#![allow(clippy::integer_arithmetic)] use clap::{ crate_description, crate_name, value_t, value_t_or_exit, values_t_or_exit, App, AppSettings, Arg, ArgMatches, SubCommand, }; use itertools::Itertools; use log::*; use regex::Regex; use serde::Serialize; use serde_json::json; use solana_clap_utils::{ input_parsers::{cluster_type_of, pubkey_of, pubkeys_of}, input_validators::{ is_parsable, is_pubkey, is_pubkey_or_keypair, is_slot, is_valid_percentage, }, }; use solana_core::cost_model::CostModel; use solana_core::cost_tracker::CostTracker; use solana_entry::entry::Entry; use solana_ledger::{ ancestor_iterator::AncestorIterator, bank_forks_utils, blockstore::{create_new_ledger, Blockstore, PurgeType}, blockstore_db::{self, AccessType, BlockstoreRecoveryMode, Column, Database}, blockstore_processor::ProcessOptions, shred::Shred, }; use solana_runtime::{ bank::{Bank, RewardCalculationEvent}, bank_forks::BankForks, hardened_unpack::{open_genesis_config, MAX_GENESIS_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_SIZE}, snapshot_config::SnapshotConfig, snapshot_utils::{self, ArchiveFormat, SnapshotVersion, DEFAULT_MAX_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN}, }; use solana_sdk::{ account::{AccountSharedData, ReadableAccount, WritableAccount}, clock::{Epoch, Slot}, feature::{self, Feature}, feature_set, genesis_config::{ClusterType, GenesisConfig}, hash::Hash, inflation::Inflation, native_token::{lamports_to_sol, sol_to_lamports, Sol}, pubkey::Pubkey, rent::Rent, sanitized_transaction::SanitizedTransaction, shred_version::compute_shred_version, stake::{self, state::StakeState}, system_program, }; use solana_stake_program::stake_state::{self, PointValue}; use solana_vote_program::{ self, vote_state::{self, VoteState}, }; use std::{ borrow::Cow, collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet}, ffi::OsStr, fs::{self, File}, io::{self, stdout, BufRead, BufReader, Write}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::{exit, Command, Stdio}, str::FromStr, sync::{Arc, RwLock}, }; mod bigtable; use bigtable::*; #[derive(PartialEq)] enum LedgerOutputMethod { Print, Json, } fn output_slot_rewards(blockstore: &Blockstore, slot: Slot, method: &LedgerOutputMethod) { // Note: rewards are not output in JSON yet if *method == LedgerOutputMethod::Print { if let Ok(Some(rewards)) = blockstore.read_rewards(slot) { if !rewards.is_empty() { println!(" Rewards:"); println!( " {:<44} {:^15} {:<15} {:<20} {:>10}", "Address", "Type", "Amount", "New Balance", "Commission", ); for reward in rewards { let sign = if reward.lamports < 0 { "-" } else { "" }; println!( " {:<44} {:^15} {:<15} {} {}", reward.pubkey, if let Some(reward_type) = reward.reward_type { format!("{}", reward_type) } else { "-".to_string() }, format!( "{}◎{:<14.9}", sign, lamports_to_sol(reward.lamports.abs() as u64) ), format!("◎{:<18.9}", lamports_to_sol(reward.post_balance)), reward .commission .map(|commission| format!("{:>9}%", commission)) .unwrap_or_else(|| " -".to_string()) ); } } } } } fn output_entry( blockstore: &Blockstore, method: &LedgerOutputMethod, slot: Slot, entry_index: usize, entry: &Entry, ) { match method { LedgerOutputMethod::Print => { println!( " Entry {} - num_hashes: {}, hashes: {}, transactions: {}", entry_index, entry.num_hashes, entry.hash, entry.transactions.len() ); for (transactions_index, transaction) in entry.transactions.iter().enumerate() { println!(" Transaction {}", transactions_index); let transaction_status = blockstore .read_transaction_status((transaction.signatures[0], slot)) .unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!( "Failed to read transaction status for {} at slot {}: {}", transaction.signatures[0], slot, err ); None }) .map(|transaction_status| transaction_status.into()); solana_cli_output::display::println_transaction( transaction, &transaction_status, " ", None, None, ); } } LedgerOutputMethod::Json => { // Note: transaction status is not output in JSON yet serde_json::to_writer(stdout(), &entry).expect("serialize entry"); stdout().write_all(b",\n").expect("newline"); } } } fn output_slot( blockstore: &Blockstore, slot: Slot, allow_dead_slots: bool, method: &LedgerOutputMethod, verbose_level: u64, ) -> Result<(), String> { if blockstore.is_dead(slot) { if allow_dead_slots { if *method == LedgerOutputMethod::Print { println!(" Slot is dead"); } } else { return Err("Dead slot".to_string()); } } let (entries, num_shreds, _is_full) = blockstore .get_slot_entries_with_shred_info(slot, 0, allow_dead_slots) .map_err(|err| format!("Failed to load entries for slot {}: {:?}", slot, err))?; if *method == LedgerOutputMethod::Print { if let Ok(Some(meta)) = blockstore.meta(slot) { if verbose_level >= 2 { println!(" Slot Meta {:?}", meta); } else { println!( " num_shreds: {} parent_slot: {} num_entries: {}", num_shreds, meta.parent_slot, entries.len() ); } } } if verbose_level >= 2 { for (entry_index, entry) in entries.iter().enumerate() { output_entry(blockstore, method, slot, entry_index, entry); } output_slot_rewards(blockstore, slot, method); } else if verbose_level >= 1 { let mut transactions = 0; let mut hashes = 0; let mut program_ids = HashMap::new(); for entry in &entries { transactions += entry.transactions.len(); hashes += entry.num_hashes; for transaction in &entry.transactions { for instruction in &transaction.message().instructions { let program_id = transaction.message().account_keys[instruction.program_id_index as usize]; *program_ids.entry(program_id).or_insert(0) += 1; } } } let hash = if let Some(entry) = entries.last() { entry.hash } else { Hash::default() }; println!( " Transactions: {} hashes: {} block_hash: {}", transactions, hashes, hash, ); println!(" Programs: {:?}", program_ids); } Ok(()) } fn output_ledger( blockstore: Blockstore, starting_slot: Slot, ending_slot: Slot, allow_dead_slots: bool, method: LedgerOutputMethod, num_slots: Option, verbose_level: u64, only_rooted: bool, ) { let slot_iterator = blockstore .slot_meta_iterator(starting_slot) .unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!( "Failed to load entries starting from slot {}: {:?}", starting_slot, err ); exit(1); }); if method == LedgerOutputMethod::Json { stdout().write_all(b"{\"ledger\":[\n").expect("open array"); } let num_slots = num_slots.unwrap_or(Slot::MAX); let mut num_printed = 0; for (slot, slot_meta) in slot_iterator { if only_rooted && !blockstore.is_root(slot) { continue; } if slot > ending_slot { break; } match method { LedgerOutputMethod::Print => { println!("Slot {} root?: {}", slot, blockstore.is_root(slot)) } LedgerOutputMethod::Json => { serde_json::to_writer(stdout(), &slot_meta).expect("serialize slot_meta"); stdout().write_all(b",\n").expect("newline"); } } if let Err(err) = output_slot(&blockstore, slot, allow_dead_slots, &method, verbose_level) { eprintln!("{}", err); } num_printed += 1; if num_printed >= num_slots as usize { break; } } if method == LedgerOutputMethod::Json { stdout().write_all(b"\n]}\n").expect("close array"); } } fn render_dot(dot: String, output_file: &str, output_format: &str) -> io::Result<()> { let mut child = Command::new("dot") .arg(format!("-T{}", output_format)) .arg(format!("-o{}", output_file)) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .map_err(|err| { eprintln!("Failed to spawn dot: {:?}", err); err })?; let stdin = child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap(); stdin.write_all(&dot.into_bytes())?; let status = child.wait_with_output()?.status; if !status.success() { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("dot failed with error {}", status.code().unwrap_or(-1)), )); } Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)] fn graph_forks(bank_forks: &BankForks, include_all_votes: bool) -> String { let frozen_banks = bank_forks.frozen_banks(); let mut fork_slots: HashSet<_> = frozen_banks.keys().cloned().collect(); for (_, bank) in frozen_banks { for parent in bank.parents() { fork_slots.remove(&parent.slot()); } } // Search all forks and collect the last vote made by each validator let mut last_votes = HashMap::new(); let default_vote_state = VoteState::default(); for fork_slot in &fork_slots { let bank = &bank_forks[*fork_slot]; let total_stake = bank .vote_accounts() .iter() .map(|(_, (stake, _))| stake) .sum(); for (_, (stake, vote_account)) in bank.vote_accounts() { let vote_state = vote_account.vote_state(); let vote_state = vote_state.as_ref().unwrap_or(&default_vote_state); if let Some(last_vote) = vote_state.votes.iter().last() { let entry = last_votes.entry(vote_state.node_pubkey).or_insert(( last_vote.slot, vote_state.clone(), stake, total_stake, )); if entry.0 < last_vote.slot { *entry = (last_vote.slot, vote_state.clone(), stake, total_stake); } } } } // Figure the stake distribution at all the nodes containing the last vote from each // validator let mut slot_stake_and_vote_count = HashMap::new(); for (last_vote_slot, _, stake, total_stake) in last_votes.values() { let entry = slot_stake_and_vote_count .entry(last_vote_slot) .or_insert((0, 0, *total_stake)); entry.0 += 1; entry.1 += stake; assert_eq!(entry.2, *total_stake) } let mut dot = vec!["digraph {".to_string()]; // Build a subgraph consisting of all banks and links to their parent banks dot.push(" subgraph cluster_banks {".to_string()); dot.push(" style=invis".to_string()); let mut styled_slots = HashSet::new(); let mut all_votes: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); for fork_slot in &fork_slots { let mut bank = bank_forks[*fork_slot].clone(); let mut first = true; loop { for (_, (_, vote_account)) in bank.vote_accounts() { let vote_state = vote_account.vote_state(); let vote_state = vote_state.as_ref().unwrap_or(&default_vote_state); if let Some(last_vote) = vote_state.votes.iter().last() { let validator_votes = all_votes.entry(vote_state.node_pubkey).or_default(); validator_votes .entry(last_vote.slot) .or_insert_with(|| vote_state.clone()); } } if !styled_slots.contains(&bank.slot()) { dot.push(format!( r#" "{}"[label="{} (epoch {})\nleader: {}{}{}",style="{}{}"];"#, bank.slot(), bank.slot(), bank.epoch(), bank.collector_id(), if let Some(parent) = bank.parent() { format!( "\ntransactions: {}", bank.transaction_count() - parent.transaction_count(), ) } else { "".to_string() }, if let Some((votes, stake, total_stake)) = slot_stake_and_vote_count.get(&bank.slot()) { format!( "\nvotes: {}, stake: {:.1} SOL ({:.1}%)", votes, lamports_to_sol(*stake), *stake as f64 / *total_stake as f64 * 100., ) } else { "".to_string() }, if first { "filled," } else { "" }, "" )); styled_slots.insert(bank.slot()); } first = false; match bank.parent() { None => { if bank.slot() > 0 { dot.push(format!(r#" "{}" -> "..." [dir=back]"#, bank.slot(),)); } break; } Some(parent) => { let slot_distance = bank.slot() - parent.slot(); let penwidth = if bank.epoch() > parent.epoch() { "5" } else { "1" }; let link_label = if slot_distance > 1 { format!("label=\"{} slots\",color=red", slot_distance) } else { "color=blue".to_string() }; dot.push(format!( r#" "{}" -> "{}"[{},dir=back,penwidth={}];"#, bank.slot(), parent.slot(), link_label, penwidth )); bank = parent.clone(); } } } } dot.push(" }".to_string()); // Strafe the banks with links from validators to the bank they last voted on, // while collecting information about the absent votes and stakes let mut absent_stake = 0; let mut absent_votes = 0; let mut lowest_last_vote_slot = std::u64::MAX; let mut lowest_total_stake = 0; for (node_pubkey, (last_vote_slot, vote_state, stake, total_stake)) in &last_votes { all_votes.entry(*node_pubkey).and_modify(|validator_votes| { validator_votes.remove(last_vote_slot); }); dot.push(format!( r#" "last vote {}"[shape=box,label="Latest validator vote: {}\nstake: {} SOL\nroot slot: {}\nvote history:\n{}"];"#, node_pubkey, node_pubkey, lamports_to_sol(*stake), vote_state.root_slot.unwrap_or(0), vote_state .votes .iter() .map(|vote| format!("slot {} (conf={})", vote.slot, vote.confirmation_count)) .collect::>() .join("\n") )); dot.push(format!( r#" "last vote {}" -> "{}" [style=dashed,label="latest vote"];"#, node_pubkey, if styled_slots.contains(last_vote_slot) { last_vote_slot.to_string() } else { if *last_vote_slot < lowest_last_vote_slot { lowest_last_vote_slot = *last_vote_slot; lowest_total_stake = *total_stake; } absent_votes += 1; absent_stake += stake; "...".to_string() }, )); } // Annotate the final "..." node with absent vote and stake information if absent_votes > 0 { dot.push(format!( r#" "..."[label="...\nvotes: {}, stake: {:.1} SOL {:.1}%"];"#, absent_votes, lamports_to_sol(absent_stake), absent_stake as f64 / lowest_total_stake as f64 * 100., )); } // Add for vote information from all banks. if include_all_votes { for (node_pubkey, validator_votes) in &all_votes { for (vote_slot, vote_state) in validator_votes { dot.push(format!( r#" "{} vote {}"[shape=box,style=dotted,label="validator vote: {}\nroot slot: {}\nvote history:\n{}"];"#, node_pubkey, vote_slot, node_pubkey, vote_state.root_slot.unwrap_or(0), vote_state .votes .iter() .map(|vote| format!("slot {} (conf={})", vote.slot, vote.confirmation_count)) .collect::>() .join("\n") )); dot.push(format!( r#" "{} vote {}" -> "{}" [style=dotted,label="vote"];"#, node_pubkey, vote_slot, if styled_slots.contains(vote_slot) { vote_slot.to_string() } else { "...".to_string() }, )); } } } dot.push("}".to_string()); dot.join("\n") } fn analyze_column< T: solana_ledger::blockstore_db::Column + solana_ledger::blockstore_db::ColumnName, >( db: &Database, name: &str, key_size: usize, ) { let mut key_tot: u64 = 0; let mut val_hist = histogram::Histogram::new(); let mut val_tot: u64 = 0; let mut row_hist = histogram::Histogram::new(); let a = key_size as u64; for (_x, y) in db.iter::(blockstore_db::IteratorMode::Start).unwrap() { let b = y.len() as u64; key_tot += a; val_hist.increment(b).unwrap(); val_tot += b; row_hist.increment(a + b).unwrap(); } let json_result = if val_hist.entries() > 0 { json!({ "column":name, "entries":val_hist.entries(), "key_stats":{ "max":a, "total_bytes":key_tot, }, "val_stats":{ "p50":val_hist.percentile(50.0).unwrap(), "p90":val_hist.percentile(90.0).unwrap(), "p99":val_hist.percentile(99.0).unwrap(), "p999":val_hist.percentile(99.9).unwrap(), "min":val_hist.minimum().unwrap(), "max":val_hist.maximum().unwrap(), "stddev":val_hist.stddev().unwrap(), "total_bytes":val_tot, }, "row_stats":{ "p50":row_hist.percentile(50.0).unwrap(), "p90":row_hist.percentile(90.0).unwrap(), "p99":row_hist.percentile(99.0).unwrap(), "p999":row_hist.percentile(99.9).unwrap(), "min":row_hist.minimum().unwrap(), "max":row_hist.maximum().unwrap(), "stddev":row_hist.stddev().unwrap(), "total_bytes":key_tot + val_tot, }, }) } else { json!({ "column":name, "entries":val_hist.entries(), "key_stats":{ "max":a, "total_bytes":0, }, "val_stats":{ "total_bytes":0, }, "row_stats":{ "total_bytes":0, }, }) }; println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&json_result).unwrap()); } fn analyze_storage(database: &Database) { use blockstore_db::columns::*; analyze_column::(database, "SlotMeta", SlotMeta::key_size()); analyze_column::(database, "Orphans", Orphans::key_size()); analyze_column::(database, "DeadSlots", DeadSlots::key_size()); analyze_column::(database, "ErasureMeta", ErasureMeta::key_size()); analyze_column::(database, "Root", Root::key_size()); analyze_column::(database, "Index", Index::key_size()); analyze_column::(database, "ShredData", ShredData::key_size()); analyze_column::(database, "ShredCode", ShredCode::key_size()); analyze_column::( database, "TransactionStatus", TransactionStatus::key_size(), ); analyze_column::( database, "TransactionStatusIndex", TransactionStatusIndex::key_size(), ); analyze_column::( database, "AddressSignatures", AddressSignatures::key_size(), ); analyze_column::(database, "Rewards", Rewards::key_size()); } fn open_blockstore( ledger_path: &Path, access_type: AccessType, wal_recovery_mode: Option, ) -> Blockstore { match Blockstore::open_with_access_type(ledger_path, access_type, wal_recovery_mode, true) { Ok(blockstore) => blockstore, Err(err) => { eprintln!("Failed to open ledger at {:?}: {:?}", ledger_path, err); exit(1); } } } fn open_database(ledger_path: &Path, access_type: AccessType) -> Database { match Database::open(&ledger_path.join("rocksdb"), access_type, None) { Ok(database) => database, Err(err) => { eprintln!("Unable to read the Ledger rocksdb: {:?}", err); exit(1); } } } // This function is duplicated in validator/src/main.rs... fn hardforks_of(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>, name: &str) -> Option> { if matches.is_present(name) { Some(values_t_or_exit!(matches, name, Slot)) } else { None } } fn load_bank_forks( arg_matches: &ArgMatches, genesis_config: &GenesisConfig, blockstore: &Blockstore, process_options: ProcessOptions, snapshot_archive_path: Option, ) -> bank_forks_utils::LoadResult { let snapshot_path = blockstore .ledger_path() .join(if blockstore.is_primary_access() { "snapshot" } else { "snapshot.ledger-tool" }); let snapshot_config = if arg_matches.is_present("no_snapshot") { None } else { let snapshot_package_output_path = snapshot_archive_path.unwrap_or_else(|| blockstore.ledger_path().to_path_buf()); Some(SnapshotConfig { snapshot_interval_slots: 0, // Value doesn't matter snapshot_package_output_path, snapshot_path, archive_format: ArchiveFormat::TarBzip2, snapshot_version: SnapshotVersion::default(), maximum_snapshots_to_retain: DEFAULT_MAX_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN, }) }; let account_paths = if let Some(account_paths) = arg_matches.value_of("account_paths") { if !blockstore.is_primary_access() { // Be defensive, when default account dir is explicitly specified, it's still possible // to wipe the dir possibly shared by the running validator! eprintln!("Error: custom accounts path is not supported under secondary access"); exit(1); } account_paths.split(',').map(PathBuf::from).collect() } else if blockstore.is_primary_access() { vec![blockstore.ledger_path().join("accounts")] } else { let non_primary_accounts_path = blockstore.ledger_path().join("accounts.ledger-tool"); warn!( "Default accounts path is switched aligning with Blockstore's secondary access: {:?}", non_primary_accounts_path ); vec![non_primary_accounts_path] }; bank_forks_utils::load( genesis_config, blockstore, account_paths, None, snapshot_config.as_ref(), process_options, None, None, ) } fn compute_slot_cost(blockstore: &Blockstore, slot: Slot) -> Result<(), String> { if blockstore.is_dead(slot) { return Err("Dead slot".to_string()); } let (entries, _num_shreds, _is_full) = blockstore .get_slot_entries_with_shred_info(slot, 0, false) .map_err(|err| format!(" Slot: {}, Failed to load entries, err {:?}", slot, err))?; let mut transactions = 0; let mut programs = 0; let mut program_ids = HashMap::new(); let mut cost_model = CostModel::default(); cost_model.initialize_cost_table(&blockstore.read_program_costs().unwrap()); let cost_model = Arc::new(RwLock::new(cost_model)); let mut cost_tracker = CostTracker::new(cost_model.clone()); for entry in &entries { transactions += entry.transactions.len(); let mut cost_model = cost_model.write().unwrap(); for transaction in &entry.transactions { programs += transaction.message().instructions.len(); let transaction = match SanitizedTransaction::try_create(Cow::Borrowed(transaction), Hash::default()) { Ok(tx) => tx, Err(err) => { warn!( "failed to sanitize transaction, err {:?}, tx {:?}", err, transaction ); continue; } }; let tx_cost = cost_model.calculate_cost(&transaction); if cost_tracker.try_add(tx_cost).is_err() { println!( "Slot: {}, CostModel rejected transaction {:?}, stats {:?}!", slot, transaction, cost_tracker.get_stats() ); } for instruction in &transaction.message().instructions { let program_id = transaction.message().account_keys[instruction.program_id_index as usize]; *program_ids.entry(program_id).or_insert(0) += 1; } } } println!( "Slot: {}, Entries: {}, Transactions: {}, Programs {}, {:?}", slot, entries.len(), transactions, programs, cost_tracker.get_stats() ); println!(" Programs: {:?}", program_ids); Ok(()) } fn open_genesis_config_by(ledger_path: &Path, matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> GenesisConfig { let max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size", u64); open_genesis_config(ledger_path, max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size) } fn assert_capitalization(bank: &Bank) { let debug_verify = true; assert!(bank.calculate_and_verify_capitalization(debug_verify)); } #[allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)] fn main() { // Ignore SIGUSR1 to prevent long-running calls being killed by logrotate // in warehouse deployments #[cfg(unix)] { // `register()` is unsafe because the action is called in a signal handler // with the usual caveats. So long as this action body stays empty, we'll // be fine unsafe { signal_hook::register(signal_hook::SIGUSR1, || {}) }.unwrap(); } const DEFAULT_ROOT_COUNT: &str = "1"; const DEFAULT_MAX_SLOTS_ROOT_REPAIR: &str = "2000"; solana_logger::setup_with_default("solana=info"); let starting_slot_arg = Arg::with_name("starting_slot") .long("starting-slot") .value_name("NUM") .takes_value(true) .default_value("0") .help("Start at this slot"); let ending_slot_arg = Arg::with_name("ending_slot") .long("ending-slot") .value_name("SLOT") .takes_value(true) .help("The last slot to iterate to"); let no_snapshot_arg = Arg::with_name("no_snapshot") .long("no-snapshot") .takes_value(false) .help("Do not start from a local snapshot if present"); let no_bpf_jit_arg = Arg::with_name("no_bpf_jit") .long("no-bpf-jit") .takes_value(false) .help("Disable the just-in-time compiler and instead use the interpreter for BP"); let no_accounts_db_caching_arg = Arg::with_name("no_accounts_db_caching") .long("no-accounts-db-caching") .takes_value(false) .help("Disables accounts-db caching"); let account_paths_arg = Arg::with_name("account_paths") .long("accounts") .value_name("PATHS") .takes_value(true) .help("Comma separated persistent accounts location"); let accounts_db_test_hash_calculation_arg = Arg::with_name("accounts_db_test_hash_calculation") .long("accounts-db-test-hash-calculation") .help("Enable hash calculation test"); let halt_at_slot_arg = Arg::with_name("halt_at_slot") .long("halt-at-slot") .value_name("SLOT") .validator(is_slot) .takes_value(true) .help("Halt processing at the given slot"); let verify_index_arg = Arg::with_name("verify_accounts_index") .long("verify-accounts-index") .takes_value(false) .help("For debugging and tests on accounts index."); let limit_load_slot_count_from_snapshot_arg = Arg::with_name("limit_load_slot_count_from_snapshot") .long("limit-load-slot-count-from-snapshot") .value_name("SLOT") .validator(is_slot) .takes_value(true) .help("For debugging and profiling with large snapshots, artificially limit how many slots are loaded from a snapshot."); let hard_forks_arg = Arg::with_name("hard_forks") .long("hard-fork") .value_name("SLOT") .validator(is_slot) .multiple(true) .takes_value(true) .help("Add a hard fork at this slot"); let allow_dead_slots_arg = Arg::with_name("allow_dead_slots") .long("allow-dead-slots") .takes_value(false) .help("Output dead slots as well"); let default_genesis_archive_unpacked_size = MAX_GENESIS_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_SIZE.to_string(); let max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size_arg = Arg::with_name("max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size") .long("max-genesis-archive-unpacked-size") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .default_value(&default_genesis_archive_unpacked_size) .help("maximum total uncompressed size of unpacked genesis archive"); let hashes_per_tick = Arg::with_name("hashes_per_tick") .long("hashes-per-tick") .value_name("NUM_HASHES|\"sleep\"") .takes_value(true) .help( "How many PoH hashes to roll before emitting the next tick. \ If \"sleep\", for development \ sleep for the target tick duration instead of hashing", ); let snapshot_version_arg = Arg::with_name("snapshot_version") .long("snapshot-version") .value_name("SNAPSHOT_VERSION") .validator(is_parsable::) .takes_value(true) .default_value(SnapshotVersion::default().into()) .help("Output snapshot version"); let default_max_snapshot_to_retain = &DEFAULT_MAX_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN.to_string(); let maximum_snapshots_to_retain_arg = Arg::with_name("maximum_snapshots_to_retain") .long("maximum-snapshots-to-retain") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .default_value(default_max_snapshot_to_retain) .help("Maximum number of snapshots to hold on to during snapshot purge"); let rent = Rent::default(); let default_bootstrap_validator_lamports = &sol_to_lamports(500.0) .max(VoteState::get_rent_exempt_reserve(&rent)) .to_string(); let default_bootstrap_validator_stake_lamports = &sol_to_lamports(0.5) .max(StakeState::get_rent_exempt_reserve(&rent)) .to_string(); let matches = App::new(crate_name!()) .about(crate_description!()) .version(solana_version::version!()) .setting(AppSettings::InferSubcommands) .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp) .setting(AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands) .arg( Arg::with_name("ledger_path") .short("l") .long("ledger") .value_name("DIR") .takes_value(true) .global(true) .default_value("ledger") .help("Use DIR as ledger location"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("wal_recovery_mode") .long("wal-recovery-mode") .value_name("MODE") .takes_value(true) .global(true) .possible_values(&[ "tolerate_corrupted_tail_records", "absolute_consistency", "point_in_time", "skip_any_corrupted_record"]) .help( "Mode to recovery the ledger db write ahead log" ), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("snapshot_archive_path") .long("snapshot-archive-path") .value_name("DIR") .takes_value(true) .global(true) .help("Use DIR for ledger location"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("output_format") .long("output") .value_name("FORMAT") .global(true) .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["json", "json-compact"]) .help("Return information in specified output format, \ currently only available for bigtable subcommands"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("verbose") .short("v") .long("verbose") .global(true) .multiple(true) .takes_value(false) .help("Show additional information where supported"), ) .bigtable_subcommand() .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("print") .about("Print the ledger") .arg(&starting_slot_arg) .arg(&allow_dead_slots_arg) .arg(&ending_slot_arg) .arg( Arg::with_name("num_slots") .long("num-slots") .value_name("SLOT") .validator(is_slot) .takes_value(true) .help("Number of slots to print"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("only_rooted") .long("only-rooted") .takes_value(false) .help("Only print root slots"), ) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("copy") .about("Copy the ledger") .arg(&starting_slot_arg) .arg(&ending_slot_arg) .arg( Arg::with_name("target_db") .long("target-db") .value_name("PATH") .takes_value(true) .help("Target db"), ) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("slot") .about("Print the contents of one or more slots") .arg( Arg::with_name("slots") .index(1) .value_name("SLOTS") .validator(is_slot) .takes_value(true) .multiple(true) .required(true) .help("Slots to print"), ) .arg(&allow_dead_slots_arg) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("dead-slots") .arg(&starting_slot_arg) .about("Print all the dead slots in the ledger") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("duplicate-slots") .arg(&starting_slot_arg) .about("Print all the duplicate slots in the ledger") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("set-dead-slot") .about("Mark one or more slots dead") .arg( Arg::with_name("slots") .index(1) .value_name("SLOTS") .validator(is_slot) .takes_value(true) .multiple(true) .required(true) .help("Slots to mark dead"), ) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("genesis") .about("Prints the ledger's genesis config") .arg(&max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size_arg) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("parse_full_frozen") .about("Parses log for information about critical events about \ ancestors of the given `ending_slot`") .arg(&starting_slot_arg) .arg(&ending_slot_arg) .arg( Arg::with_name("log_path") .long("log-path") .value_name("PATH") .takes_value(true) .help("path to log file to parse"), ) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("genesis-hash") .about("Prints the ledger's genesis hash") .arg(&max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size_arg) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("modify-genesis") .about("Modifies genesis parameters") .arg(&max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size_arg) .arg(&hashes_per_tick) .arg( Arg::with_name("cluster_type") .long("cluster-type") .possible_values(&ClusterType::STRINGS) .takes_value(true) .help( "Selects the features that will be enabled for the cluster" ), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("output_directory") .index(1) .value_name("DIR") .takes_value(true) .help("Output directory for the modified genesis config"), ) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("shred-version") .about("Prints the ledger's shred hash") .arg(&hard_forks_arg) .arg(&max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size_arg) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("shred-meta") .about("Prints raw shred metadata") .arg(&starting_slot_arg) .arg(&ending_slot_arg) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("bank-hash") .about("Prints the hash of the working bank after reading the ledger") .arg(&max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size_arg) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("bounds") .about("Print lowest and highest non-empty slots. \ Note that there may be empty slots within the bounds") .arg( Arg::with_name("all") .long("all") .takes_value(false) .required(false) .help("Additionally print all the non-empty slots within the bounds"), ) ).subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("json") .about("Print the ledger in JSON format") .arg(&starting_slot_arg) .arg(&allow_dead_slots_arg) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("verify") .about("Verify the ledger") .arg(&no_snapshot_arg) .arg(&account_paths_arg) .arg(&halt_at_slot_arg) .arg(&limit_load_slot_count_from_snapshot_arg) .arg(&verify_index_arg) .arg(&hard_forks_arg) .arg(&no_accounts_db_caching_arg) .arg(&accounts_db_test_hash_calculation_arg) .arg(&no_bpf_jit_arg) .arg(&allow_dead_slots_arg) .arg(&max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size_arg) .arg( Arg::with_name("skip_poh_verify") .long("skip-poh-verify") .takes_value(false) .help("Skip ledger PoH verification"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("print_accounts_stats") .long("print-accounts-stats") .takes_value(false) .help("After verifying the ledger, print some information about the account stores"), ) ).subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("graph") .about("Create a Graphviz rendering of the ledger") .arg(&no_snapshot_arg) .arg(&account_paths_arg) .arg(&halt_at_slot_arg) .arg(&hard_forks_arg) .arg(&max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size_arg) .arg( Arg::with_name("include_all_votes") .long("include-all-votes") .help("Include all votes in the graph"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("graph_filename") .index(1) .value_name("FILENAME") .takes_value(true) .help("Output file"), ) ).subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("create-snapshot") .about("Create a new ledger snapshot") .arg(&no_snapshot_arg) .arg(&account_paths_arg) .arg(&hard_forks_arg) .arg(&max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size_arg) .arg(&snapshot_version_arg) .arg(&maximum_snapshots_to_retain_arg) .arg( Arg::with_name("snapshot_slot") .index(1) .value_name("SLOT") .validator(|value| { if value.parse::().is_ok() || value == "ROOT" { Ok(()) } else { Err(format!( "Unable to parse as a number or the keyword ROOT, provided: {}", value )) } }) .takes_value(true) .help("Slot at which to create the snapshot; accepts keyword ROOT for the highest root"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("output_directory") .index(2) .value_name("DIR") .takes_value(true) .help("Output directory for the snapshot [default: --ledger directory]"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("warp_slot") .required(false) .long("warp-slot") .takes_value(true) .value_name("WARP_SLOT") .validator(is_slot) .help("After loading the snapshot slot warp the ledger to WARP_SLOT, \ which could be a slot in a galaxy far far away"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("faucet_lamports") .short("t") .long("faucet-lamports") .value_name("LAMPORTS") .takes_value(true) .requires("faucet_pubkey") .help("Number of lamports to assign to the faucet"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("faucet_pubkey") .short("m") .long("faucet-pubkey") .value_name("PUBKEY") .takes_value(true) .validator(is_pubkey_or_keypair) .requires("faucet_lamports") .help("Path to file containing the faucet's pubkey"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("bootstrap_validator") .short("b") .long("bootstrap-validator") .value_name("IDENTITY_PUBKEY VOTE_PUBKEY STAKE_PUBKEY") .takes_value(true) .validator(is_pubkey_or_keypair) .number_of_values(3) .multiple(true) .help("The bootstrap validator's identity, vote and stake pubkeys"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("bootstrap_stake_authorized_pubkey") .long("bootstrap-stake-authorized-pubkey") .value_name("BOOTSTRAP STAKE AUTHORIZED PUBKEY") .takes_value(true) .validator(is_pubkey_or_keypair) .help( "Path to file containing the pubkey authorized to manage the bootstrap \ validator's stake [default: --bootstrap-validator IDENTITY_PUBKEY]", ), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("bootstrap_validator_lamports") .long("bootstrap-validator-lamports") .value_name("LAMPORTS") .takes_value(true) .default_value(default_bootstrap_validator_lamports) .help("Number of lamports to assign to the bootstrap validator"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("bootstrap_validator_stake_lamports") .long("bootstrap-validator-stake-lamports") .value_name("LAMPORTS") .takes_value(true) .default_value(default_bootstrap_validator_stake_lamports) .help("Number of lamports to assign to the bootstrap validator's stake account"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("rent_burn_percentage") .long("rent-burn-percentage") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .help("Adjust percentage of collected rent to burn") .validator(is_valid_percentage), ) .arg(&hashes_per_tick) .arg( Arg::with_name("accounts_to_remove") .required(false) .long("remove-account") .takes_value(true) .value_name("PUBKEY") .validator(is_pubkey) .multiple(true) .help("List of accounts to remove while creating the snapshot"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("remove_stake_accounts") .required(false) .long("remove-stake-accounts") .takes_value(false) .help("Remove all existing stake accounts from the new snapshot") ) ).subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("accounts") .about("Print account contents after processing in the ledger") .arg(&no_snapshot_arg) .arg(&account_paths_arg) .arg(&halt_at_slot_arg) .arg(&hard_forks_arg) .arg( Arg::with_name("include_sysvars") .long("include-sysvars") .takes_value(false) .help("Include sysvars too"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("exclude_account_data") .long("exclude-account-data") .takes_value(false) .help("Exclude account data (useful for large number of accounts)"), ) .arg(&max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size_arg) ).subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("capitalization") .about("Print capitalization (aka, total supply) while checksumming it") .arg(&no_snapshot_arg) .arg(&account_paths_arg) .arg(&halt_at_slot_arg) .arg(&hard_forks_arg) .arg(&max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size_arg) .arg( Arg::with_name("warp_epoch") .required(false) .long("warp-epoch") .takes_value(true) .value_name("WARP_EPOCH") .help("After loading the snapshot warp the ledger to WARP_EPOCH, \ which could be an epoch in a galaxy far far away"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("inflation") .required(false) .long("inflation") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["pico", "full", "none"]) .help("Overwrite inflation when warping"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("enable_stake_program_v2") .required(false) .long("enable-stake-program-v2") .takes_value(false) .help("Enable stake program v2 (several inflation-related staking \ bugs are feature-gated behind this)"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("recalculate_capitalization") .required(false) .long("recalculate-capitalization") .takes_value(false) .help("Recalculate capitalization before warping; circumvents \ bank's out-of-sync capitalization"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("csv_filename") .long("csv-filename") .value_name("FILENAME") .takes_value(true) .help("Output file in the csv format"), ) ).subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("purge") .about("Delete a range of slots from the ledger") .arg( Arg::with_name("start_slot") .index(1) .value_name("SLOT") .takes_value(true) .required(true) .help("Start slot to purge from (inclusive)"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("end_slot") .index(2) .value_name("SLOT") .help("Ending slot to stop purging (inclusive) \ [default: the highest slot in the ledger]"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("batch_size") .long("batch-size") .value_name("NUM") .takes_value(true) .default_value("1000") .help("Removes at most BATCH_SIZE slots while purging in loop"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("no_compaction") .long("no-compaction") .required(false) .takes_value(false) .help("Skip ledger compaction after purge") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("dead_slots_only") .long("dead-slots-only") .required(false) .takes_value(false) .help("Limit purging to dead slots only") ) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("list-roots") .about("Output up to last root hashes and their \ heights starting at the given block height") .arg( Arg::with_name("max_height") .long("max-height") .value_name("NUM") .takes_value(true) .help("Maximum block height") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("start_root") .long("start-root") .value_name("NUM") .takes_value(true) .help("First root to start searching from") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("slot_list") .long("slot-list") .value_name("FILENAME") .required(false) .takes_value(true) .help("The location of the output YAML file. A list of \ rollback slot heights and hashes will be written to the file") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("num_roots") .long("num-roots") .value_name("NUM") .takes_value(true) .default_value(DEFAULT_ROOT_COUNT) .required(false) .help("Number of roots in the output"), ) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("repair-roots") .about("Traverses the AncestorIterator backward from a last known root \ to restore missing roots to the Root column") .arg( Arg::with_name("start_root") .long("before") .value_name("NUM") .takes_value(true) .help("First good root after the range to repair") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("end_root") .long("until") .value_name("NUM") .takes_value(true) .help("Last slot to check for root repair") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("max_slots") .long("repair-limit") .value_name("NUM") .takes_value(true) .default_value(DEFAULT_MAX_SLOTS_ROOT_REPAIR) .required(true) .help("Override the maximum number of slots to check for root repair") ) ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("analyze-storage") .about("Output statistics in JSON format about \ all column families in the ledger rocksdb") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("compute-slot-cost") .about("runs cost_model over the block at the given slots, \ computes how expensive a block was based on cost_model") .arg( Arg::with_name("slots") .index(1) .value_name("SLOTS") .validator(is_slot) .multiple(true) .takes_value(true) .help("Slots that their blocks are computed for cost, default to all slots in ledger"), ) ) .get_matches(); info!("{} {}", crate_name!(), solana_version::version!()); let ledger_path = PathBuf::from(value_t!(matches, "ledger_path", String).unwrap_or_else( |_err| { eprintln!( "Error: Missing --ledger argument.\n\n{}", matches.usage() ); exit(1); }, )); // Canonicalize ledger path to avoid issues with symlink creation let ledger_path = fs::canonicalize(&ledger_path).unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!( "Unable to access ledger path '{}': {}", ledger_path.display(), err ); exit(1); }); let snapshot_archive_path = value_t!(matches, "snapshot_archive_path", String) .ok() .map(PathBuf::from); let wal_recovery_mode = matches .value_of("wal_recovery_mode") .map(BlockstoreRecoveryMode::from); match matches.subcommand() { ("bigtable", Some(arg_matches)) => bigtable_process_command(&ledger_path, arg_matches), ("print", Some(arg_matches)) => { let starting_slot = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "starting_slot", Slot); let ending_slot = value_t!(arg_matches, "ending_slot", Slot).unwrap_or(Slot::MAX); let num_slots = value_t!(arg_matches, "num_slots", Slot).ok(); let allow_dead_slots = arg_matches.is_present("allow_dead_slots"); let only_rooted = arg_matches.is_present("only_rooted"); let verbose = matches.occurrences_of("verbose"); output_ledger( open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ), starting_slot, ending_slot, allow_dead_slots, LedgerOutputMethod::Print, num_slots, verbose, only_rooted, ); } ("copy", Some(arg_matches)) => { let starting_slot = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "starting_slot", Slot); let ending_slot = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "ending_slot", Slot); let target_db = PathBuf::from(value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "target_db", String)); let source = open_blockstore(&ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, None); let target = open_blockstore(&target_db, AccessType::PrimaryOnly, None); for (slot, _meta) in source.slot_meta_iterator(starting_slot).unwrap() { if slot > ending_slot { break; } if let Ok(shreds) = source.get_data_shreds_for_slot(slot, 0) { if target.insert_shreds(shreds, None, true).is_err() { warn!("error inserting shreds for slot {}", slot); } } } } ("genesis", Some(arg_matches)) => { println!("{}", open_genesis_config_by(&ledger_path, arg_matches)); } ("genesis-hash", Some(arg_matches)) => { println!( "{}", open_genesis_config_by(&ledger_path, arg_matches).hash() ); } ("modify-genesis", Some(arg_matches)) => { let mut genesis_config = open_genesis_config_by(&ledger_path, arg_matches); let output_directory = PathBuf::from(arg_matches.value_of("output_directory").unwrap()); if let Some(cluster_type) = cluster_type_of(arg_matches, "cluster_type") { genesis_config.cluster_type = cluster_type; } if let Some(hashes_per_tick) = arg_matches.value_of("hashes_per_tick") { genesis_config.poh_config.hashes_per_tick = match hashes_per_tick { // Note: Unlike `solana-genesis`, "auto" is not supported here. "sleep" => None, _ => Some(value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "hashes_per_tick", u64)), } } create_new_ledger( &output_directory, &genesis_config, solana_runtime::hardened_unpack::MAX_GENESIS_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_SIZE, AccessType::PrimaryOnly, ) .unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("Failed to write genesis config: {:?}", err); exit(1); }); println!("{}", open_genesis_config_by(&output_directory, arg_matches)); } ("shred-version", Some(arg_matches)) => { let process_options = ProcessOptions { dev_halt_at_slot: Some(0), new_hard_forks: hardforks_of(arg_matches, "hard_forks"), poh_verify: false, ..ProcessOptions::default() }; let genesis_config = open_genesis_config_by(&ledger_path, arg_matches); let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); match load_bank_forks( arg_matches, &genesis_config, &blockstore, process_options, snapshot_archive_path, ) { Ok((bank_forks, _leader_schedule_cache, _snapshot_hash)) => { println!( "{}", compute_shred_version( &genesis_config.hash(), Some(&bank_forks.working_bank().hard_forks().read().unwrap()) ) ); } Err(err) => { eprintln!("Failed to load ledger: {:?}", err); exit(1); } } } ("shred-meta", Some(arg_matches)) => { #[derive(Debug)] struct ShredMeta<'a> { slot: Slot, full_slot: bool, shred_index: usize, data: bool, code: bool, last_in_slot: bool, data_complete: bool, shred: &'a Shred, } let starting_slot = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "starting_slot", Slot); let ending_slot = value_t!(arg_matches, "ending_slot", Slot).unwrap_or(Slot::MAX); let ledger = open_blockstore(&ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, None); for (slot, _meta) in ledger .slot_meta_iterator(starting_slot) .unwrap() .take_while(|(slot, _)| *slot <= ending_slot) { let full_slot = ledger.is_full(slot); if let Ok(shreds) = ledger.get_data_shreds_for_slot(slot, 0) { for (shred_index, shred) in shreds.iter().enumerate() { println!( "{:#?}", ShredMeta { slot, full_slot, shred_index, data: shred.is_data(), code: shred.is_code(), data_complete: shred.data_complete(), last_in_slot: shred.last_in_slot(), shred, } ); } } } } ("bank-hash", Some(arg_matches)) => { let process_options = ProcessOptions { dev_halt_at_slot: Some(0), new_hard_forks: hardforks_of(arg_matches, "hard_forks"), poh_verify: false, ..ProcessOptions::default() }; let genesis_config = open_genesis_config_by(&ledger_path, arg_matches); let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); match load_bank_forks( arg_matches, &genesis_config, &blockstore, process_options, snapshot_archive_path, ) { Ok((bank_forks, _leader_schedule_cache, _snapshot_hash)) => { println!("{}", &bank_forks.working_bank().hash()); } Err(err) => { eprintln!("Failed to load ledger: {:?}", err); exit(1); } } } ("slot", Some(arg_matches)) => { let slots = values_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "slots", Slot); let allow_dead_slots = arg_matches.is_present("allow_dead_slots"); let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); for slot in slots { println!("Slot {}", slot); if let Err(err) = output_slot( &blockstore, slot, allow_dead_slots, &LedgerOutputMethod::Print, std::u64::MAX, ) { eprintln!("{}", err); } } } ("json", Some(arg_matches)) => { let starting_slot = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "starting_slot", Slot); let allow_dead_slots = arg_matches.is_present("allow_dead_slots"); output_ledger( open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ), starting_slot, Slot::MAX, allow_dead_slots, LedgerOutputMethod::Json, None, std::u64::MAX, true, ); } ("dead-slots", Some(arg_matches)) => { let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); let starting_slot = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "starting_slot", Slot); for slot in blockstore.dead_slots_iterator(starting_slot).unwrap() { println!("{}", slot); } } ("duplicate-slots", Some(arg_matches)) => { let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); let starting_slot = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "starting_slot", Slot); for slot in blockstore.duplicate_slots_iterator(starting_slot).unwrap() { println!("{}", slot); } } ("set-dead-slot", Some(arg_matches)) => { let slots = values_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "slots", Slot); let blockstore = open_blockstore(&ledger_path, AccessType::PrimaryOnly, wal_recovery_mode); for slot in slots { match blockstore.set_dead_slot(slot) { Ok(_) => println!("Slot {} dead", slot), Err(err) => eprintln!("Failed to set slot {} dead slot: {}", slot, err), } } } ("parse_full_frozen", Some(arg_matches)) => { let starting_slot = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "starting_slot", Slot); let ending_slot = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "ending_slot", Slot); let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); let mut ancestors = BTreeSet::new(); if blockstore.meta(ending_slot).unwrap().is_none() { panic!("Ending slot doesn't exist"); } for a in AncestorIterator::new(ending_slot, &blockstore) { ancestors.insert(a); if a <= starting_slot { break; } } println!("ancestors: {:?}", ancestors.iter()); let mut frozen = BTreeMap::new(); let mut full = BTreeMap::new(); let frozen_regex = Regex::new(r"bank frozen: (\d*)").unwrap(); let full_regex = Regex::new(r"slot (\d*) is full").unwrap(); let log_file = PathBuf::from(value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "log_path", String)); let f = BufReader::new(File::open(log_file).unwrap()); println!("Reading log file"); for line in f.lines().flatten() { let parse_results = { if let Some(slot_string) = frozen_regex.captures_iter(&line).next() { Some((slot_string, &mut frozen)) } else { full_regex .captures_iter(&line) .next() .map(|slot_string| (slot_string, &mut full)) } }; if let Some((slot_string, map)) = parse_results { let slot = slot_string .get(1) .expect("Only one match group") .as_str() .parse::() .unwrap(); if ancestors.contains(&slot) && !map.contains_key(&slot) { map.insert(slot, line); } if slot == ending_slot && frozen.contains_key(&slot) && full.contains_key(&slot) { break; } } } for ((slot1, frozen_log), (slot2, full_log)) in frozen.iter().zip(full.iter()) { assert_eq!(slot1, slot2); println!( "Slot: {}\n, full: {}\n, frozen: {}", slot1, full_log, frozen_log ); } } ("verify", Some(arg_matches)) => { let process_options = ProcessOptions { dev_halt_at_slot: value_t!(arg_matches, "halt_at_slot", Slot).ok(), new_hard_forks: hardforks_of(arg_matches, "hard_forks"), poh_verify: !arg_matches.is_present("skip_poh_verify"), bpf_jit: !matches.is_present("no_bpf_jit"), accounts_db_caching_enabled: !arg_matches.is_present("no_accounts_db_caching"), limit_load_slot_count_from_snapshot: value_t!( arg_matches, "limit_load_slot_count_from_snapshot", usize ) .ok(), verify_index: arg_matches.is_present("verify_accounts_index"), allow_dead_slots: arg_matches.is_present("allow_dead_slots"), accounts_db_test_hash_calculation: arg_matches .is_present("accounts_db_test_hash_calculation"), ..ProcessOptions::default() }; let print_accounts_stats = arg_matches.is_present("print_accounts_stats"); println!( "genesis hash: {}", open_genesis_config_by(&ledger_path, arg_matches).hash() ); let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); let (bank_forks, _, _) = load_bank_forks( arg_matches, &open_genesis_config_by(&ledger_path, arg_matches), &blockstore, process_options, snapshot_archive_path, ) .unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("Ledger verification failed: {:?}", err); exit(1); }); if print_accounts_stats { let working_bank = bank_forks.working_bank(); working_bank.print_accounts_stats(); } println!("Ok"); } ("graph", Some(arg_matches)) => { let output_file = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "graph_filename", String); let process_options = ProcessOptions { dev_halt_at_slot: value_t!(arg_matches, "halt_at_slot", Slot).ok(), new_hard_forks: hardforks_of(arg_matches, "hard_forks"), poh_verify: false, ..ProcessOptions::default() }; let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); match load_bank_forks( arg_matches, &open_genesis_config_by(&ledger_path, arg_matches), &blockstore, process_options, snapshot_archive_path, ) { Ok((bank_forks, _leader_schedule_cache, _snapshot_hash)) => { let dot = graph_forks(&bank_forks, arg_matches.is_present("include_all_votes")); let extension = Path::new(&output_file).extension(); let result = if extension == Some(OsStr::new("pdf")) { render_dot(dot, &output_file, "pdf") } else if extension == Some(OsStr::new("png")) { render_dot(dot, &output_file, "png") } else { File::create(&output_file) .and_then(|mut file| file.write_all(&dot.into_bytes())) }; match result { Ok(_) => println!("Wrote {}", output_file), Err(err) => eprintln!("Unable to write {}: {}", output_file, err), } } Err(err) => { eprintln!("Failed to load ledger: {:?}", err); exit(1); } } } ("create-snapshot", Some(arg_matches)) => { let output_directory = value_t!(arg_matches, "output_directory", PathBuf) .unwrap_or_else(|_| ledger_path.clone()); let mut warp_slot = value_t!(arg_matches, "warp_slot", Slot).ok(); let remove_stake_accounts = arg_matches.is_present("remove_stake_accounts"); let new_hard_forks = hardforks_of(arg_matches, "hard_forks"); let faucet_pubkey = pubkey_of(arg_matches, "faucet_pubkey"); let faucet_lamports = value_t!(arg_matches, "faucet_lamports", u64).unwrap_or(0); let rent_burn_percentage = value_t!(arg_matches, "rent_burn_percentage", u8); let hashes_per_tick = arg_matches.value_of("hashes_per_tick"); let bootstrap_stake_authorized_pubkey = pubkey_of(arg_matches, "bootstrap_stake_authorized_pubkey"); let bootstrap_validator_lamports = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "bootstrap_validator_lamports", u64); let bootstrap_validator_stake_lamports = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "bootstrap_validator_stake_lamports", u64); let minimum_stake_lamports = StakeState::get_rent_exempt_reserve(&rent); if bootstrap_validator_stake_lamports < minimum_stake_lamports { eprintln!( "Error: insufficient --bootstrap-validator-stake-lamports. \ Minimum amount is {}", minimum_stake_lamports ); exit(1); } let bootstrap_validator_pubkeys = pubkeys_of(arg_matches, "bootstrap_validator"); let accounts_to_remove = pubkeys_of(arg_matches, "accounts_to_remove").unwrap_or_default(); let snapshot_version = arg_matches .value_of("snapshot_version") .map_or(SnapshotVersion::default(), |s| { s.parse::().unwrap_or_else(|e| { eprintln!("Error: {}", e); exit(1) }) }); let maximum_snapshots_to_retain = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "maximum_snapshots_to_retain", usize); let genesis_config = open_genesis_config_by(&ledger_path, arg_matches); let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); let snapshot_slot = if Some("ROOT") == arg_matches.value_of("snapshot_slot") { blockstore .rooted_slot_iterator(0) .expect("Failed to get rooted slot iterator") .last() .expect("Failed to get root") } else { value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "snapshot_slot", Slot) }; info!( "Creating snapshot of slot {} in {}", snapshot_slot, output_directory.display() ); match load_bank_forks( arg_matches, &genesis_config, &blockstore, ProcessOptions { dev_halt_at_slot: Some(snapshot_slot), new_hard_forks, poh_verify: false, ..ProcessOptions::default() }, snapshot_archive_path, ) { Ok((bank_forks, _leader_schedule_cache, _snapshot_hash)) => { let mut bank = bank_forks .get(snapshot_slot) .unwrap_or_else(|| { eprintln!("Error: Slot {} is not available", snapshot_slot); exit(1); }) .clone(); let child_bank_required = rent_burn_percentage.is_ok() || hashes_per_tick.is_some() || remove_stake_accounts || !accounts_to_remove.is_empty() || faucet_pubkey.is_some() || bootstrap_validator_pubkeys.is_some(); if child_bank_required { let mut child_bank = Bank::new_from_parent(&bank, bank.collector_id(), bank.slot() + 1); if let Ok(rent_burn_percentage) = rent_burn_percentage { child_bank.set_rent_burn_percentage(rent_burn_percentage); } if let Some(hashes_per_tick) = hashes_per_tick { child_bank.set_hashes_per_tick(match hashes_per_tick { // Note: Unlike `solana-genesis`, "auto" is not supported here. "sleep" => None, _ => Some(value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "hashes_per_tick", u64)), }); } bank = Arc::new(child_bank); } if let Some(faucet_pubkey) = faucet_pubkey { bank.store_account( &faucet_pubkey, &AccountSharedData::new(faucet_lamports, 0, &system_program::id()), ); } if remove_stake_accounts { for (address, mut account) in bank .get_program_accounts(&stake::program::id()) .unwrap() .into_iter() { account.set_lamports(0); bank.store_account(&address, &account); } } for address in accounts_to_remove { if let Some(mut account) = bank.get_account(&address) { account.set_lamports(0); bank.store_account(&address, &account); } } if let Some(bootstrap_validator_pubkeys) = bootstrap_validator_pubkeys { assert_eq!(bootstrap_validator_pubkeys.len() % 3, 0); // Ensure there are no duplicated pubkeys in the --bootstrap-validator list { let mut v = bootstrap_validator_pubkeys.clone(); v.sort(); v.dedup(); if v.len() != bootstrap_validator_pubkeys.len() { eprintln!( "Error: --bootstrap-validator pubkeys cannot be duplicated" ); exit(1); } } // Delete existing vote accounts for (address, mut account) in bank .get_program_accounts(&solana_vote_program::id()) .unwrap() .into_iter() { account.set_lamports(0); bank.store_account(&address, &account); } // Add a new identity/vote/stake account for each of the provided bootstrap // validators let mut bootstrap_validator_pubkeys_iter = bootstrap_validator_pubkeys.iter(); loop { let identity_pubkey = match bootstrap_validator_pubkeys_iter.next() { None => break, Some(identity_pubkey) => identity_pubkey, }; let vote_pubkey = bootstrap_validator_pubkeys_iter.next().unwrap(); let stake_pubkey = bootstrap_validator_pubkeys_iter.next().unwrap(); bank.store_account( identity_pubkey, &AccountSharedData::new( bootstrap_validator_lamports, 0, &system_program::id(), ), ); let vote_account = vote_state::create_account_with_authorized( identity_pubkey, identity_pubkey, identity_pubkey, 100, VoteState::get_rent_exempt_reserve(&rent).max(1), ); bank.store_account( stake_pubkey, &stake_state::create_account( bootstrap_stake_authorized_pubkey .as_ref() .unwrap_or(identity_pubkey), vote_pubkey, &vote_account, &rent, bootstrap_validator_stake_lamports, ), ); bank.store_account(vote_pubkey, &vote_account); } // Warp ahead at least two epochs to ensure that the leader schedule will be // updated to reflect the new bootstrap validator(s) let minimum_warp_slot = genesis_config.epoch_schedule.get_first_slot_in_epoch( genesis_config.epoch_schedule.get_epoch(snapshot_slot) + 2, ); if let Some(warp_slot) = warp_slot { if warp_slot < minimum_warp_slot { eprintln!( "Error: --warp-slot too close. Must be >= {}", minimum_warp_slot ); exit(1); } } else { warn!("Warping to slot {}", minimum_warp_slot); warp_slot = Some(minimum_warp_slot); } } if child_bank_required { while !bank.is_complete() { bank.register_tick(&Hash::new_unique()); } } bank.set_capitalization(); let bank = if let Some(warp_slot) = warp_slot { Arc::new(Bank::warp_from_parent( &bank, bank.collector_id(), warp_slot, )) } else { bank }; println!( "Creating a version {} snapshot of slot {}", snapshot_version, bank.slot(), ); let archive_file = snapshot_utils::bank_to_snapshot_archive( ledger_path, &bank, Some(snapshot_version), output_directory, ArchiveFormat::TarZstd, None, maximum_snapshots_to_retain, ) .unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("Unable to create snapshot: {}", err); exit(1); }); println!( "Successfully created snapshot for slot {}, hash {}: {}", bank.slot(), bank.hash(), archive_file.display(), ); println!( "Shred version: {}", compute_shred_version( &genesis_config.hash(), Some(&bank.hard_forks().read().unwrap()) ) ); } Err(err) => { eprintln!("Failed to load ledger: {:?}", err); exit(1); } } } ("accounts", Some(arg_matches)) => { let dev_halt_at_slot = value_t!(arg_matches, "halt_at_slot", Slot).ok(); let process_options = ProcessOptions { dev_halt_at_slot, new_hard_forks: hardforks_of(arg_matches, "hard_forks"), poh_verify: false, ..ProcessOptions::default() }; let genesis_config = open_genesis_config_by(&ledger_path, arg_matches); let include_sysvars = arg_matches.is_present("include_sysvars"); let exclude_account_data = arg_matches.is_present("exclude_account_data"); let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); match load_bank_forks( arg_matches, &genesis_config, &blockstore, process_options, snapshot_archive_path, ) { Ok((bank_forks, _leader_schedule_cache, _snapshot_hash)) => { let slot = bank_forks.working_bank().slot(); let bank = bank_forks.get(slot).unwrap_or_else(|| { eprintln!("Error: Slot {} is not available", slot); exit(1); }); let accounts: BTreeMap<_, _> = bank .get_all_accounts_with_modified_slots() .unwrap() .into_iter() .filter(|(pubkey, _account, _slot)| { include_sysvars || !solana_sdk::sysvar::is_sysvar_id(pubkey) }) .map(|(pubkey, account, slot)| (pubkey, (account, slot))) .collect(); println!("---"); for (pubkey, (account, slot)) in accounts.into_iter() { let data_len = account.data().len(); println!("{}:", pubkey); println!(" - balance: {} SOL", lamports_to_sol(account.lamports())); println!(" - owner: '{}'", account.owner()); println!(" - executable: {}", account.executable()); println!(" - slot: {}", slot); println!(" - rent_epoch: {}", account.rent_epoch()); if !exclude_account_data { println!(" - data: '{}'", bs58::encode(account.data()).into_string()); } println!(" - data_len: {}", data_len); } } Err(err) => { eprintln!("Failed to load ledger: {:?}", err); exit(1); } } } ("capitalization", Some(arg_matches)) => { let dev_halt_at_slot = value_t!(arg_matches, "halt_at_slot", Slot).ok(); let process_options = ProcessOptions { dev_halt_at_slot, new_hard_forks: hardforks_of(arg_matches, "hard_forks"), poh_verify: false, ..ProcessOptions::default() }; let genesis_config = open_genesis_config_by(&ledger_path, arg_matches); let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); match load_bank_forks( arg_matches, &genesis_config, &blockstore, process_options, snapshot_archive_path, ) { Ok((bank_forks, _leader_schedule_cache, _snapshot_hash)) => { let slot = bank_forks.working_bank().slot(); let bank = bank_forks.get(slot).unwrap_or_else(|| { eprintln!("Error: Slot {} is not available", slot); exit(1); }); if arg_matches.is_present("recalculate_capitalization") { println!("Recalculating capitalization"); let old_capitalization = bank.set_capitalization(); if old_capitalization == bank.capitalization() { eprintln!("Capitalization was identical: {}", Sol(old_capitalization)); } } if arg_matches.is_present("warp_epoch") { let base_bank = bank; let raw_warp_epoch = value_t!(arg_matches, "warp_epoch", String).unwrap(); let warp_epoch = if raw_warp_epoch.starts_with('+') { base_bank.epoch() + value_t!(arg_matches, "warp_epoch", Epoch).unwrap() } else { value_t!(arg_matches, "warp_epoch", Epoch).unwrap() }; if warp_epoch < base_bank.epoch() { eprintln!( "Error: can't warp epoch backwards: {} => {}", base_bank.epoch(), warp_epoch ); exit(1); } if let Ok(raw_inflation) = value_t!(arg_matches, "inflation", String) { let inflation = match raw_inflation.as_str() { "pico" => Inflation::pico(), "full" => Inflation::full(), "none" => Inflation::new_disabled(), _ => unreachable!(), }; println!( "Forcing to: {:?} (was: {:?})", inflation, base_bank.inflation() ); base_bank.set_inflation(inflation); } let next_epoch = base_bank .epoch_schedule() .get_first_slot_in_epoch(warp_epoch); // disable eager rent collection because this creates many unrelated // rent collection account updates base_bank .lazy_rent_collection .store(true, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); let feature_account_balance = std::cmp::max( genesis_config.rent.minimum_balance(Feature::size_of()), 1, ); if arg_matches.is_present("enable_stake_program_v2") { let mut force_enabled_count = 0; if base_bank .get_account(&feature_set::stake_program_v2::id()) .is_none() { base_bank.store_account( &feature_set::stake_program_v2::id(), &feature::create_account( &Feature { activated_at: None }, feature_account_balance, ), ); force_enabled_count += 1; } if base_bank .get_account(&feature_set::rewrite_stake::id()) .is_none() { base_bank.store_account( &feature_set::rewrite_stake::id(), &feature::create_account( &Feature { activated_at: None }, feature_account_balance, ), ); force_enabled_count += 1; } if force_enabled_count == 0 { warn!("Already stake_program_v2 is activated (or scheduled)"); } let mut store_failed_count = 0; if force_enabled_count >= 1 { if base_bank .get_account(&feature_set::spl_token_v2_multisig_fix::id()) .is_some() { // steal some lamports from the pretty old feature not to affect // capitalizaion, which doesn't affect inflation behavior! base_bank.store_account( &feature_set::spl_token_v2_multisig_fix::id(), &AccountSharedData::default(), ); force_enabled_count -= 1; } else { store_failed_count += 1; } } if force_enabled_count >= 1 { if base_bank .get_account(&feature_set::instructions_sysvar_enabled::id()) .is_some() { // steal some lamports from the pretty old feature not to affect // capitalizaion, which doesn't affect inflation behavior! base_bank.store_account( &feature_set::instructions_sysvar_enabled::id(), &AccountSharedData::default(), ); force_enabled_count -= 1; } else { store_failed_count += 1; } } assert_eq!(force_enabled_count, store_failed_count); if store_failed_count >= 1 { // we have no choice; maybe locally created blank cluster with // not-Development cluster type. let old_cap = base_bank.set_capitalization(); let new_cap = base_bank.capitalization(); warn!( "Skewing capitalization a bit to enable stake_program_v2 as \ requested: increasing {} from {} to {}", feature_account_balance, old_cap, new_cap, ); assert_eq!( old_cap + feature_account_balance * store_failed_count, new_cap ); } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] struct PointDetail { epoch: Epoch, points: u128, stake: u128, credits: u128, } #[derive(Default, Debug)] struct CalculationDetail { epochs: usize, voter: Pubkey, voter_owner: Pubkey, current_effective_stake: u64, total_stake: u64, rent_exempt_reserve: u64, points: Vec, base_rewards: u64, commission: u8, vote_rewards: u64, stake_rewards: u64, activation_epoch: Epoch, deactivation_epoch: Option, point_value: Option, old_credits_observed: Option, new_credits_observed: Option, skipped_reasons: String, } use solana_stake_program::stake_state::InflationPointCalculationEvent; let mut stake_calcuration_details: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut last_point_value = None; let tracer = |event: &RewardCalculationEvent| { // Currently RewardCalculationEvent enum has only Staking variant // because only staking tracing is supported! #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)] if let RewardCalculationEvent::Staking(pubkey, event) = event { let detail = stake_calcuration_details.entry(**pubkey).or_default(); match event { InflationPointCalculationEvent::CalculatedPoints( epoch, stake, credits, points, ) => { if *points > 0 { detail.epochs += 1; detail.points.push(PointDetail {epoch: *epoch, points: *points, stake: *stake, credits: *credits}); } } InflationPointCalculationEvent::SplitRewards( all, voter, staker, point_value, ) => { detail.base_rewards = *all; detail.vote_rewards = *voter; detail.stake_rewards = *staker; detail.point_value = Some(point_value.clone()); // we have duplicate copies of `PointValue`s for possible // miscalculation; do some minimum sanity check let point_value = detail.point_value.clone(); if point_value.is_some() { if last_point_value.is_some() { assert_eq!(last_point_value, point_value,); } last_point_value = point_value; } } InflationPointCalculationEvent::EffectiveStakeAtRewardedEpoch(stake) => { detail.current_effective_stake = *stake; } InflationPointCalculationEvent::Commission(commission) => { detail.commission = *commission; } InflationPointCalculationEvent::RentExemptReserve(reserve) => { detail.rent_exempt_reserve = *reserve; } InflationPointCalculationEvent::CreditsObserved( old_credits_observed, new_credits_observed, ) => { detail.old_credits_observed = Some(*old_credits_observed); detail.new_credits_observed = *new_credits_observed; } InflationPointCalculationEvent::Delegation( delegation, owner, ) => { detail.voter = delegation.voter_pubkey; detail.voter_owner = *owner; detail.total_stake = delegation.stake; detail.activation_epoch = delegation.activation_epoch; if delegation.deactivation_epoch < Epoch::max_value() { detail.deactivation_epoch = Some(delegation.deactivation_epoch); } } InflationPointCalculationEvent::Skipped(skipped_reason) => { if detail.skipped_reasons.is_empty() { detail.skipped_reasons = format!("{:?}", skipped_reason); } else { detail.skipped_reasons += &format!("/{:?}", skipped_reason); } } } } }; let warped_bank = Bank::new_from_parent_with_tracer( base_bank, base_bank.collector_id(), next_epoch, tracer, ); warped_bank.freeze(); let mut csv_writer = if arg_matches.is_present("csv_filename") { let csv_filename = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "csv_filename", String); let file = File::create(&csv_filename).unwrap(); Some(csv::WriterBuilder::new().from_writer(file)) } else { None }; println!("Slot: {} => {}", base_bank.slot(), warped_bank.slot()); println!("Epoch: {} => {}", base_bank.epoch(), warped_bank.epoch()); assert_capitalization(base_bank); assert_capitalization(&warped_bank); let interest_per_epoch = ((warped_bank.capitalization() as f64) / (base_bank.capitalization() as f64) * 100_f64) - 100_f64; let interest_per_year = interest_per_epoch / warped_bank.epoch_duration_in_years(base_bank.epoch()); println!( "Capitalization: {} => {} (+{} {}%; annualized {}%)", Sol(base_bank.capitalization()), Sol(warped_bank.capitalization()), Sol(warped_bank.capitalization() - base_bank.capitalization()), interest_per_epoch, interest_per_year, ); let mut overall_delta = 0; let modified_accounts = warped_bank.get_all_accounts_modified_since_parent(); let mut rewarded_accounts = modified_accounts .iter() .map(|(pubkey, account)| { ( pubkey, account, base_bank .get_account(pubkey) .map(|a| a.lamports()) .unwrap_or_default(), ) }) .collect::>(); rewarded_accounts.sort_unstable_by_key( |(pubkey, account, base_lamports)| { ( *account.owner(), *base_lamports, account.lamports() - base_lamports, *pubkey, ) }, ); let mut unchanged_accounts = stake_calcuration_details .keys() .collect::>() .difference( &rewarded_accounts .iter() .map(|(pubkey, ..)| *pubkey) .collect(), ) .map(|pubkey| (**pubkey, warped_bank.get_account(pubkey).unwrap())) .collect::>(); unchanged_accounts.sort_unstable_by_key(|(pubkey, account)| { (*account.owner(), account.lamports(), *pubkey) }); let unchanged_accounts = unchanged_accounts.into_iter(); let rewarded_accounts = rewarded_accounts .into_iter() .map(|(pubkey, account, ..)| (*pubkey, account.clone())); let all_accounts = unchanged_accounts.chain(rewarded_accounts); for (pubkey, warped_account) in all_accounts { // Don't output sysvars; it's always updated but not related to // inflation. if solana_sdk::sysvar::is_sysvar_id(&pubkey) { continue; } if let Some(base_account) = base_bank.get_account(&pubkey) { let delta = warped_account.lamports() - base_account.lamports(); let detail = stake_calcuration_details.get(&pubkey); println!( "{:<45}({}): {} => {} (+{} {:>4.9}%) {:?}", format!("{}", pubkey), // format! is needed to pad/justify correctly. base_account.owner(), Sol(base_account.lamports()), Sol(warped_account.lamports()), Sol(delta), ((warped_account.lamports() as f64) / (base_account.lamports() as f64) * 100_f64) - 100_f64, detail, ); if let Some(ref mut csv_writer) = csv_writer { #[derive(Serialize)] struct InflationRecord { cluster_type: String, rewarded_epoch: Epoch, account: String, owner: String, old_balance: u64, new_balance: u64, data_size: usize, delegation: String, delegation_owner: String, effective_stake: String, delegated_stake: String, rent_exempt_reserve: String, activation_epoch: String, deactivation_epoch: String, earned_epochs: String, epoch: String, epoch_credits: String, epoch_points: String, epoch_stake: String, old_credits_observed: String, new_credits_observed: String, base_rewards: String, stake_rewards: String, vote_rewards: String, commission: String, cluster_rewards: String, cluster_points: String, old_capitalization: u64, new_capitalization: u64, } fn format_or_na( data: Option, ) -> String { data.map(|data| format!("{}", data)) .unwrap_or_else(|| "N/A".to_owned()) } let mut point_details = detail .map(|d| d.points.iter().map(Some).collect::>()) .unwrap_or_default(); // ensure to print even if there is no calculation/point detail if point_details.is_empty() { point_details.push(None); } for point_detail in point_details { let record = InflationRecord { cluster_type: format!("{:?}", base_bank.cluster_type()), rewarded_epoch: base_bank.epoch(), account: format!("{}", pubkey), owner: format!("{}", base_account.owner()), old_balance: base_account.lamports(), new_balance: warped_account.lamports(), data_size: base_account.data().len(), delegation: format_or_na(detail.map(|d| d.voter)), delegation_owner: format_or_na( detail.map(|d| d.voter_owner), ), effective_stake: format_or_na( detail.map(|d| d.current_effective_stake), ), delegated_stake: format_or_na( detail.map(|d| d.total_stake), ), rent_exempt_reserve: format_or_na( detail.map(|d| d.rent_exempt_reserve), ), activation_epoch: format_or_na(detail.map(|d| { if d.activation_epoch < Epoch::max_value() { d.activation_epoch } else { // bootstraped 0 } })), deactivation_epoch: format_or_na( detail.and_then(|d| d.deactivation_epoch), ), earned_epochs: format_or_na(detail.map(|d| d.epochs)), epoch: format_or_na(point_detail.map(|d| d.epoch)), epoch_credits: format_or_na( point_detail.map(|d| d.credits), ), epoch_points: format_or_na( point_detail.map(|d| d.points), ), epoch_stake: format_or_na( point_detail.map(|d| d.stake), ), old_credits_observed: format_or_na( detail.and_then(|d| d.old_credits_observed), ), new_credits_observed: format_or_na( detail.and_then(|d| d.new_credits_observed), ), base_rewards: format_or_na( detail.map(|d| d.base_rewards), ), stake_rewards: format_or_na( detail.map(|d| d.stake_rewards), ), vote_rewards: format_or_na( detail.map(|d| d.vote_rewards), ), commission: format_or_na(detail.map(|d| d.commission)), cluster_rewards: format_or_na( last_point_value.as_ref().map(|pv| pv.rewards), ), cluster_points: format_or_na( last_point_value.as_ref().map(|pv| pv.points), ), old_capitalization: base_bank.capitalization(), new_capitalization: warped_bank.capitalization(), }; csv_writer.serialize(&record).unwrap(); } } overall_delta += delta; } else { error!("new account!?: {}", pubkey); } } if overall_delta > 0 { println!("Sum of lamports changes: {}", Sol(overall_delta)); } } else { if arg_matches.is_present("recalculate_capitalization") { eprintln!("Capitalization isn't verified because it's recalculated"); } if arg_matches.is_present("inflation") { eprintln!( "Forcing inflation isn't meaningful because bank isn't warping" ); } assert_capitalization(bank); println!("Inflation: {:?}", bank.inflation()); println!("RentCollector: {:?}", bank.rent_collector()); println!("Capitalization: {}", Sol(bank.capitalization())); } } Err(err) => { eprintln!("Failed to load ledger: {:?}", err); exit(1); } } } ("purge", Some(arg_matches)) => { let start_slot = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "start_slot", Slot); let end_slot = value_t!(arg_matches, "end_slot", Slot).ok(); let no_compaction = arg_matches.is_present("no_compaction"); let dead_slots_only = arg_matches.is_present("dead_slots_only"); let batch_size = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "batch_size", usize); let access_type = if !no_compaction { AccessType::PrimaryOnly } else { AccessType::PrimaryOnlyForMaintenance }; let blockstore = open_blockstore(&ledger_path, access_type, wal_recovery_mode); let end_slot = match end_slot { Some(end_slot) => end_slot, None => match blockstore.slot_meta_iterator(start_slot) { Ok(metas) => { let slots: Vec<_> = metas.map(|(slot, _)| slot).collect(); if slots.is_empty() { eprintln!("Purge range is empty"); exit(1); } *slots.last().unwrap() } Err(err) => { eprintln!("Unable to read the Ledger: {:?}", err); exit(1); } }, }; if end_slot < start_slot { eprintln!( "end slot {} is less than start slot {}", end_slot, start_slot ); exit(1); } info!( "Purging data from slots {} to {} ({} slots) (skip compaction: {}) (dead slot only: {})", start_slot, end_slot, end_slot - start_slot, no_compaction, dead_slots_only, ); let purge_from_blockstore = |start_slot, end_slot| { blockstore.purge_from_next_slots(start_slot, end_slot); if no_compaction { blockstore.purge_slots(start_slot, end_slot, PurgeType::Exact); } else { blockstore.purge_and_compact_slots(start_slot, end_slot); } }; if !dead_slots_only { let slots_iter = &(start_slot..=end_slot).chunks(batch_size); for slots in slots_iter { let slots = slots.collect::>(); assert!(!slots.is_empty()); let start_slot = *slots.first().unwrap(); let end_slot = *slots.last().unwrap(); info!( "Purging chunked slots from {} to {} ({} slots)", start_slot, end_slot, end_slot - start_slot ); purge_from_blockstore(start_slot, end_slot); } } else { let dead_slots_iter = blockstore .dead_slots_iterator(start_slot) .unwrap() .take_while(|s| *s <= end_slot); for dead_slot in dead_slots_iter { info!("Purging dead slot {}", dead_slot); purge_from_blockstore(dead_slot, dead_slot); } } } ("list-roots", Some(arg_matches)) => { let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); let max_height = if let Some(height) = arg_matches.value_of("max_height") { usize::from_str(height).expect("Maximum height must be a number") } else { usize::MAX }; let start_root = if let Some(height) = arg_matches.value_of("start_root") { Slot::from_str(height).expect("Starting root must be a number") } else { 0 }; let num_roots = if let Some(roots) = arg_matches.value_of("num_roots") { usize::from_str(roots).expect("Number of roots must be a number") } else { usize::from_str(DEFAULT_ROOT_COUNT).unwrap() }; let iter = blockstore .rooted_slot_iterator(start_root) .expect("Failed to get rooted slot"); let mut slot_hash = Vec::new(); for (i, slot) in iter.into_iter().enumerate() { if i > num_roots { break; } if slot <= max_height as u64 { let blockhash = blockstore .get_slot_entries(slot, 0) .unwrap() .last() .unwrap() .hash; slot_hash.push((slot, blockhash)); } else { break; } } let mut output_file: Box = if let Some(path) = arg_matches.value_of("slot_list") { match File::create(path) { Ok(file) => Box::new(file), _ => Box::new(stdout()), } } else { Box::new(stdout()) }; slot_hash .into_iter() .rev() .enumerate() .for_each(|(i, (slot, hash))| { if i < num_roots { output_file .write_all(format!("{:?}: {:?}\n", slot, hash).as_bytes()) .expect("failed to write"); } }); } ("repair-roots", Some(arg_matches)) => { let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); let start_root = if let Some(root) = arg_matches.value_of("start_root") { Slot::from_str(root).expect("Before root must be a number") } else { blockstore.max_root() }; let max_slots = value_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "max_slots", u64); let end_root = if let Some(root) = arg_matches.value_of("end_root") { Slot::from_str(root).expect("Until root must be a number") } else { start_root.saturating_sub(max_slots) }; assert!(start_root > end_root); assert!(blockstore.is_root(start_root)); let num_slots = start_root - end_root - 1; // Adjust by one since start_root need not be checked if arg_matches.is_present("end_root") && num_slots > max_slots { eprintln!( "Requested range {} too large, max {}. \ Either adjust `--until` value, or pass a larger `--repair-limit` \ to override the limit", num_slots, max_slots, ); exit(1); } let ancestor_iterator = AncestorIterator::new(start_root, &blockstore).take_while(|&slot| slot >= end_root); let roots_to_fix: Vec<_> = ancestor_iterator .filter(|slot| !blockstore.is_root(*slot)) .collect(); if !roots_to_fix.is_empty() { eprintln!("{} slots to be rooted", roots_to_fix.len()); for chunk in roots_to_fix.chunks(100) { eprintln!("{:?}", chunk); blockstore .set_roots(roots_to_fix.iter()) .unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("Unable to set roots {:?}: {}", roots_to_fix, err); exit(1); }); } } else { println!( "No missing roots found in range {} to {}", end_root, start_root ); } } ("bounds", Some(arg_matches)) => { let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); match blockstore.slot_meta_iterator(0) { Ok(metas) => { let all = arg_matches.is_present("all"); let slots: Vec<_> = metas.map(|(slot, _)| slot).collect(); if slots.is_empty() { println!("Ledger is empty"); } else { let first = slots.first().unwrap(); let last = slots.last().unwrap_or(first); if first != last { println!( "Ledger has data for {} slots {:?} to {:?}", slots.len(), first, last ); if all { println!("Non-empty slots: {:?}", slots); } } else { println!("Ledger has data for slot {:?}", first); } } if let Ok(rooted) = blockstore.rooted_slot_iterator(0) { let mut first_rooted = 0; let mut last_rooted = 0; let mut total_rooted = 0; for (i, slot) in rooted.into_iter().enumerate() { if i == 0 { first_rooted = slot; } last_rooted = slot; total_rooted += 1; } let mut count_past_root = 0; for slot in slots.iter().rev() { if *slot > last_rooted { count_past_root += 1; } else { break; } } println!( " with {} rooted slots from {:?} to {:?}", total_rooted, first_rooted, last_rooted ); println!(" and {} slots past the last root", count_past_root); } else { println!(" with no rooted slots"); } } Err(err) => { eprintln!("Unable to read the Ledger: {:?}", err); exit(1); } }; } ("analyze-storage", _) => { analyze_storage(&open_database( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, )); println!("Ok."); } ("compute-slot-cost", Some(arg_matches)) => { let blockstore = open_blockstore( &ledger_path, AccessType::TryPrimaryThenSecondary, wal_recovery_mode, ); let mut slots: Vec = vec![]; if !arg_matches.is_present("slots") { if let Ok(metas) = blockstore.slot_meta_iterator(0) { slots = metas.map(|(slot, _)| slot).collect(); } } else { slots = values_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "slots", Slot); } for slot in slots { if let Err(err) = compute_slot_cost(&blockstore, slot) { eprintln!("{}", err); } } } ("", _) => { eprintln!("{}", matches.usage()); exit(1); } _ => unreachable!(), }; }