// @flow import assert from 'assert'; import bs58 from 'bs58'; import {parse as urlParse, format as urlFormat} from 'url'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import jayson from 'jayson/lib/client/browser'; import {struct} from 'superstruct'; import {Client as RpcWebSocketClient} from 'rpc-websockets'; import {NonceAccount} from './nonce-account'; import {PublicKey} from './publickey'; import {MS_PER_SLOT} from './timing'; import {Transaction} from './transaction'; import {Message} from './message'; import {sleep} from './util/sleep'; import {promiseTimeout} from './util/promise-timeout'; import {toBuffer} from './util/to-buffer'; import type {Blockhash} from './blockhash'; import type {FeeCalculator} from './fee-calculator'; import type {Account} from './account'; import type {TransactionSignature} from './transaction'; import type {CompiledInstruction} from './message'; import {AgentManager} from './agent-manager'; export const BLOCKHASH_CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS = 30 * 1000; type RpcRequest = (methodName: string, args: Array) => any; type TokenAccountsFilter = | {| mint: PublicKey, |} | {| programId: PublicKey, |}; /** * Extra contextual information for RPC responses * * @typedef {Object} Context * @property {number} slot */ type Context = { slot: number, }; /** * Options for sending transactions * * @typedef {Object} SendOptions * @property {boolean | undefined} skipPreflight disable transaction verification step * @property {Commitment | undefined} preflightCommitment preflight commitment level */ export type SendOptions = { skipPreflight?: boolean, preflightCommitment?: Commitment, }; /** * Options for confirming transactions * * @typedef {Object} ConfirmOptions * @property {boolean | undefined} skipPreflight disable transaction verification step * @property {Commitment | undefined} commitment desired commitment level * @property {Commitment | undefined} preflightCommitment preflight commitment level */ export type ConfirmOptions = { skipPreflight?: boolean, commitment?: Commitment, preflightCommitment?: Commitment, }; /** * Options for getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2 * * @typedef {Object} ConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Options * @property {TransactionSignature | undefined} before start searching backwards from this transaction signature. * If not provided the search starts from the highest max confirmed block. * @property {number | undefined} limit maximum transaction signatures to return (between 1 and 1,000, default: 1,000). * */ export type ConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Options = { before?: TransactionSignature, limit?: number, }; /** * RPC Response with extra contextual information * * @typedef {Object} RpcResponseAndContext * @property {Context} context * @property {T} value response */ type RpcResponseAndContext = { context: Context, value: T, }; /** * @private */ function jsonRpcResultAndContext(resultDescription: any) { return jsonRpcResult({ context: struct({ slot: 'number', }), value: resultDescription, }); } /** * @private */ function jsonRpcResult(resultDescription: any) { const jsonRpcVersion = struct.literal('2.0'); return struct.union([ struct({ jsonrpc: jsonRpcVersion, id: 'string', error: 'any', }), struct({ jsonrpc: jsonRpcVersion, id: 'string', error: 'null?', result: resultDescription, }), ]); } /** * @private */ function notificationResultAndContext(resultDescription: any) { return struct({ context: struct({ slot: 'number', }), value: resultDescription, }); } /** * The level of commitment desired when querying state *
 *   'max':    Query the most recent block which has been finalized by the cluster
 *   'recent': Query the most recent block which has reached 1 confirmation by the connected node
 *   'root':   Query the most recent block which has been rooted by the connected node
 *   'single': Query the most recent block which has reached 1 confirmation by the cluster
 *   'singleGossip': Query the most recent block which has reached 1 confirmation according to votes seen in gossip
* * @typedef {'max' | 'recent' | 'root' | 'single' | 'singleGossip'} Commitment */ export type Commitment = 'max' | 'recent' | 'root' | 'single' | 'singleGossip'; /** * Filter for largest accounts query *
 *   'circulating':    Return the largest accounts that are part of the circulating supply
 *   'nonCirculating': Return the largest accounts that are not part of the circulating supply
* * @typedef {'circulating' | 'nonCirculating'} LargestAccountsFilter */ export type LargestAccountsFilter = 'circulating' | 'nonCirculating'; /** * Configuration object for changing `getLargestAccounts` query behavior * * @typedef {Object} GetLargestAccountsConfig * @property {Commitment|undefined} commitment The level of commitment desired * @property {LargestAccountsFilter|undefined} filter Filter largest accounts by whether they are part of the circulating supply */ type GetLargestAccountsConfig = { commitment: ?Commitment, filter: ?LargestAccountsFilter, }; /** * Configuration object for changing query behavior * * @typedef {Object} SignatureStatusConfig * @property {boolean} searchTransactionHistory enable searching status history, not needed for recent transactions */ export type SignatureStatusConfig = { searchTransactionHistory: boolean, }; /** * Information describing a cluster node * * @typedef {Object} ContactInfo * @property {string} pubkey Identity public key of the node * @property {string|null} gossip Gossip network address for the node * @property {string|null} tpu TPU network address for the node (null if not available) * @property {string|null} rpc JSON RPC network address for the node (null if not available) * @property {string|null} version Software version of the node (null if not available) */ type ContactInfo = { pubkey: string, gossip: string | null, tpu: string | null, rpc: string | null, version: string | null, }; /** * Information describing a vote account * * @typedef {Object} VoteAccountInfo * @property {string} votePubkey Public key of the vote account * @property {string} nodePubkey Identity public key of the node voting with this account * @property {number} activatedStake The stake, in lamports, delegated to this vote account and activated * @property {boolean} epochVoteAccount Whether the vote account is staked for this epoch * @property {Array>} epochCredits Recent epoch voting credit history for this voter * @property {number} commission A percentage (0-100) of rewards payout owed to the voter * @property {number} lastVote Most recent slot voted on by this vote account */ type VoteAccountInfo = { votePubkey: string, nodePubkey: string, activatedStake: number, epochVoteAccount: boolean, epochCredits: Array<[number, number, number]>, commission: number, lastVote: number, }; /** * A collection of cluster vote accounts * * @typedef {Object} VoteAccountStatus * @property {Array} current Active vote accounts * @property {Array} delinquent Inactive vote accounts */ type VoteAccountStatus = { current: Array, delinquent: Array, }; /** * Network Inflation * (see https://docs.solana.com/implemented-proposals/ed_overview) * * @typedef {Object} InflationGovernor * @property {number} foundation * @property {number} foundation_term * @property {number} initial * @property {number} taper * @property {number} terminal */ type InflationGovernor = { foundation: number, foundationTerm: number, initial: number, taper: number, terminal: number, }; const GetInflationGovernorResult = struct({ foundation: 'number', foundationTerm: 'number', initial: 'number', taper: 'number', terminal: 'number', }); /** * Information about the current epoch * * @typedef {Object} EpochInfo * @property {number} epoch * @property {number} slotIndex * @property {number} slotsInEpoch * @property {number} absoluteSlot * @property {number} blockHeight */ type EpochInfo = { epoch: number, slotIndex: number, slotsInEpoch: number, absoluteSlot: number, blockHeight: number | null, }; const GetEpochInfoResult = struct({ epoch: 'number', slotIndex: 'number', slotsInEpoch: 'number', absoluteSlot: 'number', blockHeight: 'number?', }); /** * Epoch schedule * (see https://docs.solana.com/terminology#epoch) * * @typedef {Object} EpochSchedule * @property {number} slotsPerEpoch The maximum number of slots in each epoch * @property {number} leaderScheduleSlotOffset The number of slots before beginning of an epoch to calculate a leader schedule for that epoch * @property {boolean} warmup Indicates whether epochs start short and grow * @property {number} firstNormalEpoch The first epoch with `slotsPerEpoch` slots * @property {number} firstNormalSlot The first slot of `firstNormalEpoch` */ type EpochSchedule = { slotsPerEpoch: number, leaderScheduleSlotOffset: number, warmup: boolean, firstNormalEpoch: number, firstNormalSlot: number, }; const GetEpochScheduleResult = struct({ slotsPerEpoch: 'number', leaderScheduleSlotOffset: 'number', warmup: 'boolean', firstNormalEpoch: 'number', firstNormalSlot: 'number', }); /** * Leader schedule * (see https://docs.solana.com/terminology#leader-schedule) * * @typedef {Object} LeaderSchedule */ type LeaderSchedule = { [address: string]: number[], }; const GetLeaderScheduleResult = struct.record([ 'string', 'any', // validating struct.array(['number']) is extremely slow ]); /** * Transaction error or null */ const TransactionErrorResult = struct.union(['null', 'object']); /** * Signature status for a transaction */ const SignatureStatusResult = struct({err: TransactionErrorResult}); /** * Version info for a node * * @typedef {Object} Version * @property {string} solana-core Version of solana-core */ const Version = struct.pick({ 'solana-core': 'string', 'feature-set': 'number?', }); type SimulatedTransactionResponse = { err: TransactionError | string | null, logs: Array | null, }; const SimulatedTransactionResponseValidator = jsonRpcResultAndContext( struct.pick({ err: struct.union(['null', 'object', 'string']), logs: struct.union(['null', struct.array(['string'])]), }), ); type PartiallyDecodedInnerInstruction = { index: number, instructions: PartiallyDecodedInstruction[], }; type ParsedInnerInstruction = { index: number, instructions: (ParsedInstruction | PartiallyDecodedInnerInstruction)[], }; /** * Metadata for a parsed confirmed transaction on the ledger * * @typedef {Object} ParsedConfirmedTransactionMeta * @property {number} fee The fee charged for processing the transaction * @property {Array} innerInstructions An array of cross program invoked parsed instructions * @property {Array} preBalances The balances of the transaction accounts before processing * @property {Array} postBalances The balances of the transaction accounts after processing * @property {Array} logMessages An array of program log messages emitted during a transaction * @property {object|null} err The error result of transaction processing */ type ParsedConfirmedTransactionMeta = { fee: number, innerInstructions?: ParsedInnerInstruction[], preBalances: Array, postBalances: Array, logMessages?: Array, err: TransactionError | null, }; type CompiledInnerInstruction = { index: number, instructions: CompiledInstruction[], }; /** * Metadata for a confirmed transaction on the ledger * * @typedef {Object} ConfirmedTransactionMeta * @property {number} fee The fee charged for processing the transaction * @property {Array} innerInstructions An array of cross program invoked instructions * @property {Array} preBalances The balances of the transaction accounts before processing * @property {Array} postBalances The balances of the transaction accounts after processing * @property {Array} logMessages An array of program log messages emitted during a transaction * @property {object|null} err The error result of transaction processing */ type ConfirmedTransactionMeta = { fee: number, innerInstructions?: CompiledInnerInstruction[], preBalances: Array, postBalances: Array, logMessages?: Array, err: TransactionError | null, }; /** * A confirmed transaction on the ledger * * @typedef {Object} ConfirmedTransaction * @property {number} slot The slot during which the transaction was processed * @property {Transaction} transaction The details of the transaction * @property {ConfirmedTransactionMeta|null} meta Metadata produced from the transaction */ type ConfirmedTransaction = { slot: number, transaction: Transaction, meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null, }; /** * A partially decoded transaction instruction * * @typedef {Object} ParsedMessageAccount * @property {PublicKey} pubkey Public key of the account * @property {PublicKey} accounts Indicates if the account signed the transaction * @property {string} data Raw base-58 instruction data */ type PartiallyDecodedInstruction = {| programId: PublicKey, accounts: Array, data: string, |}; /** * A parsed transaction message account * * @typedef {Object} ParsedMessageAccount * @property {PublicKey} pubkey Public key of the account * @property {boolean} signer Indicates if the account signed the transaction * @property {boolean} writable Indicates if the account is writable for this transaction */ type ParsedMessageAccount = { pubkey: PublicKey, signer: boolean, writable: boolean, }; /** * A parsed transaction instruction * * @typedef {Object} ParsedInstruction * @property {string} program Name of the program for this instruction * @property {PublicKey} programId ID of the program for this instruction * @property {any} parsed Parsed instruction info */ type ParsedInstruction = {| program: string, programId: PublicKey, parsed: any, |}; /** * A parsed transaction message * * @typedef {Object} ParsedMessage * @property {Array} accountKeys Accounts used in the instructions * @property {Array} instructions The atomically executed instructions for the transaction * @property {string} recentBlockhash Recent blockhash */ type ParsedMessage = { accountKeys: ParsedMessageAccount[], instructions: (ParsedInstruction | PartiallyDecodedInstruction)[], recentBlockhash: string, }; /** * A parsed transaction * * @typedef {Object} ParsedTransaction * @property {Array} signatures Signatures for the transaction * @property {ParsedMessage} message Message of the transaction */ type ParsedTransaction = { signatures: Array, message: ParsedMessage, }; /** * A parsed and confirmed transaction on the ledger * * @typedef {Object} ParsedConfirmedTransaction * @property {number} slot The slot during which the transaction was processed * @property {ParsedTransaction} transaction The details of the transaction * @property {ConfirmedTransactionMeta|null} meta Metadata produced from the transaction */ type ParsedConfirmedTransaction = { slot: number, transaction: ParsedTransaction, meta: ParsedConfirmedTransactionMeta | null, }; /** * A ConfirmedBlock on the ledger * * @typedef {Object} ConfirmedBlock * @property {Blockhash} blockhash Blockhash of this block * @property {Blockhash} previousBlockhash Blockhash of this block's parent * @property {number} parentSlot Slot index of this block's parent * @property {Array} transactions Vector of transactions and status metas * @property {Array} rewards Vector of block rewards */ type ConfirmedBlock = { blockhash: Blockhash, previousBlockhash: Blockhash, parentSlot: number, transactions: Array<{ transaction: Transaction, meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null, }>, rewards: Array<{ pubkey: string, lamports: number, postBalance: number | null, rewardType: string | null, }>, }; /** * A performance sample * * @typedef {Object} PerfSample * @property {number} slot Slot number of sample * @property {number} numTransactions Number of transactions in a sample window * @property {number} numSlots Number of slots in a sample window * @property {number} samplePeriodSecs Sample window in seconds */ type PerfSample = { slot: number, numTransactions: number, numSlots: number, samplePeriodSecs: number, }; function createRpcRequest(url: string, useHttps: boolean): RpcRequest { const agentManager = new AgentManager(useHttps); const server = jayson(async (request, callback) => { const agent = agentManager.requestStart(); const options = { method: 'POST', body: request, agent, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }; try { let too_many_requests_retries = 5; let res = {}; let waitTime = 500; for (;;) { res = await fetch(url, options); if (res.status !== 429 /* Too many requests */) { break; } too_many_requests_retries -= 1; if (too_many_requests_retries === 0) { break; } console.log( `Server responded with ${res.status} ${res.statusText}. Retrying after ${waitTime}ms delay...`, ); await sleep(waitTime); waitTime *= 2; } const text = await res.text(); if (res.ok) { callback(null, text); } else { callback(new Error(`${res.status} ${res.statusText}: ${text}`)); } } catch (err) { callback(err); } finally { agentManager.requestEnd(); } }); return (method, args) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { server.request(method, args, (err, response) => { if (err) { reject(err); return; } resolve(response); }); }); }; } /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getInflationGovernor" message */ const GetInflationGovernorRpcResult = struct({ jsonrpc: struct.literal('2.0'), id: 'string', error: 'any?', result: GetInflationGovernorResult, }); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getEpochInfo" message */ const GetEpochInfoRpcResult = struct({ jsonrpc: struct.literal('2.0'), id: 'string', error: 'any?', result: GetEpochInfoResult, }); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getEpochSchedule" message */ const GetEpochScheduleRpcResult = struct({ jsonrpc: struct.literal('2.0'), id: 'string', error: 'any?', result: GetEpochScheduleResult, }); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getLeaderSchedule" message */ const GetLeaderScheduleRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(GetLeaderScheduleResult); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getBalance" message */ const GetBalanceAndContextRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext('number?'); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getBlockTime" message */ const GetBlockTimeRpcResult = struct({ jsonrpc: struct.literal('2.0'), id: 'string', error: 'any?', result: struct.union(['null', 'number', 'undefined']), }); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "minimumLedgerSlot" and "getFirstAvailableBlock" messages */ const SlotRpcResult = struct({ jsonrpc: struct.literal('2.0'), id: 'string', error: 'any?', result: 'number', }); /** * Supply * * @typedef {Object} Supply * @property {number} total Total supply in lamports * @property {number} circulating Circulating supply in lamports * @property {number} nonCirculating Non-circulating supply in lamports * @property {Array} nonCirculatingAccounts List of non-circulating account addresses */ type Supply = { total: number, circulating: number, nonCirculating: number, nonCirculatingAccounts: Array, }; /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getSupply" message */ const GetSupplyRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext( struct({ total: 'number', circulating: 'number', nonCirculating: 'number', nonCirculatingAccounts: struct.array(['string']), }), ); /** * Token amount object which returns a token amount in different formats * for various client use cases. * * @typedef {Object} TokenAmount * @property {string} amount Raw amount of tokens as string ignoring decimals * @property {number} decimals Number of decimals configured for token's mint * @property {number} uiAmount Token account as float, accounts for decimals */ type TokenAmount = { amount: string, decimals: number, uiAmount: number, }; /** * Expected JSON RPC structure for token amounts */ const TokenAmountResult = struct.object({ amount: 'string', uiAmount: 'number', decimals: 'number', }); /** * Token address and balance. * * @typedef {Object} TokenAccountBalancePair * @property {PublicKey} address Address of the token account * @property {string} amount Raw amount of tokens as string ignoring decimals * @property {number} decimals Number of decimals configured for token's mint * @property {number} uiAmount Token account as float, accounts for decimals */ type TokenAccountBalancePair = { address: PublicKey, amount: string, decimals: number, uiAmount: number, }; /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getTokenLargestAccounts" message */ const GetTokenLargestAccountsResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext( struct.array([ struct.pick({ address: 'string', amount: 'string', uiAmount: 'number', decimals: 'number', }), ]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getTokenAccountBalance" message */ const GetTokenAccountBalance = jsonRpcResultAndContext(TokenAmountResult); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getTokenSupply" message */ const GetTokenSupplyRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext(TokenAmountResult); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getTokenAccountsByOwner" message */ const GetTokenAccountsByOwner = jsonRpcResultAndContext( struct.array([ struct.object({ pubkey: 'string', account: struct.object({ executable: 'boolean', owner: 'string', lamports: 'number', data: ['string', struct.literal('base64')], rentEpoch: 'number?', }), }), ]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getTokenAccountsByOwner" message with parsed data */ const GetParsedTokenAccountsByOwner = jsonRpcResultAndContext( struct.array([ struct.object({ pubkey: 'string', account: struct.object({ executable: 'boolean', owner: 'string', lamports: 'number', data: struct.pick({ program: 'string', parsed: 'any', space: 'number', }), rentEpoch: 'number?', }), }), ]), ); /** * Pair of an account address and its balance * * @typedef {Object} AccountBalancePair * @property {PublicKey} address * @property {number} lamports */ type AccountBalancePair = { address: PublicKey, lamports: number, }; /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getLargestAccounts" message */ const GetLargestAccountsRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext( struct.array([ struct({ lamports: 'number', address: 'string', }), ]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getVersion" message */ const GetVersionRpcResult = struct({ jsonrpc: struct.literal('2.0'), id: 'string', error: 'any?', result: Version, }); /** * @private */ const AccountInfoResult = struct({ executable: 'boolean', owner: 'string', lamports: 'number', data: 'any', rentEpoch: 'number?', }); /** * @private */ const ParsedAccountInfoResult = struct.object({ executable: 'boolean', owner: 'string', lamports: 'number', data: struct.union([ ['string', struct.literal('base64')], struct.pick({ program: 'string', parsed: 'any', space: 'number', }), ]), rentEpoch: 'number?', }); /** * @private */ const StakeActivationResult = struct.object({ state: struct.union([ struct.literal('active'), struct.literal('inactive'), struct.literal('activating'), struct.literal('deactivating'), ]), active: 'number', inactive: 'number', }); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getAccountInfo" message */ const GetAccountInfoAndContextRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext( struct.union(['null', AccountInfoResult]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getAccountInfo" message with jsonParsed param */ const GetParsedAccountInfoResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext( struct.union(['null', ParsedAccountInfoResult]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getStakeActivation" message with jsonParsed param */ const GetStakeActivationResult = jsonRpcResult(StakeActivationResult); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress" message */ const GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddressRpcResult = jsonRpcResult( struct.array(['string']), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2" message */ const GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2RpcResult = jsonRpcResult( struct.array([ struct({ signature: 'string', slot: 'number', err: TransactionErrorResult, memo: struct.union(['null', 'string']), }), ]), ); /*** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "accountNotification" message */ const AccountNotificationResult = struct({ subscription: 'number', result: notificationResultAndContext(AccountInfoResult), }); /** * @private */ const ProgramAccountInfoResult = struct({ pubkey: 'string', account: AccountInfoResult, }); /** * @private */ const ParsedProgramAccountInfoResult = struct({ pubkey: 'string', account: ParsedAccountInfoResult, }); /*** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "programNotification" message */ const ProgramAccountNotificationResult = struct({ subscription: 'number', result: notificationResultAndContext(ProgramAccountInfoResult), }); /** * @private */ const SlotInfoResult = struct({ parent: 'number', slot: 'number', root: 'number', }); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "slotNotification" message */ const SlotNotificationResult = struct({ subscription: 'number', result: SlotInfoResult, }); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "signatureNotification" message */ const SignatureNotificationResult = struct({ subscription: 'number', result: notificationResultAndContext(SignatureStatusResult), }); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "rootNotification" message */ const RootNotificationResult = struct({ subscription: 'number', result: 'number', }); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getProgramAccounts" message */ const GetProgramAccountsRpcResult = jsonRpcResult( struct.array([ProgramAccountInfoResult]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getProgramAccounts" message */ const GetParsedProgramAccountsRpcResult = jsonRpcResult( struct.array([ParsedProgramAccountInfoResult]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getSlot" message */ const GetSlot = jsonRpcResult('number'); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getSlotLeader" message */ const GetSlotLeader = jsonRpcResult('string'); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getClusterNodes" message */ const GetClusterNodes = jsonRpcResult( struct.array([ struct.pick({ pubkey: 'string', gossip: struct.union(['null', 'string']), tpu: struct.union(['null', 'string']), rpc: struct.union(['null', 'string']), version: struct.union(['null', 'string']), }), ]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getVoteAccounts" message */ const GetVoteAccounts = jsonRpcResult( struct({ current: struct.array([ struct.pick({ votePubkey: 'string', nodePubkey: 'string', activatedStake: 'number', epochVoteAccount: 'boolean', epochCredits: struct.array([ struct.tuple(['number', 'number', 'number']), ]), commission: 'number', lastVote: 'number', rootSlot: 'number?', }), ]), delinquent: struct.array([ struct.pick({ votePubkey: 'string', nodePubkey: 'string', activatedStake: 'number', epochVoteAccount: 'boolean', epochCredits: struct.array([ struct.tuple(['number', 'number', 'number']), ]), commission: 'number', lastVote: 'number', rootSlot: 'number?', }), ]), }), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getSignatureStatuses" message */ const GetSignatureStatusesRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext( struct.array([ struct.union([ 'null', struct.pick({ slot: 'number', confirmations: struct.union(['number', 'null']), err: TransactionErrorResult, }), ]), ]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getTransactionCount" message */ const GetTransactionCountRpcResult = jsonRpcResult('number'); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getTotalSupply" message */ const GetTotalSupplyRpcResult = jsonRpcResult('number'); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption" message */ const GetMinimumBalanceForRentExemptionRpcResult = jsonRpcResult('number'); /** * @private */ const ConfirmedTransactionResult = struct({ signatures: struct.array(['string']), message: struct({ accountKeys: struct.array(['string']), header: struct({ numRequiredSignatures: 'number', numReadonlySignedAccounts: 'number', numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 'number', }), instructions: struct.array([ struct({ accounts: struct.array(['number']), data: 'string', programIdIndex: 'number', }), ]), recentBlockhash: 'string', }), }); /** * @private */ const ParsedConfirmedTransactionResult = struct({ signatures: struct.array(['string']), message: struct({ accountKeys: struct.array([ struct({ pubkey: 'string', signer: 'boolean', writable: 'boolean', }), ]), instructions: struct.array([ struct.union([ struct({ accounts: struct.array(['string']), data: 'string', programId: 'string', }), struct({ parsed: 'any', program: 'string', programId: 'string', }), ]), ]), recentBlockhash: 'string', }), }); /** * @private */ const ConfirmedTransactionMetaResult = struct.union([ 'null', struct.pick({ err: TransactionErrorResult, fee: 'number', innerInstructions: struct.union([ struct.array([ struct({ index: 'number', instructions: struct.array([ struct({ accounts: struct.array(['number']), data: 'string', programIdIndex: 'number', }), ]), }), ]), 'null', 'undefined', ]), preBalances: struct.array(['number']), postBalances: struct.array(['number']), logMessages: struct.union([struct.array(['string']), 'null', 'undefined']), }), ]); /** * @private */ const ParsedConfirmedTransactionMetaResult = struct.union([ 'null', struct.pick({ err: TransactionErrorResult, fee: 'number', innerInstructions: struct.union([ struct.array([ struct({ index: 'number', instructions: struct.array([ struct.union([ struct({ accounts: struct.array(['string']), data: 'string', programId: 'string', }), struct({ parsed: 'any', program: 'string', programId: 'string', }), ]), ]), }), ]), 'null', 'undefined', ]), preBalances: struct.array(['number']), postBalances: struct.array(['number']), logMessages: struct.union([struct.array(['string']), 'null', 'undefined']), }), ]); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getConfirmedBlock" message */ export const GetConfirmedBlockRpcResult = jsonRpcResult( struct.union([ 'null', struct.pick({ blockhash: 'string', previousBlockhash: 'string', parentSlot: 'number', transactions: struct.array([ struct({ transaction: ConfirmedTransactionResult, meta: ConfirmedTransactionMetaResult, }), ]), rewards: struct.union([ 'undefined', struct.array([ struct({ pubkey: 'string', lamports: 'number', postBalance: struct.union(['number', 'undefined']), rewardType: struct.union(['string', 'undefined']), }), ]), ]), }), ]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getConfirmedTransaction" message */ const GetConfirmedTransactionRpcResult = jsonRpcResult( struct.union([ 'null', struct.pick({ slot: 'number', transaction: ConfirmedTransactionResult, meta: ConfirmedTransactionMetaResult, }), ]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getConfirmedTransaction" message */ const GetParsedConfirmedTransactionRpcResult = jsonRpcResult( struct.union([ 'null', struct.pick({ slot: 'number', transaction: ParsedConfirmedTransactionResult, meta: ParsedConfirmedTransactionMetaResult, }), ]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getRecentBlockhash" message */ const GetRecentBlockhashAndContextRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext( struct({ blockhash: 'string', feeCalculator: struct({ lamportsPerSignature: 'number', }), }), ); /* * Expected JSON RPC response for "getRecentPerformanceSamples" message */ const GetRecentPerformanceSamplesRpcResult = jsonRpcResult( struct.array([ struct.pick({ slot: 'number', numTransactions: 'number', numSlots: 'number', samplePeriodSecs: 'number', }), ]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash" message */ const GetFeeCalculatorRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext( struct.union([ 'null', struct({ feeCalculator: struct({ lamportsPerSignature: 'number', }), }), ]), ); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "requestAirdrop" message */ const RequestAirdropRpcResult = jsonRpcResult('string'); /** * Expected JSON RPC response for the "sendTransaction" message */ const SendTransactionRpcResult = jsonRpcResult('string'); /** * Information about the latest slot being processed by a node * * @typedef {Object} SlotInfo * @property {number} slot Currently processing slot * @property {number} parent Parent of the current slot * @property {number} root The root block of the current slot's fork */ type SlotInfo = { slot: number, parent: number, root: number, }; /** * Parsed account data * * @typedef {Object} ParsedAccountData * @property {string} program Name of the program that owns this account * @property {any} parsed Parsed account data * @property {number} space Space used by account data */ type ParsedAccountData = { program: string, parsed: any, space: number, }; /** * Stake Activation data * * @typedef {Object} StakeActivationData * @property {string} state: = { executable: boolean, owner: PublicKey, lamports: number, data: T, }; /** * Account information identified by pubkey * * @typedef {Object} KeyedAccountInfo * @property {PublicKey} accountId * @property {AccountInfo} accountInfo */ type KeyedAccountInfo = { accountId: PublicKey, accountInfo: AccountInfo, }; /** * Callback function for account change notifications */ export type AccountChangeCallback = ( accountInfo: AccountInfo, context: Context, ) => void; /** * @private */ type SubscriptionId = 'subscribing' | number; /** * @private */ type AccountSubscriptionInfo = { publicKey: string, // PublicKey of the account as a base 58 string callback: AccountChangeCallback, commitment: ?Commitment, subscriptionId: ?SubscriptionId, // null when there's no current server subscription id }; /** * Callback function for program account change notifications */ export type ProgramAccountChangeCallback = ( keyedAccountInfo: KeyedAccountInfo, context: Context, ) => void; /** * @private */ type ProgramAccountSubscriptionInfo = { programId: string, // PublicKey of the program as a base 58 string callback: ProgramAccountChangeCallback, commitment: ?Commitment, subscriptionId: ?SubscriptionId, // null when there's no current server subscription id }; /** * Callback function for slot change notifications */ export type SlotChangeCallback = (slotInfo: SlotInfo) => void; /** * @private */ type SlotSubscriptionInfo = { callback: SlotChangeCallback, subscriptionId: ?SubscriptionId, // null when there's no current server subscription id }; /** * Callback function for signature notifications */ export type SignatureResultCallback = ( signatureResult: SignatureResult, context: Context, ) => void; /** * @private */ type SignatureSubscriptionInfo = { signature: TransactionSignature, // TransactionSignature as a base 58 string callback: SignatureResultCallback, commitment: ?Commitment, subscriptionId: ?SubscriptionId, // null when there's no current server subscription id }; /** * Callback function for root change notifications */ export type RootChangeCallback = (root: number) => void; /** * @private */ type RootSubscriptionInfo = { callback: RootChangeCallback, subscriptionId: ?SubscriptionId, // null when there's no current server subscription id }; /** * Signature result * * @typedef {Object} SignatureResult */ export type SignatureResult = {| err: TransactionError | null, |}; /** * Transaction error * * @typedef {Object} TransactionError */ export type TransactionError = {}; /** * Signature status * * @typedef {Object} SignatureStatus * @property {number} slot when the transaction was processed * @property {number | null} confirmations the number of blocks that have been confirmed and voted on in the fork containing `slot` (TODO) * @property {TransactionError | null} err error, if any */ export type SignatureStatus = { slot: number, confirmations: number | null, err: TransactionError | null, }; /** * A confirmed signature with its status * * @typedef {Object} ConfirmedSignatureInfo * @property {string} signature the transaction signature * @property {number} slot when the transaction was processed * @property {TransactionError | null} err error, if any * @property {string | null} memo memo associated with the transaction, if any */ export type ConfirmedSignatureInfo = { signature: string, slot: number, err: TransactionError | null, memo: string | null, }; /** * A connection to a fullnode JSON RPC endpoint */ export class Connection { _rpcEndpoint: string; _rpcRequest: RpcRequest; _rpcWebSocket: RpcWebSocketClient; _rpcWebSocketConnected: boolean = false; _rpcWebSocketHeartbeat: IntervalID | null = null; _rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout: TimeoutID | null = null; _commitment: ?Commitment; _blockhashInfo: { recentBlockhash: Blockhash | null, lastFetch: Date, simulatedSignatures: Array, transactionSignatures: Array, }; _disableBlockhashCaching: boolean = false; _pollingBlockhash: boolean = false; _accountChangeSubscriptions: {[number]: AccountSubscriptionInfo} = {}; _accountChangeSubscriptionCounter: number = 0; _programAccountChangeSubscriptions: { [number]: ProgramAccountSubscriptionInfo, } = {}; _programAccountChangeSubscriptionCounter: number = 0; _slotSubscriptions: { [number]: SlotSubscriptionInfo, } = {}; _slotSubscriptionCounter: number = 0; _signatureSubscriptions: { [number]: SignatureSubscriptionInfo, } = {}; _signatureSubscriptionCounter: number = 0; _rootSubscriptions: { [number]: RootSubscriptionInfo, } = {}; _rootSubscriptionCounter: number = 0; /** * Establish a JSON RPC connection * * @param endpoint URL to the fullnode JSON RPC endpoint * @param commitment optional default commitment level */ constructor(endpoint: string, commitment: ?Commitment) { this._rpcEndpoint = endpoint; let url = urlParse(endpoint); const useHttps = url.protocol === 'https:'; this._rpcRequest = createRpcRequest(url.href, useHttps); this._commitment = commitment; this._blockhashInfo = { recentBlockhash: null, lastFetch: new Date(0), transactionSignatures: [], simulatedSignatures: [], }; url.protocol = useHttps ? 'wss:' : 'ws:'; url.host = ''; // Only shift the port by +1 as a convention for ws(s) only if given endpoint // is explictly specifying the endpoint port (HTTP-based RPC), assuming // we're directly trying to connect to solana-validator's ws listening port. // When the endpoint omits the port, we're connecting to the protocol // default ports: http(80) or https(443) and it's assumed we're behind a reverse // proxy which manages WebSocket upgrade and backend port redirection. if (url.port !== null) { url.port = String(Number(url.port) + 1); } this._rpcWebSocket = new RpcWebSocketClient(urlFormat(url), { autoconnect: false, max_reconnects: Infinity, }); this._rpcWebSocket.on('open', this._wsOnOpen.bind(this)); this._rpcWebSocket.on('error', this._wsOnError.bind(this)); this._rpcWebSocket.on('close', this._wsOnClose.bind(this)); this._rpcWebSocket.on( 'accountNotification', this._wsOnAccountNotification.bind(this), ); this._rpcWebSocket.on( 'programNotification', this._wsOnProgramAccountNotification.bind(this), ); this._rpcWebSocket.on( 'slotNotification', this._wsOnSlotNotification.bind(this), ); this._rpcWebSocket.on( 'signatureNotification', this._wsOnSignatureNotification.bind(this), ); this._rpcWebSocket.on( 'rootNotification', this._wsOnRootNotification.bind(this), ); } /** * The default commitment used for requests */ get commitment(): ?Commitment { return this._commitment; } /** * Fetch the balance for the specified public key, return with context */ async getBalanceAndContext( publicKey: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise> { const args = this._buildArgs([publicKey.toBase58()], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getBalance', args); const res = GetBalanceAndContextRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get balance for ' + publicKey.toBase58() + ': ' + res.error.message, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the balance for the specified public key */ async getBalance( publicKey: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise { return await this.getBalanceAndContext(publicKey, commitment) .then(x => x.value) .catch(e => { throw new Error( 'failed to get balance of account ' + publicKey.toBase58() + ': ' + e, ); }); } /** * Fetch the estimated production time of a block */ async getBlockTime(slot: number): Promise { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getBlockTime', [slot]); const res = GetBlockTimeRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get block time for slot ' + slot + ': ' + res.error.message, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the lowest slot that the node has information about in its ledger. * This value may increase over time if the node is configured to purge older ledger data */ async getMinimumLedgerSlot(): Promise { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('minimumLedgerSlot', []); const res = SlotRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get minimum ledger slot: ' + res.error.message, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the slot of the lowest confirmed block that has not been purged from the ledger */ async getFirstAvailableBlock(): Promise { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getFirstAvailableBlock', []); const res = SlotRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get first available block: ' + res.error.message, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch information about the current supply */ async getSupply( commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise> { const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getSupply', args); const res = GetSupplyRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get supply: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); res.result.value.nonCirculatingAccounts = res.result.value.nonCirculatingAccounts.map( account => new PublicKey(account), ); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the current supply of a token mint */ async getTokenSupply( tokenMintAddress: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise> { const args = this._buildArgs([tokenMintAddress.toBase58()], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTokenSupply', args); const res = GetTokenSupplyRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get token supply: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the current balance of a token account */ async getTokenAccountBalance( tokenAddress: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise> { const args = this._buildArgs([tokenAddress.toBase58()], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTokenAccountBalance', args); const res = GetTokenAccountBalance(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get token account balance: ' + res.error.message, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch all the token accounts owned by the specified account * * @return {Promise}>>>} */ async getTokenAccountsByOwner( ownerAddress: PublicKey, filter: TokenAccountsFilter, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise< RpcResponseAndContext< Array<{pubkey: PublicKey, account: AccountInfo}>, >, > { let _args = [ownerAddress.toBase58()]; if (filter.mint) { _args.push({mint: filter.mint.toBase58()}); } else { _args.push({programId: filter.programId.toBase58()}); } const args = this._buildArgs(_args, commitment, 'base64'); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTokenAccountsByOwner', args); const res = GetTokenAccountsByOwner(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get token accounts owned by account ' + ownerAddress.toBase58() + ': ' + res.error.message, ); } const {result} = res; const {context, value} = result; assert(typeof result !== 'undefined'); return { context, value: value.map(result => { assert(result.account.data[1] === 'base64'); return { pubkey: new PublicKey(result.pubkey), account: { executable: result.account.executable, owner: new PublicKey(result.account.owner), lamports: result.account.lamports, data: Buffer.from(result.account.data[0], 'base64'), }, }; }), }; } /** * Fetch parsed token accounts owned by the specified account * * @return {Promise}>>>} */ async getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner( ownerAddress: PublicKey, filter: TokenAccountsFilter, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise< RpcResponseAndContext< Array<{pubkey: PublicKey, account: AccountInfo}>, >, > { let _args = [ownerAddress.toBase58()]; if (filter.mint) { _args.push({mint: filter.mint.toBase58()}); } else { _args.push({programId: filter.programId.toBase58()}); } const args = this._buildArgs(_args, commitment, 'jsonParsed'); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTokenAccountsByOwner', args); const res = GetParsedTokenAccountsByOwner(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get token accounts owned by account ' + ownerAddress.toBase58() + ': ' + res.error.message, ); } const {result} = res; const {context, value} = result; assert(typeof result !== 'undefined'); return { context, value: value.map(result => ({ pubkey: new PublicKey(result.pubkey), account: { executable: result.account.executable, owner: new PublicKey(result.account.owner), lamports: result.account.lamports, data: result.account.data, }, })), }; } /** * Fetch the 20 largest accounts with their current balances */ async getLargestAccounts( config: ?GetLargestAccountsConfig, ): Promise>> { const arg = { ...config, commitment: (config && config.commitment) || this.commitment, }; const args = arg.filter || arg.commitment ? [arg] : []; const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getLargestAccounts', args); const res = GetLargestAccountsRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get largest accounts: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); res.result.value = res.result.value.map(({address, lamports}) => ({ address: new PublicKey(address), lamports, })); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the 20 largest token accounts with their current balances * for a given mint. */ async getTokenLargestAccounts( mintAddress: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise>> { const args = this._buildArgs([mintAddress.toBase58()], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTokenLargestAccounts', args); const res = GetTokenLargestAccountsResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get token largest accounts: ' + res.error.message, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); res.result.value = res.result.value.map(pair => ({ ...pair, address: new PublicKey(pair.address), })); return res.result; } /** * Fetch all the account info for the specified public key, return with context */ async getAccountInfoAndContext( publicKey: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise | null>> { const args = this._buildArgs([publicKey.toBase58()], commitment, 'base64'); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getAccountInfo', args); const res = GetAccountInfoAndContextRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get info about account ' + publicKey.toBase58() + ': ' + res.error.message, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); let value = null; if (res.result.value) { const {executable, owner, lamports, data} = res.result.value; assert(data[1] === 'base64'); value = { executable, owner: new PublicKey(owner), lamports, data: Buffer.from(data[0], 'base64'), }; } return { context: { slot: res.result.context.slot, }, value, }; } /** * Fetch parsed account info for the specified public key */ async getParsedAccountInfo( publicKey: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise< RpcResponseAndContext | null>, > { const args = this._buildArgs( [publicKey.toBase58()], commitment, 'jsonParsed', ); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getAccountInfo', args); const res = GetParsedAccountInfoResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get info about account ' + publicKey.toBase58() + ': ' + res.error.message, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); let value = null; if (res.result.value) { const {executable, owner, lamports, data: resultData} = res.result.value; let data = resultData; if (!data.program) { assert(data[1] === 'base64'); data = Buffer.from(data[0], 'base64'); } value = { executable, owner: new PublicKey(owner), lamports, data, }; } return { context: { slot: res.result.context.slot, }, value, }; } /** * Fetch all the account info for the specified public key */ async getAccountInfo( publicKey: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise | null> { return await this.getAccountInfoAndContext(publicKey, commitment) .then(x => x.value) .catch(e => { throw new Error( 'failed to get info about account ' + publicKey.toBase58() + ': ' + e, ); }); } /** * Returns epoch activation information for a stake account that has been delegated */ async getStakeActivation( publicKey: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, epoch: ?number, ): Promise { const args = this._buildArgs( [publicKey.toBase58()], commitment, undefined, epoch !== undefined ? {epoch} : undefined, ); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getStakeActivation', args); const res = GetStakeActivationResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( `failed to get Stake Activation ${publicKey.toBase58()}: ${ res.error.message }`, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); const {state, active, inactive} = res.result; return {state, active, inactive}; } /** * Fetch all the accounts owned by the specified program id * * @return {Promise}>>} */ async getProgramAccounts( programId: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise}>> { const args = this._buildArgs([programId.toBase58()], commitment, 'base64'); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getProgramAccounts', args); const res = GetProgramAccountsRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get accounts owned by program ' + programId.toBase58() + ': ' + res.error.message, ); } const {result} = res; assert(typeof result !== 'undefined'); return result.map(result => { assert(result.account.data[1] === 'base64'); return { pubkey: new PublicKey(result.pubkey), account: { executable: result.account.executable, owner: new PublicKey(result.account.owner), lamports: result.account.lamports, data: Buffer.from(result.account.data[0], 'base64'), }, }; }); } /** * Fetch and parse all the accounts owned by the specified program id * * @return {Promise}>>} */ async getParsedProgramAccounts( programId: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise< Array<{ pubkey: PublicKey, account: AccountInfo, }>, > { const args = this._buildArgs( [programId.toBase58()], commitment, 'jsonParsed', ); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getProgramAccounts', args); const res = GetParsedProgramAccountsRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get accounts owned by program ' + programId.toBase58() + ': ' + res.error.message, ); } const {result} = res; assert(typeof result !== 'undefined'); return result.map(result => { const resultData = result.account.data; let data = resultData; if (!data.program) { assert(data[1] === 'base64'); data = Buffer.from(data[0], 'base64'); } return { pubkey: new PublicKey(result.pubkey), account: { executable: result.account.executable, owner: new PublicKey(result.account.owner), lamports: result.account.lamports, data, }, }; }); } /** * Confirm the transaction identified by the specified signature. * * If `commitment` is not specified, default to 'max'. */ async confirmTransaction( signature: TransactionSignature, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise> { let decodedSignature; try { decodedSignature = bs58.decode(signature); } catch (err) { throw new Error('signature must be base58 encoded: ' + signature); } assert(decodedSignature.length === 64, 'signature has invalid length'); const start = Date.now(); const subscriptionCommitment: Commitment = commitment || 'max'; let subscriptionId; let response: RpcResponseAndContext | null = null; const confirmPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { subscriptionId = this.onSignature( signature, (result, context) => { subscriptionId = undefined; response = { context, value: result, }; resolve(); }, subscriptionCommitment, ); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }); let timeoutMs = 60 * 1000; switch (subscriptionCommitment) { case 'recent': case 'single': case 'singleGossip': { timeoutMs = 10 * 1000; break; } // exhaust enums to ensure full coverage case 'max': case 'root': } try { await promiseTimeout(confirmPromise, timeoutMs); } finally { if (subscriptionId) { this.removeSignatureListener(subscriptionId); } } if (response === null) { const duration = (Date.now() - start) / 1000; throw new Error( `Transaction was not confirmed in ${duration.toFixed(2)} seconds`, ); } return response; } /** * Return the list of nodes that are currently participating in the cluster */ async getClusterNodes(): Promise> { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getClusterNodes', []); const res = GetClusterNodes(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get cluster nodes: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Return the list of nodes that are currently participating in the cluster */ async getVoteAccounts(commitment: ?Commitment): Promise { const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getVoteAccounts', args); const res = GetVoteAccounts(unsafeRes); //const res = unsafeRes; if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get vote accounts: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the current slot that the node is processing */ async getSlot(commitment: ?Commitment): Promise { const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getSlot', args); const res = GetSlot(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get slot: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the current slot leader of the cluster */ async getSlotLeader(commitment: ?Commitment): Promise { const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getSlotLeader', args); const res = GetSlotLeader(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get slot leader: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the current status of a signature */ async getSignatureStatus( signature: TransactionSignature, config: ?SignatureStatusConfig, ): Promise> { const {context, value} = await this.getSignatureStatuses( [signature], config, ); assert(value.length === 1); return {context, value: value[0]}; } /** * Fetch the current statuses of a batch of signatures */ async getSignatureStatuses( signatures: Array, config: ?SignatureStatusConfig, ): Promise>> { const params = [signatures]; if (config) { params.push(config); } const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getSignatureStatuses', params); const res = GetSignatureStatusesRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get signature status: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the current transaction count of the cluster */ async getTransactionCount(commitment: ?Commitment): Promise { const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTransactionCount', args); const res = GetTransactionCountRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get transaction count: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return Number(res.result); } /** * Fetch the current total currency supply of the cluster in lamports */ async getTotalSupply(commitment: ?Commitment): Promise { const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTotalSupply', args); const res = GetTotalSupplyRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('faied to get total supply: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return Number(res.result); } /** * Fetch the cluster InflationGovernor parameters */ async getInflationGovernor( commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise { const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getInflationGovernor', args); const res = GetInflationGovernorRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get inflation: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return GetInflationGovernorResult(res.result); } /** * Fetch the Epoch Info parameters */ async getEpochInfo(commitment: ?Commitment): Promise { const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getEpochInfo', args); const res = GetEpochInfoRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get epoch info: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return GetEpochInfoResult(res.result); } /** * Fetch the Epoch Schedule parameters */ async getEpochSchedule(): Promise { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getEpochSchedule', []); const res = GetEpochScheduleRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get epoch schedule: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return GetEpochScheduleResult(res.result); } /** * Fetch the leader schedule for the current epoch * @return {Promise>} */ async getLeaderSchedule(): Promise { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getLeaderSchedule', []); const res = GetLeaderScheduleRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get leader schedule: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the minimum balance needed to exempt an account of `dataLength` * size from rent */ async getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption( dataLength: number, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise { const args = this._buildArgs([dataLength], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest( 'getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption', args, ); const res = GetMinimumBalanceForRentExemptionRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { console.warn('Unable to fetch minimum balance for rent exemption'); return 0; } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return Number(res.result); } /** * Fetch a recent blockhash from the cluster, return with context * @return {Promise>} */ async getRecentBlockhashAndContext( commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise< RpcResponseAndContext<{blockhash: Blockhash, feeCalculator: FeeCalculator}>, > { const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getRecentBlockhash', args); const res = GetRecentBlockhashAndContextRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get recent blockhash: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch recent performance samples * @return {Promise>} */ async getRecentPerformanceSamples( limit: ?number, ): Promise> { const args = this._buildArgs(limit ? [limit] : []); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest( 'getRecentPerformanceSamples', args, ); const res = GetRecentPerformanceSamplesRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get recent performance samples: ' + res.error.message, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch the fee calculator for a recent blockhash from the cluster, return with context */ async getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash( blockhash: Blockhash, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise> { const args = this._buildArgs([blockhash], commitment); const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest( 'getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash', args, ); const res = GetFeeCalculatorRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get fee calculator: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); const {context, value} = res.result; return { context, value: value && value.feeCalculator, }; } /** * Fetch a recent blockhash from the cluster * @return {Promise<{blockhash: Blockhash, feeCalculator: FeeCalculator}>} */ async getRecentBlockhash( commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise<{blockhash: Blockhash, feeCalculator: FeeCalculator}> { return await this.getRecentBlockhashAndContext(commitment) .then(x => x.value) .catch(e => { throw new Error('failed to get recent blockhash: ' + e); }); } /** * Fetch the node version */ async getVersion(): Promise { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getVersion', []); const res = GetVersionRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to get version: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Fetch a list of Transactions and transaction statuses from the cluster * for a confirmed block */ async getConfirmedBlock(slot: number): Promise { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getConfirmedBlock', [slot]); const {result, error} = GetConfirmedBlockRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (error) { throw new Error('failed to get confirmed block: ' + result.error.message); } assert(typeof result !== 'undefined'); if (!result) { throw new Error('Confirmed block ' + slot + ' not found'); } return { blockhash: new PublicKey(result.blockhash).toString(), previousBlockhash: new PublicKey(result.previousBlockhash).toString(), parentSlot: result.parentSlot, transactions: result.transactions.map(result => { const {message, signatures} = result.transaction; return { transaction: Transaction.populate(new Message(message), signatures), meta: result.meta, }; }), rewards: result.rewards || [], }; } /** * Fetch a transaction details for a confirmed transaction */ async getConfirmedTransaction( signature: TransactionSignature, ): Promise { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getConfirmedTransaction', [ signature, ]); const {result, error} = GetConfirmedTransactionRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (error) { throw new Error('failed to get confirmed transaction: ' + error.message); } assert(typeof result !== 'undefined'); if (result === null) { return result; } const {message, signatures} = result.transaction; return { slot: result.slot, transaction: Transaction.populate(new Message(message), signatures), meta: result.meta, }; } /** * Fetch parsed transaction details for a confirmed transaction */ async getParsedConfirmedTransaction( signature: TransactionSignature, ): Promise { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getConfirmedTransaction', [ signature, 'jsonParsed', ]); const {result, error} = GetParsedConfirmedTransactionRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (error) { throw new Error('failed to get confirmed transaction: ' + error.message); } assert(typeof result !== 'undefined'); if (result === null) return result; const { accountKeys, instructions, recentBlockhash, } = result.transaction.message; return { slot: result.slot, meta: result.meta, transaction: { signatures: result.transaction.signatures, message: { accountKeys: accountKeys.map(accountKey => ({ pubkey: new PublicKey(accountKey.pubkey), signer: accountKey.signer, writable: accountKey.writable, })), instructions: instructions.map(ix => { let mapped: any = {programId: new PublicKey(ix.programId)}; if ('accounts' in ix) { mapped.accounts = ix.accounts.map(key => new PublicKey(key)); } return { ...ix, ...mapped, }; }), recentBlockhash, }, }, }; } /** * Fetch a list of all the confirmed signatures for transactions involving an address * within a specified slot range. Max range allowed is 10,000 slots. * * @param address queried address * @param startSlot start slot, inclusive * @param endSlot end slot, inclusive */ async getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress( address: PublicKey, startSlot: number, endSlot: number, ): Promise> { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest( 'getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress', [address.toBase58(), startSlot, endSlot], ); const result = GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddressRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (result.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get confirmed signatures for address: ' + result.error.message, ); } assert(typeof result.result !== 'undefined'); return result.result; } /** * Returns confirmed signatures for transactions involving an * address backwards in time from the provided signature or most recent confirmed block * * * @param address queried address * @param options */ async getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2( address: PublicKey, options: ?ConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Options, ): Promise> { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest( 'getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2', [address.toBase58(), options], ); const result = GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2RpcResult(unsafeRes); if (result.error) { throw new Error( 'failed to get confirmed signatures for address: ' + result.error.message, ); } assert(typeof result.result !== 'undefined'); return result.result; } /** * Fetch the contents of a Nonce account from the cluster, return with context */ async getNonceAndContext( nonceAccount: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise> { const {context, value: accountInfo} = await this.getAccountInfoAndContext( nonceAccount, commitment, ); let value = null; if (accountInfo !== null) { value = NonceAccount.fromAccountData(accountInfo.data); } return { context, value, }; } /** * Fetch the contents of a Nonce account from the cluster */ async getNonce( nonceAccount: PublicKey, commitment: ?Commitment, ): Promise { return await this.getNonceAndContext(nonceAccount, commitment) .then(x => x.value) .catch(e => { throw new Error( 'failed to get nonce for account ' + nonceAccount.toBase58() + ': ' + e, ); }); } /** * Request an allocation of lamports to the specified account */ async requestAirdrop( to: PublicKey, amount: number, ): Promise { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('requestAirdrop', [ to.toBase58(), amount, ]); const res = RequestAirdropRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'airdrop to ' + to.toBase58() + ' failed: ' + res.error.message, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } async _recentBlockhash(disableCache: boolean): Promise { if (!disableCache) { // Wait for polling to finish while (this._pollingBlockhash) { await sleep(100); } // Attempt to use a recent blockhash for up to 30 seconds const expired = Date.now() - this._blockhashInfo.lastFetch >= BLOCKHASH_CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS; if (this._blockhashInfo.recentBlockhash !== null && !expired) { return this._blockhashInfo.recentBlockhash; } } return await this._pollNewBlockhash(); } async _pollNewBlockhash(): Promise { this._pollingBlockhash = true; try { const startTime = Date.now(); for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) { const {blockhash} = await this.getRecentBlockhash('max'); if (this._blockhashInfo.recentBlockhash != blockhash) { this._blockhashInfo = { recentBlockhash: blockhash, lastFetch: new Date(), transactionSignatures: [], simulatedSignatures: [], }; return blockhash; } // Sleep for approximately half a slot await sleep(MS_PER_SLOT / 2); } throw new Error( `Unable to obtain a new blockhash after ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`, ); } finally { this._pollingBlockhash = false; } } /** * Simulate a transaction */ async simulateTransaction( transaction: Transaction, signers?: Array, ): Promise> { if (transaction.nonceInfo && signers) { transaction.sign(...signers); } else { let disableCache = this._disableBlockhashCaching; for (;;) { transaction.recentBlockhash = await this._recentBlockhash(disableCache); if (!signers) break; transaction.sign(...signers); if (!transaction.signature) { throw new Error('!signature'); // should never happen } // If the signature of this transaction has not been seen before with the // current recentBlockhash, all done. const signature = transaction.signature.toString('base64'); if ( !this._blockhashInfo.simulatedSignatures.includes(signature) && !this._blockhashInfo.transactionSignatures.includes(signature) ) { this._blockhashInfo.simulatedSignatures.push(signature); break; } else { disableCache = true; } } } const signData = transaction.serializeMessage(); const wireTransaction = transaction._serialize(signData); const encodedTransaction = wireTransaction.toString('base64'); const config: any = {encoding: 'base64'}; const args = [encodedTransaction, config]; if (signers) { config.sigVerify = true; } const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('simulateTransaction', args); const res = SimulatedTransactionResponseValidator(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('failed to simulate transaction: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); assert(res.result); return res.result; } /** * Sign and send a transaction */ async sendTransaction( transaction: Transaction, signers: Array, options?: SendOptions, ): Promise { if (transaction.nonceInfo) { transaction.sign(...signers); } else { let disableCache = this._disableBlockhashCaching; for (;;) { transaction.recentBlockhash = await this._recentBlockhash(disableCache); transaction.sign(...signers); if (!transaction.signature) { throw new Error('!signature'); // should never happen } // If the signature of this transaction has not been seen before with the // current recentBlockhash, all done. const signature = transaction.signature.toString('base64'); if (!this._blockhashInfo.transactionSignatures.includes(signature)) { this._blockhashInfo.transactionSignatures.push(signature); break; } else { disableCache = true; } } } const wireTransaction = transaction.serialize(); return await this.sendRawTransaction(wireTransaction, options); } /** * @private */ async validatorExit(): Promise { const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('validatorExit', []); const res = jsonRpcResult('boolean')(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { throw new Error('validator exit failed: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); return res.result; } /** * Send a transaction that has already been signed and serialized into the * wire format */ async sendRawTransaction( rawTransaction: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array, options: ?SendOptions, ): Promise { const encodedTransaction = toBuffer(rawTransaction).toString('base64'); const result = await this.sendEncodedTransaction( encodedTransaction, options, ); return result; } /** * Send a transaction that has already been signed, serialized into the * wire format, and encoded as a base64 string */ async sendEncodedTransaction( encodedTransaction: string, options: ?SendOptions, ): Promise { const config: any = {encoding: 'base64'}; const args = [encodedTransaction, config]; const skipPreflight = options && options.skipPreflight; const preflightCommitment = options && options.preflightCommitment; if (skipPreflight && preflightCommitment) { throw new Error( 'cannot set preflightCommitment when skipPreflight is enabled', ); } if (skipPreflight) { config.skipPreflight = skipPreflight; } else if (preflightCommitment) { config.preflightCommitment = preflightCommitment; } const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('sendTransaction', args); const res = SendTransactionRpcResult(unsafeRes); if (res.error) { if (res.error.data) { const logs = res.error.data.logs; if (logs && Array.isArray(logs)) { const traceIndent = '\n '; const logTrace = traceIndent + logs.join(traceIndent); console.error(res.error.message, logTrace); } } throw new Error('failed to send transaction: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); assert(res.result); return res.result; } /** * @private */ _wsOnOpen() { this._rpcWebSocketConnected = true; this._rpcWebSocketHeartbeat = setInterval(() => { // Ping server every 5s to prevent idle timeouts this._rpcWebSocket.notify('ping').catch(() => {}); }, 5000); this._updateSubscriptions(); } /** * @private */ _wsOnError(err: Error) { console.error('ws error:', err.message); } /** * @private */ _wsOnClose(code: number) { clearInterval(this._rpcWebSocketHeartbeat); this._rpcWebSocketHeartbeat = null; if (code === 1000) { // explicit close, check if any subscriptions have been made since close this._updateSubscriptions(); return; } // implicit close, prepare subscriptions for auto-reconnect this._resetSubscriptions(); } /** * @private */ async _subscribe( sub: SubInfo, rpcMethod: string, rpcArgs: RpcArgs, ) { if (sub.subscriptionId == null) { sub.subscriptionId = 'subscribing'; try { const id = await this._rpcWebSocket.call(rpcMethod, rpcArgs); if (sub.subscriptionId === 'subscribing') { // eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates sub.subscriptionId = id; } } catch (err) { if (sub.subscriptionId === 'subscribing') { // eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates sub.subscriptionId = null; } console.error(`${rpcMethod} error for argument`, rpcArgs, err.message); } } } /** * @private */ async _unsubscribe( sub: SubInfo, rpcMethod: string, ) { const subscriptionId = sub.subscriptionId; if (subscriptionId != null && typeof subscriptionId != 'string') { const unsubscribeId: number = subscriptionId; try { await this._rpcWebSocket.call(rpcMethod, [unsubscribeId]); } catch (err) { console.error(`${rpcMethod} error:`, err.message); } } } /** * @private */ _resetSubscriptions() { (Object.values(this._accountChangeSubscriptions): any).forEach( s => (s.subscriptionId = null), ); (Object.values(this._programAccountChangeSubscriptions): any).forEach( s => (s.subscriptionId = null), ); (Object.values(this._signatureSubscriptions): any).forEach( s => (s.subscriptionId = null), ); (Object.values(this._slotSubscriptions): any).forEach( s => (s.subscriptionId = null), ); (Object.values(this._rootSubscriptions): any).forEach( s => (s.subscriptionId = null), ); } /** * @private */ _updateSubscriptions() { const accountKeys = Object.keys(this._accountChangeSubscriptions).map( Number, ); const programKeys = Object.keys( this._programAccountChangeSubscriptions, ).map(Number); const slotKeys = Object.keys(this._slotSubscriptions).map(Number); const signatureKeys = Object.keys(this._signatureSubscriptions).map(Number); const rootKeys = Object.keys(this._rootSubscriptions).map(Number); if ( accountKeys.length === 0 && programKeys.length === 0 && slotKeys.length === 0 && signatureKeys.length === 0 && rootKeys.length === 0 ) { if (this._rpcWebSocketConnected) { this._rpcWebSocketConnected = false; this._rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this._rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout = null; this._rpcWebSocket.close(); }, 500); } return; } if (this._rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout !== null) { clearTimeout(this._rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout); this._rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout = null; this._rpcWebSocketConnected = true; } if (!this._rpcWebSocketConnected) { this._rpcWebSocket.connect(); return; } for (let id of accountKeys) { const sub = this._accountChangeSubscriptions[id]; this._subscribe( sub, 'accountSubscribe', this._buildArgs([sub.publicKey], sub.commitment, 'base64'), ); } for (let id of programKeys) { const sub = this._programAccountChangeSubscriptions[id]; this._subscribe( sub, 'programSubscribe', this._buildArgs([sub.programId], sub.commitment, 'base64'), ); } for (let id of slotKeys) { const sub = this._slotSubscriptions[id]; this._subscribe(sub, 'slotSubscribe', []); } for (let id of signatureKeys) { const sub = this._signatureSubscriptions[id]; this._subscribe( sub, 'signatureSubscribe', this._buildArgs([sub.signature], sub.commitment), ); } for (let id of rootKeys) { const sub = this._rootSubscriptions[id]; this._subscribe(sub, 'rootSubscribe', []); } } /** * @private */ _wsOnAccountNotification(notification: Object) { const res = AccountNotificationResult(notification); if (res.error) { throw new Error('account notification failed: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); const keys = Object.keys(this._accountChangeSubscriptions).map(Number); for (let id of keys) { const sub = this._accountChangeSubscriptions[id]; if (sub.subscriptionId === res.subscription) { const {result} = res; const {value, context} = result; assert(value.data[1] === 'base64'); sub.callback( { executable: value.executable, owner: new PublicKey(value.owner), lamports: value.lamports, data: Buffer.from(value.data[0], 'base64'), }, context, ); return true; } } } /** * Register a callback to be invoked whenever the specified account changes * * @param publicKey Public key of the account to monitor * @param callback Function to invoke whenever the account is changed * @param commitment Specify the commitment level account changes must reach before notification * @return subscription id */ onAccountChange( publicKey: PublicKey, callback: AccountChangeCallback, commitment: ?Commitment, ): number { const id = ++this._accountChangeSubscriptionCounter; this._accountChangeSubscriptions[id] = { publicKey: publicKey.toBase58(), callback, commitment, subscriptionId: null, }; this._updateSubscriptions(); return id; } /** * Deregister an account notification callback * * @param id subscription id to deregister */ async removeAccountChangeListener(id: number): Promise { if (this._accountChangeSubscriptions[id]) { const subInfo = this._accountChangeSubscriptions[id]; delete this._accountChangeSubscriptions[id]; await this._unsubscribe(subInfo, 'accountUnsubscribe'); this._updateSubscriptions(); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown account change id: ${id}`); } } /** * @private */ _wsOnProgramAccountNotification(notification: Object) { const res = ProgramAccountNotificationResult(notification); if (res.error) { throw new Error( 'program account notification failed: ' + res.error.message, ); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); const keys = Object.keys(this._programAccountChangeSubscriptions).map( Number, ); for (let id of keys) { const sub = this._programAccountChangeSubscriptions[id]; if (sub.subscriptionId === res.subscription) { const {result} = res; const {value, context} = result; assert(value.account.data[1] === 'base64'); sub.callback( { accountId: value.pubkey, accountInfo: { executable: value.account.executable, owner: new PublicKey(value.account.owner), lamports: value.account.lamports, data: Buffer.from(value.account.data[0], 'base64'), }, }, context, ); return true; } } } /** * Register a callback to be invoked whenever accounts owned by the * specified program change * * @param programId Public key of the program to monitor * @param callback Function to invoke whenever the account is changed * @param commitment Specify the commitment level account changes must reach before notification * @return subscription id */ onProgramAccountChange( programId: PublicKey, callback: ProgramAccountChangeCallback, commitment: ?Commitment, ): number { const id = ++this._programAccountChangeSubscriptionCounter; this._programAccountChangeSubscriptions[id] = { programId: programId.toBase58(), callback, commitment, subscriptionId: null, }; this._updateSubscriptions(); return id; } /** * Deregister an account notification callback * * @param id subscription id to deregister */ async removeProgramAccountChangeListener(id: number): Promise { if (this._programAccountChangeSubscriptions[id]) { const subInfo = this._programAccountChangeSubscriptions[id]; delete this._programAccountChangeSubscriptions[id]; await this._unsubscribe(subInfo, 'programUnsubscribe'); this._updateSubscriptions(); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown program account change id: ${id}`); } } /** * @private */ _wsOnSlotNotification(notification: Object) { const res = SlotNotificationResult(notification); if (res.error) { throw new Error('slot notification failed: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); const {parent, slot, root} = res.result; const keys = Object.keys(this._slotSubscriptions).map(Number); for (let id of keys) { const sub = this._slotSubscriptions[id]; if (sub.subscriptionId === res.subscription) { sub.callback({ parent, slot, root, }); return true; } } } /** * Register a callback to be invoked upon slot changes * * @param callback Function to invoke whenever the slot changes * @return subscription id */ onSlotChange(callback: SlotChangeCallback): number { const id = ++this._slotSubscriptionCounter; this._slotSubscriptions[id] = { callback, subscriptionId: null, }; this._updateSubscriptions(); return id; } /** * Deregister a slot notification callback * * @param id subscription id to deregister */ async removeSlotChangeListener(id: number): Promise { if (this._slotSubscriptions[id]) { const subInfo = this._slotSubscriptions[id]; delete this._slotSubscriptions[id]; await this._unsubscribe(subInfo, 'slotUnsubscribe'); this._updateSubscriptions(); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown slot change id: ${id}`); } } _buildArgs( args: Array, override: ?Commitment, encoding?: 'jsonParsed' | 'base64', extra?: any, ): Array { const commitment = override || this._commitment; if (commitment || encoding || extra) { let options: any = {}; if (encoding) { options.encoding = encoding; } if (commitment) { options.commitment = commitment; } if (extra) { options = Object.assign(options, extra); } args.push(options); } return args; } /** * @private */ _wsOnSignatureNotification(notification: Object) { const res = SignatureNotificationResult(notification); if (res.error) { throw new Error('signature notification failed: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); const keys = Object.keys(this._signatureSubscriptions).map(Number); for (let id of keys) { const sub = this._signatureSubscriptions[id]; if (sub.subscriptionId === res.subscription) { // Signatures subscriptions are auto-removed by the RPC service so // no need to explicitly send an unsubscribe message delete this._signatureSubscriptions[id]; this._updateSubscriptions(); sub.callback(res.result.value, res.result.context); return; } } } /** * Register a callback to be invoked upon signature updates * * @param signature Transaction signature string in base 58 * @param callback Function to invoke on signature notifications * @param commitment Specify the commitment level signature must reach before notification * @return subscription id */ onSignature( signature: TransactionSignature, callback: SignatureResultCallback, commitment: ?Commitment, ): number { const id = ++this._signatureSubscriptionCounter; this._signatureSubscriptions[id] = { signature, callback, commitment, subscriptionId: null, }; this._updateSubscriptions(); return id; } /** * Deregister a signature notification callback * * @param id subscription id to deregister */ async removeSignatureListener(id: number): Promise { if (this._signatureSubscriptions[id]) { const subInfo = this._signatureSubscriptions[id]; delete this._signatureSubscriptions[id]; await this._unsubscribe(subInfo, 'signatureUnsubscribe'); this._updateSubscriptions(); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown signature result id: ${id}`); } } /** * @private */ _wsOnRootNotification(notification: Object) { const res = RootNotificationResult(notification); if (res.error) { throw new Error('root notification failed: ' + res.error.message); } assert(typeof res.result !== 'undefined'); const root = res.result; const keys = Object.keys(this._rootSubscriptions).map(Number); for (let id of keys) { const sub = this._rootSubscriptions[id]; if (sub.subscriptionId === res.subscription) { sub.callback(root); return true; } } } /** * Register a callback to be invoked upon root changes * * @param callback Function to invoke whenever the root changes * @return subscription id */ onRootChange(callback: RootChangeCallback): number { const id = ++this._rootSubscriptionCounter; this._rootSubscriptions[id] = { callback, subscriptionId: null, }; this._updateSubscriptions(); return id; } /** * Deregister a root notification callback * * @param id subscription id to deregister */ async removeRootChangeListener(id: number): Promise { if (this._rootSubscriptions[id]) { const subInfo = this._rootSubscriptions[id]; delete this._rootSubscriptions[id]; await this._unsubscribe(subInfo, 'rootUnsubscribe'); this._updateSubscriptions(); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown root change id: ${id}`); } } }