use bincode::{deserialize, serialize}; use bs58; use clap::ArgMatches; use crdt::NodeInfo; use drone::DroneRequest; use fullnode::Config; use ring::rand::SystemRandom; use ring::signature::Ed25519KeyPair; use serde_json; use signature::{Keypair, KeypairUtil, Pubkey, Signature}; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind, Write}; use std::mem::size_of; use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, TcpStream}; use std::path::Path; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::Duration; use std::{error, fmt, mem}; use thin_client::ThinClient; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum WalletCommand { Address, Balance, AirDrop(i64), Pay(i64, Pubkey), Confirm(Signature), } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum WalletError { CommandNotRecognized(String), BadParameter(String), } impl fmt::Display for WalletError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "invalid") } } impl error::Error for WalletError { fn description(&self) -> &str { "invalid" } fn cause(&self) -> Option<&error::Error> { // Generic error, underlying cause isn't tracked. None } } pub struct WalletConfig { pub leader: NodeInfo, pub id: Keypair, pub drone_addr: SocketAddr, pub command: WalletCommand, } impl Default for WalletConfig { fn default() -> WalletConfig { let default_addr = socketaddr!(0, 8000); WalletConfig { leader: NodeInfo::new_with_socketaddr(&default_addr), id: Keypair::new(), drone_addr: default_addr, command: WalletCommand::Balance, } } } pub fn parse_command( pubkey: Pubkey, matches: &ArgMatches, ) -> Result> { let response = match matches.subcommand() { ("airdrop", Some(airdrop_matches)) => { let tokens = airdrop_matches.value_of("tokens").unwrap().parse()?; Ok(WalletCommand::AirDrop(tokens)) } ("pay", Some(pay_matches)) => { let to = if pay_matches.is_present("to") { let pubkey_vec = bs58::decode(pay_matches.value_of("to").unwrap()) .into_vec() .expect("base58-encoded public key"); if pubkey_vec.len() != mem::size_of::() { eprintln!("{}", pay_matches.usage()); Err(WalletError::BadParameter("Invalid public key".to_string()))?; } Pubkey::new(&pubkey_vec) } else { pubkey }; let tokens = pay_matches.value_of("tokens").unwrap().parse()?; Ok(WalletCommand::Pay(tokens, to)) } ("confirm", Some(confirm_matches)) => { println!("{:?}", confirm_matches.value_of("signature").unwrap()); let signatures = bs58::decode(confirm_matches.value_of("signature").unwrap()) .into_vec() .expect("base58-encoded signature"); if signatures.len() == mem::size_of::() { let signature = Signature::new(&signatures); Ok(WalletCommand::Confirm(signature)) } else { eprintln!("{}", confirm_matches.usage()); Err(WalletError::BadParameter("Invalid signature".to_string())) } } ("balance", Some(_balance_matches)) => Ok(WalletCommand::Balance), ("address", Some(_address_matches)) => Ok(WalletCommand::Address), ("", None) => { println!("{}", matches.usage()); Err(WalletError::CommandNotRecognized( "no subcommand given".to_string(), )) } _ => unreachable!(), }?; Ok(response) } pub fn process_command( config: &WalletConfig, client: &mut ThinClient, ) -> Result> { match config.command { // Check client balance WalletCommand::Address => Ok(format!("{}",, WalletCommand::Balance => { println!("Balance requested..."); let balance = client.poll_get_balance(&; match balance { Ok(balance) => Ok(format!("Your balance is: {:?}", balance)), Err(ref e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::Other => { Ok("No account found! Request an airdrop to get started.".to_string()) } Err(error) => Err(error)?, } } // Request an airdrop from Solana Drone; // Request amount is set in request_airdrop function WalletCommand::AirDrop(tokens) => { println!( "Requesting airdrop of {:?} tokens from {}", tokens, config.drone_addr ); let previous_balance = client.poll_get_balance(&; request_airdrop(&config.drone_addr, &, tokens as u64)?; // TODO: return airdrop Result from Drone instead of polling the // network let mut current_balance = previous_balance; for _ in 0..20 { sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); current_balance = client .poll_get_balance(& .unwrap_or(previous_balance); if previous_balance != current_balance { break; } println!("."); } if current_balance - previous_balance != tokens { Err("Airdrop failed!")?; } Ok(format!("Your balance is: {:?}", current_balance)) } // If client has positive balance, spend tokens in {balance} number of transactions WalletCommand::Pay(tokens, to) => { let last_id = client.get_last_id(); let signature = client.transfer(tokens, &, to, &last_id)?; Ok(format!("{}", signature)) } // Confirm the last client transaction by signature WalletCommand::Confirm(signature) => { if client.check_signature(&signature) { Ok("Confirmed".to_string()) } else { Ok("Not found".to_string()) } } } } pub fn read_leader(path: &str) -> Result { let file = File::open(path.to_string()).or_else(|err| { Err(WalletError::BadParameter(format!( "{}: Unable to open leader file: {}", err, path ))) })?; serde_json::from_reader(file).or_else(|err| { Err(WalletError::BadParameter(format!( "{}: Failed to parse leader file: {}", err, path ))) }) } pub fn request_airdrop( drone_addr: &SocketAddr, id: &Pubkey, tokens: u64, ) -> Result { // TODO: make this async tokio client let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(drone_addr)?; let req = DroneRequest::GetAirdrop { airdrop_request_amount: tokens, client_pubkey: *id, }; let tx = serialize(&req).expect("serialize drone request"); stream.write_all(&tx)?; let mut buffer = [0; size_of::()]; stream .read_exact(&mut buffer) .or_else(|_| Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Airdrop failed")))?; let signature: Signature = deserialize(&buffer).or_else(|err| { Err(Error::new( ErrorKind::Other, format!("deserialize signature in request_airdrop: {:?}", err), )) })?; // TODO: add timeout to this function, in case of unresponsive drone Ok(signature) } pub fn gen_keypair_file(outfile: String) -> Result> { let rnd = SystemRandom::new(); let pkcs8_bytes = Ed25519KeyPair::generate_pkcs8(&rnd)?; let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&pkcs8_bytes.to_vec())?; if outfile != "-" { if let Some(outdir) = Path::new(&outfile).parent() { fs::create_dir_all(outdir)?; } let mut f = File::create(outfile)?; f.write_all(&serialized.clone().into_bytes())?; } Ok(serialized) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use bank::Bank; use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand}; use client::mk_client; use crdt::Node; use drone::run_local_drone; use fullnode::Fullnode; use ledger::LedgerWriter; use mint::Mint; use signature::{read_keypair, read_pkcs8, Keypair, KeypairUtil}; use std::net::UdpSocket; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; fn tmp_ledger(name: &str, mint: &Mint) -> String { use std::env; let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap_or_else(|_| "target".to_string()); let keypair = Keypair::new(); let path = format!("{}/tmp-ledger-{}-{}", out_dir, name, keypair.pubkey()); let mut writer = LedgerWriter::open(&path, true).unwrap(); writer.write_entries(mint.create_entries()).unwrap(); path } #[test] fn test_parse_command() { let pubkey = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let test_commands = App::new("test") .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("airdrop") .about("Request a batch of tokens") .arg( Arg::with_name("tokens") .long("tokens") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .required(true) .help("The number of tokens to request"), ), ).subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("pay") .about("Send a payment") .arg( Arg::with_name("tokens") .long("tokens") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .required(true) .help("The number of tokens to send"), ).arg( Arg::with_name("to") .long("to") .value_name("PUBKEY") .takes_value(true) .help("The pubkey of recipient"), ), ).subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("confirm") .about("Confirm your payment by signature") .arg( Arg::with_name("signature") .index(1) .value_name("SIGNATURE") .required(true) .help("The transaction signature to confirm"), ), ).subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("balance").about("Get your balance")) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("address").about("Get your public key")); let test_airdrop = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "airdrop", "--tokens", "50"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(pubkey, &test_airdrop).unwrap(), WalletCommand::AirDrop(50) ); let test_bad_airdrop = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "airdrop", "--tokens", "notint"]); assert!(parse_command(pubkey, &test_bad_airdrop).is_err()); let pubkey_string = format!("{}", pubkey); let test_pay = test_commands.clone().get_matches_from(vec![ "test", "pay", "--tokens", "50", "--to", &pubkey_string, ]); assert_eq!( parse_command(pubkey, &test_pay).unwrap(), WalletCommand::Pay(50, pubkey) ); let test_bad_pubkey = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "pay", "--tokens", "50", "--to", "deadbeef"]); assert!(parse_command(pubkey, &test_bad_pubkey).is_err()); let signature = Signature::new(&vec![1; 64]); let signature_string = format!("{:?}", signature); let test_confirm = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "confirm", &signature_string]); assert_eq!( parse_command(pubkey, &test_confirm).unwrap(), WalletCommand::Confirm(signature) ); let test_bad_signature = test_commands.get_matches_from(vec!["test", "confirm", "deadbeef"]); assert!(parse_command(pubkey, &test_bad_signature).is_err()); } #[test] fn test_process_command() { let leader_keypair = Keypair::new(); let leader = Node::new_localhost_with_pubkey(leader_keypair.pubkey()); let alice = Mint::new(10_000_000); let bank = Bank::new(&alice); let bob_pubkey = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let leader_data =; let leader_data1 =; let ledger_path = tmp_ledger("thin_client", &alice); let mut config = WalletConfig::default(); let _server = Fullnode::new_with_bank( leader_keypair, bank, 0, &[], leader, None, &ledger_path, false, None, ); sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); let (sender, receiver) = channel(); run_local_drone(alice.keypair(), leader_data.contact_info.ncp, sender); config.drone_addr = receiver.recv().unwrap(); config.leader = leader_data1; let tokens = 50; config.command = WalletCommand::AirDrop(tokens); let mut client = mk_client(&config.leader); assert_eq!( process_command(&config, &mut client).unwrap(), format!("Your balance is: {:?}", tokens) ); config.command = WalletCommand::Balance; assert_eq!( process_command(&config, &mut client).unwrap(), format!("Your balance is: {:?}", tokens) ); config.command = WalletCommand::Address; assert_eq!( process_command(&config, &mut client).unwrap(), format!("{}", ); config.command = WalletCommand::Pay(10, bob_pubkey); let sig_response = process_command(&config, &mut client); assert!(sig_response.is_ok()); sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); let signatures = bs58::decode(sig_response.unwrap()) .into_vec() .expect("base58-encoded signature"); let signature = Signature::new(&signatures); config.command = WalletCommand::Confirm(signature); assert_eq!(process_command(&config, &mut client).unwrap(), "Confirmed"); config.command = WalletCommand::Balance; assert_eq!( process_command(&config, &mut client).unwrap(), format!("Your balance is: {:?}", tokens - 10) ); } #[test] fn test_request_airdrop() { let leader_keypair = Keypair::new(); let leader = Node::new_localhost_with_pubkey(leader_keypair.pubkey()); let alice = Mint::new(10_000_000); let bank = Bank::new(&alice); let bob_pubkey = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let leader_data =; let ledger_path = tmp_ledger("thin_client", &alice); let _server = Fullnode::new_with_bank( leader_keypair, bank, 0, &[], leader, None, &ledger_path, false, None, ); sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); let requests_socket = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(); let transactions_socket = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(); let mut client = ThinClient::new( leader_data.contact_info.rpu, requests_socket, leader_data.contact_info.tpu, transactions_socket, ); let (sender, receiver) = channel(); run_local_drone(alice.keypair(), leader_data.contact_info.ncp, sender); let drone_addr = receiver.recv().unwrap(); let signature = request_airdrop(&drone_addr, &bob_pubkey, 50); assert!(signature.is_ok()); assert!(client.check_signature(&signature.unwrap())); } #[test] fn test_gen_keypair_file() { let outfile = "test_gen_keypair_file.json"; let serialized_keypair = gen_keypair_file(outfile.to_string()).unwrap(); let keypair_vec: Vec = serde_json::from_str(&serialized_keypair).unwrap(); assert!(Path::new(outfile).exists()); assert_eq!(keypair_vec, read_pkcs8(&outfile).unwrap()); assert!(read_keypair(&outfile).is_ok()); assert_eq!( read_keypair(&outfile).unwrap().pubkey().as_ref().len(), mem::size_of::() ); fs::remove_file(outfile).unwrap(); assert!(!Path::new(outfile).exists()); } }