use { super::*, crate::cluster_nodes::ClusterNodesCache, itertools::Itertools, solana_entry::entry::Entry, solana_gossip::contact_info::ContactInfo, solana_ledger::shred::{ProcessShredsStats, ReedSolomonCache, Shredder}, solana_sdk::{ hash::Hash, signature::{Keypair, Signature, Signer}, system_transaction, }, std::collections::HashSet, }; pub const MINIMUM_DUPLICATE_SLOT: Slot = 20; pub const DUPLICATE_RATE: usize = 10; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)] pub struct BroadcastDuplicatesConfig { /// Amount of stake (excluding the leader) to send different version of slots to. /// Note this is sampled from a list of stakes sorted least to greatest. pub stake_partition: u64, } #[derive(Clone)] pub(super) struct BroadcastDuplicatesRun { config: BroadcastDuplicatesConfig, current_slot: Slot, next_shred_index: u32, next_code_index: u32, shred_version: u16, recent_blockhash: Option, prev_entry_hash: Option, num_slots_broadcasted: usize, cluster_nodes_cache: Arc>, original_last_data_shreds: Arc>>, partition_last_data_shreds: Arc>>, reed_solomon_cache: Arc, } impl BroadcastDuplicatesRun { pub(super) fn new(shred_version: u16, config: BroadcastDuplicatesConfig) -> Self { let cluster_nodes_cache = Arc::new(ClusterNodesCache::::new( CLUSTER_NODES_CACHE_NUM_EPOCH_CAP, CLUSTER_NODES_CACHE_TTL, )); Self { config, next_shred_index: u32::MAX, next_code_index: 0, shred_version, current_slot: 0, recent_blockhash: None, prev_entry_hash: None, num_slots_broadcasted: 0, cluster_nodes_cache, original_last_data_shreds: Arc::>>::default(), partition_last_data_shreds: Arc::>>::default(), reed_solomon_cache: Arc::::default(), } } } impl BroadcastRun for BroadcastDuplicatesRun { fn run( &mut self, keypair: &Keypair, _blockstore: &Blockstore, receiver: &Receiver, socket_sender: &Sender<(Arc>, Option)>, blockstore_sender: &Sender<(Arc>, Option)>, ) -> Result<()> { // 1) Pull entries from banking stage let mut receive_results = broadcast_utils::recv_slot_entries(receiver)?; let bank =; let last_tick_height = receive_results.last_tick_height; if bank.slot() != self.current_slot { self.next_shred_index = 0; self.next_code_index = 0; self.current_slot = bank.slot(); self.prev_entry_hash = None; self.num_slots_broadcasted += 1; } if receive_results.entries.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } // Update the recent blockhash based on transactions in the entries for entry in &receive_results.entries { if !entry.transactions.is_empty() { self.recent_blockhash = Some(*entry.transactions[0].message.recent_blockhash()); break; } } // 2) Convert entries to shreds + generate coding shreds. Set a garbage PoH on the last entry // in the slot to make verification fail on validators let last_entries = { if last_tick_height == bank.max_tick_height() && bank.slot() > MINIMUM_DUPLICATE_SLOT && self.num_slots_broadcasted % DUPLICATE_RATE == 0 && self.recent_blockhash.is_some() { let entry_batch_len = receive_results.entries.len(); let prev_entry_hash = // Try to get second-to-last entry before last tick if entry_batch_len > 1 { Some(receive_results.entries[entry_batch_len - 2].hash) } else { self.prev_entry_hash }; if let Some(prev_entry_hash) = prev_entry_hash { let original_last_entry = receive_results.entries.pop().unwrap(); // Last entry has to be a tick assert!(original_last_entry.is_tick()); // Inject an extra entry before the last tick let extra_tx = system_transaction::transfer( keypair, &Pubkey::new_unique(), 1, self.recent_blockhash.unwrap(), ); let new_extra_entry = Entry::new(&prev_entry_hash, 1, vec![extra_tx]); // This will only work with sleepy tick producer where the hashing // checks in replay are turned off, because we're introducing an extra // hash for the last tick in the `new_extra_entry`. let new_last_entry = Entry::new( &new_extra_entry.hash, original_last_entry.num_hashes, vec![], ); Some((original_last_entry, vec![new_extra_entry, new_last_entry])) } else { None } } else { None } }; self.prev_entry_hash = last_entries .as_ref() .map(|(original_last_entry, _)| original_last_entry.hash) .or_else(|| Some(receive_results.entries.last().unwrap().hash)); let shredder = Shredder::new( bank.slot(), bank.parent().unwrap().slot(), (bank.tick_height() % bank.ticks_per_slot()) as u8, self.shred_version, ) .expect("Expected to create a new shredder"); let (data_shreds, coding_shreds) = shredder.entries_to_shreds( keypair, &receive_results.entries, last_tick_height == bank.max_tick_height() && last_entries.is_none(), self.next_shred_index, self.next_code_index, false, // merkle_variant &self.reed_solomon_cache, &mut ProcessShredsStats::default(), ); self.next_shred_index += data_shreds.len() as u32; if let Some(index) = coding_shreds.iter().map(Shred::index).max() { self.next_code_index = index + 1; } let last_shreds =|(original_last_entry, duplicate_extra_last_entries)| { let (original_last_data_shred, _) = shredder.entries_to_shreds( keypair, &[original_last_entry], true, self.next_shred_index, self.next_code_index, false, // merkle_variant &self.reed_solomon_cache, &mut ProcessShredsStats::default(), ); // Don't mark the last shred as last so that validators won't // know that they've gotten all the shreds, and will continue // trying to repair. let (partition_last_data_shred, _) = shredder.entries_to_shreds( keypair, &duplicate_extra_last_entries, true, self.next_shred_index, self.next_code_index, false, // merkle_variant &self.reed_solomon_cache, &mut ProcessShredsStats::default(), ); let sigs: Vec<_> = partition_last_data_shred .iter() .map(|s| (s.signature(), s.index())) .collect(); info!( "duplicate signatures for slot {}, sigs: {:?}", bank.slot(), sigs, ); self.next_shred_index += 1; (original_last_data_shred, partition_last_data_shred) }); let data_shreds = Arc::new(data_shreds); blockstore_sender.send((data_shreds.clone(), None))?; // 3) Start broadcast step info!( "{} Sending good shreds for slot {} to network", keypair.pubkey(), data_shreds.first().unwrap().slot() ); assert!(data_shreds.iter().all(|shred| shred.slot() == bank.slot())); socket_sender.send((data_shreds, None))?; // Special handling of last shred to cause partition if let Some((original_last_data_shred, partition_last_data_shred)) = last_shreds { let pubkey = keypair.pubkey(); self.original_last_data_shreds.lock().unwrap().extend( original_last_data_shred.iter().map(|shred| { assert!(shred.verify(&pubkey)); shred.signature() }), ); self.partition_last_data_shreds.lock().unwrap().extend( partition_last_data_shred.iter().map(|shred| { info!("adding {} to partition set", shred.signature()); assert!(shred.verify(&pubkey)); shred.signature() }), ); let original_last_data_shred = Arc::new(original_last_data_shred); let partition_last_data_shred = Arc::new(partition_last_data_shred); // Store the original shreds that this node replayed blockstore_sender.send((original_last_data_shred.clone(), None))?; assert!(original_last_data_shred .iter() .all(|shred| shred.slot() == bank.slot())); assert!(partition_last_data_shred .iter() .all(|shred| shred.slot() == bank.slot())); socket_sender.send((original_last_data_shred, None))?; socket_sender.send((partition_last_data_shred, None))?; } Ok(()) } fn transmit( &mut self, receiver: &Mutex, cluster_info: &ClusterInfo, sock: &UdpSocket, bank_forks: &RwLock, ) -> Result<()> { let (shreds, _) = receiver.lock().unwrap().recv()?; if shreds.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let slot = shreds.first().unwrap().slot(); assert!(shreds.iter().all(|shred| shred.slot() == slot)); let (root_bank, working_bank) = { let bank_forks =; (bank_forks.root_bank(), bank_forks.working_bank()) }; let self_pubkey =; // Create cluster partition. let cluster_partition: HashSet = { let mut cumilative_stake = 0; let epoch = root_bank.get_leader_schedule_epoch(slot); root_bank .epoch_staked_nodes(epoch) .unwrap() .iter() .filter(|(pubkey, _)| **pubkey != self_pubkey) .sorted_by_key(|(pubkey, stake)| (**stake, **pubkey)) .take_while(|(_, stake)| { cumilative_stake += *stake; cumilative_stake <= self.config.stake_partition }) .map(|(pubkey, _)| *pubkey) .collect() }; // Broadcast data let cluster_nodes = self.cluster_nodes_cache .get(slot, &root_bank, &working_bank, cluster_info); let socket_addr_space = cluster_info.socket_addr_space(); let packets: Vec<_> = shreds .iter() .filter_map(|shred| { let node = cluster_nodes.get_broadcast_peer(&; if !ContactInfo::is_valid_address(&node.tvu, socket_addr_space) { return None; } if self .original_last_data_shreds .lock() .unwrap() .remove(&shred.signature()) { if cluster_partition.contains(& { info!( "skipping node {} for original shred index {}, slot {}",, shred.index(), shred.slot() ); return None; } } else if self .partition_last_data_shreds .lock() .unwrap() .remove(&shred.signature()) { // If the shred is part of the partition, broadcast it directly to the // partition node. This is to account for cases when the partition stake // is small such as in `test_duplicate_shreds_broadcast_leader()`, then // the partition node is never selected by get_broadcast_peer() return Some( cluster_partition .iter() .filter_map(|pubkey| { let tvu = cluster_info .lookup_contact_info(pubkey, |contact_info| contact_info.tvu)?; Some((shred.payload(), tvu)) }) .collect(), ); } Some(vec![(shred.payload(), node.tvu)]) }) .flatten() .collect(); if let Err(SendPktsError::IoError(ioerr, _)) = batch_send(sock, &packets) { return Err(Error::Io(ioerr)); } Ok(()) } fn record(&mut self, receiver: &Mutex, blockstore: &Blockstore) -> Result<()> { let (all_shreds, _) = receiver.lock().unwrap().recv()?; blockstore .insert_shreds(all_shreds.to_vec(), None, true) .expect("Failed to insert shreds in blockstore"); Ok(()) } }