/** * This plugin implementation for PostgreSQL requires the following tables */ -- The table storing accounts CREATE TABLE account ( pubkey BYTEA PRIMARY KEY, owner BYTEA, lamports BIGINT NOT NULL, slot BIGINT NOT NULL, executable BOOL NOT NULL, rent_epoch BIGINT NOT NULL, data BYTEA, write_version BIGINT NOT NULL, updated_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ); -- The table storing slot information CREATE TABLE slot ( slot BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, parent BIGINT, status VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, updated_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ); -- Types for Transactions Create TYPE "TransactionErrorCode" AS ENUM ( 'AccountInUse', 'AccountLoadedTwice', 'AccountNotFound', 'ProgramAccountNotFound', 'InsufficientFundsForFee', 'InvalidAccountForFee', 'AlreadyProcessed', 'BlockhashNotFound', 'InstructionError', 'CallChainTooDeep', 'MissingSignatureForFee', 'InvalidAccountIndex', 'SignatureFailure', 'InvalidProgramForExecution', 'SanitizeFailure', 'ClusterMaintenance', 'AccountBorrowOutstanding', 'WouldExceedMaxAccountCostLimit', 'WouldExceedMaxBlockCostLimit', 'UnsupportedVersion', 'InvalidWritableAccount', 'WouldExceedMaxAccountDataCostLimit' ); CREATE TYPE "TransactionError" AS ( error_code "TransactionErrorCode", error_detail VARCHAR(256) ); CREATE TYPE "CompiledInstruction" AS ( program_id_index SMALLINT, accounts SMALLINT[], data BYTEA ); CREATE TYPE "InnerInstructions" AS ( index SMALLINT, instructions "CompiledInstruction"[] ); CREATE TYPE "TransactionTokenBalance" AS ( account_index SMALLINT, mint VARCHAR(44), ui_token_amount DOUBLE PRECISION, owner VARCHAR(44) ); Create TYPE "RewardType" AS ENUM ( 'Fee', 'Rent', 'Staking', 'Voting' ); CREATE TYPE "Reward" AS ( pubkey VARCHAR(44), lamports BIGINT, post_balance BIGINT, reward_type "RewardType", commission SMALLINT ); CREATE TYPE "TransactionStatusMeta" AS ( error "TransactionError", fee BIGINT, pre_balances BIGINT[], post_balances BIGINT[], inner_instructions "InnerInstructions"[], log_messages TEXT[], pre_token_balances "TransactionTokenBalance"[], post_token_balances "TransactionTokenBalance"[], rewards "Reward"[] ); CREATE TYPE "TransactionMessageHeader" AS ( num_required_signatures SMALLINT, num_readonly_signed_accounts SMALLINT, num_readonly_unsigned_accounts SMALLINT ); CREATE TYPE "TransactionMessage" AS ( header "TransactionMessageHeader", account_keys BYTEA[], recent_blockhash BYTEA, instructions "CompiledInstruction"[] ); CREATE TYPE "TransactionMessageAddressTableLookup" AS ( account_key BYTEA, writable_indexes SMALLINT[], readonly_indexes SMALLINT[] ); CREATE TYPE "TransactionMessageV0" AS ( header "TransactionMessageHeader", account_keys BYTEA[], recent_blockhash BYTEA, instructions "CompiledInstruction"[], address_table_lookups "TransactionMessageAddressTableLookup"[] ); CREATE TYPE "LoadedAddresses" AS ( writable BYTEA[], readonly BYTEA[] ); CREATE TYPE "LoadedMessageV0" AS ( message "TransactionMessageV0", loaded_addresses "LoadedAddresses" ); -- The table storing transactions CREATE TABLE transaction ( slot BIGINT NOT NULL, signature BYTEA NOT NULL, is_vote BOOL NOT NULL, message_type SMALLINT, -- 0: legacy, 1: v0 message legacy_message "TransactionMessage", v0_loaded_message "LoadedMessageV0", signatures BYTEA[], message_hash BYTEA, meta "TransactionStatusMeta", updated_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT transaction_pk PRIMARY KEY (slot, signature) ); -- The table storing block metadata CREATE TABLE block ( slot BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, blockhash VARCHAR(44), rewards "Reward"[], block_time BIGINT, block_height BIGINT, updated_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ); /** * The following is for keeping historical data for accounts and is not required for plugin to work. */ -- The table storing historical data for accounts CREATE TABLE account_audit ( pubkey BYTEA, owner BYTEA, lamports BIGINT NOT NULL, slot BIGINT NOT NULL, executable BOOL NOT NULL, rent_epoch BIGINT NOT NULL, data BYTEA, write_version BIGINT NOT NULL, updated_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX account_audit_account_key ON account_audit (pubkey, write_version); CREATE FUNCTION audit_account_update() RETURNS trigger AS $audit_account_update$ BEGIN INSERT INTO account_audit (pubkey, owner, lamports, slot, executable, rent_epoch, data, write_version, updated_on) VALUES (OLD.pubkey, OLD.owner, OLD.lamports, OLD.slot, OLD.executable, OLD.rent_epoch, OLD.data, OLD.write_version, OLD.updated_on); RETURN NEW; END; $audit_account_update$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER account_update_trigger AFTER UPDATE OR DELETE ON account FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE audit_account_update();