// @flow import {Buffer} from 'buffer'; import * as BufferLayout from 'buffer-layout'; import secp256k1 from 'secp256k1'; import assert from 'assert'; import {keccak_256} from 'js-sha3'; import {PublicKey} from './publickey'; import {TransactionInstruction} from './transaction'; import {toBuffer} from './util/to-buffer'; const {publicKeyCreate, ecdsaSign} = secp256k1; const PRIVATE_KEY_BYTES = 32; const ETHEREUM_ADDRESS_BYTES = 20; const PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES = 64; const SIGNATURE_OFFSETS_SERIALIZED_SIZE = 11; /** * Params for creating an secp256k1 instruction using a public key * @typedef {Object} CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithPublicKeyParams * @property {Buffer | Uint8Array | Array} publicKey * @property {Buffer | Uint8Array | Array} message * @property {Buffer | Uint8Array | Array} signature * @property {number} recoveryId */ export type CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithPublicKeyParams = {| publicKey: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array, message: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array, signature: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array, recoveryId: number, |}; /** * Params for creating an secp256k1 instruction using an Ethereum address * @typedef {Object} CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithEthAddressParams * @property {Buffer | Uint8Array | Array} ethAddress * @property {Buffer | Uint8Array | Array} message * @property {Buffer | Uint8Array | Array} signature * @property {number} recoveryId */ export type CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithEthAddressParams = {| ethAddress: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array | string, message: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array, signature: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array, recoveryId: number, |}; /** * Params for creating an secp256k1 instruction using a private key * @typedef {Object} CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithPrivateKeyParams * @property {Buffer | Uint8Array | Array} privateKey * @property {Buffer | Uint8Array | Array} message */ export type CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithPrivateKeyParams = {| privateKey: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array, message: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array, |}; const SECP256K1_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUT = BufferLayout.struct([ BufferLayout.u8('numSignatures'), BufferLayout.u16('signatureOffset'), BufferLayout.u8('signatureInstructionIndex'), BufferLayout.u16('ethAddressOffset'), BufferLayout.u8('ethAddressInstructionIndex'), BufferLayout.u16('messageDataOffset'), BufferLayout.u16('messageDataSize'), BufferLayout.u8('messageInstructionIndex'), BufferLayout.blob(20, 'ethAddress'), BufferLayout.blob(64, 'signature'), BufferLayout.u8('recoveryId'), ]); export class Secp256k1Program { /** * Public key that identifies the secp256k1 program */ static get programId(): PublicKey { return new PublicKey('KeccakSecp256k11111111111111111111111111111'); } /** * Construct an Ethereum address from a secp256k1 public key buffer. * @param {Buffer} publicKey a 64 byte secp256k1 public key buffer */ static publicKeyToEthAddress( publicKey: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array, ): Buffer { assert( publicKey.length === PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES, `Public key must be ${PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES} bytes but received ${publicKey.length} bytes`, ); try { return Buffer.from(keccak_256.update(toBuffer(publicKey)).digest()).slice( -ETHEREUM_ADDRESS_BYTES, ); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Error constructing Ethereum address: ${error}`); } } /** * Create an secp256k1 instruction with a public key. The public key * must be a buffer that is 64 bytes long. */ static createInstructionWithPublicKey( params: CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithPublicKeyParams, ): TransactionInstruction { const {publicKey, message, signature, recoveryId} = params; return Secp256k1Program.createInstructionWithEthAddress({ ethAddress: Secp256k1Program.publicKeyToEthAddress(publicKey), message, signature, recoveryId, }); } /** * Create an secp256k1 instruction with an Ethereum address. The address * must be a hex string or a buffer that is 20 bytes long. */ static createInstructionWithEthAddress( params: CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithEthAddressParams, ): TransactionInstruction { const {ethAddress: rawAddress, message, signature, recoveryId} = params; let ethAddress = rawAddress; if (typeof rawAddress === 'string') { if (rawAddress.startsWith('0x')) { ethAddress = Buffer.from(rawAddress.substr(2), 'hex'); } else { ethAddress = Buffer.from(rawAddress, 'hex'); } } assert( ethAddress.length === ETHEREUM_ADDRESS_BYTES, `Address must be ${ETHEREUM_ADDRESS_BYTES} bytes but received ${ethAddress.length} bytes`, ); const dataStart = 1 + SIGNATURE_OFFSETS_SERIALIZED_SIZE; const ethAddressOffset = dataStart; const signatureOffset = dataStart + ethAddress.length; const messageDataOffset = signatureOffset + signature.length + 1; const numSignatures = 1; const instructionData = Buffer.alloc( SECP256K1_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUT.span + message.length, ); SECP256K1_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUT.encode( { numSignatures, signatureOffset, signatureInstructionIndex: 0, ethAddressOffset, ethAddressInstructionIndex: 0, messageDataOffset, messageDataSize: message.length, messageInstructionIndex: 0, signature: toBuffer(signature), ethAddress: toBuffer(ethAddress), recoveryId, }, instructionData, ); instructionData.fill(toBuffer(message), SECP256K1_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUT.span); return new TransactionInstruction({ keys: [], programId: Secp256k1Program.programId, data: instructionData, }); } /** * Create an secp256k1 instruction with a private key. The private key * must be a buffer that is 32 bytes long. */ static createInstructionWithPrivateKey( params: CreateSecp256k1InstructionWithPrivateKeyParams, ): TransactionInstruction { const {privateKey, message} = params; assert( privateKey.length === PRIVATE_KEY_BYTES, `Private key must be ${PRIVATE_KEY_BYTES} bytes but received ${privateKey.length} bytes`, ); try { const publicKey = publicKeyCreate(privateKey, false).slice(1); // throw away leading byte const messageHash = Buffer.from( keccak_256.update(toBuffer(message)).digest(), ); const {signature, recid: recoveryId} = ecdsaSign(messageHash, privateKey); return this.createInstructionWithPublicKey({ publicKey, message, signature, recoveryId, }); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Error creating instruction; ${error}`); } } }