#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source ci/upload-ci-artifact.sh eval "$(ci/channel-info.sh)" # This job doesn't run within a container, try once to upgrade tooling on a # version check failure ci/version-check-with-upgrade.sh nightly _() { echo "--- $*" "$@" } set -o pipefail export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 UPLOAD_METRICS="" TARGET_BRANCH=$BUILDKITE_BRANCH if [[ -z $BUILDKITE_BRANCH ]] || ./ci/is-pr.sh; then TARGET_BRANCH=$EDGE_CHANNEL else UPLOAD_METRICS="upload" fi BENCH_FILE=bench_output.log BENCH_ARTIFACT=current_bench_results.log _ cargo bench --features=unstable --verbose -- -Z unstable-options --format=json | tee "$BENCH_FILE" # Run bpf_loader bench with bpf_c feature enabled ( set -x cd "programs/native/bpf_loader" echo --- program/native/bpf_loader bench --features=bpf_c cargo bench --verbose --features="bpf_c" -- -Z unstable-options --format=json --nocapture | tee -a ../../../"$BENCH_FILE" ) _ cargo run --release --package solana-upload-perf -- "$BENCH_FILE" "$TARGET_BRANCH" "$UPLOAD_METRICS" > "$BENCH_ARTIFACT" upload-ci-artifact "$BENCH_ARTIFACT"