// @flow import {expect} from 'chai'; import { Account, Connection, Transaction, SystemProgram, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, } from '../src'; import {MOCK_PORT, url} from './url'; import { helpers, mockErrorMessage, mockErrorResponse, uniqueSignature, uniqueBlockhash, mockRpcResponse, mockServer, } from './mocks/rpc-http'; import { stubRpcWebSocket, restoreRpcWebSocket, mockRpcMessage, } from './mocks/rpc-websockets'; import base58 from 'bs58'; describe('Transaction Payer', () => { let connection: Connection; beforeEach(() => { connection = new Connection(url); }); if (!process.env.TEST_LIVE) { beforeEach(() => { mockServer.start(MOCK_PORT); stubRpcWebSocket(connection); }); afterEach(() => { mockServer.stop(); restoreRpcWebSocket(connection); }); } it('transaction-payer', async () => { const accountPayer = new Account(); const accountFrom = new Account(); const accountTo = new Account(); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: accountPayer.publicKey, amount: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption', params: [0], value: 50, }); const minimumAmount = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(0); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: accountFrom.publicKey, amount: minimumAmount + 12, }); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: accountTo.publicKey, amount: minimumAmount + 21, }); const transaction = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, toPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, lamports: 10, }), ); await helpers.processTransaction({ connection, transaction, signers: [accountPayer, accountFrom], commitment: 'singleGossip', }); const signature = base58.encode(transaction.signature); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [[signature]], value: [ { slot: 0, confirmations: 11, status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, ], withContext: true, }); const {value} = await connection.getSignatureStatus(signature); if (value !== null) { expect(typeof value.slot).to.eq('number'); expect(value.err).to.be.null; } else { expect(value).not.to.be.null; } await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBalance', params: [accountPayer.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'singleGossip'}], value: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - 1, withContext: true, }); // accountPayer should be less than LAMPORTS_PER_SOL as it paid for the transaction // (exact amount less depends on the current cluster fees) const balance = await connection.getBalance( accountPayer.publicKey, 'singleGossip', ); expect(balance).to.be.greaterThan(0); expect(balance).to.be.at.most(LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); // accountFrom should have exactly 2, since it didn't pay for the transaction await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBalance', params: [accountFrom.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'singleGossip'}], value: minimumAmount + 2, withContext: true, }); expect( await connection.getBalance(accountFrom.publicKey, 'singleGossip'), ).to.eq(minimumAmount + 2); }); });