#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Runs all tests and collects code coverage # # Warning: this process is a little slow # set -e cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." _() { echo "--- $*" "$@" } : "${BUILDKITE_COMMIT:=local}" reportName="lcov-${BUILDKITE_COMMIT:0:9}" export RUSTFLAGS=" -Zprofile -Zno-landing-pads -Ccodegen-units=1 -Cinline-threshold=0 -Coverflow-checks=off " export CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 echo "--- remove old coverage results" if [[ -d target/cov ]]; then find target/cov -name \*.gcda -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f fi rm -rf target/cov/$reportName _ cargo +nightly build --target-dir target/cov --all _ cargo +nightly test --target-dir target/cov --lib --all _ scripts/fetch-grcov.sh echo "--- grcov" ./grcov target/cov/debug/deps/ > target/cov/lcov_full.info echo "--- filter_non_local_files_from_lcov" filter_non_local_files_from_lcov() { declare skip=false while read -r line; do if [[ $line =~ ^SF:/ ]]; then skip=true # Skip all absolute paths as these are references into ~/.cargo elif [[ $line =~ ^SF:(.*) ]]; then # Skip relative paths that don't exist declare file="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" if [[ -r $file ]]; then skip=false else skip=true fi fi [[ $skip = true ]] || echo "$line" done } filter_non_local_files_from_lcov < target/cov/lcov_full.info > target/cov/lcov.info echo "--- html report" # ProTip: genhtml comes from |brew install lcov| or |apt-get install lcov| genhtml --output-directory target/cov/$reportName \ --show-details \ --highlight \ --ignore-errors source \ --prefix "$PWD" \ --legend \ target/cov/lcov.info ( cd target/cov tar zcf report.tar.gz $reportName ) ls -l target/cov/$reportName/index.html