#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # # Perform a quick sanity test on a leader, drone, validator and client running # locally on the same machine # cd "$(dirname "$0")"/.. source ci/upload_ci_artifact.sh source scripts/configure-metrics.sh multinode-demo/setup.sh backgroundCommands="drone leader validator validator-x" pids=() for cmd in $backgroundCommands; do echo "--- Start $cmd" rm -f log-"$cmd".txt multinode-demo/"$cmd".sh > log-"$cmd".txt 2>&1 & declare pid=$! pids+=("$pid") echo "pid: $pid" done killBackgroundCommands() { set +e for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do if kill "$pid"; then wait "$pid" else echo -e "^^^ +++\\nWarning: unable to kill $pid" fi done set -e pids=() } shutdown() { exitcode=$? killBackgroundCommands set +e echo "--- Upload artifacts" for cmd in $backgroundCommands; do declare logfile=log-$cmd.txt upload_ci_artifact "$logfile" tail "$logfile" done exit $exitcode } trap shutdown EXIT INT set -e flag_error() { echo Failed echo "^^^ +++" exit 1 } echo "--- Wallet sanity" ( set -x scripts/wallet-sanity.sh ) || flag_error echo "--- Node count" ( source multinode-demo/common.sh set -x client_id=/tmp/client-id.json-$$ $solana_keygen -o $client_id || exit $? $solana_bench_tps \ --identity $client_id \ --num-nodes 3 \ --reject-extra-nodes \ --converge-only || exit $? rm -rf $client_id ) || flag_error killBackgroundCommands echo "--- Ledger verification" ( source multinode-demo/common.sh set -x cp -R "$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR"/ledger /tmp/ledger-$$ $solana_ledger_tool --ledger /tmp/ledger-$$ verify || exit $? rm -rf /tmp/ledger-$$ ) || flag_error echo +++ echo Ok exit 0