: Vec<_> = rocks_keys.iter().map(|k| &k[..]).collect(); let is_perf_enabled = maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( self.column_options.rocks_perf_sample_interval, &self.read_perf_status, ); let result = self .backend .multi_get_cf(self.handle(), ref_rocks_keys) .into_iter() .map(|r| match r { Ok(opt) => match opt { Some(pinnable_slice) => Ok(Some(deserialize(pinnable_slice.as_ref())?)), None => Ok(None), }, Err(e) => Err(e), }) .collect::>>>(); if let Some(op_start_instant) = is_perf_enabled { // use multi-get instead report_rocksdb_read_perf( C::NAME, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_MULTI_GET, &op_start_instant.elapsed(), &self.column_options, ); } result } } pub fn get(&self, key: C::Index) -> Result> { let mut result = Ok(None); let is_perf_enabled = maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( self.column_options.rocks_perf_sample_interval, &self.read_perf_status, ); if let Some(pinnable_slice) = self.backend.get_pinned_cf(self.handle(), &C::key(key))? { let value = deserialize(pinnable_slice.as_ref())?; result = Ok(Some(value)) } if let Some(op_start_instant) = is_perf_enabled { report_rocksdb_read_perf( C::NAME, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_GET, &op_start_instant.elapsed(), &self.column_options, ); } result } pub fn put(&self, key: C::Index, value: &C::Type) -> Result<()> { let is_perf_enabled = maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( self.column_options.rocks_perf_sample_interval, &self.write_perf_status, ); let serialized_value = serialize(value)?; let result = self .backend .put_cf(self.handle(), &C::key(key), &serialized_value); if let Some(op_start_instant) = is_perf_enabled { report_rocksdb_write_perf( C::NAME, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_PUT, &op_start_instant.elapsed(), &self.column_options, ); } result } pub fn delete(&self, key: C::Index) -> Result<()> { let is_perf_enabled = maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( self.column_options.rocks_perf_sample_interval, &self.write_perf_status, ); let result = self.backend.delete_cf(self.handle(), &C::key(key)); if let Some(op_start_instant) = is_perf_enabled { report_rocksdb_write_perf( C::NAME, "delete", &op_start_instant.elapsed(), &self.column_options, ); } result } } impl LedgerColumn where C: ProtobufColumn + ColumnName, { pub fn get_protobuf_or_bincode>( &self, key: C::Index, ) -> Result> { let is_perf_enabled = maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( self.column_options.rocks_perf_sample_interval, &self.read_perf_status, ); let result = self.backend.get_pinned_cf(self.handle(), &C::key(key)); if let Some(op_start_instant) = is_perf_enabled { report_rocksdb_read_perf( C::NAME, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_GET, &op_start_instant.elapsed(), &self.column_options, ); } if let Some(pinnable_slice) = result? { let value = match C::Type::decode(pinnable_slice.as_ref()) { Ok(value) => value, Err(_) => deserialize::(pinnable_slice.as_ref())?.into(), }; Ok(Some(value)) } else { Ok(None) } } pub fn get_protobuf(&self, key: C::Index) -> Result> { let is_perf_enabled = maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( self.column_options.rocks_perf_sample_interval, &self.read_perf_status, ); let result = self.backend.get_pinned_cf(self.handle(), &C::key(key)); if let Some(op_start_instant) = is_perf_enabled { report_rocksdb_read_perf( C::NAME, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_GET, &op_start_instant.elapsed(), &self.column_options, ); } if let Some(pinnable_slice) = result? { Ok(Some(C::Type::decode(pinnable_slice.as_ref())?)) } else { Ok(None) } } pub fn put_protobuf(&self, key: C::Index, value: &C::Type) -> Result<()> { let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(value.encoded_len()); value.encode(&mut buf)?; let is_perf_enabled = maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( self.column_options.rocks_perf_sample_interval, &self.write_perf_status, ); let result = self.backend.put_cf(self.handle(), &C::key(key), &buf); if let Some(op_start_instant) = is_perf_enabled { report_rocksdb_write_perf( C::NAME, PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_PUT, &op_start_instant.elapsed(), &self.column_options, ); } result } } impl<'a> WriteBatch<'a> { pub fn put_bytes(&mut self, key: C::Index, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { self.write_batch .put_cf(self.get_cf::(), C::key(key), bytes); Ok(()) } pub fn delete(&mut self, key: C::Index) -> Result<()> { self.write_batch.delete_cf(self.get_cf::(), C::key(key)); Ok(()) } pub fn put( &mut self, key: C::Index, value: &C::Type, ) -> Result<()> { let serialized_value = serialize(&value)?; self.write_batch .put_cf(self.get_cf::(), C::key(key), serialized_value); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn get_cf(&self) -> &'a ColumnFamily {[C::NAME] } /// Adds a \[`from`, `to`) range deletion entry to the batch. /// /// Note that the \[`from`, `to`) deletion range of WriteBatch::delete_range_cf /// is different from \[`from`, `to`\] of Database::delete_range_cf as we makes /// the semantics of Database::delete_range_cf matches the blockstore purge /// logic. fn delete_range_cf( &mut self, cf: &ColumnFamily, from: C::Index, to: C::Index, // exclusive ) -> Result<()> { self.write_batch .delete_range_cf(cf, C::key(from), C::key(to)); Ok(()) } } /// A CompactionFilter implementation to remove keys older than a given slot. struct PurgedSlotFilter { /// The oldest slot to keep; any slot < oldest_slot will be removed oldest_slot: Slot, name: CString, _phantom: PhantomData, } impl CompactionFilter for PurgedSlotFilter { fn filter(&mut self, _level: u32, key: &[u8], _value: &[u8]) -> CompactionDecision { use rocksdb::CompactionDecision::*; let slot_in_key = C::slot(C::index(key)); if slot_in_key >= self.oldest_slot { Keep } else { Remove } } fn name(&self) -> &CStr { & } } struct PurgedSlotFilterFactory { oldest_slot: OldestSlot, name: CString, _phantom: PhantomData, } impl CompactionFilterFactory for PurgedSlotFilterFactory { type Filter = PurgedSlotFilter; fn create(&mut self, _context: CompactionFilterContext) -> Self::Filter { let copied_oldest_slot = self.oldest_slot.get(); PurgedSlotFilter:: { oldest_slot: copied_oldest_slot, name: CString::new(format!( "purged_slot_filter({}, {:?})", C::NAME, copied_oldest_slot )) .unwrap(), _phantom: PhantomData, } } fn name(&self) -> &CStr { & } } fn new_cf_descriptor( options: &BlockstoreOptions, oldest_slot: &OldestSlot, ) -> ColumnFamilyDescriptor { ColumnFamilyDescriptor::new(C::NAME, get_cf_options::(options, oldest_slot)) } fn get_cf_options( options: &BlockstoreOptions, oldest_slot: &OldestSlot, ) -> Options { let mut cf_options = Options::default(); // 256 * 8 = 2GB. 6 of these columns should take at most 12GB of RAM cf_options.set_max_write_buffer_number(8); cf_options.set_write_buffer_size(MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE as usize); let file_num_compaction_trigger = 4; // Recommend that this be around the size of level 0. Level 0 estimated size in stable state is // write_buffer_size * min_write_buffer_number_to_merge * level0_file_num_compaction_trigger // Source: let total_size_base = MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE * file_num_compaction_trigger; let file_size_base = total_size_base / 10; cf_options.set_level_zero_file_num_compaction_trigger(file_num_compaction_trigger as i32); cf_options.set_max_bytes_for_level_base(total_size_base); cf_options.set_target_file_size_base(file_size_base); let disable_auto_compactions = should_disable_auto_compactions(&options.access_type); if disable_auto_compactions { cf_options.set_disable_auto_compactions(true); } if !disable_auto_compactions && should_enable_cf_compaction(C::NAME) { cf_options.set_compaction_filter_factory(PurgedSlotFilterFactory:: { oldest_slot: oldest_slot.clone(), name: CString::new(format!("purged_slot_filter_factory({})", C::NAME)).unwrap(), _phantom: PhantomData, }); } process_cf_options_advanced::(&mut cf_options, &options.column_options); cf_options } fn process_cf_options_advanced( cf_options: &mut Options, column_options: &LedgerColumnOptions, ) { // Explicitly disable compression on all columns by default // See cf_options.set_compression_type(DBCompressionType::None); if should_enable_compression::() { cf_options.set_compression_type( column_options .compression_type .to_rocksdb_compression_type(), ); } } /// Creates and returns the column family descriptors for both data shreds and /// coding shreds column families. /// /// @return a pair of ColumnFamilyDescriptor where the first / second elements /// are associated to the first / second template class respectively. fn new_cf_descriptor_pair_shreds< D: 'static + Column + ColumnName, // Column Family for Data Shred C: 'static + Column + ColumnName, // Column Family for Coding Shred >( options: &BlockstoreOptions, oldest_slot: &OldestSlot, ) -> (ColumnFamilyDescriptor, ColumnFamilyDescriptor) { match &options.column_options.shred_storage_type { ShredStorageType::RocksLevel => ( new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), new_cf_descriptor::(options, oldest_slot), ), ShredStorageType::RocksFifo(fifo_options) => ( new_cf_descriptor_fifo::(&fifo_options.shred_data_cf_size, &options.column_options), new_cf_descriptor_fifo::(&fifo_options.shred_code_cf_size, &options.column_options), ), } } fn new_cf_descriptor_fifo( max_cf_size: &u64, column_options: &LedgerColumnOptions, ) -> ColumnFamilyDescriptor { if *max_cf_size > FIFO_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE { ColumnFamilyDescriptor::new( C::NAME, get_cf_options_fifo::(max_cf_size, column_options), ) } else { panic!( "{} cf_size must be greater than write buffer size {} when using ShredStorageType::RocksFifo.", C::NAME, FIFO_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE ); } } /// Returns the RocksDB Column Family Options which use FIFO Compaction. /// /// Note that this CF options is optimized for workloads which write-keys /// are mostly monotonically increasing over time. For workloads where /// write-keys do not follow any order in general should use get_cf_options /// instead. /// /// - [`max_cf_size`]: the maximum allowed column family size. Note that /// rocksdb will start deleting the oldest SST file when the column family /// size reaches `max_cf_size` - `FIFO_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE` to strictly /// maintain the size limit. fn get_cf_options_fifo( max_cf_size: &u64, column_options: &LedgerColumnOptions, ) -> Options { let mut options = Options::default(); options.set_max_write_buffer_number(8); options.set_write_buffer_size(FIFO_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE as usize); // FIFO always has its files in L0 so we only have one level. options.set_num_levels(1); // Since FIFO puts all its file in L0, it is suggested to have unlimited // number of open files. The actual total number of open files will // be close to max_cf_size / write_buffer_size. options.set_max_open_files(-1); let mut fifo_compact_options = FifoCompactOptions::default(); // Note that the following actually specifies size trigger for deleting // the oldest SST file instead of specifying the size limit as its name // might suggest. As a result, we should trigger the file deletion when // the size reaches `max_cf_size - write_buffer_size` in order to correctly // maintain the storage size limit. fifo_compact_options .set_max_table_files_size((*max_cf_size).saturating_sub(FIFO_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE)); options.set_compaction_style(DBCompactionStyle::Fifo); options.set_fifo_compaction_options(&fifo_compact_options); process_cf_options_advanced::(&mut options, column_options); options } fn get_db_options(access_type: &AccessType) -> Options { let mut options = Options::default(); // Create missing items to support a clean start options.create_if_missing(true); options.create_missing_column_families(true); // Per the docs, a good value for this is the number of cores on the machine options.increase_parallelism(num_cpus::get() as i32); let mut env = rocksdb::Env::new().unwrap(); // While a compaction is ongoing, all the background threads // could be used by the compaction. This can stall writes which // need to flush the memtable. Add some high-priority background threads // which can service these writes. env.set_high_priority_background_threads(4); options.set_env(&env); // Set max total wal size to 4G. options.set_max_total_wal_size(4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); if should_disable_auto_compactions(access_type) { options.set_disable_auto_compactions(true); } // Allow Rocks to open/keep open as many files as it needs for performance; // however, this is also explicitly required for a secondary instance. // See options.set_max_open_files(-1); options } // Returns whether automatic compactions should be disabled for the entire // database based upon the given access type. fn should_disable_auto_compactions(access_type: &AccessType) -> bool { // Leave automatic compactions enabled (do not disable) in Primary mode; // disable in all other modes to prevent accidental cleaning !matches!(access_type, AccessType::Primary) } // Returns whether compactions should be enabled for the given column (name). fn should_enable_cf_compaction(cf_name: &str) -> bool { // In order to keep the ledger storage footprint within a desired size, // LedgerCleanupService removes data in FIFO order by slot. // // Several columns do not contain slot in their key. These columns must // be manually managed to avoid unbounded storage growth. // // Columns where slot is the primary index can be efficiently cleaned via // Database::delete_range_cf() && Database::delete_file_in_range_cf(). // // Columns where a slot is part of the key but not the primary index can // not be range deleted like above. Instead, the individual key/value pairs // must be iterated over and a decision to keep or discard that pair is // made. The comparison logic is implemented in PurgedSlotFilter which is // configured to run as part of rocksdb's automatic compactions. Storage // space is reclaimed on this class of columns once compaction has // completed on a given range or file. matches!( cf_name, columns::TransactionStatus::NAME | columns::AddressSignatures::NAME ) } // Returns true if the column family enables compression. fn should_enable_compression() -> bool { C::NAME == columns::TransactionStatus::NAME } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use {super::*, crate::blockstore_db::columns::ShredData}; #[test] fn test_compaction_filter() { // this doesn't implement Clone... let dummy_compaction_filter_context = || CompactionFilterContext { is_full_compaction: true, is_manual_compaction: true, }; let oldest_slot = OldestSlot::default(); let mut factory = PurgedSlotFilterFactory:: { oldest_slot: oldest_slot.clone(), name: CString::new("test compaction filter").unwrap(), _phantom: PhantomData, }; let mut compaction_filter = factory.create(dummy_compaction_filter_context()); let dummy_level = 0; let key = ShredData::key(ShredData::as_index(0)); let dummy_value = vec![]; // we can't use assert_matches! because CompactionDecision doesn't implement Debug assert!(matches!( compaction_filter.filter(dummy_level, &key, &dummy_value), CompactionDecision::Keep )); // mutating oldest_slot doesn't affect existing compaction filters... oldest_slot.set(1); assert!(matches!( compaction_filter.filter(dummy_level, &key, &dummy_value), CompactionDecision::Keep )); // recreating compaction filter starts to expire the key let mut compaction_filter = factory.create(dummy_compaction_filter_context()); assert!(matches!( compaction_filter.filter(dummy_level, &key, &dummy_value), CompactionDecision::Remove )); // newer key shouldn't be removed let key = ShredData::key(ShredData::as_index(1)); matches!( compaction_filter.filter(dummy_level, &key, &dummy_value), CompactionDecision::Keep ); } #[test] fn test_cf_names_and_descriptors_equal_length() { let options = BlockstoreOptions::default(); let oldest_slot = OldestSlot::default(); // The names and descriptors don't need to be in the same order for our use cases; // however, there should be the same number of each. For example, adding a new column // should update both lists. assert_eq!( Rocks::columns().len(), Rocks::cf_descriptors(&options, &oldest_slot).len() ); } #[test] fn test_should_disable_auto_compactions() { assert!(!should_disable_auto_compactions(&AccessType::Primary)); assert!(should_disable_auto_compactions( &AccessType::PrimaryForMaintenance )); assert!(should_disable_auto_compactions(&AccessType::Secondary)); } #[test] fn test_should_enable_cf_compaction() { let columns_to_compact = [ columns::TransactionStatus::NAME, columns::AddressSignatures::NAME, ]; columns_to_compact.iter().for_each(|cf_name| { assert!(should_enable_cf_compaction(cf_name)); }); assert!(!should_enable_cf_compaction("something else")); } }