use { super::{ in_flight_tracker::InFlightTracker, scheduler_error::SchedulerError, thread_aware_account_locks::{ThreadAwareAccountLocks, ThreadId, ThreadSet}, transaction_state::SanitizedTransactionTTL, transaction_state_container::TransactionStateContainer, }, crate::banking_stage::{ consumer::TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH, read_write_account_set::ReadWriteAccountSet, scheduler_messages::{ConsumeWork, FinishedConsumeWork, TransactionBatchId, TransactionId}, transaction_scheduler::transaction_priority_id::TransactionPriorityId, }, crossbeam_channel::{Receiver, Sender, TryRecvError}, itertools::izip, prio_graph::{AccessKind, PrioGraph}, solana_sdk::{pubkey::Pubkey, slot_history::Slot, transaction::SanitizedTransaction}, std::collections::HashMap, }; pub(crate) struct PrioGraphScheduler { in_flight_tracker: InFlightTracker, account_locks: ThreadAwareAccountLocks, consume_work_senders: Vec>, finished_consume_work_receiver: Receiver, look_ahead_window_size: usize, } impl PrioGraphScheduler { pub(crate) fn new( consume_work_senders: Vec>, finished_consume_work_receiver: Receiver, ) -> Self { let num_threads = consume_work_senders.len(); Self { in_flight_tracker: InFlightTracker::new(num_threads), account_locks: ThreadAwareAccountLocks::new(num_threads), consume_work_senders, finished_consume_work_receiver, look_ahead_window_size: 2048, } } /// Schedule transactions from the given `TransactionStateContainer` to be consumed by the /// worker threads. Returns the number of transactions scheduled, or an error. /// /// Uses a `PrioGraph` to perform look-ahead during the scheduling of transactions. /// This, combined with internal tracking of threads' in-flight transactions, allows /// for load-balancing while prioritizing scheduling transactions onto threads that will /// not cause conflicts in the near future. pub(crate) fn schedule( &mut self, container: &mut TransactionStateContainer, ) -> Result { let num_threads = self.consume_work_senders.len(); let mut batches = Batches::new(num_threads); let mut chain_id_to_thread_index = HashMap::new(); // Some transactions may be unschedulable due to multi-thread conflicts. // These transactions cannot be scheduled until some conflicting work is completed. // However, the scheduler should not allow other transactions that conflict with // these transactions to be scheduled before them. let mut unschedulable_ids = Vec::new(); let mut blocking_locks = ReadWriteAccountSet::default(); let mut prio_graph = PrioGraph::new(|id: &TransactionPriorityId, _graph_node| *id); // Create the initial look-ahead window. for _ in 0..self.look_ahead_window_size { let Some(id) = container.pop() else { break; }; let transaction = container.get_transaction_ttl(&; prio_graph.insert_transaction(id, Self::get_transaction_account_access(transaction)); } let mut unblock_this_batch = Vec::with_capacity(self.consume_work_senders.len() * TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH); const MAX_TRANSACTIONS_PER_SCHEDULING_PASS: usize = 100_000; let mut num_scheduled = 0; let mut num_sent = 0; while num_scheduled < MAX_TRANSACTIONS_PER_SCHEDULING_PASS { // If nothing is in the main-queue of the `PrioGraph` then there's nothing left to schedule. if prio_graph.is_empty() { break; } while let Some(id) = prio_graph.pop() { unblock_this_batch.push(id); // Push next transaction from container into the `PrioGraph` look-ahead window. if let Some(next_id) = container.pop() { let transaction = container.get_transaction_ttl(&; prio_graph.insert_transaction( next_id, Self::get_transaction_account_access(transaction), ); } // Should always be in the container, during initial testing phase panic. // Later, we can replace with a continue in case this does happen. let Some(transaction_state) = container.get_mut_transaction_state(& else { panic!("transaction state must exist") }; let transaction = &transaction_state.transaction_ttl().transaction; // Check if this transaction conflicts with any blocked transactions if !blocking_locks.check_locks(transaction.message()) { blocking_locks.take_locks(transaction.message()); unschedulable_ids.push(id); continue; } let maybe_chain_thread = chain_id_to_thread_index .get(&prio_graph.chain_id(&id)) .copied(); // Schedule the transaction if it can be. let transaction_locks = transaction.get_account_locks_unchecked(); let Some(thread_id) = self.account_locks.try_lock_accounts( transaction_locks.writable.into_iter(), transaction_locks.readonly.into_iter(), ThreadSet::any(num_threads), |thread_set| { Self::select_thread( thread_set, maybe_chain_thread, &batches.transactions, self.in_flight_tracker.num_in_flight_per_thread(), ) }, ) else { blocking_locks.take_locks(transaction.message()); unschedulable_ids.push(id); continue; }; num_scheduled += 1; // Track the chain-id to thread-index mapping. chain_id_to_thread_index.insert(prio_graph.chain_id(&id), thread_id); let sanitized_transaction_ttl = transaction_state.transition_to_pending(); let cu_limit = transaction_state .transaction_priority_details() .compute_unit_limit; let SanitizedTransactionTTL { transaction, max_age_slot, } = sanitized_transaction_ttl; batches.transactions[thread_id].push(transaction); batches.ids[thread_id].push(; batches.max_age_slots[thread_id].push(max_age_slot); batches.total_cus[thread_id] += cu_limit; // If target batch size is reached, send only this batch. if batches.ids[thread_id].len() >= TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH { num_sent += self.send_batch(&mut batches, thread_id)?; } if num_scheduled >= MAX_TRANSACTIONS_PER_SCHEDULING_PASS { break; } } // Send all non-empty batches num_sent += self.send_batches(&mut batches)?; // Unblock all transactions that were blocked by the transactions that were just sent. for id in unblock_this_batch.drain(..) { prio_graph.unblock(&id); } } // Send batches for any remaining transactions num_sent += self.send_batches(&mut batches)?; // Push unschedulable ids back into the container for id in unschedulable_ids { container.push_id_into_queue(id); } // Push remaining transactions back into the container while let Some(id) = prio_graph.pop_and_unblock() { container.push_id_into_queue(id); } assert_eq!( num_scheduled, num_sent, "number of scheduled and sent transactions must match" ); Ok(num_scheduled) } /// Receive completed batches of transactions without blocking. pub fn receive_completed( &mut self, container: &mut TransactionStateContainer, ) -> Result<(), SchedulerError> { while self.try_receive_completed(container)? {} Ok(()) } /// Receive completed batches of transactions. /// Returns `Ok(true)` if a batch was received, `Ok(false)` if no batch was received. fn try_receive_completed( &mut self, container: &mut TransactionStateContainer, ) -> Result { match self.finished_consume_work_receiver.try_recv() { Ok(FinishedConsumeWork { work: ConsumeWork { batch_id, ids, transactions, max_age_slots, }, retryable_indexes, }) => { // Free the locks self.complete_batch(batch_id, &transactions); // Retryable transactions should be inserted back into the container let mut retryable_iter = retryable_indexes.into_iter().peekable(); for (index, (id, transaction, max_age_slot)) in izip!(ids, transactions, max_age_slots).enumerate() { if let Some(retryable_index) = retryable_iter.peek() { if *retryable_index == index { container.retry_transaction( id, SanitizedTransactionTTL { transaction, max_age_slot, }, );; continue; } } container.remove_by_id(&id); } Ok(true) } Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => Ok(false), Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => Err(SchedulerError::DisconnectedRecvChannel( "finished consume work", )), } } /// Mark a given `TransactionBatchId` as completed. /// This will update the internal tracking, including account locks. fn complete_batch( &mut self, batch_id: TransactionBatchId, transactions: &[SanitizedTransaction], ) { let thread_id = self.in_flight_tracker.complete_batch(batch_id); for transaction in transactions { let account_locks = transaction.get_account_locks_unchecked(); self.account_locks.unlock_accounts( account_locks.writable.into_iter(), account_locks.readonly.into_iter(), thread_id, ); } } /// Send all batches of transactions to the worker threads. /// Returns the number of transactions sent. fn send_batches(&mut self, batches: &mut Batches) -> Result { (0..self.consume_work_senders.len()) .map(|thread_index| self.send_batch(batches, thread_index)) .sum() } /// Send a batch of transactions to the given thread's `ConsumeWork` channel. /// Returns the number of transactions sent. fn send_batch( &mut self, batches: &mut Batches, thread_index: usize, ) -> Result { if batches.ids[thread_index].is_empty() { return Ok(0); } let (ids, transactions, max_age_slots, total_cus) = batches.take_batch(thread_index); let batch_id = self .in_flight_tracker .track_batch(ids.len(), total_cus, thread_index); let num_scheduled = ids.len(); let work = ConsumeWork { batch_id, ids, transactions, max_age_slots, }; self.consume_work_senders[thread_index] .send(work) .map_err(|_| SchedulerError::DisconnectedSendChannel("consume work sender"))?; Ok(num_scheduled) } /// Given the schedulable `thread_set`, select the thread with the least amount /// of work queued up. /// Currently, "work" is just defined as the number of transactions. /// /// If the `chain_thread` is available, this thread will be selected, regardless of /// load-balancing. /// /// Panics if the `thread_set` is empty. fn select_thread( thread_set: ThreadSet, chain_thread: Option, batches_per_thread: &[Vec], in_flight_per_thread: &[usize], ) -> ThreadId { if let Some(chain_thread) = chain_thread { if thread_set.contains(chain_thread) { return chain_thread; } } thread_set .contained_threads_iter() .map(|thread_id| { ( thread_id, batches_per_thread[thread_id].len() + in_flight_per_thread[thread_id], ) }) .min_by(|a, b| a.1.cmp(&b.1)) .map(|(thread_id, _)| thread_id) .unwrap() } /// Gets accessed accounts (resources) for use in `PrioGraph`. fn get_transaction_account_access( transaction: &SanitizedTransactionTTL, ) -> impl Iterator + '_ { let message = transaction.transaction.message(); message .account_keys() .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(index, key)| { if message.is_writable(index) { (*key, AccessKind::Write) } else { (*key, AccessKind::Read) } }) } } struct Batches { ids: Vec>, transactions: Vec>, max_age_slots: Vec>, total_cus: Vec, } impl Batches { fn new(num_threads: usize) -> Self { Self { ids: vec![Vec::with_capacity(TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH); num_threads], transactions: vec![Vec::with_capacity(TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH); num_threads], max_age_slots: vec![Vec::with_capacity(TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH); num_threads], total_cus: vec![0; num_threads], } } fn take_batch( &mut self, thread_id: ThreadId, ) -> ( Vec, Vec, Vec, u64, ) { ( core::mem::replace( &mut self.ids[thread_id], Vec::with_capacity(TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH), ), core::mem::replace( &mut self.transactions[thread_id], Vec::with_capacity(TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH), ), core::mem::replace( &mut self.max_age_slots[thread_id], Vec::with_capacity(TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH), ), core::mem::replace(&mut self.total_cus[thread_id], 0), ) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use { super::*, crate::banking_stage::consumer::TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH, crossbeam_channel::{unbounded, Receiver}, itertools::Itertools, solana_runtime::transaction_priority_details::TransactionPriorityDetails, solana_sdk::{ compute_budget::ComputeBudgetInstruction, hash::Hash, message::Message, pubkey::Pubkey, signature::Keypair, signer::Signer, system_instruction, transaction::Transaction, }, std::borrow::Borrow, }; macro_rules! txid { ($value:expr) => { TransactionId::new($value) }; } macro_rules! txids { ([$($element:expr),*]) => { vec![ $(txid!($element)),* ] }; } fn create_test_frame( num_threads: usize, ) -> ( PrioGraphScheduler, Vec>, Sender, ) { let (consume_work_senders, consume_work_receivers) = (0..num_threads).map(|_| unbounded()).unzip(); let (finished_consume_work_sender, finished_consume_work_receiver) = unbounded(); let scheduler = PrioGraphScheduler::new(consume_work_senders, finished_consume_work_receiver); ( scheduler, consume_work_receivers, finished_consume_work_sender, ) } fn prioritized_tranfers( from_keypair: &Keypair, to_pubkeys: impl IntoIterator>, lamports: u64, priority: u64, ) -> SanitizedTransaction { let to_pubkeys_lamports = to_pubkeys .into_iter() .map(|pubkey| *pubkey.borrow()) .zip(std::iter::repeat(lamports)) .collect_vec(); let mut ixs = system_instruction::transfer_many(&from_keypair.pubkey(), &to_pubkeys_lamports); let prioritization = ComputeBudgetInstruction::set_compute_unit_price(priority); ixs.push(prioritization); let message = Message::new(&ixs, Some(&from_keypair.pubkey())); let tx = Transaction::new(&[from_keypair], message, Hash::default()); SanitizedTransaction::from_transaction_for_tests(tx) } fn create_container( tx_infos: impl IntoIterator< Item = ( impl Borrow, impl IntoIterator>, u64, u64, ), >, ) -> TransactionStateContainer { let mut container = TransactionStateContainer::with_capacity(10 * 1024); for (index, (from_keypair, to_pubkeys, lamports, priority)) in tx_infos.into_iter().enumerate() { let id = TransactionId::new(index as u64); let transaction = prioritized_tranfers(from_keypair.borrow(), to_pubkeys, lamports, priority); let transaction_ttl = SanitizedTransactionTTL { transaction, max_age_slot: Slot::MAX, }; container.insert_new_transaction( id, transaction_ttl, TransactionPriorityDetails { priority, compute_unit_limit: 1, }, ); } container } fn collect_work( receiver: &Receiver, ) -> (Vec, Vec>) { receiver .try_iter() .map(|work| { let ids = work.ids.clone(); (work, ids) }) .unzip() } #[test] fn test_schedule_disconnected_channel() { let (mut scheduler, work_receivers, _finished_work_sender) = create_test_frame(1); let mut container = create_container([(&Keypair::new(), &[Pubkey::new_unique()], 1, 1)]); drop(work_receivers); // explicitly drop receivers assert_matches!( scheduler.schedule(&mut container), Err(SchedulerError::DisconnectedSendChannel(_)) ); } #[test] fn test_schedule_single_threaded_no_conflicts() { let (mut scheduler, work_receivers, _finished_work_sender) = create_test_frame(1); let mut container = create_container([ (&Keypair::new(), &[Pubkey::new_unique()], 1, 1), (&Keypair::new(), &[Pubkey::new_unique()], 2, 2), ]); let num_scheduled = scheduler.schedule(&mut container).unwrap(); assert_eq!(num_scheduled, 2); assert_eq!(collect_work(&work_receivers[0]).1, vec![txids!([1, 0])]); } #[test] fn test_schedule_single_threaded_conflict() { let (mut scheduler, work_receivers, _finished_work_sender) = create_test_frame(1); let pubkey = Pubkey::new_unique(); let mut container = create_container([ (&Keypair::new(), &[pubkey], 1, 1), (&Keypair::new(), &[pubkey], 1, 2), ]); let num_scheduled = scheduler.schedule(&mut container).unwrap(); assert_eq!(num_scheduled, 2); assert_eq!( collect_work(&work_receivers[0]).1, vec![txids!([1]), txids!([0])] ); } #[test] fn test_schedule_consume_single_threaded_multi_batch() { let (mut scheduler, work_receivers, _finished_work_sender) = create_test_frame(1); let mut container = create_container( (0..4 * TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH) .map(|i| (Keypair::new(), [Pubkey::new_unique()], i as u64, 1)), ); // expect 4 full batches to be scheduled let num_scheduled = scheduler.schedule(&mut container).unwrap(); assert_eq!(num_scheduled, 4 * TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH); let thread0_work_counts: Vec<_> = work_receivers[0] .try_iter() .map(|work| work.ids.len()) .collect(); assert_eq!(thread0_work_counts, [TARGET_NUM_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BATCH; 4]); } #[test] fn test_schedule_simple_thread_selection() { let (mut scheduler, work_receivers, _finished_work_sender) = create_test_frame(2); let mut container = create_container((0..4).map(|i| (Keypair::new(), [Pubkey::new_unique()], 1, i))); let num_scheduled = scheduler.schedule(&mut container).unwrap(); assert_eq!(num_scheduled, 4); assert_eq!(collect_work(&work_receivers[0]).1, [txids!([3, 1])]); assert_eq!(collect_work(&work_receivers[1]).1, [txids!([2, 0])]); } #[test] fn test_schedule_look_ahead() { let (mut scheduler, work_receivers, _finished_work_sender) = create_test_frame(2); let accounts = (0..6).map(|_| Keypair::new()).collect_vec(); let mut container = create_container([ (&accounts[0], &[accounts[1].pubkey()], 1, 4), (&accounts[1], &[accounts[2].pubkey()], 1, 3), (&accounts[3], &[accounts[4].pubkey()], 1, 2), (&accounts[4], &[accounts[5].pubkey()], 1, 1), (&accounts[2], &[accounts[5].pubkey()], 1, 0), ]); // The look-ahead window allows the prio-graph to have a limited view of // upcoming transactions, so that un-schedulable transactions are less // likely to occur. In this case, we have 5 transactions that have a // prio-graph that can be visualized as: // [0] --> [1] \ // -> [4] // / // [2] --> [3] // Even though [0] and [2] could be scheduled to different threads, the // fact they eventually join means that the scheduler will schedule them // onto the same thread to avoid causing [4], which conflicts with both // chains, to be un-schedulable. let num_scheduled = scheduler.schedule(&mut container).unwrap(); assert_eq!(num_scheduled, 5); assert_eq!( collect_work(&work_receivers[0]).1, [txids!([0, 2]), txids!([1, 3]), txids!([4])] ); } #[test] fn test_schedule_priority_guard() { let (mut scheduler, work_receivers, finished_work_sender) = create_test_frame(2); // intentionally shorten the look-ahead window to cause unschedulable conflicts scheduler.look_ahead_window_size = 2; let accounts = (0..8).map(|_| Keypair::new()).collect_vec(); let mut container = create_container([ (&accounts[0], &[accounts[1].pubkey()], 1, 6), (&accounts[2], &[accounts[3].pubkey()], 1, 5), (&accounts[4], &[accounts[5].pubkey()], 1, 4), (&accounts[6], &[accounts[7].pubkey()], 1, 3), (&accounts[1], &[accounts[2].pubkey()], 1, 2), (&accounts[2], &[accounts[3].pubkey()], 1, 1), ]); // The look-ahead window is intentionally shortened, high priority transactions // [0, 1, 2, 3] do not conflict, and are scheduled onto threads in a // round-robin fashion. This leads to transaction [4] being unschedulable due // to conflicts with [0] and [1], which were scheduled to different threads. // Transaction [5] is technically schedulable, onto thread 1 since it only // conflicts with transaction [1]. However, [5] will not be scheduled because // it conflicts with a higher-priority transaction [4] that is unschedulable. // The full prio-graph can be visualized as: // [0] \ // -> [4] -> [5] // [1] / ------/ // [2] // [3] // Because the look-ahead window is shortened to a size of 4, the scheduler does // not have knowledge of the joining at transaction [4] until after [0] and [1] // have been scheduled. let num_scheduled = scheduler.schedule(&mut container).unwrap(); assert_eq!(num_scheduled, 4); let (thread_0_work, thread_0_ids) = collect_work(&work_receivers[0]); assert_eq!(thread_0_ids, [txids!([0, 2])]); assert_eq!(collect_work(&work_receivers[1]).1, [txids!([1, 3])]); // Cannot schedule even on next pass because of lock conflicts let num_scheduled = scheduler.schedule(&mut container).unwrap(); assert_eq!(num_scheduled, 0); // Complete batch on thread 0. Remaining txs can be scheduled onto thread 1 finished_work_sender .send(FinishedConsumeWork { work: thread_0_work.into_iter().next().unwrap(), retryable_indexes: vec![], }) .unwrap(); scheduler.receive_completed(&mut container).unwrap(); let num_scheduled = scheduler.schedule(&mut container).unwrap(); assert_eq!(num_scheduled, 2); assert_eq!( collect_work(&work_receivers[1]).1, [txids!([4]), txids!([5])] ); } }