#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." # check does it need to publish if [[ -n $DO_NOT_PUBLISH_TAR ]]; then echo "Skipping publishing install wrapper" exit 0 fi # check channel and tag eval "$(ci/channel-info.sh)" if [[ -n "$CI_TAG" ]]; then CHANNEL_OR_TAG=$CI_TAG else CHANNEL_OR_TAG=$CHANNEL fi if [[ -z $CHANNEL_OR_TAG ]]; then echo +++ Unable to determine channel or tag to publish into, exiting. exit 0 fi # upload install script source ci/upload-ci-artifact.sh cat >release.solana.com-install <>release.solana.com-install echo --- AWS S3 Store: "install" upload-s3-artifact "/solana/release.solana.com-install" "s3://release.solana.com/$CHANNEL_OR_TAG/install" echo Published to: ci/format-url.sh https://release.solana.com/"$CHANNEL_OR_TAG"/install