# |source| this file # # Common utilities shared by other scripts in this directory # # The following directive disable complaints about unused variables in this # file: # shellcheck disable=2034 # netDir=$( cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" || exit echo "$PWD" ) netConfigDir="$netDir"/config mkdir -p "$netConfigDir" SOLANA_ROOT="$netDir"/.. # shellcheck source=scripts/configure-metrics.sh source "$SOLANA_ROOT"/scripts/configure-metrics.sh configFile="$netConfigDir/config" geoipConfigFile="$netConfigDir/geoip.yml" entrypointIp= publicNetwork= netBasename= sshPrivateKey= letsEncryptDomainName= externalNodeSshKey= sshOptions=() validatorIpList=() validatorIpListPrivate=() validatorIpListZone=() clientIpList=() clientIpListPrivate=() clientIpListZone=() blockstreamerIpList=() blockstreamerIpListPrivate=() blockstreamerIpListZone=() buildSshOptions() { sshOptions=( -o "ConnectTimeout=20" -o "BatchMode=yes" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -o "User=solana" -o "IdentitiesOnly=yes" -o "IdentityFile=$sshPrivateKey" -o "LogLevel=ERROR" ) [[ -z $externalNodeSshKey ]] || sshOptions+=(-o "IdentityFile=$externalNodeSshKey") } loadConfigFile() { [[ -r $configFile ]] || usage "Config file unreadable: $configFile" # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "$configFile" [[ -n "$publicNetwork" ]] || usage "Config file invalid, publicNetwork unspecified: $configFile" [[ -n "$netBasename" ]] || usage "Config file invalid, netBasename unspecified: $configFile" [[ -n $sshPrivateKey ]] || usage "Config file invalid, sshPrivateKey unspecified: $configFile" [[ ${#validatorIpList[@]} -gt 0 ]] || usage "Config file invalid, validatorIpList unspecified: $configFile" [[ ${#validatorIpListPrivate[@]} -gt 0 ]] || usage "Config file invalid, validatorIpListPrivate unspecified: $configFile" [[ ${#validatorIpList[@]} -eq ${#validatorIpListPrivate[@]} ]] || usage "Config file invalid, validatorIpList/validatorIpListPrivate length mismatch: $configFile" if $publicNetwork; then entrypointIp=${validatorIpList[0]} else entrypointIp=${validatorIpListPrivate[0]} maybeAllowPrivateAddr='--allow-private-addr' fi buildSshOptions configureMetrics } # https://gist.github.com/cdown/1163649 urlencode() { declare s="$1" declare l=$((${#s} - 1)) for i in $(seq 0 $l); do declare c="${s:$i:1}" case $c in [a-zA-Z0-9.~_-]) echo -n "$c" ;; *) printf '%%%02X' "'$c" ;; esac done } SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR=$SOLANA_ROOT/config # Clear the current cluster configuration clear_config_dir() { declare config_dir="$1" _setup_secondary_mount ( set -x rm -rf "${config_dir:?}/" # <-- $i might be a symlink, rm the other side of it first rm -rf "$config_dir" mkdir -p "$config_dir" ) _setup_secondary_mount } SECONDARY_DISK_MOUNT_POINT=/mnt/extra-disk _setup_secondary_mount() { # If there is a secondary disk, symlink the config/ dir there ( set -x if [[ -d $SECONDARY_DISK_MOUNT_POINT ]] && \ [[ -w $SECONDARY_DISK_MOUNT_POINT ]]; then mkdir -p $SECONDARY_DISK_MOUNT_POINT/config rm -rf "$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR" ln -sfT $SECONDARY_DISK_MOUNT_POINT/config "$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR" fi ) }