#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e cd "$(dirname "$0")" # shellcheck source=ci/rust-version.sh source ../ci/rust-version.sh stable : "${rust_stable:=}" # Pacify shellcheck # pre-build with output enabled to appease Travis CI's hang check cargo build -p solana-cli usage=$(cargo -q run -p solana-cli -- -C ~/.foo --help | sed -e 's|'"$HOME"'|~|g' -e 's/[[:space:]]\+$//') out=${1:-src/cli/usage.md} cat src/cli/.usage.md.header > "$out" section() { declare mark=${2:-"###"} declare section=$1 read -r name rest <<<"$section" printf '%s %s ' "$mark" "$name" printf '```text %s ``` ' "$section" } section "$usage" >> "$out" usage=$(sed -e '/^ \{5,\}/d' <<<"$usage") in_subcommands=0 while read -r subcommand rest; do [[ $subcommand == "SUBCOMMANDS:" ]] && in_subcommands=1 && continue if ((in_subcommands)); then section "$(cargo -q run -p solana-cli -- help "$subcommand" | sed -e 's|'"$HOME"'|~|g' -e 's/[[:space:]]\+$//')" "####" >> "$out" fi done <<<"$usage">>"$out"