use { crate::crds_value::sanitize_wallclock, itertools::Itertools, solana_ledger::{ blockstore::BlockstoreError, blockstore_meta::DuplicateSlotProof, shred::{self, Shred, ShredType}, }, solana_sdk::{ clock::Slot, pubkey::Pubkey, sanitize::{Sanitize, SanitizeError}, }, std::{ collections::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap}, convert::TryFrom, num::TryFromIntError, }, thiserror::Error, }; const DUPLICATE_SHRED_HEADER_SIZE: usize = 63; pub(crate) type DuplicateShredIndex = u16; pub(crate) const MAX_DUPLICATE_SHREDS: DuplicateShredIndex = 512; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, AbiExample, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct DuplicateShred { pub(crate) from: Pubkey, pub(crate) wallclock: u64, pub(crate) slot: Slot, shred_index: u32, shred_type: ShredType, // Serialized DuplicateSlotProof split into chunks. num_chunks: u8, chunk_index: u8, #[serde(with = "serde_bytes")] chunk: Vec, } impl DuplicateShred { #[inline] pub(crate) fn num_chunks(&self) -> u8 { self.num_chunks } #[inline] pub(crate) fn chunk_index(&self) -> u8 { self.chunk_index } } #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum Error { #[error("block store save error")] BlockstoreInsertFailed(#[from] BlockstoreError), #[error("data chunk mismatch")] DataChunkMismatch, #[error("invalid chunk_index: {chunk_index}, num_chunks: {num_chunks}")] InvalidChunkIndex { chunk_index: u8, num_chunks: u8 }, #[error("invalid duplicate shreds")] InvalidDuplicateShreds, #[error("invalid duplicate slot proof")] InvalidDuplicateSlotProof, #[error("invalid signature")] InvalidSignature, #[error("invalid size limit")] InvalidSizeLimit, #[error(transparent)] InvalidShred(#[from] shred::Error), #[error("number of chunks mismatch")] NumChunksMismatch, #[error("missing data chunk")] MissingDataChunk, #[error("(de)serialization error")] SerializationError(#[from] bincode::Error), #[error("shred index mismatch")] ShredIndexMismatch, #[error("shred type mismatch")] ShredTypeMismatch, #[error("slot mismatch")] SlotMismatch, #[error("type conversion error")] TryFromIntError(#[from] TryFromIntError), #[error("unknown slot leader: {0}")] UnknownSlotLeader(Slot), } // Asserts that the two shreds can indicate duplicate proof for // the same triplet of (slot, shred-index, and shred-type_), and // that they have valid signatures from the slot leader. fn check_shreds(leader_schedule: Option, shred1: &Shred, shred2: &Shred) -> Result<(), Error> where F: FnOnce(Slot) -> Option, { if shred1.slot() != shred2.slot() { Err(Error::SlotMismatch) } else if shred1.index() != shred2.index() { // TODO: Should also allow two coding shreds with different indices but // same fec-set-index and mismatching erasure-config. Err(Error::ShredIndexMismatch) } else if shred1.shred_type() != shred2.shred_type() { Err(Error::ShredTypeMismatch) } else if shred1.payload() == shred2.payload() { Err(Error::InvalidDuplicateShreds) } else { if let Some(leader_schedule) = leader_schedule { let slot_leader = leader_schedule(shred1.slot()).ok_or(Error::UnknownSlotLeader(shred1.slot()))?; if !shred1.verify(&slot_leader) || !shred2.verify(&slot_leader) { return Err(Error::InvalidSignature); } } Ok(()) } } pub(crate) fn from_shred( shred: Shred, self_pubkey: Pubkey, // Pubkey of my node broadcasting crds value. other_payload: Vec, leader_schedule: Option, wallclock: u64, max_size: usize, // Maximum serialized size of each DuplicateShred. ) -> Result, Error> where F: FnOnce(Slot) -> Option, { if shred.payload() == &other_payload { return Err(Error::InvalidDuplicateShreds); } let other_shred = Shred::new_from_serialized_shred(other_payload.clone())?; check_shreds(leader_schedule, &shred, &other_shred)?; let (slot, shred_index, shred_type) = (shred.slot(), shred.index(), shred.shred_type()); let proof = DuplicateSlotProof { shred1: shred.into_payload(), shred2: other_payload, }; let data = bincode::serialize(&proof)?; let chunk_size = if DUPLICATE_SHRED_HEADER_SIZE < max_size { max_size - DUPLICATE_SHRED_HEADER_SIZE } else { return Err(Error::InvalidSizeLimit); }; let chunks: Vec<_> = data.chunks(chunk_size).map(Vec::from).collect(); let num_chunks = u8::try_from(chunks.len())?; let chunks = chunks .into_iter() .enumerate() .map(move |(i, chunk)| DuplicateShred { from: self_pubkey, wallclock, slot, shred_index, shred_type, num_chunks, chunk_index: i as u8, chunk, }); Ok(chunks) } // Returns a predicate checking if a duplicate-shred chunk matches // (slot, shred_index, shred_type) and has valid chunk_index. fn check_chunk( slot: Slot, shred_index: u32, shred_type: ShredType, num_chunks: u8, ) -> impl Fn(&DuplicateShred) -> Result<(), Error> { move |dup| { if dup.slot != slot { Err(Error::SlotMismatch) } else if dup.shred_index != shred_index { Err(Error::ShredIndexMismatch) } else if dup.shred_type != shred_type { Err(Error::ShredTypeMismatch) } else if dup.num_chunks != num_chunks { Err(Error::NumChunksMismatch) } else if dup.chunk_index >= num_chunks { Err(Error::InvalidChunkIndex { chunk_index: dup.chunk_index, num_chunks, }) } else { Ok(()) } } } /// Reconstructs the duplicate shreds from chunks of DuplicateShred. pub(crate) fn into_shreds( slot_leader: &Pubkey, chunks: impl IntoIterator, ) -> Result<(Shred, Shred), Error> { let mut chunks = chunks.into_iter(); let DuplicateShred { slot, shred_index, shred_type, num_chunks, chunk_index, chunk, .. } =; let check_chunk = check_chunk(slot, shred_index, shred_type, num_chunks); let mut data = HashMap::new(); data.insert(chunk_index, chunk); for chunk in chunks { check_chunk(&chunk)?; match data.entry(chunk.chunk_index) { Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(chunk.chunk); } Entry::Occupied(entry) => { if *entry.get() != chunk.chunk { return Err(Error::DataChunkMismatch); } } } } if data.len() != num_chunks as usize { return Err(Error::MissingDataChunk); } let data = (0..num_chunks).map(|k| data.remove(&k).unwrap()).concat(); let proof: DuplicateSlotProof = bincode::deserialize(&data)?; if proof.shred1 == proof.shred2 { return Err(Error::InvalidDuplicateSlotProof); } let shred1 = Shred::new_from_serialized_shred(proof.shred1)?; let shred2 = Shred::new_from_serialized_shred(proof.shred2)?; if shred1.slot() != slot || shred2.slot() != slot { Err(Error::SlotMismatch) } else if shred1.index() != shred_index || shred2.index() != shred_index { Err(Error::ShredIndexMismatch) } else if shred1.shred_type() != shred_type || shred2.shred_type() != shred_type { Err(Error::ShredTypeMismatch) } else if shred1.payload() == shred2.payload() { Err(Error::InvalidDuplicateShreds) } else if !shred1.verify(slot_leader) || !shred2.verify(slot_leader) { Err(Error::InvalidSignature) } else { Ok((shred1, shred2)) } } impl Sanitize for DuplicateShred { fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { sanitize_wallclock(self.wallclock)?; if self.chunk_index >= self.num_chunks { return Err(SanitizeError::IndexOutOfBounds); } self.from.sanitize() } } #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) mod tests { use { super::*, rand::Rng, solana_entry::entry::Entry, solana_ledger::shred::{ProcessShredsStats, ReedSolomonCache, Shredder}, solana_sdk::{ hash, signature::{Keypair, Signer}, system_transaction, }, std::sync::Arc, }; #[test] fn test_duplicate_shred_header_size() { let dup = DuplicateShred { from: Pubkey::new_unique(), wallclock: u64::MAX, slot: Slot::MAX, shred_index: u32::MAX, shred_type: ShredType::Data, num_chunks: u8::MAX, chunk_index: u8::MAX, chunk: Vec::default(), }; assert_eq!( bincode::serialize(&dup).unwrap().len(), DUPLICATE_SHRED_HEADER_SIZE ); assert_eq!( bincode::serialized_size(&dup).unwrap(), DUPLICATE_SHRED_HEADER_SIZE as u64 ); } pub(crate) fn new_rand_shred( rng: &mut R, next_shred_index: u32, shredder: &Shredder, keypair: &Keypair, ) -> Shred { let entries: Vec<_> = std::iter::repeat_with(|| { let tx = system_transaction::transfer( &Keypair::new(), // from &Pubkey::new_unique(), // to rng.gen(), // lamports hash::new_rand(rng), // recent blockhash ); Entry::new( &hash::new_rand(rng), // prev_hash 1, // num_hashes, vec![tx], // transactions ) }) .take(5) .collect(); let (mut data_shreds, _coding_shreds) = shredder.entries_to_shreds( keypair, &entries, true, // is_last_in_slot next_shred_index, next_shred_index, // next_code_index true, // merkle_variant &ReedSolomonCache::default(), &mut ProcessShredsStats::default(), ); data_shreds.swap_remove(0) } #[test] fn test_duplicate_shred_round_trip() { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let leader = Arc::new(Keypair::new()); let (slot, parent_slot, reference_tick, version) = (53084024, 53084023, 0, 0); let shredder = Shredder::new(slot, parent_slot, reference_tick, version).unwrap(); let next_shred_index = rng.gen_range(0, 32_000); let shred1 = new_rand_shred(&mut rng, next_shred_index, &shredder, &leader); let shred2 = new_rand_shred(&mut rng, next_shred_index, &shredder, &leader); let leader_schedule = |s| { if s == slot { Some(leader.pubkey()) } else { None } }; let chunks: Vec<_> = from_shred( shred1.clone(), Pubkey::new_unique(), // self_pubkey shred2.payload().clone(), Some(leader_schedule), rng.gen(), // wallclock 512, // max_size ) .unwrap() .collect(); assert!(chunks.len() > 4); let (shred3, shred4) = into_shreds(&leader.pubkey(), chunks).unwrap(); assert_eq!(shred1, shred3); assert_eq!(shred2, shred4); } }