use crate::{ account_info::AccountInfo, entrypoint::ProgramResult, instruction::Instruction, pubkey::Pubkey, }; /// Invoke a cross-program instruction. /// /// Notes: /// - RefCell checking can be compute unit expensive, to avoid that expense use /// `invoke_unchecked` instead, but at your own risk. pub fn invoke(instruction: &Instruction, account_infos: &[AccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult { invoke_signed(instruction, account_infos, &[]) } /// Invoke a cross-program instruction but don't enforce RefCell handling. /// /// Notes: /// - The missing checks ensured that the invocation doesn't violate the borrow /// rules of the `AccountInfo` fields that are wrapped in `RefCell`s. To /// include the checks call `invoke` instead. pub fn invoke_unchecked(instruction: &Instruction, account_infos: &[AccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult { invoke_signed_unchecked(instruction, account_infos, &[]) } /// Invoke a cross-program instruction with program signatures /// /// Notes: /// - RefCell checking can be compute unit expensive, to avoid that expense use /// `invoke_signed_unchecked` instead, but at your own risk. pub fn invoke_signed( instruction: &Instruction, account_infos: &[AccountInfo], signers_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]], ) -> ProgramResult { // Check that the account RefCells are consistent with the request for account_meta in instruction.accounts.iter() { for account_info in account_infos.iter() { if account_meta.pubkey == *account_info.key { if account_meta.is_writable { let _ = account_info.try_borrow_mut_lamports()?; let _ = account_info.try_borrow_mut_data()?; } else { let _ = account_info.try_borrow_lamports()?; let _ = account_info.try_borrow_data()?; } break; } } } invoke_signed_unchecked(instruction, account_infos, signers_seeds) } /// Invoke a cross-program instruction with program signatures but don't check /// RefCell handling. /// /// Note: /// - The missing checks ensured that the invocation doesn't violate the borrow /// rules of the `AccountInfo` fields that are wrapped in `RefCell`s. To /// include the checks call `invoke_signed` instead. pub fn invoke_signed_unchecked( instruction: &Instruction, account_infos: &[AccountInfo], signers_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]], ) -> ProgramResult { #[cfg(target_arch = "bpf")] { extern "C" { fn sol_invoke_signed_rust( instruction_addr: *const u8, account_infos_addr: *const u8, account_infos_len: u64, signers_seeds_addr: *const u8, signers_seeds_len: u64, ) -> u64; } let result = unsafe { sol_invoke_signed_rust( instruction as *const _ as *const u8, account_infos as *const _ as *const u8, account_infos.len() as u64, signers_seeds as *const _ as *const u8, signers_seeds.len() as u64, ) }; match result { crate::entrypoint::SUCCESS => Ok(()), _ => Err(result.into()), } } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "bpf"))] crate::program_stubs::sol_invoke_signed(instruction, account_infos, signers_seeds) } /// Maximum size that can be set using sol_set_return_data() pub const MAX_RETURN_DATA: usize = 1024; /// Set a program's return data pub fn set_return_data(data: &[u8]) { #[cfg(target_arch = "bpf")] { extern "C" { fn sol_set_return_data(data: *const u8, length: u64); } unsafe { sol_set_return_data(data.as_ptr(), data.len() as u64) }; } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "bpf"))] crate::program_stubs::sol_set_return_data(data) } /// Get the return data from invoked program pub fn get_return_data() -> Option<(Pubkey, Vec)> { #[cfg(target_arch = "bpf")] { use std::cmp::min; extern "C" { fn sol_get_return_data(data: *mut u8, length: u64, program_id: *mut Pubkey) -> u64; } let mut buf = [0u8; MAX_RETURN_DATA]; let mut program_id = Pubkey::default(); let size = unsafe { sol_get_return_data(buf.as_mut_ptr(), buf.len() as u64, &mut program_id) }; if size == 0 { None } else { let size = min(size as usize, MAX_RETURN_DATA); Some((program_id, buf[..size as usize].to_vec())) } } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "bpf"))] crate::program_stubs::sol_get_return_data() } #[allow(clippy::integer_arithmetic)] pub fn check_type_assumptions() { extern crate memoffset; use { crate::{clock::Epoch, instruction::AccountMeta}, memoffset::offset_of, std::{ cell::RefCell, mem::{align_of, size_of}, rc::Rc, str::FromStr, }, }; // Code in this file assumes that u64 and usize are the same assert_eq!(size_of::(), size_of::()); // Code in this file assumes that u8 is byte aligned assert_eq!(1, align_of::()); // Enforce Instruction layout { assert_eq!(size_of::(), 32 + 1 + 1); let pubkey1 = Pubkey::from_str("J9PYCcoKusHyKRMXnBL17VTXC3MVETyqBG2KyLXVv6Ai").unwrap(); let pubkey2 = Pubkey::from_str("Hvy4GHgPToZNoENTKjC4mJqpzWWjgTwXrFufKfxYiKkV").unwrap(); let pubkey3 = Pubkey::from_str("JDMyRL8rCkae7maCSv47upNuBMFd3Mgos1fz2AvYzVzY").unwrap(); let account_meta1 = AccountMeta { pubkey: pubkey2, is_signer: true, is_writable: false, }; let account_meta2 = AccountMeta { pubkey: pubkey3, is_signer: false, is_writable: true, }; let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; let instruction = Instruction { program_id: pubkey1, accounts: vec![account_meta1.clone(), account_meta2.clone()], data: data.clone(), }; let instruction_addr = &instruction as *const _ as u64; // program id assert_eq!(offset_of!(Instruction, program_id), 48); let pubkey_ptr = (instruction_addr + 48) as *const Pubkey; unsafe { assert_eq!(*pubkey_ptr, pubkey1); } // accounts assert_eq!(offset_of!(Instruction, accounts), 0); let accounts_ptr = (instruction_addr) as *const *const AccountMeta; let accounts_cap = (instruction_addr + 8) as *const usize; let accounts_len = (instruction_addr + 16) as *const usize; unsafe { assert_eq!(*accounts_cap, 2); assert_eq!(*accounts_len, 2); let account_meta_ptr = *accounts_ptr; assert_eq!(*account_meta_ptr, account_meta1); assert_eq!(*(account_meta_ptr.offset(1)), account_meta2); } // data assert_eq!(offset_of!(Instruction, data), 24); let data_ptr = (instruction_addr + 24) as *const *const [u8; 5]; let data_cap = (instruction_addr + 24 + 8) as *const usize; let data_len = (instruction_addr + 24 + 16) as *const usize; unsafe { assert_eq!(*data_cap, 5); assert_eq!(*data_len, 5); let u8_ptr = *data_ptr; assert_eq!(*u8_ptr, data[..]); } } // Enforce AccountInfo layout { let key = Pubkey::from_str("6o8R9NsUxNskF1MfWM1f265y4w86JYbEwqCmTacdLkHp").unwrap(); let mut lamports = 31; let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; let owner = Pubkey::from_str("2tjK4XyNU54XdN9jokx46QzLybbLVGwQQvTfhcuBXAjR").unwrap(); let account_info = AccountInfo { key: &key, is_signer: true, is_writable: false, lamports: Rc::new(RefCell::new(&mut lamports)), data: Rc::new(RefCell::new(&mut data)), owner: &owner, executable: true, rent_epoch: 42, }; let account_info_addr = &account_info as *const _ as u64; // key assert_eq!(offset_of!(AccountInfo, key), 0); let key_ptr = (account_info_addr) as *const &Pubkey; unsafe { assert_eq!(**key_ptr, key); } // is_signer assert_eq!(offset_of!(AccountInfo, is_signer), 40); let is_signer_ptr = (account_info_addr + 40) as *const bool; unsafe { assert!(*is_signer_ptr); } // is_writable assert_eq!(offset_of!(AccountInfo, is_writable), 41); let is_writable_ptr = (account_info_addr + 41) as *const bool; unsafe { assert!(!*is_writable_ptr); } // lamports assert_eq!(offset_of!(AccountInfo, lamports), 8); let lamports_ptr = (account_info_addr + 8) as *const Rc>; unsafe { assert_eq!(**(*lamports_ptr).as_ptr(), 31); } // data assert_eq!(offset_of!(AccountInfo, data), 16); let data_ptr = (account_info_addr + 16) as *const Rc>; unsafe { assert_eq!((*(*data_ptr).as_ptr())[..], data[..]); } // owner assert_eq!(offset_of!(AccountInfo, owner), 24); let owner_ptr = (account_info_addr + 24) as *const &Pubkey; unsafe { assert_eq!(**owner_ptr, owner); } // executable assert_eq!(offset_of!(AccountInfo, executable), 42); let executable_ptr = (account_info_addr + 42) as *const bool; unsafe { assert!(*executable_ptr); } // rent_epoch assert_eq!(offset_of!(AccountInfo, rent_epoch), 32); let renbt_epoch_ptr = (account_info_addr + 32) as *const Epoch; unsafe { assert_eq!(*renbt_epoch_ptr, 42); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #[test] fn test_check_type_assumptions() { super::check_type_assumptions() } }