use crate::accounts_db::SnapshotStorage; use log::*; use solana_measure::measure::Measure; use solana_sdk::clock::Slot; use std::ops::Range; pub struct SortedStorages<'a> { range: Range, storages: Vec>, slot_count: usize, } impl<'a> SortedStorages<'a> { pub fn get(&self, slot: Slot) -> Option<&SnapshotStorage> { if !self.range.contains(&slot) { None } else { let index = (slot - self.range.start) as usize; self.storages[index] } } pub fn range_width(&self) -> Slot { self.range.end - self.range.start } pub fn range(&self) -> &Range { &self.range } pub fn slot_count(&self) -> usize { self.slot_count } // assumptions: // 1. each SnapshotStorage.!is_empty() // 2. SnapshotStorage.first().unwrap().get_slot() is unique from all other SnapshotStorage items. pub fn new(source: &'a [SnapshotStorage]) -> Self { let slots = source .iter() .map(|storages| { let first = storages.first(); assert!(first.is_some(), "SnapshotStorage.is_empty()"); let storage = first.unwrap(); storage.slot() // this must be unique. Will be enforced in new_with_slots }) .collect::>(); Self::new_with_slots(source.iter().zip(slots.iter()), None, None) } // source[i] is in slot slots[i] // assumptions: // 1. slots vector contains unique slot #s. // 2. slots and source are the same len pub fn new_with_slots<'b>( source: impl Iterator + Clone, // A slot used as a lower bound, but potentially smaller than the smallest slot in the given 'source' iterator min_slot: Option, // highest valid slot. Only matters if source array does not contain a slot >= max_slot_inclusive. // An example is a slot that has accounts in the write cache at slots <= 'max_slot_inclusive' but no storages at those slots. // None => self.range.end = source.1.max() + 1 // Some(slot) => self.range.end = std::cmp::max(slot, source.1.max()) max_slot_inclusive: Option, ) -> Self { let mut min = Slot::MAX; let mut max = Slot::MIN; let mut adjust_min_max = |slot| { min = std::cmp::min(slot, min); max = std::cmp::max(slot + 1, max); }; // none, either, or both of min/max could be specified if let Some(slot) = min_slot { adjust_min_max(slot); } if let Some(slot) = max_slot_inclusive { adjust_min_max(slot); } let mut slot_count = 0; let mut time = Measure::start("get slot"); let source_ = source.clone(); source_.for_each(|(_, slot)| { slot_count += 1; adjust_min_max(*slot); }); time.stop(); let mut time2 = Measure::start("sort"); let range; let mut storages; if min > max { range = Range::default(); storages = vec![]; } else { range = Range { start: min, end: max, }; let len = max - min; storages = vec![None; len as usize]; source.for_each(|(original_storages, slot)| { let index = (slot - min) as usize; assert!(storages[index].is_none(), "slots are not unique"); // we should not encounter the same slot twice storages[index] = Some(original_storages); }); } time2.stop(); debug!("SortedStorages, times: {}, {}", time.as_us(), time2.as_us()); Self { range, storages, slot_count, } } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use super::*; impl<'a> SortedStorages<'a> { pub fn new_debug(source: &[(&'a SnapshotStorage, Slot)], min: Slot, len: usize) -> Self { let mut storages = vec![None; len]; let range = Range { start: min, end: min + len as Slot, }; let slot_count = source.len(); for (storage, slot) in source { storages[*slot as usize] = Some(*storage); } Self { range, storages, slot_count, } } } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "SnapshotStorage.is_empty()")] fn test_sorted_storages_empty() { SortedStorages::new(&[Vec::new()]); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "slots are not unique")] fn test_sorted_storages_duplicate_slots() { SortedStorages::new_with_slots( [Vec::new(), Vec::new()].iter().zip([0, 0].iter()), None, None, ); } #[test] fn test_sorted_storages_none() { let result = SortedStorages::new_with_slots([].iter().zip([].iter()), None, None); assert_eq!(result.range, Range::default()); assert_eq!(result.slot_count, 0); assert_eq!(result.storages.len(), 0); assert!(result.get(0).is_none()); } #[test] fn test_sorted_storages_1() { let vec = vec![]; let vec_check = vec.clone(); let slot = 4; let vecs = [vec]; let result = SortedStorages::new_with_slots(vecs.iter().zip([slot].iter()), None, None); assert_eq!( result.range, Range { start: slot, end: slot + 1 } ); assert_eq!(result.slot_count, 1); assert_eq!(result.storages.len(), 1); assert_eq!(result.get(slot).unwrap().len(), vec_check.len()); } #[test] fn test_sorted_storages_2() { let vec = vec![]; let vec_check = vec.clone(); let slots = [4, 7]; let vecs = [vec.clone(), vec]; let result = SortedStorages::new_with_slots(vecs.iter().zip(slots.iter()), None, None); assert_eq!( result.range, Range { start: slots[0], end: slots[1] + 1, } ); assert_eq!(result.slot_count, 2); assert_eq!(result.storages.len() as Slot, slots[1] - slots[0] + 1); assert!(result.get(0).is_none()); assert!(result.get(3).is_none()); assert!(result.get(5).is_none()); assert!(result.get(6).is_none()); assert!(result.get(8).is_none()); assert_eq!(result.get(slots[0]).unwrap().len(), vec_check.len()); assert_eq!(result.get(slots[1]).unwrap().len(), vec_check.len()); } }