// @flow import * as BufferLayout from 'buffer-layout'; import {Account} from './account'; import {PublicKey} from './publickey'; import {NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND} from './timing'; import {Transaction, PACKET_DATA_SIZE} from './transaction'; import {SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY} from './sysvar'; import {sendAndConfirmTransaction} from './util/send-and-confirm-transaction'; import {sleep} from './util/sleep'; import type {Connection} from './connection'; import {SystemProgram} from './system-program'; /** * Program loader interface */ export class Loader { /** * Amount of program data placed in each load Transaction */ static get chunkSize(): number { // Keep program chunks under PACKET_DATA_SIZE, leaving enough room for the // rest of the Transaction fields // // TODO: replace 300 with a proper constant for the size of the other // Transaction fields return PACKET_DATA_SIZE - 300; } /** * Minimum number of signatures required to load a program not including * retries * * Can be used to calculate transaction fees */ static getMinNumSignatures(dataLength: number): number { return Math.ceil(dataLength / Loader.chunkSize); } /** * Loads a generic program * * @param connection The connection to use * @param payer System account that pays to load the program * @param program Account to load the program into * @param programId Public key that identifies the loader * @param data Program octets */ static async load( connection: Connection, payer: Account, program: Account, programId: PublicKey, data: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array, ): Promise { { const balanceNeeded = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption( data.length, ); const transaction = SystemProgram.createAccount( payer.publicKey, program.publicKey, balanceNeeded > 0 ? balanceNeeded : 1, data.length, programId, ); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, payer, program); } const dataLayout = BufferLayout.struct([ BufferLayout.u32('instruction'), BufferLayout.u32('offset'), BufferLayout.u32('bytesLength'), BufferLayout.u32('bytesLengthPadding'), BufferLayout.seq( BufferLayout.u8('byte'), BufferLayout.offset(BufferLayout.u32(), -8), 'bytes', ), ]); const chunkSize = Loader.chunkSize; let offset = 0; let array = data; let transactions = []; while (array.length > 0) { const bytes = array.slice(0, chunkSize); const data = Buffer.alloc(chunkSize + 16); dataLayout.encode( { instruction: 0, // Load instruction offset, bytes, }, data, ); const transaction = new Transaction().add({ keys: [{pubkey: program.publicKey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true}], programId, data, }); transactions.push( sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, payer, program), ); // Delay ~1 tick between write transactions in an attempt to reduce AccountInUse errors // since all the write transactions modify the same program account await sleep(1000 / NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND); // Run up to 8 Loads in parallel to prevent too many parallel transactions from // getting rejected with AccountInUse. // // TODO: 8 was selected empirically and should probably be revisited if (transactions.length === 8) { await Promise.all(transactions); transactions = []; } offset += chunkSize; array = array.slice(chunkSize); } await Promise.all(transactions); // Finalize the account loaded with program data for execution { const dataLayout = BufferLayout.struct([BufferLayout.u32('instruction')]); const data = Buffer.alloc(dataLayout.span); dataLayout.encode( { instruction: 1, // Finalize instruction }, data, ); const transaction = new Transaction().add({ keys: [ {pubkey: program.publicKey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true}, {pubkey: SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, isSigner: false, isWritable: false}, ], programId, data, }); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, payer, program); } return program.publicKey; } }