//! Quality of service for block producer. //! Provides logic and functions to allow a Leader to prioritize //! how transactions are included in blocks, and optimize those blocks. //! use { crate::banking_stage::{BatchedTransactionDetails, CommitTransactionDetails}, crossbeam_channel::{unbounded, Receiver, Sender}, solana_measure::measure::Measure, solana_runtime::{ bank::Bank, cost_model::{CostModel, TransactionCost}, cost_tracker::CostTrackerError, }, solana_sdk::{ clock::Slot, saturating_add_assign, transaction::{self, SanitizedTransaction, TransactionError}, }, std::{ sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU64, Ordering}, Arc, RwLock, }, thread::{self, Builder, JoinHandle}, time::Duration, }, }; pub enum QosMetrics { BlockBatchUpdate { bank: Arc }, } // QosService is local to each banking thread, each instance of QosService provides services to // one banking thread. // It hosts a private thread for async metrics reporting, tagged with banking thredas ID. Banking // threda calls `report_metrics(&bank)` at end of `process_and_record_tramsaction()`, or any time // it wants, QosService sends `&bank` to reporting thread via channel, signalling stats to be // reported if new bank slot has changed. // pub struct QosService { // cost_model instance is owned by validator, shared between replay_stage and // banking_stage. replay_stage writes the latest on-chain program timings to // it; banking_stage's qos_service reads that information to calculate // transaction cost, hence RwLock wrapped. cost_model: Arc>, // QosService hosts metrics object and a private reporting thread, as well as sender to // communicate with thread. report_sender: Sender, metrics: Arc, // metrics reporting runs on a private thread reporting_thread: Option>, running_flag: Arc, } impl Drop for QosService { fn drop(&mut self) { self.running_flag.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed); self.reporting_thread .take() .unwrap() .join() .expect("qos service metrics reporting thread failed to join"); } } impl QosService { pub fn new(cost_model: Arc>, id: u32) -> Self { let (report_sender, report_receiver) = unbounded(); let running_flag = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let metrics = Arc::new(QosServiceMetrics::new(id)); let running_flag_clone = Arc::clone(&running_flag); let metrics_clone = Arc::clone(&metrics); let reporting_thread = Some( Builder::new() .name("solQosSvcMetr".to_string()) .spawn(move || { Self::reporting_loop(running_flag_clone, metrics_clone, report_receiver); }) .unwrap(), ); Self { cost_model, metrics, reporting_thread, running_flag, report_sender, } } /// Calculate cost of transactions, determine which ones to include in the slot, and /// accumulate costs in the cost tracker. /// Returns a vector of transaction costs, a vector of results indicating which transactions /// were selected, and the number of transactions that were *NOT* selected. pub fn select_and_accumulate_transaction_costs( &self, bank: &Bank, transactions: &[SanitizedTransaction], ) -> (Vec, Vec>, usize) { let transaction_costs = self.compute_transaction_costs(transactions.iter()); let (transactions_qos_results, num_included) = self.select_transactions_per_cost(transactions.iter(), transaction_costs.iter(), bank); self.accumulate_estimated_transaction_costs(&Self::accumulate_batched_transaction_costs( transaction_costs.iter(), transactions_qos_results.iter(), )); let cost_model_throttled_transactions_count = transactions.len().saturating_sub(num_included); ( transaction_costs, transactions_qos_results, cost_model_throttled_transactions_count, ) } // invoke cost_model to calculate cost for the given list of transactions fn compute_transaction_costs<'a>( &self, transactions: impl Iterator, ) -> Vec { let mut compute_cost_time = Measure::start("compute_cost_time"); let cost_model = self.cost_model.read().unwrap(); let txs_costs: Vec<_> = transactions .map(|tx| { let cost = cost_model.calculate_cost(tx); debug!( "transaction {:?}, cost {:?}, cost sum {}", tx, cost, cost.sum() ); cost }) .collect(); compute_cost_time.stop(); self.metrics .stats .compute_cost_time .fetch_add(compute_cost_time.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed); self.metrics .stats .compute_cost_count .fetch_add(txs_costs.len() as u64, Ordering::Relaxed); txs_costs } /// Given a list of transactions and their costs, this function returns a corresponding /// list of Results that indicate if a transaction is selected to be included in the current block, /// and a count of the number of transactions that would fit in the block fn select_transactions_per_cost<'a>( &self, transactions: impl Iterator, transactions_costs: impl Iterator, bank: &Bank, ) -> (Vec>, usize) { let mut cost_tracking_time = Measure::start("cost_tracking_time"); let mut cost_tracker = bank.write_cost_tracker().unwrap(); let mut num_included = 0; let select_results = transactions .zip(transactions_costs) .map(|(tx, cost)| match cost_tracker.try_add(cost) { Ok(current_block_cost) => { debug!("slot {:?}, transaction {:?}, cost {:?}, fit into current block, current block cost {}", bank.slot(), tx, cost, current_block_cost); self.metrics.stats.selected_txs_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); num_included += 1; Ok(()) }, Err(e) => { debug!("slot {:?}, transaction {:?}, cost {:?}, not fit into current block, '{:?}'", bank.slot(), tx, cost, e); match e { CostTrackerError::WouldExceedBlockMaxLimit => { Err(TransactionError::WouldExceedMaxBlockCostLimit) } CostTrackerError::WouldExceedVoteMaxLimit => { Err(TransactionError::WouldExceedMaxVoteCostLimit) } CostTrackerError::WouldExceedAccountMaxLimit => { Err(TransactionError::WouldExceedMaxAccountCostLimit) } CostTrackerError::WouldExceedAccountDataBlockLimit => { Err(TransactionError::WouldExceedAccountDataBlockLimit) } CostTrackerError::WouldExceedAccountDataTotalLimit => { Err(TransactionError::WouldExceedAccountDataTotalLimit) } } } }) .collect(); cost_tracking_time.stop(); self.metrics .stats .cost_tracking_time .fetch_add(cost_tracking_time.as_us(), Ordering::Relaxed); (select_results, num_included) } /// Update the transaction cost in the cost_tracker with the real cost for /// transactions that were executed successfully; /// Otherwise remove the cost from the cost tracker, therefore preventing cost_tracker /// being inflated with unsuccessfully executed transactions. pub fn update_or_remove_transaction_costs<'a>( transaction_costs: impl Iterator, transaction_qos_results: impl Iterator>, transaction_committed_status: Option<&Vec>, bank: &Arc, ) { match transaction_committed_status { Some(transaction_committed_status) => Self::update_transaction_costs( transaction_costs, transaction_qos_results, transaction_committed_status, bank, ), None => { Self::remove_transaction_costs(transaction_costs, transaction_qos_results, bank) } } } fn update_transaction_costs<'a>( transaction_costs: impl Iterator, transaction_qos_results: impl Iterator>, transaction_committed_status: &Vec, bank: &Arc, ) { let mut cost_tracker = bank.write_cost_tracker().unwrap(); transaction_costs .zip(transaction_qos_results) .zip(transaction_committed_status) .for_each( |((tx_cost, qos_inclusion_result), transaction_committed_details)| { // Only transactions that the qos service included have to be // checked for update if qos_inclusion_result.is_ok() { match transaction_committed_details { CommitTransactionDetails::Committed { compute_units } => { cost_tracker.update_execution_cost(tx_cost, *compute_units) } CommitTransactionDetails::NotCommitted => cost_tracker.remove(tx_cost), } } }, ); } fn remove_transaction_costs<'a>( transaction_costs: impl Iterator, transaction_qos_results: impl Iterator>, bank: &Arc, ) { let mut cost_tracker = bank.write_cost_tracker().unwrap(); transaction_costs.zip(transaction_qos_results).for_each( |(tx_cost, qos_inclusion_result)| { // Only transactions that the qos service included have to be // removed if qos_inclusion_result.is_ok() { cost_tracker.remove(tx_cost); } }, ); } // metrics are reported by bank slot pub fn report_metrics(&self, bank: Arc) { self.report_sender .send(QosMetrics::BlockBatchUpdate { bank }) .unwrap_or_else(|err| warn!("qos service report metrics failed: {:?}", err)); } fn accumulate_estimated_transaction_costs( &self, batched_transaction_details: &BatchedTransactionDetails, ) { self.metrics.stats.estimated_signature_cu.fetch_add( batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_signature_cost, Ordering::Relaxed, ); self.metrics.stats.estimated_write_lock_cu.fetch_add( batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_write_lock_cost, Ordering::Relaxed, ); self.metrics.stats.estimated_data_bytes_cu.fetch_add( batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_data_bytes_cost, Ordering::Relaxed, ); self.metrics.stats.estimated_builtins_execute_cu.fetch_add( batched_transaction_details .costs .batched_builtins_execute_cost, Ordering::Relaxed, ); self.metrics.stats.estimated_bpf_execute_cu.fetch_add( batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_bpf_execute_cost, Ordering::Relaxed, ); self.metrics .errors .retried_txs_per_block_limit_count .fetch_add( batched_transaction_details .errors .batched_retried_txs_per_block_limit_count, Ordering::Relaxed, ); self.metrics .errors .retried_txs_per_vote_limit_count .fetch_add( batched_transaction_details .errors .batched_retried_txs_per_vote_limit_count, Ordering::Relaxed, ); self.metrics .errors .retried_txs_per_account_limit_count .fetch_add( batched_transaction_details .errors .batched_retried_txs_per_account_limit_count, Ordering::Relaxed, ); self.metrics .errors .retried_txs_per_account_data_block_limit_count .fetch_add( batched_transaction_details .errors .batched_retried_txs_per_account_data_block_limit_count, Ordering::Relaxed, ); self.metrics .errors .dropped_txs_per_account_data_total_limit_count .fetch_add( batched_transaction_details .errors .batched_dropped_txs_per_account_data_total_limit_count, Ordering::Relaxed, ); } pub fn accumulate_actual_execute_cu(&self, units: u64) { self.metrics .stats .actual_bpf_execute_cu .fetch_add(units, Ordering::Relaxed); } pub fn accumulate_actual_execute_time(&self, micro_sec: u64) { self.metrics .stats .actual_execute_time_us .fetch_add(micro_sec, Ordering::Relaxed); } // rollup transaction cost details, eg signature_cost, write_lock_cost, data_bytes_cost and // execution_cost from the batch of transactions selected for block. fn accumulate_batched_transaction_costs<'a>( transactions_costs: impl Iterator, transaction_results: impl Iterator>, ) -> BatchedTransactionDetails { let mut batched_transaction_details = BatchedTransactionDetails::default(); transactions_costs .zip(transaction_results) .for_each(|(cost, result)| match result { Ok(_) => { saturating_add_assign!( batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_signature_cost, cost.signature_cost ); saturating_add_assign!( batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_write_lock_cost, cost.write_lock_cost ); saturating_add_assign!( batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_data_bytes_cost, cost.data_bytes_cost ); saturating_add_assign!( batched_transaction_details .costs .batched_builtins_execute_cost, cost.builtins_execution_cost ); saturating_add_assign!( batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_bpf_execute_cost, cost.bpf_execution_cost ); } Err(transaction_error) => match transaction_error { TransactionError::WouldExceedMaxBlockCostLimit => { saturating_add_assign!( batched_transaction_details .errors .batched_retried_txs_per_block_limit_count, 1 ); } TransactionError::WouldExceedMaxVoteCostLimit => { saturating_add_assign!( batched_transaction_details .errors .batched_retried_txs_per_vote_limit_count, 1 ); } TransactionError::WouldExceedMaxAccountCostLimit => { saturating_add_assign!( batched_transaction_details .errors .batched_retried_txs_per_account_limit_count, 1 ); } TransactionError::WouldExceedAccountDataBlockLimit => { saturating_add_assign!( batched_transaction_details .errors .batched_retried_txs_per_account_data_block_limit_count, 1 ); } TransactionError::WouldExceedAccountDataTotalLimit => { saturating_add_assign!( batched_transaction_details .errors .batched_dropped_txs_per_account_data_total_limit_count, 1 ); } _ => {} }, }); batched_transaction_details } fn reporting_loop( running_flag: Arc, metrics: Arc, report_receiver: Receiver, ) { while running_flag.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { for qos_metrics in report_receiver.try_iter() { match qos_metrics { QosMetrics::BlockBatchUpdate { bank } => { metrics.report(bank.slot()); } } } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } } } #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct QosServiceMetrics { /// banking_stage creates one QosService instance per working threads, that is uniquely /// identified by id. This field allows to categorize metrics for gossip votes, TPU votes /// and other transactions. id: u32, /// aggregate metrics per slot slot: AtomicU64, stats: QosServiceMetricsStats, errors: QosServiceMetricsErrors, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct QosServiceMetricsStats { /// accumulated time in micro-sec spent in computing transaction cost. It is the main performance /// overhead introduced by cost_model compute_cost_time: AtomicU64, /// total nummber of transactions in the reporting period to be computed for theit cost. It is /// usually the number of sanitized transactions leader receives. compute_cost_count: AtomicU64, /// acumulated time in micro-sec spent in tracking each bank's cost. It is the second part of /// overhead introduced cost_tracking_time: AtomicU64, /// number of transactions to be included in blocks selected_txs_count: AtomicU64, /// accumulated estimated signature Compute Unites to be packed into block estimated_signature_cu: AtomicU64, /// accumulated estimated write locks Compute Units to be packed into block estimated_write_lock_cu: AtomicU64, /// accumulated estimated instructino data Compute Units to be packed into block estimated_data_bytes_cu: AtomicU64, /// accumulated estimated builtin programs Compute Units to be packed into block estimated_builtins_execute_cu: AtomicU64, /// accumulated estimated SBF program Compute Units to be packed into block estimated_bpf_execute_cu: AtomicU64, /// accumulated actual program Compute Units that have been packed into block actual_bpf_execute_cu: AtomicU64, /// accumulated actual program execute micro-sec that have been packed into block actual_execute_time_us: AtomicU64, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct QosServiceMetricsErrors { /// number of transactions to be queued for retry due to their potential to breach block limit retried_txs_per_block_limit_count: AtomicU64, /// number of transactions to be queued for retry due to their potential to breach vote limit retried_txs_per_vote_limit_count: AtomicU64, /// number of transactions to be queued for retry due to their potential to breach writable /// account limit retried_txs_per_account_limit_count: AtomicU64, /// number of transactions to be queued for retry due to their potential to breach account data /// block limits retried_txs_per_account_data_block_limit_count: AtomicU64, /// number of transactions to be dropped due to their potential to breach account data total /// limits dropped_txs_per_account_data_total_limit_count: AtomicU64, } impl QosServiceMetrics { pub fn new(id: u32) -> Self { QosServiceMetrics { id, ..QosServiceMetrics::default() } } pub fn report(&self, bank_slot: Slot) { if bank_slot != self.slot.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { datapoint_info!( "qos-service-stats", ("id", self.id as i64, i64), ("bank_slot", bank_slot as i64, i64), ( "compute_cost_time", self.stats.compute_cost_time.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "compute_cost_count", self.stats.compute_cost_count.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "cost_tracking_time", self.stats.cost_tracking_time.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "selected_txs_count", self.stats.selected_txs_count.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "estimated_signature_cu", self.stats.estimated_signature_cu.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "estimated_write_lock_cu", self.stats .estimated_write_lock_cu .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "estimated_data_bytes_cu", self.stats .estimated_data_bytes_cu .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "estimated_builtins_execute_cu", self.stats .estimated_builtins_execute_cu .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "estimated_bpf_execute_cu", self.stats .estimated_bpf_execute_cu .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "actual_bpf_execute_cu", self.stats.actual_bpf_execute_cu.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "actual_execute_time_us", self.stats.actual_execute_time_us.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ); datapoint_info!( "qos-service-errors", ("id", self.id as i64, i64), ("bank_slot", bank_slot as i64, i64), ( "retried_txs_per_block_limit_count", self.errors .retried_txs_per_block_limit_count .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "retried_txs_per_vote_limit_count", self.errors .retried_txs_per_vote_limit_count .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "retried_txs_per_account_limit_count", self.errors .retried_txs_per_account_limit_count .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "retried_txs_per_account_data_block_limit_count", self.errors .retried_txs_per_account_data_block_limit_count .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ( "dropped_txs_per_account_data_total_limit_count", self.errors .dropped_txs_per_account_data_total_limit_count .swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as i64, i64 ), ); self.slot.store(bank_slot, Ordering::Relaxed); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use { super::*, itertools::Itertools, solana_runtime::genesis_utils::{create_genesis_config, GenesisConfigInfo}, solana_sdk::{ hash::Hash, signature::{Keypair, Signer}, system_transaction, }, solana_vote_program::vote_transaction, }; #[test] fn test_compute_transaction_costs() { solana_logger::setup(); // make a vec of txs let keypair = Keypair::new(); let transfer_tx = SanitizedTransaction::from_transaction_for_tests( system_transaction::transfer(&keypair, &keypair.pubkey(), 1, Hash::default()), ); let vote_tx = SanitizedTransaction::from_transaction_for_tests( vote_transaction::new_vote_transaction( vec![42], Hash::default(), Hash::default(), &keypair, &keypair, &keypair, None, ), ); let txs = vec![transfer_tx.clone(), vote_tx.clone(), vote_tx, transfer_tx]; let cost_model = Arc::new(RwLock::new(CostModel::default())); let qos_service = QosService::new(cost_model.clone(), 1); let txs_costs = qos_service.compute_transaction_costs(txs.iter()); // verify the size of txs_costs and its contents assert_eq!(txs_costs.len(), txs.len()); txs_costs .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(index, cost)| { assert_eq!( cost.sum(), cost_model.read().unwrap().calculate_cost(&txs[index]).sum() ); }) .collect_vec(); } #[test] fn test_select_transactions_per_cost() { solana_logger::setup(); let GenesisConfigInfo { genesis_config, .. } = create_genesis_config(10); let bank = Arc::new(Bank::new_for_tests(&genesis_config)); let cost_model = Arc::new(RwLock::new(CostModel::default())); let keypair = Keypair::new(); let transfer_tx = SanitizedTransaction::from_transaction_for_tests( system_transaction::transfer(&keypair, &keypair.pubkey(), 1, Hash::default()), ); let vote_tx = SanitizedTransaction::from_transaction_for_tests( vote_transaction::new_vote_transaction( vec![42], Hash::default(), Hash::default(), &keypair, &keypair, &keypair, None, ), ); let transfer_tx_cost = cost_model .read() .unwrap() .calculate_cost(&transfer_tx) .sum(); let vote_tx_cost = cost_model.read().unwrap().calculate_cost(&vote_tx).sum(); // make a vec of txs let txs = vec![transfer_tx.clone(), vote_tx.clone(), transfer_tx, vote_tx]; let qos_service = QosService::new(cost_model, 1); let txs_costs = qos_service.compute_transaction_costs(txs.iter()); // set cost tracker limit to fit 1 transfer tx and 1 vote tx let cost_limit = transfer_tx_cost + vote_tx_cost; bank.write_cost_tracker() .unwrap() .set_limits(cost_limit, cost_limit, cost_limit); let (results, num_selected) = qos_service.select_transactions_per_cost(txs.iter(), txs_costs.iter(), &bank); assert_eq!(num_selected, 2); // verify that first transfer tx and first vote are allowed assert_eq!(results.len(), txs.len()); assert!(results[0].is_ok()); assert!(results[1].is_ok()); assert!(results[2].is_err()); assert!(results[3].is_err()); } #[test] fn test_update_or_remove_transaction_costs_commited() { solana_logger::setup(); let GenesisConfigInfo { genesis_config, .. } = create_genesis_config(10); let bank = Arc::new(Bank::new_for_tests(&genesis_config)); // make some transfer transactions // calculate their costs, apply to cost_tracker let transaction_count = 5; let keypair = Keypair::new(); let transfer_tx = SanitizedTransaction::from_transaction_for_tests( system_transaction::transfer(&keypair, &keypair.pubkey(), 1, Hash::default()), ); let txs: Vec = (0..transaction_count) .map(|_| transfer_tx.clone()) .collect(); let execute_units_adjustment = 10u64; // assert all tx_costs should be applied to cost_tracker if all execution_results are all committed { let qos_service = QosService::new(Arc::new(RwLock::new(CostModel::default())), 1); let txs_costs = qos_service.compute_transaction_costs(txs.iter()); let total_txs_cost: u64 = txs_costs.iter().map(|cost| cost.sum()).sum(); let (qos_results, _num_included) = qos_service.select_transactions_per_cost(txs.iter(), txs_costs.iter(), &bank); assert_eq!( total_txs_cost, bank.read_cost_tracker().unwrap().block_cost() ); // all transactions are committed with actual units more than estimated let commited_status: Vec = txs_costs .iter() .map(|tx_cost| CommitTransactionDetails::Committed { compute_units: tx_cost.bpf_execution_cost + execute_units_adjustment, }) .collect(); let final_txs_cost = total_txs_cost + execute_units_adjustment * transaction_count; QosService::update_or_remove_transaction_costs( txs_costs.iter(), qos_results.iter(), Some(&commited_status), &bank, ); assert_eq!( final_txs_cost, bank.read_cost_tracker().unwrap().block_cost() ); assert_eq!( transaction_count, bank.read_cost_tracker().unwrap().transaction_count() ); } } #[test] fn test_update_or_remove_transaction_costs_not_commited() { solana_logger::setup(); let GenesisConfigInfo { genesis_config, .. } = create_genesis_config(10); let bank = Arc::new(Bank::new_for_tests(&genesis_config)); // make some transfer transactions // calculate their costs, apply to cost_tracker let transaction_count = 5; let keypair = Keypair::new(); let transfer_tx = SanitizedTransaction::from_transaction_for_tests( system_transaction::transfer(&keypair, &keypair.pubkey(), 1, Hash::default()), ); let txs: Vec = (0..transaction_count) .map(|_| transfer_tx.clone()) .collect(); // assert all tx_costs should be removed from cost_tracker if all execution_results are all Not Committed { let qos_service = QosService::new(Arc::new(RwLock::new(CostModel::default())), 1); let txs_costs = qos_service.compute_transaction_costs(txs.iter()); let total_txs_cost: u64 = txs_costs.iter().map(|cost| cost.sum()).sum(); let (qos_results, _num_included) = qos_service.select_transactions_per_cost(txs.iter(), txs_costs.iter(), &bank); assert_eq!( total_txs_cost, bank.read_cost_tracker().unwrap().block_cost() ); QosService::update_or_remove_transaction_costs( txs_costs.iter(), qos_results.iter(), None, &bank, ); assert_eq!(0, bank.read_cost_tracker().unwrap().block_cost()); assert_eq!(0, bank.read_cost_tracker().unwrap().transaction_count()); } } #[test] fn test_update_or_remove_transaction_costs_mixed_execution() { solana_logger::setup(); let GenesisConfigInfo { genesis_config, .. } = create_genesis_config(10); let bank = Arc::new(Bank::new_for_tests(&genesis_config)); // make some transfer transactions // calculate their costs, apply to cost_tracker let transaction_count = 5; let keypair = Keypair::new(); let transfer_tx = SanitizedTransaction::from_transaction_for_tests( system_transaction::transfer(&keypair, &keypair.pubkey(), 1, Hash::default()), ); let txs: Vec = (0..transaction_count) .map(|_| transfer_tx.clone()) .collect(); let execute_units_adjustment = 10u64; // assert only commited tx_costs are applied cost_tracker { let qos_service = QosService::new(Arc::new(RwLock::new(CostModel::default())), 1); let txs_costs = qos_service.compute_transaction_costs(txs.iter()); let total_txs_cost: u64 = txs_costs.iter().map(|cost| cost.sum()).sum(); let (qos_results, _num_included) = qos_service.select_transactions_per_cost(txs.iter(), txs_costs.iter(), &bank); assert_eq!( total_txs_cost, bank.read_cost_tracker().unwrap().block_cost() ); // Half of transactions are not committed, the rest with cost adjustment let commited_status: Vec = txs_costs .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(n, tx_cost)| { if n % 2 == 0 { CommitTransactionDetails::NotCommitted } else { CommitTransactionDetails::Committed { compute_units: tx_cost.bpf_execution_cost + execute_units_adjustment, } } }) .collect(); QosService::update_or_remove_transaction_costs( txs_costs.iter(), qos_results.iter(), Some(&commited_status), &bank, ); // assert the final block cost let mut expected_final_txs_count = 0u64; let mut expected_final_block_cost = 0u64; txs_costs.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(n, cost)| { if n % 2 != 0 { expected_final_txs_count += 1; expected_final_block_cost += cost.sum() + execute_units_adjustment; } }); assert_eq!( expected_final_block_cost, bank.read_cost_tracker().unwrap().block_cost() ); assert_eq!( expected_final_txs_count, bank.read_cost_tracker().unwrap().transaction_count() ); } } #[test] fn test_accumulate_batched_transaction_costs() { let signature_cost = 1; let write_lock_cost = 2; let data_bytes_cost = 3; let builtins_execution_cost = 4; let bpf_execution_cost = 10; let num_txs = 4; let tx_costs: Vec<_> = (0..num_txs) .map(|_| TransactionCost { signature_cost, write_lock_cost, data_bytes_cost, builtins_execution_cost, bpf_execution_cost, ..TransactionCost::default() }) .collect(); let tx_results: Vec<_> = (0..num_txs) .map(|n| { if n % 2 == 0 { Ok(()) } else { Err(TransactionError::WouldExceedMaxBlockCostLimit) } }) .collect(); // should only accumulate half of the costs that are OK let expected_signatures = signature_cost * (num_txs / 2); let expected_write_locks = write_lock_cost * (num_txs / 2); let expected_data_bytes = data_bytes_cost * (num_txs / 2); let expected_builtins_execution_costs = builtins_execution_cost * (num_txs / 2); let expected_bpf_execution_costs = bpf_execution_cost * (num_txs / 2); let batched_transaction_details = QosService::accumulate_batched_transaction_costs(tx_costs.iter(), tx_results.iter()); assert_eq!( expected_signatures, batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_signature_cost ); assert_eq!( expected_write_locks, batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_write_lock_cost ); assert_eq!( expected_data_bytes, batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_data_bytes_cost ); assert_eq!( expected_builtins_execution_costs, batched_transaction_details .costs .batched_builtins_execute_cost ); assert_eq!( expected_bpf_execution_costs, batched_transaction_details.costs.batched_bpf_execute_cost ); } }