use crate::{ cli::{ build_balance_message, check_account_for_fee, CliCommand, CliCommandInfo, CliConfig, CliError, ProcessResult, }, display::println_name_value, }; use clap::{value_t, value_t_or_exit, App, Arg, ArgMatches, SubCommand}; use console::{style, Emoji}; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use solana_clap_utils::{input_parsers::*, input_validators::*}; use solana_client::{rpc_client::RpcClient, rpc_request::RpcVoteAccountInfo}; use solana_sdk::{ clock::{self, Slot}, commitment_config::CommitmentConfig, epoch_schedule::{Epoch, EpochSchedule}, hash::Hash, pubkey::Pubkey, signature::{Keypair, KeypairUtil}, system_transaction, }; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, VecDeque}, net::SocketAddr, thread::sleep, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; static CHECK_MARK: Emoji = Emoji("✅ ", ""); static CROSS_MARK: Emoji = Emoji("❌ ", ""); static WARNING: Emoji = Emoji("⚠️", "!"); pub trait ClusterQuerySubCommands { fn cluster_query_subcommands(self) -> Self; } impl ClusterQuerySubCommands for App<'_, '_> { fn cluster_query_subcommands(self) -> Self { self.subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("catchup") .about("Wait for a validator to catch up to the cluster") .arg( Arg::with_name("node_pubkey") .index(1) .takes_value(true) .value_name("PUBKEY") .validator(is_pubkey_or_keypair) .required(true) .help("Identity pubkey of the validator"), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("cluster-version") .about("Get the version of the cluster entrypoint"), ) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("fees").about("Display current cluster fees")) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("get-block-time") .about("Get estimated production time of a block") .arg( Arg::with_name("slot") .index(1) .takes_value(true) .value_name("SLOT") .required(true) .help("Slot number of the block to query") ) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("get-epoch-info") .about("Get information about the current epoch") .arg( Arg::with_name("confirmed") .long("confirmed") .takes_value(false) .help( "Return information at maximum-lockout commitment level", ), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("get-genesis-hash").about("Get the genesis hash"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("get-slot").about("Get current slot") .arg( Arg::with_name("confirmed") .long("confirmed") .takes_value(false) .help( "Return slot at maximum-lockout commitment level", ), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("get-transaction-count").about("Get current transaction count") .arg( Arg::with_name("confirmed") .long("confirmed") .takes_value(false) .help( "Return count at maximum-lockout commitment level", ), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("ping") .about("Submit transactions sequentially") .arg( Arg::with_name("interval") .short("i") .long("interval") .value_name("SECONDS") .takes_value(true) .default_value("2") .help("Wait interval seconds between submitting the next transaction"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("count") .short("c") .long("count") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .help("Stop after submitting count transactions"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("lamports") .long("lamports") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .default_value("1") .validator(is_amount) .help("Number of lamports to transfer for each transaction"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("timeout") .short("t") .long("timeout") .value_name("SECONDS") .takes_value(true) .default_value("15") .help("Wait up to timeout seconds for transaction confirmation"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("confirmed") .long("confirmed") .takes_value(false) .help( "Wait until the transaction is confirmed at maximum-lockout commitment level", ), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("show-block-production") .about("Show information about block production") .arg( Arg::with_name("epoch") .long("epoch") .takes_value(true) .help("Epoch to show block production for [default: current epoch]"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("slot_limit") .long("slot-limit") .takes_value(true) .help("Limit results to this many slots from the end of the epoch [default: full epoch]"), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("show-gossip") .about("Show the current gossip network nodes"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("show-validators") .about("Show information about the current validators") .arg( Arg::with_name("lamports") .long("lamports") .takes_value(false) .help("Display balance in lamports instead of SOL"), ), ) } } pub fn parse_catchup(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let node_pubkey = pubkey_of(matches, "node_pubkey").unwrap(); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::Catchup { node_pubkey }, require_keypair: false, }) } pub fn parse_cluster_ping(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let lamports = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "lamports", u64); let interval = Duration::from_secs(value_t_or_exit!(matches, "interval", u64)); let count = if matches.is_present("count") { Some(value_t_or_exit!(matches, "count", u64)) } else { None }; let timeout = Duration::from_secs(value_t_or_exit!(matches, "timeout", u64)); let commitment_config = if matches.is_present("confirmed") { CommitmentConfig::default() } else { CommitmentConfig::recent() }; Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::Ping { lamports, interval, count, timeout, commitment_config, }, require_keypair: true, }) } pub fn parse_get_block_time(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let slot = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "slot", u64); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetBlockTime { slot }, require_keypair: false, }) } pub fn parse_get_epoch_info(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let commitment_config = if matches.is_present("confirmed") { CommitmentConfig::default() } else { CommitmentConfig::recent() }; Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetEpochInfo { commitment_config }, require_keypair: false, }) } pub fn parse_get_slot(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let commitment_config = if matches.is_present("confirmed") { CommitmentConfig::default() } else { CommitmentConfig::recent() }; Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetSlot { commitment_config }, require_keypair: false, }) } pub fn parse_get_transaction_count(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let commitment_config = if matches.is_present("confirmed") { CommitmentConfig::default() } else { CommitmentConfig::recent() }; Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetTransactionCount { commitment_config }, require_keypair: false, }) } pub fn parse_show_validators(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let use_lamports_unit = matches.is_present("lamports"); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::ShowValidators { use_lamports_unit }, require_keypair: false, }) } /// Creates a new process bar for processing that will take an unknown amount of time fn new_spinner_progress_bar() -> ProgressBar { let progress_bar = ProgressBar::new(42); progress_bar .set_style(ProgressStyle::default_spinner().template("{} {wide_msg}")); progress_bar.enable_steady_tick(100); progress_bar } /// Aggregate epoch credit stats and return (total credits, total slots, total epochs) pub fn aggregate_epoch_credits( epoch_credits: &[(Epoch, u64, u64)], epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule, ) -> (u64, u64, u64) { epoch_credits .iter() .fold((0, 0, 0), |acc, (epoch, credits, prev_credits)| { let credits_earned = credits - prev_credits; let slots_in_epoch = epoch_schedule.get_slots_in_epoch(*epoch); (acc.0 + credits_earned, acc.1 + slots_in_epoch, acc.2 + 1) }) } pub fn process_catchup(rpc_client: &RpcClient, node_pubkey: &Pubkey) -> ProcessResult { let cluster_nodes = rpc_client.get_cluster_nodes()?; let rpc_addr = cluster_nodes .iter() .find(|contact_info| contact_info.pubkey == node_pubkey.to_string()) .ok_or_else(|| format!("Contact information not found for {}", node_pubkey))? .rpc .ok_or_else(|| format!("RPC service not found for {}", node_pubkey))?; let progress_bar = new_spinner_progress_bar(); progress_bar.set_message("Connecting..."); let node_client = RpcClient::new_socket(rpc_addr); let mut previous_rpc_slot = std::u64::MAX; let mut previous_slot_distance = 0; let sleep_interval = 5; loop { let rpc_slot = rpc_client.get_slot_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::recent())?; let node_slot = node_client.get_slot_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::recent())?; if node_slot > std::cmp::min(previous_rpc_slot, rpc_slot) { progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); return Ok(format!( "{} has caught up (us:{} them:{})", node_pubkey, node_slot, rpc_slot, )); } let slot_distance = rpc_slot as i64 - node_slot as i64; progress_bar.set_message(&format!( "Validator is {} slots away (us:{} them:{}){}", slot_distance, node_slot, rpc_slot, if previous_rpc_slot == std::u64::MAX { "".to_string() } else { let slots_per_second = (previous_slot_distance - slot_distance) as f64 / f64::from(sleep_interval); format!( " and {} at {:.1} slots/second", if slots_per_second < 0.0 { "falling behind" } else { "gaining" }, slots_per_second, ) } )); sleep(Duration::from_secs(sleep_interval as u64)); previous_rpc_slot = rpc_slot; previous_slot_distance = slot_distance; } } pub fn process_cluster_version(rpc_client: &RpcClient) -> ProcessResult { let remote_version = rpc_client.get_version()?; Ok(remote_version.solana_core) } pub fn process_fees(rpc_client: &RpcClient) -> ProcessResult { let (recent_blockhash, fee_calculator) = rpc_client.get_recent_blockhash()?; Ok(format!( "blockhash: {}\nlamports per signature: {}", recent_blockhash, fee_calculator.lamports_per_signature )) } pub fn process_get_block_time(rpc_client: &RpcClient, slot: Slot) -> ProcessResult { let timestamp = rpc_client.get_block_time(slot)?; Ok(timestamp.to_string()) } pub fn process_get_epoch_info( rpc_client: &RpcClient, commitment_config: &CommitmentConfig, ) -> ProcessResult { let epoch_info = rpc_client.get_epoch_info_with_commitment(commitment_config.clone())?; println!(); println_name_value("Current epoch:", &epoch_info.epoch.to_string()); println_name_value("Current slot:", &epoch_info.absolute_slot.to_string()); println_name_value( "Total slots in current epoch:", &epoch_info.slots_in_epoch.to_string(), ); let remaining_slots_in_epoch = epoch_info.slots_in_epoch - epoch_info.slot_index; println_name_value( "Remaining slots in current epoch:", &remaining_slots_in_epoch.to_string(), ); let remaining_time_in_epoch = Duration::from_secs( remaining_slots_in_epoch * clock::DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT / clock::DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SECOND, ); println_name_value( "Time remaining in current epoch:", &humantime::format_duration(remaining_time_in_epoch).to_string(), ); Ok("".to_string()) } pub fn process_get_genesis_hash(rpc_client: &RpcClient) -> ProcessResult { let genesis_hash = rpc_client.get_genesis_hash()?; Ok(genesis_hash.to_string()) } pub fn process_get_slot( rpc_client: &RpcClient, commitment_config: &CommitmentConfig, ) -> ProcessResult { let slot = rpc_client.get_slot_with_commitment(commitment_config.clone())?; Ok(slot.to_string()) } pub fn parse_show_block_production(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result { let epoch = value_t!(matches, "epoch", Epoch).ok(); let slot_limit = value_t!(matches, "slot_limit", u64).ok(); Ok(CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::ShowBlockProduction { epoch, slot_limit }, require_keypair: false, }) } pub fn process_show_block_production( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, epoch: Option, slot_limit: Option, ) -> ProcessResult { let epoch_schedule = rpc_client.get_epoch_schedule()?; let epoch_info = rpc_client.get_epoch_info_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::max())?; let epoch = epoch.unwrap_or(epoch_info.epoch); if epoch > epoch_info.epoch { return Err(format!("Epoch {} is in the future", epoch).into()); } let first_slot_in_epoch = epoch_schedule.get_first_slot_in_epoch(epoch); let end_slot = std::cmp::min( epoch_info.absolute_slot, epoch_schedule.get_last_slot_in_epoch(epoch), ); let start_slot = if let Some(slot_limit) = slot_limit { std::cmp::max(end_slot.saturating_sub(slot_limit), first_slot_in_epoch) } else { first_slot_in_epoch }; let start_slot_index = (start_slot - first_slot_in_epoch) as usize; let end_slot_index = (end_slot - first_slot_in_epoch) as usize; let progress_bar = new_spinner_progress_bar(); progress_bar.set_message(&format!( "Fetching confirmed blocks between slots {} and {}...", start_slot, end_slot )); let confirmed_blocks = rpc_client.get_confirmed_blocks(start_slot, Some(end_slot))?; let total_slots = end_slot_index - start_slot_index + 1; let total_blocks = confirmed_blocks.len(); assert!(total_blocks <= total_slots); let total_slots_missed = total_slots - total_blocks; let mut leader_slot_count = HashMap::new(); let mut leader_missed_slots = HashMap::new(); progress_bar.set_message(&format!("Fetching leader schedule for epoch {}...", epoch)); let leader_schedule = rpc_client .get_leader_schedule_with_commitment(Some(start_slot), CommitmentConfig::max())?; if leader_schedule.is_none() { return Err(format!("Unable to fetch leader schedule for slot {}", start_slot).into()); } let leader_schedule = leader_schedule.unwrap(); let mut leader_per_slot_index = Vec::new(); leader_per_slot_index.resize(total_slots, "?"); for (pubkey, leader_slots) in leader_schedule.iter() { for slot_index in leader_slots.iter() { if *slot_index >= start_slot_index && *slot_index <= end_slot_index { leader_per_slot_index[*slot_index - start_slot_index] = pubkey; } } } progress_bar.set_message(&format!( "Processing {} slots containing {} blocks and {} empty slots...", total_slots, total_blocks, total_slots_missed )); let mut confirmed_blocks_index = 0; let mut individual_slot_status = vec![]; for (slot_index, leader) in leader_per_slot_index.iter().enumerate() { let slot = start_slot + slot_index as u64; let slot_count = leader_slot_count.entry(leader).or_insert(0); *slot_count += 1; let missed_slots = leader_missed_slots.entry(leader).or_insert(0); loop { if confirmed_blocks_index < confirmed_blocks.len() { let slot_of_next_confirmed_block = confirmed_blocks[confirmed_blocks_index]; if slot_of_next_confirmed_block < slot { confirmed_blocks_index += 1; continue; } if slot_of_next_confirmed_block == slot { individual_slot_status .push(style(format!(" {:<15} {:<44}", slot, leader)).to_string()); break; } } *missed_slots += 1; individual_slot_status.push( style(format!(" {:<15} {:<44} SKIPPED", slot, leader)) .red() .to_string(), ); break; } } progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); println!( "\n{}", style(format!( " {:<44} {:>15} {:>15} {:>15} {:>23}", "Identity Pubkey", "Leader Slots", "Blocks Produced", "Missed Slots", "Missed Block Percentage", )) .bold() ); let mut table = vec![]; for (leader, leader_slots) in leader_slot_count.iter() { let missed_slots = leader_missed_slots.get(leader).unwrap(); let blocks_produced = leader_slots - missed_slots; table.push(format!( " {:<44} {:>15} {:>15} {:>15} {:>22.2}%", leader, leader_slots, blocks_produced, missed_slots, *missed_slots as f64 / *leader_slots as f64 * 100. )); } table.sort(); println!( "{}\n\n {:<44} {:>15} {:>15} {:>15} {:>22.2}%", table.join("\n"), format!("Epoch {} total:", epoch), total_slots, total_blocks, total_slots_missed, total_slots_missed as f64 / total_slots as f64 * 100. ); println!( " (using data from {} slots: {} to {})", total_slots, start_slot, end_slot ); if config.verbose { println!( "\n\n{}\n{}", style(format!(" {:<15} {:<44}", "Slot", "Identity Pubkey")).bold(), individual_slot_status.join("\n") ); } Ok("".to_string()) } pub fn process_get_transaction_count( rpc_client: &RpcClient, commitment_config: &CommitmentConfig, ) -> ProcessResult { let transaction_count = rpc_client.get_transaction_count_with_commitment(commitment_config.clone())?; Ok(transaction_count.to_string()) } pub fn process_ping( rpc_client: &RpcClient, config: &CliConfig, lamports: u64, interval: &Duration, count: &Option, timeout: &Duration, commitment_config: &CommitmentConfig, ) -> ProcessResult { let to = Keypair::new().pubkey(); println_name_value("Source account:", &config.keypair.pubkey().to_string()); println_name_value("Destination account:", &to.to_string()); println!(); let (signal_sender, signal_receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); ctrlc::set_handler(move || { let _ = signal_sender.send(()); }) .expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler"); let mut last_blockhash = Hash::default(); let mut submit_count = 0; let mut confirmed_count = 0; let mut confirmation_time: VecDeque = VecDeque::with_capacity(1024); 'mainloop: for seq in 0..count.unwrap_or(std::u64::MAX) { let (recent_blockhash, fee_calculator) = rpc_client.get_new_blockhash(&last_blockhash)?; last_blockhash = recent_blockhash; let transaction = system_transaction::transfer(&config.keypair, &to, lamports, recent_blockhash); check_account_for_fee( rpc_client, &config.keypair.pubkey(), &fee_calculator, &transaction.message, )?; match rpc_client.send_transaction(&transaction) { Ok(signature) => { let transaction_sent = Instant::now(); loop { let signature_status = rpc_client.get_signature_status_with_commitment( &signature, commitment_config.clone(), )?; let elapsed_time = Instant::now().duration_since(transaction_sent); if let Some(transaction_status) = signature_status { match transaction_status { Ok(()) => { let elapsed_time_millis = elapsed_time.as_millis() as u64; confirmation_time.push_back(elapsed_time_millis); println!( "{}{} lamport(s) transferred: seq={:<3} time={:>4}ms signature={}", CHECK_MARK, lamports, seq, elapsed_time_millis, signature ); confirmed_count += 1; } Err(err) => { println!( "{}Transaction failed: seq={:<3} error={:?} signature={}", CROSS_MARK, seq, err, signature ); } } break; } if elapsed_time >= *timeout { println!( "{}Confirmation timeout: seq={:<3} signature={}", CROSS_MARK, seq, signature ); break; } // Sleep for half a slot if signal_receiver .recv_timeout(Duration::from_millis( 500 * clock::DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT / clock::DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SECOND, )) .is_ok() { break 'mainloop; } } } Err(err) => { println!( "{}Submit failed: seq={:<3} error={:?}", CROSS_MARK, seq, err ); } } submit_count += 1; if signal_receiver.recv_timeout(*interval).is_ok() { break 'mainloop; } } println!(); println!("--- transaction statistics ---"); println!( "{} transactions submitted, {} transactions confirmed, {:.1}% transaction loss", submit_count, confirmed_count, (100. - f64::from(confirmed_count) / f64::from(submit_count) * 100.) ); if !confirmation_time.is_empty() { let samples: Vec = confirmation_time.iter().map(|t| *t as f64).collect(); let dist = criterion_stats::Distribution::from(samples.into_boxed_slice()); let mean = dist.mean(); println!( "confirmation min/mean/max/stddev = {:.0}/{:.0}/{:.0}/{:.0} ms", dist.min(), mean, dist.max(), dist.std_dev(Some(mean)) ); } Ok("".to_string()) } pub fn process_show_gossip(rpc_client: &RpcClient) -> ProcessResult { let cluster_nodes = rpc_client.get_cluster_nodes()?; fn format_port(addr: Option) -> String {|addr| addr.port().to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "none".to_string()) } let s: Vec<_> = cluster_nodes .iter() .map(|node| { format!( "{:15} | {:44} | {:6} | {:5} | {:5}", node.gossip .map(|addr| addr.ip().to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "none".to_string()), node.pubkey, format_port(node.gossip), format_port(node.tpu), format_port(node.rpc), ) }) .collect(); Ok(format!( "IP Address | Node identifier \ | Gossip | TPU | RPC\n\ ----------------+----------------------------------------------+\ --------+-------+-------\n\ {}\n\ Nodes: {}", s.join("\n"), s.len(), )) } pub fn process_show_validators(rpc_client: &RpcClient, use_lamports_unit: bool) -> ProcessResult { let epoch_schedule = rpc_client.get_epoch_schedule()?; let vote_accounts = rpc_client.get_vote_accounts()?; let total_active_stake = vote_accounts .current .iter() .chain(vote_accounts.delinquent.iter()) .fold(0, |acc, vote_account| acc + vote_account.activated_stake) as f64; let total_deliquent_stake = vote_accounts .delinquent .iter() .fold(0, |acc, vote_account| acc + vote_account.activated_stake) as f64; let total_current_stake = total_active_stake - total_deliquent_stake; println_name_value( "Active Stake:", &build_balance_message(total_active_stake as u64, use_lamports_unit, true), ); if total_deliquent_stake > 0. { println_name_value( "Current Stake:", &format!( "{} ({:0.2}%)", &build_balance_message(total_current_stake as u64, use_lamports_unit, true), 100. * total_current_stake / total_active_stake ), ); println_name_value( "Delinquent Stake:", &format!( "{} ({:0.2}%)", &build_balance_message(total_deliquent_stake as u64, use_lamports_unit, true), 100. * total_deliquent_stake / total_active_stake ), ); } println!(); println!( "{}", style(format!( " {:<44} {:<44} {} {} {} {:>7} {}", "Identity Pubkey", "Vote Account Pubkey", "Commission", "Last Vote", "Root Block", "Uptime", "Active Stake", )) .bold() ); fn print_vote_account( vote_account: RpcVoteAccountInfo, epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule, total_active_stake: f64, use_lamports_unit: bool, delinquent: bool, ) { fn non_zero_or_dash(v: u64) -> String { if v == 0 { "-".into() } else { format!("{}", v) } } fn uptime(epoch_credits: Vec<(Epoch, u64, u64)>, epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule) -> String { let (total_credits, total_slots, _) = aggregate_epoch_credits(&epoch_credits, &epoch_schedule); if total_slots > 0 { let total_uptime = 100_f64 * total_credits as f64 / total_slots as f64; format!("{:.2}%", total_uptime) } else { "-".into() } } println!( "{} {:<44} {:<44} {:>9}% {:>8} {:>10} {:>7} {}", if delinquent { WARNING.to_string() } else { " ".to_string() }, vote_account.node_pubkey, vote_account.vote_pubkey, vote_account.commission, non_zero_or_dash(vote_account.last_vote), non_zero_or_dash(vote_account.root_slot), uptime(vote_account.epoch_credits, epoch_schedule), if vote_account.activated_stake > 0 { format!( "{} ({:.2}%)", build_balance_message(vote_account.activated_stake, use_lamports_unit, true), 100. * vote_account.activated_stake as f64 / total_active_stake ) } else { "-".into() }, ); } for vote_account in vote_accounts.current.into_iter() { print_vote_account( vote_account, &epoch_schedule, total_active_stake, use_lamports_unit, false, ); } for vote_account in vote_accounts.delinquent.into_iter() { print_vote_account( vote_account, &epoch_schedule, total_active_stake, use_lamports_unit, true, ); } Ok("".to_string()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::cli::{app, parse_command}; #[test] fn test_parse_command() { let test_commands = app("test", "desc", "version"); let test_cluster_version = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "cluster-version"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_cluster_version).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::ClusterVersion, require_keypair: false } ); let test_fees = test_commands.clone().get_matches_from(vec!["test", "fees"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_fees).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::Fees, require_keypair: false } ); let slot = 100; let test_get_block_time = test_commands.clone().get_matches_from(vec![ "test", "get-block-time", &slot.to_string(), ]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_get_block_time).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetBlockTime { slot }, require_keypair: false } ); let test_get_epoch_info = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "get-epoch-info"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_get_epoch_info).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetEpochInfo { commitment_config: CommitmentConfig::recent(), }, require_keypair: false } ); let test_get_genesis_hash = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "get-genesis-hash"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_get_genesis_hash).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetGenesisHash, require_keypair: false } ); let test_get_slot = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "get-slot"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_get_slot).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetSlot { commitment_config: CommitmentConfig::recent(), }, require_keypair: false } ); let test_transaction_count = test_commands .clone() .get_matches_from(vec!["test", "get-transaction-count"]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_transaction_count).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::GetTransactionCount { commitment_config: CommitmentConfig::recent(), }, require_keypair: false } ); let test_ping = test_commands.clone().get_matches_from(vec![ "test", "ping", "-i", "1", "-c", "2", "-t", "3", "--confirmed", ]); assert_eq!( parse_command(&test_ping).unwrap(), CliCommandInfo { command: CliCommand::Ping { lamports: 1, interval: Duration::from_secs(1), count: Some(2), timeout: Duration::from_secs(3), commitment_config: CommitmentConfig::default(), }, require_keypair: true } ); } }