//! Crds Gossip Push overlay //! This module is used to propagate recently created CrdsValues across the network //! Eager push strategy is based on Plumtree //! http://asc.di.fct.unl.pt/~jleitao/pdf/srds07-leitao.pdf //! //! Main differences are: //! 1. There is no `max hop`. Messages are signed with a local wallclock. If they are outside of //! the local nodes wallclock window they are drooped silently. //! 2. The prune set is stored in a Bloom filter. use crate::contact_info::ContactInfo; use crate::crds::{Crds, VersionedCrdsValue}; use crate::crds_gossip::{get_stake, get_weight, CRDS_GOSSIP_BLOOM_SIZE}; use crate::crds_gossip_error::CrdsGossipError; use crate::crds_value::{CrdsValue, CrdsValueLabel}; use crate::packet::BLOB_DATA_SIZE; use bincode::serialized_size; use hashbrown::HashMap; use indexmap::map::IndexMap; use rand; use rand::distributions::{Distribution, WeightedIndex}; use rand::seq::SliceRandom; use solana_runtime::bloom::Bloom; use solana_sdk::hash::Hash; use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey; use solana_sdk::timing::timestamp; use std::cmp; pub const CRDS_GOSSIP_NUM_ACTIVE: usize = 30; pub const CRDS_GOSSIP_PUSH_FANOUT: usize = 6; pub const CRDS_GOSSIP_PUSH_MSG_TIMEOUT_MS: u64 = 5000; pub const CRDS_GOSSIP_PRUNE_MSG_TIMEOUT_MS: u64 = 500; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct CrdsGossipPush { /// max bytes per message pub max_bytes: usize, /// active set of validators for push active_set: IndexMap>, /// push message queue push_messages: HashMap, pushed_once: HashMap, pub num_active: usize, pub push_fanout: usize, pub msg_timeout: u64, pub prune_timeout: u64, } impl Default for CrdsGossipPush { fn default() -> Self { Self { max_bytes: BLOB_DATA_SIZE, active_set: IndexMap::new(), push_messages: HashMap::new(), pushed_once: HashMap::new(), num_active: CRDS_GOSSIP_NUM_ACTIVE, push_fanout: CRDS_GOSSIP_PUSH_FANOUT, msg_timeout: CRDS_GOSSIP_PUSH_MSG_TIMEOUT_MS, prune_timeout: CRDS_GOSSIP_PRUNE_MSG_TIMEOUT_MS, } } } impl CrdsGossipPush { pub fn num_pending(&self) -> usize { self.push_messages.len() } /// process a push message to the network pub fn process_push_message( &mut self, crds: &mut Crds, value: CrdsValue, now: u64, ) -> Result, CrdsGossipError> { if now > value.wallclock() + self.msg_timeout { return Err(CrdsGossipError::PushMessageTimeout); } if now + self.msg_timeout < value.wallclock() { return Err(CrdsGossipError::PushMessageTimeout); } let label = value.label(); let new_value = crds.new_versioned(now, value); let value_hash = new_value.value_hash; if self.pushed_once.get(&value_hash).is_some() { return Err(CrdsGossipError::PushMessagePrune); } let old = crds.insert_versioned(new_value); if old.is_err() { return Err(CrdsGossipError::PushMessageOldVersion); } self.push_messages.insert(label, value_hash); self.pushed_once.insert(value_hash, now); Ok(old.ok().and_then(|opt| opt)) } /// New push message to broadcast to peers. /// Returns a list of Pubkeys for the selected peers and a list of values to send to all the /// peers. /// The list of push messages is created such that all the randomly selected peers have not /// pruned the source addresses. pub fn new_push_messages(&mut self, crds: &Crds, now: u64) -> (Vec, Vec) { let max = self.active_set.len(); let mut nodes: Vec<_> = (0..max).collect(); nodes.shuffle(&mut rand::thread_rng()); let peers: Vec = nodes .into_iter() .filter_map(|n| self.active_set.get_index(n)) .take(self.push_fanout) .map(|n| *n.0) .collect(); let mut total_bytes: usize = 0; let mut values = vec![]; for (label, hash) in &self.push_messages { let mut failed = false; for p in &peers { let filter = self.active_set.get_mut(p); failed |= filter.is_none() || filter.unwrap().contains(&label.pubkey()); } if failed { continue; } let res = crds.lookup_versioned(label); if res.is_none() { continue; } let version = res.unwrap(); if version.value_hash != *hash { continue; } let value = &version.value; if value.wallclock() > now || value.wallclock() + self.msg_timeout < now { continue; } total_bytes += serialized_size(value).unwrap() as usize; if total_bytes > self.max_bytes { break; } values.push(value.clone()); } for v in &values { self.push_messages.remove(&v.label()); } (peers, values) } /// add the `from` to the peer's filter of nodes pub fn process_prune_msg(&mut self, peer: Pubkey, origins: &[Pubkey]) { for origin in origins { if let Some(p) = self.active_set.get_mut(&peer) { p.add(origin) } } } fn compute_need(num_active: usize, active_set_len: usize, ratio: usize) -> usize { let num = active_set_len / ratio; cmp::min(num_active, (num_active - active_set_len) + num) } /// refresh the push active set /// * ratio - active_set.len()/ratio is the number of actives to rotate pub fn refresh_push_active_set( &mut self, crds: &Crds, stakes: &HashMap, self_id: Pubkey, network_size: usize, ratio: usize, ) { let need = Self::compute_need(self.num_active, self.active_set.len(), ratio); let mut new_items = HashMap::new(); let mut options: Vec<_> = crds .table .values() .filter(|v| v.value.contact_info().is_some()) .map(|v| (v.value.contact_info().unwrap(), v)) .filter(|(info, _)| info.id != self_id && ContactInfo::is_valid_address(&info.gossip)) .map(|(info, value)| { let max_weight = f32::from(u16::max_value()) - 1.0; let last_updated: u64 = value.local_timestamp; let since = ((timestamp() - last_updated) / 1024) as u32; let stake = get_stake(&info.id, stakes); let weight = get_weight(max_weight, since, stake); (weight, info) }) .collect(); if options.is_empty() { return; } while new_items.len() < need { let index = WeightedIndex::new(options.iter().map(|weighted| weighted.0)); if index.is_err() { break; } let index = index.unwrap(); let index = index.sample(&mut rand::thread_rng()); let item = options[index].1; options.remove(index); if self.active_set.get(&item.id).is_some() { continue; } if new_items.get(&item.id).is_some() { continue; } let size = cmp::max(CRDS_GOSSIP_BLOOM_SIZE, network_size); let bloom = Bloom::random(size, 0.1, 1024 * 8 * 4); new_items.insert(item.id, bloom); } let mut keys: Vec = self.active_set.keys().cloned().collect(); keys.shuffle(&mut rand::thread_rng()); let num = keys.len() / ratio; for k in &keys[..num] { self.active_set.remove(k); } for (k, v) in new_items { self.active_set.insert(k, v); } } /// purge old pending push messages pub fn purge_old_pending_push_messages(&mut self, crds: &Crds, min_time: u64) { let old_msgs: Vec = self .push_messages .iter() .filter_map(|(k, hash)| { if let Some(versioned) = crds.lookup_versioned(k) { if versioned.value.wallclock() < min_time || versioned.value_hash != *hash { Some(k) } else { None } } else { Some(k) } }) .cloned() .collect(); for k in old_msgs { self.push_messages.remove(&k); } } /// purge old pushed_once messages pub fn purge_old_pushed_once_messages(&mut self, min_time: u64) { let old_msgs: Vec = self .pushed_once .iter() .filter_map(|(k, v)| if *v < min_time { Some(k) } else { None }) .cloned() .collect(); for k in old_msgs { self.pushed_once.remove(&k); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use crate::contact_info::ContactInfo; use solana_sdk::signature::{Keypair, KeypairUtil}; use std::f32::consts::E; #[test] fn test_process_push() { let mut crds = Crds::default(); let mut push = CrdsGossipPush::default(); let value = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0)); let label = value.label(); // push a new message assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, value.clone(), 0), Ok(None) ); assert_eq!(crds.lookup(&label), Some(&value)); // push it again assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, value.clone(), 0), Err(CrdsGossipError::PushMessagePrune) ); } #[test] fn test_process_push_old_version() { let mut crds = Crds::default(); let mut push = CrdsGossipPush::default(); let mut ci = ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0); ci.wallclock = 1; let value = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ci.clone()); // push a new message assert_eq!(push.process_push_message(&mut crds, value, 0), Ok(None)); // push an old version ci.wallclock = 0; let value = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ci.clone()); assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, value, 0), Err(CrdsGossipError::PushMessageOldVersion) ); } #[test] fn test_process_push_timeout() { let mut crds = Crds::default(); let mut push = CrdsGossipPush::default(); let timeout = push.msg_timeout; let mut ci = ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0); // push a version to far in the future ci.wallclock = timeout + 1; let value = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ci.clone()); assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, value, 0), Err(CrdsGossipError::PushMessageTimeout) ); // push a version to far in the past ci.wallclock = 0; let value = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ci.clone()); assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, value, timeout + 1), Err(CrdsGossipError::PushMessageTimeout) ); } #[test] fn test_process_push_update() { let mut crds = Crds::default(); let mut push = CrdsGossipPush::default(); let mut ci = ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0); ci.wallclock = 0; let value_old = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ci.clone()); // push a new message assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, value_old.clone(), 0), Ok(None) ); // push an old version ci.wallclock = 1; let value = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ci.clone()); assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, value, 0) .unwrap() .unwrap() .value, value_old ); } #[test] fn test_compute_need() { assert_eq!(CrdsGossipPush::compute_need(30, 0, 10), 30); assert_eq!(CrdsGossipPush::compute_need(30, 1, 10), 29); assert_eq!(CrdsGossipPush::compute_need(30, 30, 10), 3); assert_eq!(CrdsGossipPush::compute_need(30, 29, 10), 3); } #[test] fn test_refresh_active_set() { solana_logger::setup(); let mut crds = Crds::default(); let mut push = CrdsGossipPush::default(); let value1 = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0)); assert_eq!(crds.insert(value1.clone(), 0), Ok(None)); push.refresh_push_active_set(&crds, &HashMap::new(), Pubkey::default(), 1, 1); assert!(push.active_set.get(&value1.label().pubkey()).is_some()); let value2 = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0)); assert!(push.active_set.get(&value2.label().pubkey()).is_none()); assert_eq!(crds.insert(value2.clone(), 0), Ok(None)); for _ in 0..30 { push.refresh_push_active_set(&crds, &HashMap::new(), Pubkey::default(), 1, 1); if push.active_set.get(&value2.label().pubkey()).is_some() { break; } } assert!(push.active_set.get(&value2.label().pubkey()).is_some()); for _ in 0..push.num_active { let value2 = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0)); assert_eq!(crds.insert(value2.clone(), 0), Ok(None)); } push.refresh_push_active_set(&crds, &HashMap::new(), Pubkey::default(), 1, 1); assert_eq!(push.active_set.len(), push.num_active); } #[test] fn test_active_set_refresh_with_bank() { let time = timestamp() - 1024; //make sure there's at least a 1 second delay let mut crds = Crds::default(); let mut push = CrdsGossipPush::default(); let mut stakes = HashMap::new(); for i in 1..=100 { let peer = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), time)); let id = peer.label().pubkey(); crds.insert(peer.clone(), time).unwrap(); stakes.insert(id, i * 100); } let min_balance = E.powf(7000_f32.ln() - 0.5); // try upto 10 times because of rng for _ in 0..10 { push.refresh_push_active_set(&crds, &stakes, Pubkey::default(), 100, 30); let mut num_correct = 0; let mut num_wrong = 0; push.active_set.iter().for_each(|peer| { if *stakes.get(peer.0).unwrap_or(&0) >= min_balance as u64 { num_correct += 1; } else { num_wrong += 1; } }); // at least half of the heaviest nodes should be picked if num_wrong <= num_correct { return; } } assert!( false, "expected at 50% of the active set to contain the heaviest nodes" ); } #[test] fn test_new_push_messages() { let mut crds = Crds::default(); let mut push = CrdsGossipPush::default(); let peer = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0)); assert_eq!(crds.insert(peer.clone(), 0), Ok(None)); push.refresh_push_active_set(&crds, &HashMap::new(), Pubkey::default(), 1, 1); let new_msg = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0)); assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, new_msg.clone(), 0), Ok(None) ); assert_eq!(push.active_set.len(), 1); assert_eq!( push.new_push_messages(&crds, 0), (vec![peer.label().pubkey()], vec![new_msg]) ); } #[test] fn test_process_prune() { let mut crds = Crds::default(); let mut push = CrdsGossipPush::default(); let peer = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0)); assert_eq!(crds.insert(peer.clone(), 0), Ok(None)); push.refresh_push_active_set(&crds, &HashMap::new(), Pubkey::default(), 1, 1); let new_msg = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0)); assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, new_msg.clone(), 0), Ok(None) ); push.process_prune_msg(peer.label().pubkey(), &[new_msg.label().pubkey()]); assert_eq!( push.new_push_messages(&crds, 0), (vec![peer.label().pubkey()], vec![]) ); } #[test] fn test_purge_old_pending_push_messages() { let mut crds = Crds::default(); let mut push = CrdsGossipPush::default(); let peer = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0)); assert_eq!(crds.insert(peer.clone(), 0), Ok(None)); push.refresh_push_active_set(&crds, &HashMap::new(), Pubkey::default(), 1, 1); let mut ci = ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0); ci.wallclock = 1; let new_msg = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ci.clone()); assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, new_msg.clone(), 1), Ok(None) ); push.purge_old_pending_push_messages(&crds, 0); assert_eq!( push.new_push_messages(&crds, 0), (vec![peer.label().pubkey()], vec![]) ); } #[test] fn test_purge_old_pushed_once_messages() { let mut crds = Crds::default(); let mut push = CrdsGossipPush::default(); let mut ci = ContactInfo::new_localhost(Keypair::new().pubkey(), 0); ci.wallclock = 0; let value = CrdsValue::ContactInfo(ci.clone()); let label = value.label(); // push a new message assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, value.clone(), 0), Ok(None) ); assert_eq!(crds.lookup(&label), Some(&value)); // push it again assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, value.clone(), 0), Err(CrdsGossipError::PushMessagePrune) ); // purge the old pushed push.purge_old_pushed_once_messages(1); // push it again assert_eq!( push.process_push_message(&mut crds, value.clone(), 0), Err(CrdsGossipError::PushMessageOldVersion) ); } }