use crate::{ cluster_info::MAX_SNAPSHOT_HASHES, contact_info::ContactInfo, deprecated, duplicate_shred::{DuplicateShred, DuplicateShredIndex, MAX_DUPLICATE_SHREDS}, epoch_slots::EpochSlots, }; use bincode::{serialize, serialized_size}; use rand::{CryptoRng, Rng}; use serde::de::{Deserialize, Deserializer}; use solana_sdk::sanitize::{Sanitize, SanitizeError}; use solana_sdk::timing::timestamp; use solana_sdk::{ clock::Slot, hash::Hash, pubkey::{self, Pubkey}, signature::{Keypair, Signable, Signature, Signer}, transaction::Transaction, }; use solana_vote_program::vote_transaction::parse_vote_transaction; use std::{ borrow::{Borrow, Cow}, collections::{hash_map::Entry, BTreeSet, HashMap}, fmt, }; pub const MAX_WALLCLOCK: u64 = 1_000_000_000_000_000; pub const MAX_SLOT: u64 = 1_000_000_000_000_000; pub type VoteIndex = u8; // TODO: Remove this in favor of vote_state::MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY once // the fleet is updated to the new ClusterInfo::push_vote code. pub const MAX_VOTES: VoteIndex = 32; pub type EpochSlotsIndex = u8; pub const MAX_EPOCH_SLOTS: EpochSlotsIndex = 255; /// CrdsValue that is replicated across the cluster #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, AbiExample)] pub struct CrdsValue { pub signature: Signature, pub data: CrdsData, } impl Sanitize for CrdsValue { fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { self.signature.sanitize()?; } } impl Signable for CrdsValue { fn pubkey(&self) -> Pubkey { self.pubkey() } fn signable_data(&self) -> Cow<[u8]> { Cow::Owned(serialize(&"failed to serialize CrdsData")) } fn get_signature(&self) -> Signature { self.signature } fn set_signature(&mut self, signature: Signature) { self.signature = signature } fn verify(&self) -> bool { self.get_signature() .verify(&self.pubkey().as_ref(), self.signable_data().borrow()) } } /// CrdsData that defines the different types of items CrdsValues can hold /// * Merge Strategy - Latest wallclock is picked /// * LowestSlot index is deprecated #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, AbiExample, AbiEnumVisitor)] pub enum CrdsData { ContactInfo(ContactInfo), Vote(VoteIndex, Vote), LowestSlot(u8, LowestSlot), SnapshotHashes(SnapshotHash), AccountsHashes(SnapshotHash), EpochSlots(EpochSlotsIndex, EpochSlots), LegacyVersion(LegacyVersion), Version(Version), NodeInstance(NodeInstance), DuplicateShred(DuplicateShredIndex, DuplicateShred), } impl Sanitize for CrdsData { fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { match self { CrdsData::ContactInfo(val) => val.sanitize(), CrdsData::Vote(ix, val) => { if *ix >= MAX_VOTES { return Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds); } val.sanitize() } CrdsData::LowestSlot(ix, val) => { if *ix as usize >= 1 { return Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds); } val.sanitize() } CrdsData::SnapshotHashes(val) => val.sanitize(), CrdsData::AccountsHashes(val) => val.sanitize(), CrdsData::EpochSlots(ix, val) => { if *ix as usize >= MAX_EPOCH_SLOTS as usize { return Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds); } val.sanitize() } CrdsData::LegacyVersion(version) => version.sanitize(), CrdsData::Version(version) => version.sanitize(), CrdsData::NodeInstance(node) => node.sanitize(), CrdsData::DuplicateShred(ix, shred) => { if *ix >= MAX_DUPLICATE_SHREDS { Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds) } else { shred.sanitize() } } } } } /// Random timestamp for tests and benchmarks. pub(crate) fn new_rand_timestamp(rng: &mut R) -> u64 { const DELAY: u64 = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10 minutes timestamp() - DELAY + rng.gen_range(0, 2 * DELAY) } impl CrdsData { /// New random CrdsData for tests and benchmarks. fn new_rand(rng: &mut R, pubkey: Option) -> CrdsData { let kind = rng.gen_range(0, 7); // TODO: Implement other kinds of CrdsData here. // TODO: Assign ranges to each arm proportional to their frequency in // the mainnet crds table. match kind { 0 => CrdsData::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_rand(rng, pubkey)), 1 => CrdsData::LowestSlot(rng.gen(), LowestSlot::new_rand(rng, pubkey)), 2 => CrdsData::SnapshotHashes(SnapshotHash::new_rand(rng, pubkey)), 3 => CrdsData::AccountsHashes(SnapshotHash::new_rand(rng, pubkey)), 4 => CrdsData::Version(Version::new_rand(rng, pubkey)), 5 => CrdsData::Vote(rng.gen_range(0, MAX_VOTES), Vote::new_rand(rng, pubkey)), _ => CrdsData::EpochSlots( rng.gen_range(0, MAX_EPOCH_SLOTS), EpochSlots::new_rand(rng, pubkey), ), } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, AbiExample)] pub struct SnapshotHash { pub from: Pubkey, pub hashes: Vec<(Slot, Hash)>, pub wallclock: u64, } impl Sanitize for SnapshotHash { fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { sanitize_wallclock(self.wallclock)?; for (slot, _) in &self.hashes { if *slot >= MAX_SLOT { return Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds); } } self.from.sanitize() } } impl SnapshotHash { pub fn new(from: Pubkey, hashes: Vec<(Slot, Hash)>) -> Self { Self { from, hashes, wallclock: timestamp(), } } /// New random SnapshotHash for tests and benchmarks. pub(crate) fn new_rand(rng: &mut R, pubkey: Option) -> Self { let num_hashes = rng.gen_range(0, MAX_SNAPSHOT_HASHES) + 1; let hashes = std::iter::repeat_with(|| { let slot = 47825632 + rng.gen_range(0, 512); let hash = solana_sdk::hash::new_rand(rng); (slot, hash) }) .take(num_hashes) .collect(); Self { from: pubkey.unwrap_or_else(pubkey::new_rand), hashes, wallclock: new_rand_timestamp(rng), } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, AbiExample)] pub struct LowestSlot { pub from: Pubkey, root: Slot, //deprecated pub lowest: Slot, slots: BTreeSet, //deprecated stash: Vec, //deprecated pub wallclock: u64, } impl LowestSlot { pub fn new(from: Pubkey, lowest: Slot, wallclock: u64) -> Self { Self { from, root: 0, lowest, slots: BTreeSet::new(), stash: vec![], wallclock, } } /// New random LowestSlot for tests and benchmarks. fn new_rand(rng: &mut R, pubkey: Option) -> Self { Self { from: pubkey.unwrap_or_else(pubkey::new_rand), root: rng.gen(), lowest: rng.gen(), slots: BTreeSet::default(), stash: Vec::default(), wallclock: new_rand_timestamp(rng), } } } impl Sanitize for LowestSlot { fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { sanitize_wallclock(self.wallclock)?; if self.lowest >= MAX_SLOT { return Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds); } if self.root != 0 { return Err(SanitizeError::InvalidValue); } if !self.slots.is_empty() { return Err(SanitizeError::InvalidValue); } if !self.stash.is_empty() { return Err(SanitizeError::InvalidValue); } self.from.sanitize() } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, AbiExample, Serialize)] pub struct Vote { pub(crate) from: Pubkey, transaction: Transaction, pub(crate) wallclock: u64, #[serde(skip_serializing)] slot: Option, } impl Sanitize for Vote { fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { sanitize_wallclock(self.wallclock)?; self.from.sanitize()?; self.transaction.sanitize() } } impl Vote { pub fn new(from: Pubkey, transaction: Transaction, wallclock: u64) -> Self { let slot = parse_vote_transaction(&transaction) .and_then(|(_, vote, _)| vote.slots.last().copied()); Self { from, transaction, wallclock, slot, } } /// New random Vote for tests and benchmarks. fn new_rand(rng: &mut R, pubkey: Option) -> Self { Self { from: pubkey.unwrap_or_else(pubkey::new_rand), transaction: Transaction::default(), wallclock: new_rand_timestamp(rng), slot: None, } } pub(crate) fn transaction(&self) -> &Transaction { &self.transaction } pub(crate) fn slot(&self) -> Option { self.slot } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Vote { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Vote { from: Pubkey, transaction: Transaction, wallclock: u64, } let vote = Vote::deserialize(deserializer)?; let vote = match vote.transaction.sanitize() { Ok(_) => Self::new(vote.from, vote.transaction, vote.wallclock), Err(_) => Self { from: vote.from, transaction: vote.transaction, wallclock: vote.wallclock, slot: None, }, }; Ok(vote) } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, AbiExample)] pub struct LegacyVersion { pub from: Pubkey, pub wallclock: u64, pub version: solana_version::LegacyVersion, } impl Sanitize for LegacyVersion { fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { sanitize_wallclock(self.wallclock)?; self.from.sanitize()?; self.version.sanitize() } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, AbiExample)] pub struct Version { pub from: Pubkey, pub wallclock: u64, pub version: solana_version::Version, } impl Sanitize for Version { fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { sanitize_wallclock(self.wallclock)?; self.from.sanitize()?; self.version.sanitize() } } impl Version { pub fn new(from: Pubkey) -> Self { Self { from, wallclock: timestamp(), version: solana_version::Version::default(), } } /// New random Version for tests and benchmarks. fn new_rand(rng: &mut R, pubkey: Option) -> Self { Self { from: pubkey.unwrap_or_else(pubkey::new_rand), wallclock: new_rand_timestamp(rng), version: solana_version::Version { major: rng.gen(), minor: rng.gen(), patch: rng.gen(), commit: Some(rng.gen()), feature_set: rng.gen(), }, } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, AbiExample, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct NodeInstance { from: Pubkey, wallclock: u64, timestamp: u64, // Timestamp when the instance was created. token: u64, // Randomly generated value at node instantiation. } impl NodeInstance { pub fn new(rng: &mut R, pubkey: Pubkey, now: u64) -> Self where R: Rng + CryptoRng, { Self { from: pubkey, wallclock: now, timestamp: now, token: rng.gen(), } } // Clones the value with an updated wallclock. pub fn with_wallclock(&self, now: u64) -> Self { Self { wallclock: now, ..*self } } // Returns true if the crds-value is a duplicate instance // of this node, with a more recent timestamp. pub fn check_duplicate(&self, other: &CrdsValue) -> bool { match & { CrdsData::NodeInstance(other) => { self.token != other.token && self.timestamp <= other.timestamp && self.from == other.from } _ => false, } } } impl Sanitize for NodeInstance { fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { sanitize_wallclock(self.wallclock)?; self.from.sanitize() } } /// Type of the replicated value /// These are labels for values in a record that is associated with `Pubkey` #[derive(PartialEq, Hash, Eq, Clone, Debug)] pub enum CrdsValueLabel { ContactInfo(Pubkey), Vote(VoteIndex, Pubkey), LowestSlot(Pubkey), SnapshotHashes(Pubkey), EpochSlots(EpochSlotsIndex, Pubkey), AccountsHashes(Pubkey), LegacyVersion(Pubkey), Version(Pubkey), NodeInstance(Pubkey, u64 /*token*/), DuplicateShred(DuplicateShredIndex, Pubkey), } impl fmt::Display for CrdsValueLabel { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { CrdsValueLabel::ContactInfo(_) => write!(f, "ContactInfo({})", self.pubkey()), CrdsValueLabel::Vote(ix, _) => write!(f, "Vote({}, {})", ix, self.pubkey()), CrdsValueLabel::LowestSlot(_) => write!(f, "LowestSlot({})", self.pubkey()), CrdsValueLabel::SnapshotHashes(_) => write!(f, "SnapshotHash({})", self.pubkey()), CrdsValueLabel::EpochSlots(ix, _) => write!(f, "EpochSlots({}, {})", ix, self.pubkey()), CrdsValueLabel::AccountsHashes(_) => write!(f, "AccountsHashes({})", self.pubkey()), CrdsValueLabel::LegacyVersion(_) => write!(f, "LegacyVersion({})", self.pubkey()), CrdsValueLabel::Version(_) => write!(f, "Version({})", self.pubkey()), CrdsValueLabel::NodeInstance(pk, token) => write!(f, "NodeInstance({}, {})", pk, token), CrdsValueLabel::DuplicateShred(ix, pk) => write!(f, "DuplicateShred({}, {})", ix, pk), } } } impl CrdsValueLabel { pub fn pubkey(&self) -> Pubkey { match self { CrdsValueLabel::ContactInfo(p) => *p, CrdsValueLabel::Vote(_, p) => *p, CrdsValueLabel::LowestSlot(p) => *p, CrdsValueLabel::SnapshotHashes(p) => *p, CrdsValueLabel::EpochSlots(_, p) => *p, CrdsValueLabel::AccountsHashes(p) => *p, CrdsValueLabel::LegacyVersion(p) => *p, CrdsValueLabel::Version(p) => *p, CrdsValueLabel::NodeInstance(p, _ /*token*/) => *p, CrdsValueLabel::DuplicateShred(_, p) => *p, } } /// Returns number of possible distinct labels of the same type for /// a fixed pubkey, and None if that is practically unlimited. pub(crate) fn value_space(&self) -> Option { match self { CrdsValueLabel::ContactInfo(_) => Some(1), CrdsValueLabel::Vote(_, _) => Some(MAX_VOTES as usize), CrdsValueLabel::LowestSlot(_) => Some(1), CrdsValueLabel::SnapshotHashes(_) => Some(1), CrdsValueLabel::EpochSlots(_, _) => Some(MAX_EPOCH_SLOTS as usize), CrdsValueLabel::AccountsHashes(_) => Some(1), CrdsValueLabel::LegacyVersion(_) => Some(1), CrdsValueLabel::Version(_) => Some(1), CrdsValueLabel::NodeInstance(_, _) => None, CrdsValueLabel::DuplicateShred(_, _) => Some(MAX_DUPLICATE_SHREDS as usize), } } } impl CrdsValue { pub fn new_unsigned(data: CrdsData) -> Self { Self { signature: Signature::default(), data, } } pub fn new_signed(data: CrdsData, keypair: &Keypair) -> Self { let mut value = Self::new_unsigned(data); value.sign(keypair); value } /// New random CrdsValue for tests and benchmarks. pub fn new_rand(rng: &mut R, keypair: Option<&Keypair>) -> CrdsValue { match keypair { None => { let keypair = Keypair::new(); let data = CrdsData::new_rand(rng, Some(keypair.pubkey())); Self::new_signed(data, &keypair) } Some(keypair) => { let data = CrdsData::new_rand(rng, Some(keypair.pubkey())); Self::new_signed(data, keypair) } } } /// Totally unsecure unverifiable wallclock of the node that generated this message /// Latest wallclock is always picked. /// This is used to time out push messages. pub fn wallclock(&self) -> u64 { match & { CrdsData::ContactInfo(contact_info) => contact_info.wallclock, CrdsData::Vote(_, vote) => vote.wallclock, CrdsData::LowestSlot(_, obj) => obj.wallclock, CrdsData::SnapshotHashes(hash) => hash.wallclock, CrdsData::AccountsHashes(hash) => hash.wallclock, CrdsData::EpochSlots(_, p) => p.wallclock, CrdsData::LegacyVersion(version) => version.wallclock, CrdsData::Version(version) => version.wallclock, CrdsData::NodeInstance(node) => node.wallclock, CrdsData::DuplicateShred(_, shred) => shred.wallclock, } } pub fn pubkey(&self) -> Pubkey { match & { CrdsData::ContactInfo(contact_info) =>, CrdsData::Vote(_, vote) => vote.from, CrdsData::LowestSlot(_, slots) => slots.from, CrdsData::SnapshotHashes(hash) => hash.from, CrdsData::AccountsHashes(hash) => hash.from, CrdsData::EpochSlots(_, p) => p.from, CrdsData::LegacyVersion(version) => version.from, CrdsData::Version(version) => version.from, CrdsData::NodeInstance(node) => node.from, CrdsData::DuplicateShred(_, shred) => shred.from, } } pub fn label(&self) -> CrdsValueLabel { match & { CrdsData::ContactInfo(_) => CrdsValueLabel::ContactInfo(self.pubkey()), CrdsData::Vote(ix, _) => CrdsValueLabel::Vote(*ix, self.pubkey()), CrdsData::LowestSlot(_, _) => CrdsValueLabel::LowestSlot(self.pubkey()), CrdsData::SnapshotHashes(_) => CrdsValueLabel::SnapshotHashes(self.pubkey()), CrdsData::AccountsHashes(_) => CrdsValueLabel::AccountsHashes(self.pubkey()), CrdsData::EpochSlots(ix, _) => CrdsValueLabel::EpochSlots(*ix, self.pubkey()), CrdsData::LegacyVersion(_) => CrdsValueLabel::LegacyVersion(self.pubkey()), CrdsData::Version(_) => CrdsValueLabel::Version(self.pubkey()), CrdsData::NodeInstance(node) => CrdsValueLabel::NodeInstance(node.from, node.token), CrdsData::DuplicateShred(ix, shred) => CrdsValueLabel::DuplicateShred(*ix, shred.from), } } pub fn contact_info(&self) -> Option<&ContactInfo> { match & { CrdsData::ContactInfo(contact_info) => Some(contact_info), _ => None, } } #[cfg(test)] fn vote(&self) -> Option<&Vote> { match & { CrdsData::Vote(_, vote) => Some(vote), _ => None, } } pub fn lowest_slot(&self) -> Option<&LowestSlot> { match & { CrdsData::LowestSlot(_, slots) => Some(slots), _ => None, } } pub fn snapshot_hash(&self) -> Option<&SnapshotHash> { match & { CrdsData::SnapshotHashes(slots) => Some(slots), _ => None, } } pub fn accounts_hash(&self) -> Option<&SnapshotHash> { match & { CrdsData::AccountsHashes(slots) => Some(slots), _ => None, } } pub fn epoch_slots(&self) -> Option<&EpochSlots> { match & { CrdsData::EpochSlots(_, slots) => Some(slots), _ => None, } } pub fn legacy_version(&self) -> Option<&LegacyVersion> { match & { CrdsData::LegacyVersion(legacy_version) => Some(legacy_version), _ => None, } } pub fn version(&self) -> Option<&Version> { match & { CrdsData::Version(version) => Some(version), _ => None, } } /// Returns the size (in bytes) of a CrdsValue pub fn size(&self) -> u64 { serialized_size(&self).expect("unable to serialize contact info") } /// Returns true if, regardless of prunes, this crds-value /// should be pushed to the receiving node. pub fn should_force_push(&self, peer: &Pubkey) -> bool { match & { CrdsData::NodeInstance(node) => node.from == *peer, _ => false, } } } /// Filters out an iterator of crds values, returning /// the unique ones with the most recent wallclock. pub(crate) fn filter_current<'a, I>(values: I) -> impl Iterator where I: IntoIterator, { let mut out = HashMap::new(); for value in values { match out.entry(value.label()) { Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert((value, value.wallclock())); } Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => { let value_wallclock = value.wallclock(); let (_, entry_wallclock) = entry.get(); if *entry_wallclock < value_wallclock { entry.insert((value, value_wallclock)); } } } } out.into_iter().map(|(_, (v, _))| v) } pub(crate) fn sanitize_wallclock(wallclock: u64) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { if wallclock >= MAX_WALLCLOCK { Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds) } else { Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use crate::contact_info::ContactInfo; use bincode::{deserialize, Options}; use rand::SeedableRng; use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng; use solana_perf::test_tx::test_tx; use solana_sdk::signature::{Keypair, Signer}; use solana_sdk::timing::timestamp; use solana_vote_program::{vote_instruction, vote_state}; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::iter::repeat_with; #[test] fn test_keys_and_values() { let v = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::default())); assert_eq!(v.wallclock(), 0); let key = v.contact_info().unwrap().id; assert_eq!(v.label(), CrdsValueLabel::ContactInfo(key)); let v = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::Vote( 0, Vote::new(Pubkey::default(), test_tx(), 0), )); assert_eq!(v.wallclock(), 0); let key =; assert_eq!(v.label(), CrdsValueLabel::Vote(0, key)); let v = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::LowestSlot( 0, LowestSlot::new(Pubkey::default(), 0, 0), )); assert_eq!(v.wallclock(), 0); let key = v.lowest_slot().unwrap().from; assert_eq!(v.label(), CrdsValueLabel::LowestSlot(key)); } #[test] fn test_lowest_slot_sanitize() { let ls = LowestSlot::new(Pubkey::default(), 0, 0); let v = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::LowestSlot(0, ls.clone())); assert_eq!(v.sanitize(), Ok(())); let mut o = ls.clone(); o.root = 1; let v = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::LowestSlot(0, o)); assert_eq!(v.sanitize(), Err(SanitizeError::InvalidValue)); let o = ls.clone(); let v = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::LowestSlot(1, o)); assert_eq!(v.sanitize(), Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds)); let mut o = ls.clone(); o.slots.insert(1); let v = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::LowestSlot(0, o)); assert_eq!(v.sanitize(), Err(SanitizeError::InvalidValue)); let mut o = ls; o.stash.push(deprecated::EpochIncompleteSlots::default()); let v = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::LowestSlot(0, o)); assert_eq!(v.sanitize(), Err(SanitizeError::InvalidValue)); } #[test] fn test_signature() { let keypair = Keypair::new(); let wrong_keypair = Keypair::new(); let mut v = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost( &keypair.pubkey(), timestamp(), ))); verify_signatures(&mut v, &keypair, &wrong_keypair); v = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::Vote( 0, Vote::new(keypair.pubkey(), test_tx(), timestamp()), )); verify_signatures(&mut v, &keypair, &wrong_keypair); v = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::LowestSlot( 0, LowestSlot::new(keypair.pubkey(), 0, timestamp()), )); verify_signatures(&mut v, &keypair, &wrong_keypair); } #[test] fn test_max_vote_index() { let keypair = Keypair::new(); let vote = CrdsValue::new_signed( CrdsData::Vote( MAX_VOTES, Vote::new(keypair.pubkey(), test_tx(), timestamp()), ), &keypair, ); assert!(vote.sanitize().is_err()); } #[test] fn test_vote_round_trip() { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let vote = vote_state::Vote::new( vec![1, 3, 7], // slots solana_sdk::hash::new_rand(&mut rng), ); let ix = vote_instruction::vote( &Pubkey::new_unique(), // vote_pubkey &Pubkey::new_unique(), // authorized_voter_pubkey vote, ); let tx = Transaction::new_with_payer( &[ix], // instructions Some(&Pubkey::new_unique()), // payer ); let vote = Vote::new( Pubkey::new_unique(), // from tx, rng.gen(), // wallclock ); assert_eq!(vote.slot, Some(7)); let bytes = bincode::serialize(&vote).unwrap(); let other = bincode::deserialize(&bytes[..]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(vote, other); assert_eq!(other.slot, Some(7)); let bytes = bincode::options().serialize(&vote).unwrap(); let other = bincode::options().deserialize(&bytes[..]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(vote, other); assert_eq!(other.slot, Some(7)); } #[test] fn test_max_epoch_slots_index() { let keypair = Keypair::new(); let item = CrdsValue::new_signed( CrdsData::EpochSlots( MAX_EPOCH_SLOTS, EpochSlots::new(keypair.pubkey(), timestamp()), ), &keypair, ); assert_eq!(item.sanitize(), Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds)); } fn serialize_deserialize_value(value: &mut CrdsValue, keypair: &Keypair) { let num_tries = 10; value.sign(keypair); let original_signature = value.get_signature(); for _ in 0..num_tries { let serialized_value = serialize(value).unwrap(); let deserialized_value: CrdsValue = deserialize(&serialized_value).unwrap(); // Signatures shouldn't change let deserialized_signature = deserialized_value.get_signature(); assert_eq!(original_signature, deserialized_signature); // After deserializing, check that the signature is still the same assert!(deserialized_value.verify()); } } fn verify_signatures( value: &mut CrdsValue, correct_keypair: &Keypair, wrong_keypair: &Keypair, ) { assert!(!value.verify()); value.sign(&correct_keypair); assert!(value.verify()); value.sign(&wrong_keypair); assert!(!value.verify()); serialize_deserialize_value(value, correct_keypair); } #[test] fn test_filter_current() { let seed = [48u8; 32]; let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed); let keys: Vec<_> = repeat_with(Keypair::new).take(16).collect(); let values: Vec<_> = repeat_with(|| { let index = rng.gen_range(0, keys.len()); CrdsValue::new_rand(&mut rng, Some(&keys[index])) }) .take(2048) .collect(); let mut currents = HashMap::new(); for value in filter_current(&values) { // Assert that filtered values have unique labels. assert!(currents.insert(value.label(), value).is_none()); } // Assert that currents are the most recent version of each value. let mut count = 0; for value in &values { let current_value = currents.get(&value.label()).unwrap(); match value.wallclock().cmp(¤t_value.wallclock()) { Ordering::Less => (), Ordering::Equal => { // There is a chance that two randomly generated // crds-values have the same label and wallclock. if value == *current_value { count += 1; } } Ordering::Greater => panic!("this should not happen!"), } } assert_eq!(count, currents.len()); // Currently CrdsData::new_rand is only implemented for 5 different // kinds and excludes EpochSlots, and so the unique labels cannot be // more than (5 + MAX_VOTES) times number of keys. assert!(currents.len() <= keys.len() * (5 + MAX_VOTES as usize)); } #[test] fn test_node_instance_crds_lable() { fn make_crds_value(node: NodeInstance) -> CrdsValue { CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::NodeInstance(node)) } let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let now = timestamp(); let pubkey = Pubkey::new_unique(); let node = NodeInstance::new(&mut rng, pubkey, now); assert_eq!( make_crds_value(node.clone()).label(), make_crds_value(node.with_wallclock(now + 8)).label() ); let other = NodeInstance { from: Pubkey::new_unique(), ..node }; assert_ne!( make_crds_value(node.clone()).label(), make_crds_value(other).label() ); let other = NodeInstance { wallclock: now + 8, ..node }; assert_eq!( make_crds_value(node.clone()).label(), make_crds_value(other).label() ); let other = NodeInstance { timestamp: now + 8, ..node }; assert_eq!( make_crds_value(node.clone()).label(), make_crds_value(other).label() ); let other = NodeInstance { token: rng.gen(), ..node }; assert_ne!( make_crds_value(node).label(), make_crds_value(other).label() ); } #[test] fn test_check_duplicate_instance() { fn make_crds_value(node: NodeInstance) -> CrdsValue { CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::NodeInstance(node)) } let now = timestamp(); let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let pubkey = Pubkey::new_unique(); let node = NodeInstance::new(&mut rng, pubkey, now); // Same token is not a duplicate. assert!(!node.check_duplicate(&make_crds_value(NodeInstance { from: pubkey, wallclock: now + 1, timestamp: now + 1, token: node.token, }))); // Older timestamp is not a duplicate. assert!(!node.check_duplicate(&make_crds_value(NodeInstance { from: pubkey, wallclock: now + 1, timestamp: now - 1, token: rng.gen(), }))); // Updated wallclock is not a duplicate. let other = node.with_wallclock(now + 8); assert_eq!( other, NodeInstance { from: pubkey, wallclock: now + 8, timestamp: now, token: node.token, } ); assert!(!node.check_duplicate(&make_crds_value(other))); // Duplicate instance. assert!(node.check_duplicate(&make_crds_value(NodeInstance { from: pubkey, wallclock: 0, timestamp: now, token: rng.gen(), }))); // Different pubkey is not a duplicate. assert!(!node.check_duplicate(&make_crds_value(NodeInstance { from: Pubkey::new_unique(), wallclock: now + 1, timestamp: now + 1, token: rng.gen(), }))); // Differnt crds value is not a duplicate. assert!( !node.check_duplicate(&CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::ContactInfo( ContactInfo::new_rand(&mut rng, Some(pubkey)) ))) ); } #[test] fn test_should_force_push() { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let pubkey = Pubkey::new_unique(); assert!( !CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_rand( &mut rng, Some(pubkey), ))) .should_force_push(&pubkey) ); let node = CrdsValue::new_unsigned(CrdsData::NodeInstance(NodeInstance::new( &mut rng, pubkey, timestamp(), ))); assert!(node.should_force_push(&pubkey)); assert!(!node.should_force_push(&Pubkey::new_unique())); } }