use { crate::blockstore_options::LedgerColumnOptions, rocksdb::{ perf::{set_perf_stats, PerfMetric, PerfStatsLevel}, PerfContext, }, solana_metrics::datapoint_info, solana_sdk::timing::timestamp, std::{ cell::RefCell, fmt::Debug, sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, AtomicUsize, Ordering}, time::{Duration, Instant}, }, }; #[derive(Default)] pub struct BlockstoreInsertionMetrics { pub insert_lock_elapsed_us: u64, pub insert_shreds_elapsed_us: u64, pub shred_recovery_elapsed_us: u64, pub chaining_elapsed_us: u64, pub commit_working_sets_elapsed_us: u64, pub write_batch_elapsed_us: u64, pub total_elapsed_us: u64, pub index_meta_time_us: u64, pub num_shreds: usize, pub num_inserted: u64, pub num_repair: u64, pub num_recovered: usize, pub num_recovered_blockstore_error: usize, pub num_recovered_inserted: usize, pub num_recovered_failed_sig: usize, pub num_recovered_failed_invalid: usize, pub num_recovered_exists: usize, pub num_data_shreds_exists: usize, pub num_data_shreds_invalid: usize, pub num_data_shreds_blockstore_error: usize, pub num_coding_shreds_exists: usize, pub num_coding_shreds_invalid: usize, pub num_coding_shreds_invalid_erasure_config: usize, pub num_coding_shreds_inserted: usize, } impl BlockstoreInsertionMetrics { pub fn report_metrics(&self, metric_name: &'static str) { datapoint_info!( metric_name, ("num_shreds", self.num_shreds as i64, i64), ("total_elapsed_us", self.total_elapsed_us as i64, i64), ( "insert_lock_elapsed_us", self.insert_lock_elapsed_us as i64, i64 ), ( "insert_shreds_elapsed_us", self.insert_shreds_elapsed_us as i64, i64 ), ( "shred_recovery_elapsed_us", self.shred_recovery_elapsed_us as i64, i64 ), ("chaining_elapsed_us", self.chaining_elapsed_us as i64, i64), ( "commit_working_sets_elapsed_us", self.commit_working_sets_elapsed_us as i64, i64 ), ( "write_batch_elapsed_us", self.write_batch_elapsed_us as i64, i64 ), ("num_inserted", self.num_inserted as i64, i64), ("num_repair", self.num_repair as i64, i64), ("num_recovered", self.num_recovered as i64, i64), ( "num_recovered_inserted", self.num_recovered_inserted as i64, i64 ), ( "num_recovered_failed_sig", self.num_recovered_failed_sig as i64, i64 ), ( "num_recovered_failed_invalid", self.num_recovered_failed_invalid as i64, i64 ), ( "num_recovered_exists", self.num_recovered_exists as i64, i64 ), ( "num_recovered_blockstore_error", self.num_recovered_blockstore_error, i64 ), ("num_data_shreds_exists", self.num_data_shreds_exists, i64), ("num_data_shreds_invalid", self.num_data_shreds_invalid, i64), ( "num_data_shreds_blockstore_error", self.num_data_shreds_blockstore_error, i64 ), ( "num_coding_shreds_exists", self.num_coding_shreds_exists, i64 ), ( "num_coding_shreds_invalid", self.num_coding_shreds_invalid, i64 ), ( "num_coding_shreds_invalid_erasure_config", self.num_coding_shreds_invalid_erasure_config, i64 ), ( "num_coding_shreds_inserted", self.num_coding_shreds_inserted, i64 ), ); } } /// A metrics struct that exposes RocksDB's column family properties. /// /// Here we only expose a subset of all the internal properties which are /// relevant to the ledger store performance. /// /// The list of completed RocksDB internal properties can be found /// [here]( #[derive(Default)] pub struct BlockstoreRocksDbColumnFamilyMetrics { // Size related // The storage size occupied by the column family. // RocksDB's internal property key: "" pub total_sst_files_size: i64, // The memory size occupied by the column family's in-memory buffer. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.size-all-mem-tables" pub size_all_mem_tables: i64, // Snapshot related // Number of snapshots hold for the column family. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.num-snapshots" pub num_snapshots: i64, // Unit timestamp of the oldest unreleased snapshot. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.oldest-snapshot-time" pub oldest_snapshot_time: i64, // Write related // The current actual delayed write rate. 0 means no delay. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.actual-delayed-write-rate" pub actual_delayed_write_rate: i64, // A flag indicating whether writes are stopped on this column family. // 1 indicates writes have been stopped. // RocksDB's internal property key: "" pub is_write_stopped: i64, // Memory / block cache related // The block cache capacity of the column family. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.block-cache-capacity" pub block_cache_capacity: i64, // The memory size used by the column family in the block cache. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.block-cache-usage" pub block_cache_usage: i64, // The memory size used by the column family in the block cache where // entries are pinned. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.block-cache-pinned-usage" pub block_cache_pinned_usage: i64, // The estimated memory size used for reading SST tables in this column // family such as filters and index blocks. Note that this number does not // include the memory used in block cache. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.estimate-table-readers-mem" pub estimate_table_readers_mem: i64, // Flush and compaction // A 1 or 0 flag indicating whether a memtable flush is pending. // If this number is 1, it means a memtable is waiting for being flushed, // but there might be too many L0 files that prevents it from being flushed. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.mem-table-flush-pending" pub mem_table_flush_pending: i64, // A 1 or 0 flag indicating whether a compaction job is pending. // If this number is 1, it means some part of the column family requires // compaction in order to maintain shape of LSM tree, but the compaction // is pending because the desired compaction job is either waiting for // other dependnent compactions to be finished or waiting for an available // compaction thread. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.compaction-pending" pub compaction_pending: i64, // The number of compactions that are currently running for the column family. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.num-running-compactions" pub num_running_compactions: i64, // The number of flushes that are currently running for the column family. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.num-running-flushes" pub num_running_flushes: i64, // FIFO Compaction related // returns an estimation of the oldest key timestamp in the DB. Only vailable // for FIFO compaction with compaction_options_fifo.allow_compaction = false. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.estimate-oldest-key-time" pub estimate_oldest_key_time: i64, // Misc // The accumulated number of RocksDB background errors. // RocksDB's internal property key: "rocksdb.background-errors" pub background_errors: i64, } impl BlockstoreRocksDbColumnFamilyMetrics { /// Report metrics with the specified metric name and column family tag. /// The metric name and the column family tag is embeded in the parameter /// `metric_name_and_cf_tag` with the following format. /// /// For example, "blockstore_rocksdb_cfs,cf_name=shred_data". pub fn report_metrics(&self, cf_name: &'static str, column_options: &LedgerColumnOptions) { datapoint_info!( "blockstore_rocksdb_cfs", // tags that support group-by operations "cf_name" => cf_name, "storage" => column_options.get_storage_type_string(), "compression" => column_options.get_compression_type_string(), // Size related ( "total_sst_files_size", self.total_sst_files_size as i64, i64 ), ("size_all_mem_tables", self.size_all_mem_tables as i64, i64), // Snapshot related ("num_snapshots", self.num_snapshots as i64, i64), ( "oldest_snapshot_time", self.oldest_snapshot_time as i64, i64 ), // Write related ( "actual_delayed_write_rate", self.actual_delayed_write_rate as i64, i64 ), ("is_write_stopped", self.is_write_stopped as i64, i64), // Memory / block cache related ( "block_cache_capacity", self.block_cache_capacity as i64, i64 ), ("block_cache_usage", self.block_cache_usage as i64, i64), ( "block_cache_pinned_usage", self.block_cache_pinned_usage as i64, i64 ), ( "estimate_table_readers_mem", self.estimate_table_readers_mem as i64, i64 ), // Flush and compaction ( "mem_table_flush_pending", self.mem_table_flush_pending as i64, i64 ), ("compaction_pending", self.compaction_pending as i64, i64), ( "num_running_compactions", self.num_running_compactions as i64, i64 ), ("num_running_flushes", self.num_running_flushes as i64, i64), // FIFO Compaction related ( "estimate_oldest_key_time", self.estimate_oldest_key_time as i64, i64 ), // Misc ("background_errors", self.background_errors as i64, i64), ); } } // Thread local instance of RocksDB's PerfContext. thread_local! {static PER_THREAD_ROCKS_PERF_CONTEXT: RefCell = RefCell::new(PerfContext::default());} // The minimum time duration between two RocksDB perf samples of the same operation. const PERF_SAMPLING_MIN_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1); pub(crate) const PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_GET: &str = "get"; pub(crate) const PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_MULTI_GET: &str = "multi_get"; pub(crate) const PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_PUT: &str = "put"; pub(crate) const PERF_METRIC_OP_NAME_WRITE_BATCH: &str = "write_batch"; /// The function enables RocksDB PerfContext once for every `sample_interval`. /// /// PerfContext is a thread-local struct defined in RocksDB for collecting /// per-thread read / write performance metrics. /// /// When this function enables PerfContext, the function will return true, /// and the PerfContext of the ubsequent RocksDB operation will be collected. pub(crate) fn maybe_enable_rocksdb_perf( sample_interval: usize, perf_status: &PerfSamplingStatus, ) -> Option { if perf_status.should_sample(sample_interval) { set_perf_stats(PerfStatsLevel::EnableTime); PER_THREAD_ROCKS_PERF_CONTEXT.with(|perf_context| { perf_context.borrow_mut().reset(); }); return Some(Instant::now()); } None } /// Reports the collected PerfContext and disables the PerfContext after /// reporting. pub(crate) fn report_rocksdb_read_perf( cf_name: &'static str, op_name: &'static str, total_op_duration: &Duration, column_options: &LedgerColumnOptions, ) { PER_THREAD_ROCKS_PERF_CONTEXT.with(|perf_context_cell| { set_perf_stats(PerfStatsLevel::Disable); let perf_context = perf_context_cell.borrow(); datapoint_info!( "blockstore_rocksdb_read_perf", // tags that support group-by operations "op" => op_name, "cf_name" => cf_name, "storage" => column_options.get_storage_type_string(), "compression" => column_options.get_compression_type_string(), // total nanos spent on the entire operation. ("total_op_nanos", total_op_duration.as_nanos() as i64, i64), ( "user_key_comparison_count", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::UserKeyComparisonCount) as i64, i64 ), ( "block_cache_hit_count", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::BlockCacheHitCount) as i64, i64 ), ( "block_read_count", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::BlockReadCount) as i64, i64 ), ( "block_read_byte", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::BlockReadByte) as i64, i64 ), ( "block_read_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::BlockReadTime) as i64, i64 ), ( "block_checksum_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::BlockChecksumTime) as i64, i64 ), ( "block_decompress_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::BlockDecompressTime) as i64, i64 ), ( "get_read_bytes", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::GetReadBytes) as i64, i64 ), ( "multiget_read_bytes", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::MultigetReadBytes) as i64, i64 ), ( "get_snapshot_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::GetSnapshotTime) as i64, i64 ), ( "get_from_memtable_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::GetFromMemtableTime) as i64, i64 ), ( "get_from_memtable_count", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::GetFromMemtableCount) as i64, i64 ), ( // total nanos spent after Get() finds a key "get_post_process_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::GetPostProcessTime) as i64, i64 ), ( // total nanos reading from output files "get_from_output_files_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::GetFromOutputFilesTime) as i64, i64 ), ( // time spent on acquiring DB mutex "db_mutex_lock_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::DbMutexLockNanos) as i64, i64 ), ( // time spent on waiting with a condition variable created with DB mutex. "db_condition_wait_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::DbConditionWaitNanos) as i64, i64 ), ( "merge_operator_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::MergeOperatorTimeNanos) as i64, i64 ), ( "read_index_block_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::ReadIndexBlockNanos) as i64, i64 ), ( "read_filter_block_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::ReadFilterBlockNanos) as i64, i64 ), ( "new_table_block_iter_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::NewTableBlockIterNanos) as i64, i64 ), ( "block_seek_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::BlockSeekNanos) as i64, i64 ), ( "find_table_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::FindTableNanos) as i64, i64 ), ( "bloom_memtable_hit_count", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::BloomMemtableHitCount) as i64, i64 ), ( "bloom_memtable_miss_count", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::BloomMemtableMissCount) as i64, i64 ), ( "bloom_sst_hit_count", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::BloomSstHitCount) as i64, i64 ), ( "bloom_sst_miss_count", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::BloomSstMissCount) as i64, i64 ), ( "key_lock_wait_time", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::KeyLockWaitTime) as i64, i64 ), ( "key_lock_wait_count", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::KeyLockWaitCount) as i64, i64 ), // nanos spent on file/directory operations. ( "env_file_ops_nanos", (perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::EnvFileExistsNanos) + perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::EnvGetChildrenNanos) + perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::EnvLockFileNanos) + perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::EnvUnlockFileNanos)) as i64, i64 ), ); }); } /// Reports the collected PerfContext and disables the PerfContext after /// reporting. pub(crate) fn report_rocksdb_write_perf( cf_name: &'static str, op_name: &'static str, total_op_duration: &Duration, column_options: &LedgerColumnOptions, ) { PER_THREAD_ROCKS_PERF_CONTEXT.with(|perf_context_cell| { set_perf_stats(PerfStatsLevel::Disable); let perf_context = perf_context_cell.borrow(); datapoint_info!( "blockstore_rocksdb_write_perf", // tags that support group-by operations "op" => op_name, "cf_name" => cf_name, "storage" => column_options.get_storage_type_string(), "compression" => column_options.get_compression_type_string(), // total nanos spent on the entire operation. ("total_op_nanos", total_op_duration.as_nanos() as i64, i64), // total nanos spent on writing to WAL ( "write_wal_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::WriteWalTime) as i64, i64 ), // total nanos spent on writing to mem tables ( "write_memtable_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::WriteMemtableTime) as i64, i64 ), // total nanos spent on delaying or throttling write ( "write_delay_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::WriteDelayTime) as i64, i64 ), // total nanos spent on writing a record, excluding the above four things ( "write_pre_and_post_process_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::WritePreAndPostProcessTime) as i64, i64 ), // time spent on acquiring DB mutex. ( "db_mutex_lock_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::DbMutexLockNanos) as i64, i64 ), // Time spent on waiting with a condition variable created with DB mutex. ( "db_condition_wait_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::DbConditionWaitNanos) as i64, i64 ), // Time spent on merge operator. ( "merge_operator_nanos_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::MergeOperatorTimeNanos) as i64, i64 ), // Time spent waiting on key locks in transaction lock manager. ( "key_lock_wait_nanos", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::KeyLockWaitTime) as i64, i64 ), // number of times acquiring a lock was blocked by another transaction. ( "key_lock_wait_count", perf_context.metric(PerfMetric::KeyLockWaitCount) as i64, i64 ), ); }); } #[derive(Debug, Default)] /// A struct that holds the current status of RocksDB perf sampling. pub struct PerfSamplingStatus { // The number of RocksDB operations since the last perf sample. op_count: AtomicUsize, // The timestamp of the latest operation with perf stats collection. last_sample_time_ms: AtomicU64, } impl PerfSamplingStatus { fn should_sample(&self, sample_count_interval: usize) -> bool { if sample_count_interval == 0 { return false; } // Rate-limiting based on the number of samples. if self.op_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) < sample_count_interval { return false; }, Ordering::Relaxed); // Rate-limiting based on the time duration. let current_time_ms = timestamp(); let old_time_ms = self.last_sample_time_ms.load(Ordering::Relaxed); if old_time_ms + (PERF_SAMPLING_MIN_DURATION.as_millis() as u64) > current_time_ms { return false; } // If the `last_sample_time_ms` has a different value than `old_time_ms`, // it means some other thread has performed the sampling and updated // the last sample time. In this case, the current thread will skip // the current sample. self.last_sample_time_ms .compare_exchange_weak( old_time_ms, current_time_ms, Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed, ) .is_ok() } }