// @flow import nacl from 'tweetnacl'; import {PublicKey} from '../src/publickey'; import {ValidatorInfo} from '../src/validator-info'; test('from config account data', () => { const keypair = nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed( Uint8Array.from(Array(32).fill(8)), ); const expectedValidatorInfo = new ValidatorInfo( new PublicKey(keypair.publicKey), { name: 'Validator', keybaseUsername: 'validator_id', }, ); // Config data string steps: // 1) Generate a keypair // 2) Airdrop lamports to the account // 3) Modify the `solana-validator-info` tool // a) Remove the keybase id verification step // b) Print base64 account data in the `get --all` codepath // c) Add `println!("Account data: {:?}", base64::encode(&account.data));` // 4) Use modified `solana-validator-info` tool to publish validator info // 5) And then use it again to fetch the data! (feel free to trim some A's) const configData = Buffer.from( 'AgdRlwF0SPKsXcI8nrx6x4wKJyV6xhRFjeCk8W+AAAAAABOY9ixtGkV8UbpqS189vS9p/KkyFiGNyJl+QWvRfZPKATUAAAAAAAAAeyJrZXliYXNlVXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ2YWxpZGF0b3JfaWQiLCJuYW1lIjoiVmFsaWRhdG9yIn0', 'base64', ); const info = ValidatorInfo.fromConfigData(configData); expect(info).toEqual(expectedValidatorInfo); });