use crate::abi_digester::{AbiDigester, DigestError, DigestResult}; use log::*; use serde::Serialize; use std::any::type_name; pub trait AbiExample: Sized { fn example() -> Self; } // Following code snippets are copied and adapted from the official rustc implementation to // implement AbiExample trait for most of basic types. // These are licensed under Apache-2.0 + MIT (compatible because we're Apache-2.0) // Source: macro_rules! tuple_example_impls { ($( $Tuple:ident { $(($idx:tt) -> $T:ident)+ } )+) => { $( impl<$($T:AbiExample),+> AbiExample for ($($T,)+) { fn example() -> Self { ($({ let x: $T = AbiExample::example(); x},)+) } } )+ } } // Source: tuple_example_impls! { Tuple1 { (0) -> A } Tuple2 { (0) -> A (1) -> B } Tuple3 { (0) -> A (1) -> B (2) -> C } Tuple4 { (0) -> A (1) -> B (2) -> C (3) -> D } Tuple5 { (0) -> A (1) -> B (2) -> C (3) -> D (4) -> E } Tuple6 { (0) -> A (1) -> B (2) -> C (3) -> D (4) -> E (5) -> F } Tuple7 { (0) -> A (1) -> B (2) -> C (3) -> D (4) -> E (5) -> F (6) -> G } Tuple8 { (0) -> A (1) -> B (2) -> C (3) -> D (4) -> E (5) -> F (6) -> G (7) -> H } Tuple9 { (0) -> A (1) -> B (2) -> C (3) -> D (4) -> E (5) -> F (6) -> G (7) -> H (8) -> I } Tuple10 { (0) -> A (1) -> B (2) -> C (3) -> D (4) -> E (5) -> F (6) -> G (7) -> H (8) -> I (9) -> J } Tuple11 { (0) -> A (1) -> B (2) -> C (3) -> D (4) -> E (5) -> F (6) -> G (7) -> H (8) -> I (9) -> J (10) -> K } Tuple12 { (0) -> A (1) -> B (2) -> C (3) -> D (4) -> E (5) -> F (6) -> G (7) -> H (8) -> I (9) -> J (10) -> K (11) -> L } } // Source: macro_rules! array_example_impls { {$n:expr, $t:ident $($ts:ident)*} => { impl AbiExample for [T; $n] where T: AbiExample { fn example() -> Self { [$t::example(), $($ts::example()),*] } } array_example_impls!{($n - 1), $($ts)*} }; {$n:expr,} => { impl AbiExample for [T; $n] { fn example() -> Self { [] } } }; } array_example_impls! {32, T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T} // Source: macro_rules! example_impls { ($t:ty, $v:expr) => { impl AbiExample for $t { fn example() -> Self { $v } } }; } example_impls! { (), () } example_impls! { bool, false } example_impls! { char, '\x00' } example_impls! { usize, 0 } example_impls! { u8, 0 } example_impls! { u16, 0 } example_impls! { u32, 0 } example_impls! { u64, 0 } example_impls! { u128, 0 } example_impls! { isize, 0 } example_impls! { i8, 0 } example_impls! { i16, 0 } example_impls! { i32, 0 } example_impls! { i64, 0 } example_impls! { i128, 0 } example_impls! { f32, 0.0f32 } example_impls! { f64, 0.0f64 } example_impls! { String, String::new() } example_impls! { std::time::Duration, std::time::Duration::from_secs(0) } example_impls! { std::sync::Once, std::sync::Once::new() } use std::sync::atomic::*; // Source: macro_rules! atomic_example_impls { ($atomic_type: ident) => { impl AbiExample for $atomic_type { fn example() -> Self { Self::new(AbiExample::example()) } } }; } atomic_example_impls! { AtomicU8 } atomic_example_impls! { AtomicU16 } atomic_example_impls! { AtomicU32 } atomic_example_impls! { AtomicU64 } atomic_example_impls! { AtomicUsize } atomic_example_impls! { AtomicI8 } atomic_example_impls! { AtomicI16 } atomic_example_impls! { AtomicI32 } atomic_example_impls! { AtomicI64 } atomic_example_impls! { AtomicIsize } atomic_example_impls! { AtomicBool } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "bpf"))] use generic_array::{ArrayLength, GenericArray}; #[cfg(not(target_arch = "bpf"))] impl> AbiExample for GenericArray { fn example() -> Self { Self::default() } } use bv::{BitVec, BlockType}; impl AbiExample for BitVec { fn example() -> Self { Self::default() } } impl IgnoreAsHelper for BitVec {} impl EvenAsOpaque for BitVec {} pub(crate) fn normalize_type_name(type_name: &str) -> String { type_name.chars().filter(|c| *c != '&').collect() } type Placeholder = (); impl AbiExample for T { default fn example() -> Self { ::type_erased_example() } } // this works like a type erasure and a hatch to escape type error to runtime error trait TypeErasedExample { fn type_erased_example() -> T; } impl TypeErasedExample for Placeholder { default fn type_erased_example() -> T { panic!( "derive or implement AbiExample/AbiEnumVisitor for {}", type_name::() ); } } impl TypeErasedExample for Placeholder { default fn type_erased_example() -> T { let original_type_name = type_name::(); let normalized_type_name = normalize_type_name(original_type_name); if normalized_type_name.starts_with("solana") { panic!( "derive or implement AbiExample/AbiEnumVisitor for {}", original_type_name ); } else { panic!( "new unrecognized type for ABI digest!: {}", original_type_name ) } } } impl AbiExample for Option { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (Option): {}", type_name::()); Some(T::example()) } } impl AbiExample for Result { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (Result): {}", type_name::()); Ok(O::example()) } } impl AbiExample for Box { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (Box): {}", type_name::()); Box::new(T::example()) } } impl AbiExample for Box { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (Box): {}", type_name::()); Box::new(move |_t: &mut T| {}) } } impl AbiExample for Box { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (Box): {}", type_name::()); Box::new(move |_t: &mut T, _u: U| {}) } } impl AbiExample for Box<[T]> { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (Box<[T]>): {}", type_name::()); Box::new([T::example()]) } } impl AbiExample for std::marker::PhantomData { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (PhantomData): {}", type_name::()); >::default() } } impl AbiExample for std::sync::Arc { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (Arc): {}", type_name::()); std::sync::Arc::new(T::example()) } } impl AbiExample for std::rc::Rc { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (Rc): {}", type_name::()); std::rc::Rc::new(T::example()) } } impl AbiExample for std::sync::Mutex { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (Mutex): {}", type_name::()); std::sync::Mutex::new(T::example()) } } impl AbiExample for std::sync::RwLock { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (RwLock): {}", type_name::()); std::sync::RwLock::new(T::example()) } } use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque}; impl< T: std::cmp::Eq + std::hash::Hash + AbiExample, S: AbiExample, H: std::hash::BuildHasher + Default, > AbiExample for HashMap { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (HashMap): {}", type_name::()); let mut map = HashMap::default(); map.insert(T::example(), S::example()); map } } impl AbiExample for BTreeMap { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (BTreeMap): {}", type_name::()); let mut map = BTreeMap::default(); map.insert(T::example(), S::example()); map } } impl AbiExample for Vec { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (Vec): {}", type_name::()); vec![T::example()] } } impl AbiExample for VecDeque { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (Vec): {}", type_name::()); VecDeque::from(vec![T::example()]) } } impl AbiExample for HashSet { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (HashSet): {}", type_name::()); let mut set: HashSet = HashSet::default(); set.insert(T::example()); set } } impl AbiExample for BTreeSet { fn example() -> Self { info!("AbiExample for (BTreeSet): {}", type_name::()); let mut set: BTreeSet = BTreeSet::default(); set.insert(T::example()); set } } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "bpf"))] impl AbiExample for memmap::MmapMut { fn example() -> Self { memmap::MmapMut::map_anon(1).expect("failed to map the data file") } } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "bpf"))] impl AbiExample for std::path::PathBuf { fn example() -> Self { std::path::PathBuf::from(String::example()) } } use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}; impl AbiExample for SocketAddr { fn example() -> Self { SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0)), 0) } } // This is a control flow indirection needed for digesting all variants of an enum pub trait AbiEnumVisitor: Serialize { fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult; } pub trait IgnoreAsHelper {} pub trait EvenAsOpaque {} impl AbiEnumVisitor for T { default fn visit_for_abi(&self, _digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult { unreachable!( "AbiEnumVisitor must be implemented for {}", type_name::() ); } } impl AbiEnumVisitor for T { default fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult { info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (default): {}", type_name::()); T::example() .serialize(digester.create_new()) .map_err(DigestError::wrap_by_type::) } } // even (experimental) rust specialization isn't enough for us, resort to // the autoref hack: // relevant test: TestVecEnum impl AbiEnumVisitor for &T { default fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult { info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (&default): {}", type_name::()); // Don't call self.visit_for_abi(...) to avoid the infinite recursion! T::visit_for_abi(&self, digester) } } // force to call self.serialize instead of T::visit_for_abi() for serialization // helper structs like ad-hoc iterator `struct`s impl AbiEnumVisitor for &T { default fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult { info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (IgnoreAsHelper): {}", type_name::()); self.serialize(digester.create_new()) .map_err(DigestError::wrap_by_type::) } } // force to call self.serialize instead of T::visit_for_abi() to work around the // inability of implementing AbiExample for private structs from other crates impl AbiEnumVisitor for &T { default fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult { info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (IgnoreAsOpaque): {}", type_name::()); let top_scope = type_name::().split("::").next().unwrap(); self.serialize(digester.create_new_opaque(top_scope)) .map_err(DigestError::wrap_by_type::) } } // Because Option and Result enums are so common enums, provide generic trait implementations // The digesting pattern must match with what is derived from #[derive(AbiEnumVisitor)] impl AbiEnumVisitor for Option { fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult { info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (Option): {}", type_name::()); let variant: Self = Option::Some(T::example()); // serde calls serialize_some(); not serialize_variant(); // so create_new is correct, not create_enum_child or create_enum_new variant.serialize(digester.create_new()) } } impl AbiEnumVisitor for Result { fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult { info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (Result): {}", type_name::()); digester.update(&["enum Result (variants = 2)"]); let variant: Self = Result::Ok(O::example()); variant.serialize(digester.create_enum_child())?; let variant: Self = Result::Err(E::example()); variant.serialize(digester.create_enum_child())?; Ok(digester.create_child()) } }