use bzip2::bufread::BzDecoder; use clap::{ crate_description, crate_name, value_t, value_t_or_exit, values_t_or_exit, App, Arg, ArgMatches, }; use console::{style, Emoji}; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use log::*; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use solana_clap_utils::{ input_parsers::pubkey_of, input_validators::{is_keypair, is_pubkey, is_pubkey_or_keypair}, keypair::{ self, keypair_input, KeypairWithSource, ASK_SEED_PHRASE_ARG, SKIP_SEED_PHRASE_VALIDATION_ARG, }, }; use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient; use solana_core::ledger_cleanup_service::DEFAULT_MAX_LEDGER_SLOTS; use solana_core::{ cluster_info::{ClusterInfo, Node, VALIDATOR_PORT_RANGE}, contact_info::ContactInfo, gossip_service::GossipService, rpc::JsonRpcConfig, validator::{Validator, ValidatorConfig}, }; use solana_ledger::bank_forks::SnapshotConfig; use solana_perf::recycler::enable_recycler_warming; use solana_sdk::{ clock::Slot, hash::Hash, pubkey::Pubkey, signature::{Keypair, Signer}, }; use std::{ collections::HashSet, fs::{self, File}, io::{self, Read}, net::{SocketAddr, TcpListener}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::exit, str::FromStr, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, RwLock, }, thread::sleep, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; fn port_validator(port: String) -> Result<(), String> { port.parse::() .map(|_| ()) .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) } fn port_range_validator(port_range: String) -> Result<(), String> { if solana_net_utils::parse_port_range(&port_range).is_some() { Ok(()) } else { Err("Invalid port range".to_string()) } } fn hash_validator(hash: String) -> Result<(), String> { Hash::from_str(&hash) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) } static TRUCK: Emoji = Emoji("🚚 ", ""); static SPARKLE: Emoji = Emoji("✨ ", ""); /// Creates a new process bar for processing that will take an unknown amount of time fn new_spinner_progress_bar() -> ProgressBar { let progress_bar = ProgressBar::new(42); progress_bar .set_style(ProgressStyle::default_spinner().template("{} {wide_msg}")); progress_bar.enable_steady_tick(100); progress_bar } fn download_tar_bz2( rpc_addr: &SocketAddr, archive_name: &str, download_path: &Path, is_snapshot: bool, ) -> Result<(), String> { let archive_path = download_path.join(archive_name); if archive_path.is_file() { return Ok(()); } fs::create_dir_all(download_path).map_err(|err| err.to_string())?; let temp_archive_path = { let mut p = archive_path.clone(); p.set_extension(".tmp"); p }; let url = format!("http://{}/{}", rpc_addr, archive_name); let download_start = Instant::now(); let progress_bar = new_spinner_progress_bar(); progress_bar.set_message(&format!("{}Downloading {}...", TRUCK, url)); let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new(); let response = client .get(url.as_str()) .send() .map_err(|err| err.to_string())?; if is_snapshot && response.status() == reqwest::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND { progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); warn!("Snapshot not found at {}", url); return Ok(()); } let response = response .error_for_status() .map_err(|err| format!("Unable to get: {:?}", err))?; let download_size = { response .headers() .get(reqwest::header::CONTENT_LENGTH) .and_then(|content_length| content_length.to_str().ok()) .and_then(|content_length| content_length.parse().ok()) .unwrap_or(0) }; progress_bar.set_length(download_size); progress_bar.set_style( ProgressStyle::default_bar() .template(&format!( "{}{}Downloading {} {}", "{} ", TRUCK, url, "[{bar:40.cyan/blue}] {bytes}/{total_bytes} ({eta})" )) .progress_chars("=> "), ); struct DownloadProgress { progress_bar: ProgressBar, response: R, } impl Read for DownloadProgress { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result {|n| { as u64); n }) } } let mut source = DownloadProgress { progress_bar, response, }; let mut file = File::create(&temp_archive_path) .map_err(|err| format!("Unable to create {:?}: {:?}", temp_archive_path, err))?; std::io::copy(&mut source, &mut file) .map_err(|err| format!("Unable to write {:?}: {:?}", temp_archive_path, err))?; source.progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); info!( " {}{}", SPARKLE, format!( "Downloaded {} ({} bytes) in {:?}", url, download_size, Instant::now().duration_since(download_start), ) ); if !is_snapshot { info!("Extracting {:?}...", archive_path); let extract_start = Instant::now(); let tar_bz2 = File::open(&temp_archive_path) .map_err(|err| format!("Unable to open {}: {:?}", archive_name, err))?; let tar = BzDecoder::new(std::io::BufReader::new(tar_bz2)); let mut archive = tar::Archive::new(tar); archive .unpack(download_path) .map_err(|err| format!("Unable to unpack {}: {:?}", archive_name, err))?; info!( "Extracted {} in {:?}", archive_name, Instant::now().duration_since(extract_start) ); } std::fs::rename(temp_archive_path, archive_path) .map_err(|err| format!("Unable to rename: {:?}", err))?; Ok(()) } fn get_rpc_addr( node: &Node, identity_keypair: &Arc, entrypoint_gossip: &SocketAddr, expected_shred_version: Option, trusted_validators: Option<&HashSet>, snapshot_not_required: bool, ) -> (RpcClient, SocketAddr) { let mut cluster_info = ClusterInfo::new( ClusterInfo::spy_contact_info(&identity_keypair.pubkey()), identity_keypair.clone(), ); cluster_info.set_entrypoint(ContactInfo::new_gossip_entry_point(entrypoint_gossip)); let cluster_info = Arc::new(RwLock::new(cluster_info)); let gossip_exit_flag = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let gossip_service = GossipService::new( &cluster_info.clone(), None, node.sockets.gossip.try_clone().unwrap(), &gossip_exit_flag, ); let (rpc_client, rpc_addr) = loop { info!( "Searching for an RPC service, shred version={:?}...\n{}", expected_shred_version, ); let mut rpc_peers =; match expected_shred_version { Some(expected_shred_version) => { // Filter out rpc peers that don't match the expected shred version rpc_peers = rpc_peers .into_iter() .filter(|contact_info| contact_info.shred_version == expected_shred_version) .collect::>(); } None => { if !rpc_peers .iter() .all(|contact_info| contact_info.shred_version == rpc_peers[0].shred_version) { eprintln!( "Multiple shred versions observed in gossip. Restart with --expected-shred-version" ); exit(1); } } } let trusted_slots = if let Some(trusted_validators) = trusted_validators { let trusted_slots = HashSet::new(); for trusted_validator in trusted_validators { if let Some(slot_hash) = cluster_info .read() .unwrap() .get_snapshot_hash_for_node(trusted_validator) { trusted_slots.union(&slot_hash.iter().collect()); } } Some(trusted_slots) } else { None }; if rpc_peers.is_empty() { info!("No RPC services found "); } else { let eligible_rpc_peers = if snapshot_not_required { rpc_peers } else { let mut eligible_rpc_peers = vec![]; let mut highest_snapshot_slot = 0; for rpc_peer in rpc_peers.iter() { if let Some(snapshot_hash) = cluster_info .read() .unwrap() .get_snapshot_hash_for_node(& { let highest_snapshot_slot_for_node = snapshot_hash.iter().fold(0, |highest_slot, snapshot_hash| { if let Some(ref trusted_slots) = trusted_slots { if !trusted_slots.contains(snapshot_hash) { // Ignore all untrusted slots return highest_slot; } } highest_slot.max(snapshot_hash.0) }); if highest_snapshot_slot_for_node > highest_snapshot_slot { // Found a higher snapshot, remove all rpc peers with a lower snapshot eligible_rpc_peers.clear(); highest_snapshot_slot = highest_snapshot_slot_for_node; } if highest_snapshot_slot_for_node == highest_snapshot_slot { eligible_rpc_peers.push(rpc_peer.clone()); } } } if highest_snapshot_slot == 0 { assert!(eligible_rpc_peers.is_empty()); info!("No snapshot available"); } else { info!( "Highest available snapshot slot is {}", highest_snapshot_slot ); } eligible_rpc_peers }; if !eligible_rpc_peers.is_empty() { // Prefer the entrypoint's RPC service if present, otherwise pick one at random let contact_info = if let Some(contact_info) = eligible_rpc_peers .iter() .find(|contact_info| contact_info.gossip == *entrypoint_gossip) { contact_info } else { &eligible_rpc_peers[thread_rng().gen_range(0, eligible_rpc_peers.len())] }; info!( "Trying RPC service from node {}: {:?}",, contact_info.rpc ); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_socket(contact_info.rpc); match rpc_client.get_version() { Ok(rpc_version) => { info!("RPC node version: {}", rpc_version.solana_core); break (rpc_client, contact_info.rpc); } Err(err) => { warn!("Failed to get RPC node's version: {}", err); } } } } sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); };, Ordering::Relaxed); gossip_service.join().unwrap(); (rpc_client, rpc_addr) } fn check_vote_account( rpc_client: &RpcClient, vote_pubkey: &Pubkey, voting_pubkey: &Pubkey, node_pubkey: &Pubkey, ) -> Result<(), String> { let found_vote_account = rpc_client .get_account(vote_pubkey) .map_err(|err| format!("Failed to get vote account: {}", err.to_string()))?; if found_vote_account.owner != solana_vote_program::id() { return Err(format!( "not a vote account (owned by {}): {}", found_vote_account.owner, vote_pubkey )); } let found_node_account = rpc_client .get_account(node_pubkey) .map_err(|err| format!("Failed to get identity account: {}", err.to_string()))?; let found_vote_account = solana_vote_program::vote_state::VoteState::from(&found_vote_account); if let Some(found_vote_account) = found_vote_account { if found_vote_account.authorized_voter != *voting_pubkey { return Err(format!( "account's authorized voter ({}) does not match to the given voting keypair ({}).", found_vote_account.authorized_voter, voting_pubkey )); } if found_vote_account.node_pubkey != *node_pubkey { return Err(format!( "account's node pubkey ({}) does not match to the given identity keypair ({}).", found_vote_account.node_pubkey, node_pubkey )); } } else { return Err(format!("invalid vote account data: {}", vote_pubkey)); } // Maybe we can calculate minimum voting fee; rather than 1 lamport if found_node_account.lamports <= 1 { return Err(format!( "unfunded identity account ({}): only {} lamports (needs more fund to vote)", node_pubkey, found_node_account.lamports )); } Ok(()) } fn download_ledger( rpc_addr: &SocketAddr, ledger_path: &Path, no_snapshot_fetch: bool, ) -> Result<(), String> { download_tar_bz2(rpc_addr, "genesis.tar.bz2", ledger_path, false)?; if !no_snapshot_fetch { let snapshot_package = solana_ledger::snapshot_utils::get_snapshot_archive_path(ledger_path); if snapshot_package.exists() { fs::remove_file(&snapshot_package) .map_err(|err| format!("error removing {:?}: {}", snapshot_package, err))?; } download_tar_bz2( rpc_addr, snapshot_package.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), snapshot_package.parent().unwrap(), true, ) .map_err(|err| format!("Failed to fetch snapshot: {:?}", err))?; } Ok(()) } // This function is duplicated in ledger-tool/src/ fn hardforks_of(matches: &ArgMatches<'_>, name: &str) -> Option> { if matches.is_present(name) { Some(values_t_or_exit!(matches, name, Slot)) } else { None } } #[allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)] pub fn main() { let default_dynamic_port_range = &format!("{}-{}", VALIDATOR_PORT_RANGE.0, VALIDATOR_PORT_RANGE.1); let default_limit_ledger_size = &DEFAULT_MAX_LEDGER_SLOTS.to_string(); let matches = App::new(crate_name!()).about(crate_description!()) .version(solana_clap_utils::version!()) .arg( Arg::with_name("blockstream_unix_socket") .long("blockstream") .takes_value(true) .value_name("UNIX DOMAIN SOCKET") .help("Stream entries to this unix domain socket path") ) .arg( Arg::with_name( .long(ASK_SEED_PHRASE_ARG.long) .value_name("KEYPAIR NAME") .multiple(true) .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["identity-keypair", "storage-keypair", "voting-keypair"]) .help(, ) .arg( Arg::with_name( .long(SKIP_SEED_PHRASE_VALIDATION_ARG.long) .requires( .help(, ) .arg( Arg::with_name("identity_keypair") .short("i") .long("identity-keypair") .value_name("PATH") .takes_value(true) .validator(is_keypair) .help("File containing the identity keypair for the validator"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("voting_keypair") .long("voting-keypair") .value_name("PATH") .takes_value(true) .validator(is_keypair) .help("File containing the authorized voting keypair. Default is an ephemeral keypair, which may disable voting without --vote-account."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("vote_account") .long("vote-account") .value_name("PUBKEY") .takes_value(true) .validator(is_pubkey_or_keypair) .help("Public key of the vote account to vote with. Default is the public key of --voting-keypair"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("storage_keypair") .long("storage-keypair") .value_name("PATH") .takes_value(true) .validator(is_keypair) .help("File containing the storage account keypair. Default is an ephemeral keypair"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("init_complete_file") .long("init-complete-file") .value_name("FILE") .takes_value(true) .help("Create this file, if it doesn't already exist, once node initialization is complete"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("ledger_path") .short("l") .long("ledger") .value_name("DIR") .takes_value(true) .required(true) .help("Use DIR as persistent ledger location"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("entrypoint") .short("n") .long("entrypoint") .value_name("HOST:PORT") .takes_value(true) .validator(solana_net_utils::is_host_port) .help("Rendezvous with the cluster at this gossip entrypoint"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("no_snapshot_fetch") .long("no-snapshot-fetch") .takes_value(false) .requires("entrypoint") .help("Do not attempt to fetch a snapshot from the cluster, start from a local snapshot if present"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("no_genesis_fetch") .long("no-genesis-fetch") .takes_value(false) .requires("entrypoint") .help("Do not fetch genesis from the cluster"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("no_voting") .long("no-voting") .takes_value(false) .help("Launch node without voting"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("dev_no_sigverify") .long("dev-no-sigverify") .takes_value(false) .help("Run without signature verification"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("dev_halt_at_slot") .long("dev-halt-at-slot") .value_name("SLOT") .takes_value(true) .help("Halt the validator when it reaches the given slot"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("rpc_port") .long("rpc-port") .value_name("PORT") .takes_value(true) .validator(port_validator) .help("RPC port to use for this node"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("private_rpc") .long("--private-rpc") .takes_value(false) .help("Do not publish the RPC port for use by other nodes") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("enable_rpc_exit") .long("enable-rpc-exit") .takes_value(false) .help("Enable the JSON RPC 'validatorExit' API. Only enable in a debug environment"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("enable_rpc_get_confirmed_block") .long("enable-rpc-get-confirmed-block") .takes_value(false) .help("Enable the JSON RPC 'getConfirmedBlock' API. This will cause an increase in disk usage and IOPS"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("rpc_faucet_addr") .long("rpc-faucet-address") .value_name("HOST:PORT") .takes_value(true) .validator(solana_net_utils::is_host_port) .help("Enable the JSON RPC 'requestAirdrop' API with this faucet address."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("signer_addr") .long("vote-signer-address") .value_name("HOST:PORT") .takes_value(true) .hidden(true) // Don't document this argument to discourage its use .validator(solana_net_utils::is_host_port) .help("Rendezvous with the vote signer at this RPC end point"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("account_paths") .long("accounts") .value_name("PATHS") .takes_value(true) .help("Comma separated persistent accounts location"), ) .arg( clap::Arg::with_name("gossip_port") .long("gossip-port") .value_name("PORT") .takes_value(true) .help("Gossip port number for the node"), ) .arg( clap::Arg::with_name("gossip_host") .long("gossip-host") .value_name("HOST") .takes_value(true) .conflicts_with("entrypoint") .validator(solana_net_utils::is_host) .help("Gossip DNS name or IP address for the node when --entrypoint is not provided [default:]"), ) .arg( clap::Arg::with_name("dynamic_port_range") .long("dynamic-port-range") .value_name("MIN_PORT-MAX_PORT") .takes_value(true) .default_value(default_dynamic_port_range) .validator(port_range_validator) .help("Range to use for dynamically assigned ports"), ) .arg( clap::Arg::with_name("snapshot_interval_slots") .long("snapshot-interval-slots") .value_name("SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL_SLOTS") .takes_value(true) .default_value("100") .help("Number of slots between generating snapshots, 0 to disable snapshots"), ) .arg( clap::Arg::with_name("limit_ledger_size") .long("limit-ledger-size") .value_name("SLOT_COUNT") .takes_value(true) .min_values(0) .max_values(1) .default_value(default_limit_ledger_size) .help("Drop ledger data for slots older than this value"), ) .arg( clap::Arg::with_name("skip_poh_verify") .long("skip-poh-verify") .takes_value(false) .help("Skip ledger verification at node bootup"), ) .arg( clap::Arg::with_name("cuda") .long("cuda") .takes_value(false) .help("Use CUDA"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("expected_genesis_hash") .long("expected-genesis-hash") .value_name("HASH") .takes_value(true) .validator(hash_validator) .help("Require the genesis have this hash"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("expected_shred_version") .long("expected-shred-version") .value_name("VERSION") .takes_value(true) .help("Require the shred version be this value"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("logfile") .short("o") .long("log") .value_name("FILE") .takes_value(true) .help("Redirect logging to the specified file, '-' for standard error"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("no_wait_for_supermajority") .long("no-wait-for-supermajority") .takes_value(false) .help("After processing the ledger, do not wait until a supermajority of stake is visible on gossip before starting PoH"), ) .arg( // Legacy flag that is now enabled by default. Remove this flag a couple months after the 0.23.0 // release Arg::with_name("wait_for_supermajority") .long("wait-for-supermajority") .hidden(true) ) .arg( Arg::with_name("hard_forks") .long("hard-fork") .value_name("SLOT") .multiple(true) .takes_value(true) .help("Add a hard fork at this slot"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("trusted_validators") .long("trusted-validator") .validator(is_pubkey) .value_name("PUBKEY") .multiple(true) .takes_value(true) .help("A snapshot hash must be published in gossip by this validator to be accepted. \ May be specified multiple times. If unspecified any snapshot hash will be accepted"), ) .get_matches(); let identity_keypair = Arc::new( keypair_input(&matches, "identity-keypair") .unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("Identity keypair input failed: {}", err); exit(1); }) .keypair, ); let KeypairWithSource { keypair: voting_keypair, source: voting_keypair_source, } = keypair_input(&matches, "voting-keypair").unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("Voting keypair input failed: {}", err); exit(1); }); let ephemeral_voting_keypair = voting_keypair_source == keypair::Source::Generated; let storage_keypair = keypair_input(&matches, "storage-keypair") .unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("Storage keypair input failed: {}", err); exit(1); }) .keypair; let ledger_path = PathBuf::from(matches.value_of("ledger_path").unwrap()); let entrypoint = matches.value_of("entrypoint"); let init_complete_file = matches.value_of("init_complete_file"); let skip_poh_verify = matches.is_present("skip_poh_verify"); let cuda = matches.is_present("cuda"); let no_genesis_fetch = matches.is_present("no_genesis_fetch"); let no_snapshot_fetch = matches.is_present("no_snapshot_fetch"); let private_rpc = matches.is_present("private_rpc"); // Canonicalize ledger path to avoid issues with symlink creation let _ = fs::create_dir_all(&ledger_path); let ledger_path = fs::canonicalize(&ledger_path).unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("Unable to access ledger path: {:?}", err); exit(1); }); let trusted_validators = if matches.is_present("trusted_validators") { let trusted_validators = values_t_or_exit!(matches, "trusted_validators", Pubkey); Some(trusted_validators.into_iter().collect()) } else { None }; let mut validator_config = ValidatorConfig { blockstream_unix_socket: matches .value_of("blockstream_unix_socket") .map(PathBuf::from), dev_sigverify_disabled: matches.is_present("dev_no_sigverify"), dev_halt_at_slot: value_t!(matches, "dev_halt_at_slot", Slot).ok(), expected_genesis_hash: matches .value_of("expected_genesis_hash") .map(|s| Hash::from_str(&s).unwrap()), expected_shred_version: value_t!(matches, "expected_shred_version", u16).ok(), new_hard_forks: hardforks_of(&matches, "hard_forks"), rpc_config: JsonRpcConfig { enable_validator_exit: matches.is_present("enable_rpc_exit"), enable_get_confirmed_block: matches.is_present("enable_rpc_get_confirmed_block"), faucet_addr: matches.value_of("rpc_faucet_addr").map(|address| { solana_net_utils::parse_host_port(address).expect("failed to parse faucet address") }), }, rpc_ports: value_t!(matches, "rpc_port", u16) .ok() .map(|rpc_port| (rpc_port, rpc_port + 1)), voting_disabled: matches.is_present("no_voting"), wait_for_supermajority: !matches.is_present("no_wait_for_supermajority"), ..ValidatorConfig::default() }; let dynamic_port_range = solana_net_utils::parse_port_range(matches.value_of("dynamic_port_range").unwrap()) .expect("invalid dynamic_port_range"); let account_paths = if let Some(account_paths) = matches.value_of("account_paths") { account_paths.split(',').map(PathBuf::from).collect() } else { vec![ledger_path.join("accounts")] }; // Create and canonicalize account paths to avoid issues with symlink creation validator_config.account_paths = account_paths .into_iter() .map(|account_path| { match fs::create_dir_all(&account_path).and_then(|_| fs::canonicalize(&account_path)) { Ok(account_path) => account_path, Err(err) => { eprintln!( "Unable to access account path: {:?}, err: {:?}", account_path, err ); exit(1); } } }) .collect(); let snapshot_interval_slots = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "snapshot_interval_slots", usize); let snapshot_path = ledger_path.clone().join("snapshot"); fs::create_dir_all(&snapshot_path).unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!( "Failed to create snapshots directory {:?}: {}", snapshot_path, err ); exit(1); }); validator_config.snapshot_config = Some(SnapshotConfig { snapshot_interval_slots: if snapshot_interval_slots > 0 { snapshot_interval_slots } else { std::usize::MAX }, snapshot_path, snapshot_package_output_path: ledger_path.clone(), trusted_validators, }); if matches.is_present("limit_ledger_size") { let limit_ledger_size = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "limit_ledger_size", u64); if limit_ledger_size < DEFAULT_MAX_LEDGER_SLOTS { eprintln!( "The provided --limit-ledger-size value was too small, the minimum value is {}", DEFAULT_MAX_LEDGER_SLOTS ); exit(1); } validator_config.max_ledger_slots = Some(limit_ledger_size); } if matches.value_of("signer_addr").is_some() { warn!("--vote-signer-address ignored"); } println!( "{} {}", style(crate_name!()).bold(), solana_clap_utils::version!() ); let _log_redirect = { #[cfg(unix)] { let default_logfile = format!( "solana-validator-{}-{}.log", identity_keypair.pubkey(), chrono::Utc::now().format("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") ); let logfile = matches.value_of("logfile").unwrap_or(&default_logfile); if logfile == "-" { None } else { println!("log file: {}", logfile); Some(gag::Redirect::stderr(File::create(logfile).unwrap_or_else( |err| { eprintln!("Unable to create {}: {:?}", logfile, err); exit(1); }, ))) } } #[cfg(not(unix))] { println!("logging to a file is not supported on this platform"); () } }; solana_logger::setup_with_default( &[ "solana=info", /* info logging for all solana modules */ "rpc=trace", /* json_rpc request/response logging */ ] .join(","), ); info!("Starting validator with: {:#?}", std::env::args_os()); let vote_account = pubkey_of(&matches, "vote_account").unwrap_or_else(|| { // Disable voting because normal (=not bootstrapping) validator rejects // non-voting accounts (= ephemeral keypairs). if ephemeral_voting_keypair && entrypoint.is_some() { warn!("Disabled voting due to the use of ephemeral key for vote account"); validator_config.voting_disabled = true; }; voting_keypair.pubkey() }); solana_metrics::set_host_id(identity_keypair.pubkey().to_string()); solana_metrics::set_panic_hook("validator"); if cuda { solana_perf::perf_libs::init_cuda(); enable_recycler_warming(); } let entrypoint_addr = matches.value_of("entrypoint").map(|entrypoint| { solana_net_utils::parse_host_port(entrypoint).unwrap_or_else(|e| { eprintln!("failed to parse entrypoint address: {}", e); exit(1); }) }); let gossip_host = if let Some(entrypoint_addr) = entrypoint_addr { solana_net_utils::get_public_ip_addr(&entrypoint_addr).unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!( "Failed to contact cluster entrypoint {}: {}", entrypoint_addr, err ); exit(1); }) } else { solana_net_utils::parse_host(matches.value_of("gossip_host").unwrap_or("")) .unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("Error: {}", err); exit(1); }) }; let gossip_addr = SocketAddr::new( gossip_host, value_t!(matches, "gossip_port", u16).unwrap_or_else(|_| { solana_net_utils::find_available_port_in_range((0, 1)) .expect("unable to find an available gossip port") }), ); let cluster_entrypoint = entrypoint_addr .as_ref() .map(ContactInfo::new_gossip_entry_point); let mut tcp_ports = vec![]; let mut node = Node::new_with_external_ip(&identity_keypair.pubkey(), &gossip_addr, dynamic_port_range); if !private_rpc { if let Some((rpc_port, rpc_pubsub_port)) = validator_config.rpc_ports { = SocketAddr::new(, rpc_port); = SocketAddr::new(, rpc_pubsub_port); tcp_ports = vec![rpc_port, rpc_pubsub_port]; } } if let Some(ref cluster_entrypoint) = cluster_entrypoint { let udp_sockets = vec![&node.sockets.gossip, &]; let mut tcp_listeners: Vec<(_, _)> = tcp_ports .iter() .map(|port| { ( *port, TcpListener::bind(&SocketAddr::from(([0, 0, 0, 0], *port))).unwrap_or_else( |err| { error!("Unable to bind to tcp/{}: {}", port, err); std::process::exit(1); }, ), ) }) .collect(); if let Some(ip_echo) = &node.sockets.ip_echo { let ip_echo = ip_echo.try_clone().expect("unable to clone tcp_listener"); tcp_listeners.push((, ip_echo)); } solana_net_utils::verify_reachable_ports( &cluster_entrypoint.gossip, tcp_listeners, &udp_sockets, ); if !no_genesis_fetch { let (rpc_client, rpc_addr) = get_rpc_addr( &node, &identity_keypair, &cluster_entrypoint.gossip, validator_config.expected_shred_version, validator_config .snapshot_config .as_ref() .unwrap() .trusted_validators .as_ref(), no_snapshot_fetch, ); download_ledger(&rpc_addr, &ledger_path, no_snapshot_fetch).unwrap_or_else(|err| { error!("Failed to initialize ledger: {}", err); exit(1); }); let genesis_hash = rpc_client.get_genesis_hash().unwrap_or_else(|err| { error!("Failed to get genesis hash: {}", err); exit(1); }); if let Some(expected_genesis_hash) = validator_config.expected_genesis_hash { if expected_genesis_hash != genesis_hash { error!( "Genesis hash mismatch: expected {} but local genesis hash is {}", expected_genesis_hash, genesis_hash, ); exit(1); } } validator_config.expected_genesis_hash = Some(genesis_hash); if !validator_config.voting_disabled { check_vote_account( &rpc_client, &vote_account, &voting_keypair.pubkey(), &identity_keypair.pubkey(), ) .unwrap_or_else(|err| { error!("Failed to check vote account: {}", err); exit(1); }); } } } if !ledger_path.is_dir() { error!( "ledger directory does not exist or is not accessible: {:?}", ledger_path ); exit(1); } let validator = Validator::new( node, &identity_keypair, &ledger_path, &vote_account, &Arc::new(voting_keypair), &Arc::new(storage_keypair), cluster_entrypoint.as_ref(), !skip_poh_verify, &validator_config, ); if let Some(filename) = init_complete_file { File::create(filename).unwrap_or_else(|_| { error!("Unable to create: {}", filename); exit(1); }); } info!("Validator initialized"); validator.join().expect("validator exit"); info!("Validator exiting.."); }