use { crate::shred::{ common::impl_shred_common, shred_code, shred_data, traits::{Shred, ShredCode as ShredCodeTrait, ShredData as ShredDataTrait}, CodingShredHeader, DataShredHeader, Error, ShredCommonHeader, ShredFlags, ShredVariant, SIZE_OF_CODING_SHRED_HEADERS, SIZE_OF_COMMON_SHRED_HEADER, SIZE_OF_DATA_SHRED_HEADERS, SIZE_OF_SIGNATURE, }, solana_perf::packet::deserialize_from_with_limit, solana_sdk::{clock::Slot, signature::Signature}, static_assertions::const_assert_eq, std::{io::Cursor, ops::Range}, }; // All payload including any zero paddings are signed. // Code and data shreds have the same payload size. pub(super) const SIGNED_MESSAGE_RANGE: Range = SIZE_OF_SIGNATURE..ShredData::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD; const_assert_eq!(ShredData::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD, ShredCode::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD); const_assert_eq!(ShredData::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD, 1228); const_assert_eq!(ShredData::CAPACITY, 1051); // ShredCode::SIZE_OF_HEADERS bytes at the end of data shreds // is never used and is not part of erasure coding. const_assert_eq!(SIZE_OF_ERASURE_ENCODED_SLICE, 1139); pub(super) const SIZE_OF_ERASURE_ENCODED_SLICE: usize = ShredCode::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD - ShredCode::SIZE_OF_HEADERS; // Layout: {common, data} headers | data | zero padding // Everything up to ShredCode::SIZE_OF_HEADERS bytes at the end (which is part // of zero padding) is erasure coded. // All payload past signature, including the entirety of zero paddings, is // signed. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct ShredData { common_header: ShredCommonHeader, data_header: DataShredHeader, payload: Vec, } // Layout: {common, coding} headers | erasure coded shard // All payload past signature is singed. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct ShredCode { common_header: ShredCommonHeader, coding_header: CodingShredHeader, payload: Vec, } impl Shred for ShredData { impl_shred_common!(); // Legacy data shreds are always zero padded and // the same size as coding shreds. const SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD: usize = shred_code::ShredCode::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD; const SIZE_OF_HEADERS: usize = SIZE_OF_DATA_SHRED_HEADERS; fn from_payload(mut payload: Vec) -> Result { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&payload[..]); let common_header: ShredCommonHeader = deserialize_from_with_limit(&mut cursor)?; if common_header.shred_variant != ShredVariant::LegacyData { return Err(Error::InvalidShredVariant); } let data_header = deserialize_from_with_limit(&mut cursor)?; // Shreds stored to blockstore may have trailing zeros trimmed. // Repair packets have nonce at the end of packet payload; see: // // if payload.len() < Self::SIZE_OF_HEADERS { return Err(Error::InvalidPayloadSize(payload.len())); } payload.resize(Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD, 0u8); let shred = Self { common_header, data_header, payload, }; shred.sanitize().map(|_| shred) } fn erasure_shard_index(&self) -> Result { shred_data::erasure_shard_index(self).ok_or_else(|| { let headers = Box::new((self.common_header, self.data_header)); Error::InvalidErasureShardIndex(headers) }) } fn erasure_shard(self) -> Result, Error> { if self.payload.len() != Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD { return Err(Error::InvalidPayloadSize(self.payload.len())); } let mut shard = self.payload; shard.truncate(SIZE_OF_ERASURE_ENCODED_SLICE); Ok(shard) } fn erasure_shard_as_slice(&self) -> Result<&[u8], Error> { if self.payload.len() != Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD { return Err(Error::InvalidPayloadSize(self.payload.len())); } Ok(&self.payload[..SIZE_OF_ERASURE_ENCODED_SLICE]) } fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { match self.common_header.shred_variant { ShredVariant::LegacyData => (), _ => return Err(Error::InvalidShredVariant), } shred_data::sanitize(self) } fn signed_message(&self) -> &[u8] { debug_assert_eq!(self.payload.len(), Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD); &self.payload[SIZE_OF_SIGNATURE..] } } impl Shred for ShredCode { impl_shred_common!(); const SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD: usize = shred_code::ShredCode::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD; const SIZE_OF_HEADERS: usize = SIZE_OF_CODING_SHRED_HEADERS; fn from_payload(mut payload: Vec) -> Result { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&payload[..]); let common_header: ShredCommonHeader = deserialize_from_with_limit(&mut cursor)?; if common_header.shred_variant != ShredVariant::LegacyCode { return Err(Error::InvalidShredVariant); } let coding_header = deserialize_from_with_limit(&mut cursor)?; // Repair packets have nonce at the end of packet payload: // payload.truncate(Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD); let shred = Self { common_header, coding_header, payload, }; shred.sanitize().map(|_| shred) } fn erasure_shard_index(&self) -> Result { shred_code::erasure_shard_index(self).ok_or_else(|| { let headers = Box::new((self.common_header, self.coding_header)); Error::InvalidErasureShardIndex(headers) }) } fn erasure_shard(self) -> Result, Error> { if self.payload.len() != Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD { return Err(Error::InvalidPayloadSize(self.payload.len())); } let mut shard = self.payload; // ShredCode::SIZE_OF_HEADERS bytes at the beginning of the coding // shreds contains the header and is not part of erasure coding. shard.drain(..Self::SIZE_OF_HEADERS); Ok(shard) } fn erasure_shard_as_slice(&self) -> Result<&[u8], Error> { if self.payload.len() != Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD { return Err(Error::InvalidPayloadSize(self.payload.len())); } Ok(&self.payload[Self::SIZE_OF_HEADERS..]) } fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { match self.common_header.shred_variant { ShredVariant::LegacyCode => (), _ => return Err(Error::InvalidShredVariant), } shred_code::sanitize(self) } fn signed_message(&self) -> &[u8] { debug_assert_eq!(self.payload.len(), Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD); &self.payload[SIZE_OF_SIGNATURE..] } } impl ShredDataTrait for ShredData { #[inline] fn data_header(&self) -> &DataShredHeader { &self.data_header } fn data(&self) -> Result<&[u8], Error> { let size = usize::from(self.data_header.size); #[allow(clippy::manual_range_contains)] if size > self.payload.len() || size < Self::SIZE_OF_HEADERS || size > Self::SIZE_OF_HEADERS + Self::CAPACITY { return Err(Error::InvalidDataSize { size: self.data_header.size, payload: self.payload.len(), }); } Ok(&self.payload[Self::SIZE_OF_HEADERS..size]) } } impl ShredCodeTrait for ShredCode { #[inline] fn coding_header(&self) -> &CodingShredHeader { &self.coding_header } } impl ShredData { // Maximum size of ledger data that can be embedded in a data-shred. pub(super) const CAPACITY: usize = Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD - Self::SIZE_OF_HEADERS - ShredCode::SIZE_OF_HEADERS; pub(super) fn new_from_data( slot: Slot, index: u32, parent_offset: u16, data: &[u8], flags: ShredFlags, reference_tick: u8, version: u16, fec_set_index: u32, ) -> Self { let mut payload = vec![0; Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD]; let common_header = ShredCommonHeader { signature: Signature::default(), shred_variant: ShredVariant::LegacyData, slot, index, version, fec_set_index, }; let size = (data.len() + Self::SIZE_OF_HEADERS) as u16; let flags = flags | unsafe { ShredFlags::from_bits_unchecked( ShredFlags::SHRED_TICK_REFERENCE_MASK .bits() .min(reference_tick), ) }; let data_header = DataShredHeader { parent_offset, flags, size, }; let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&mut payload[..]); bincode::serialize_into(&mut cursor, &common_header).unwrap(); bincode::serialize_into(&mut cursor, &data_header).unwrap(); // TODO: Need to check if data is too large! let offset = cursor.position() as usize; debug_assert_eq!(offset, Self::SIZE_OF_HEADERS); payload[offset..offset + data.len()].copy_from_slice(data); Self { common_header, data_header, payload, } } pub(super) fn bytes_to_store(&self) -> &[u8] { // Payload will be padded out to Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD. // But only need to store the bytes within data_header.size. &self.payload[..self.data_header.size as usize] } pub(super) fn resize_stored_shred(mut shred: Vec) -> Result, Error> { // Old shreds might have been extra zero padded. if !(Self::SIZE_OF_HEADERS..=Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD).contains(&shred.len()) { return Err(Error::InvalidPayloadSize(shred.len())); } shred.resize(Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD, 0u8); Ok(shred) } // Only for tests. pub(crate) fn set_last_in_slot(&mut self) { self.data_header.flags |= ShredFlags::LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT; let buffer = &mut self.payload[SIZE_OF_COMMON_SHRED_HEADER..]; bincode::serialize_into(buffer, &self.data_header).unwrap(); } } impl ShredCode { pub(super) fn new_from_parity_shard( slot: Slot, index: u32, parity_shard: &[u8], fec_set_index: u32, num_data_shreds: u16, num_coding_shreds: u16, position: u16, version: u16, ) -> Self { let common_header = ShredCommonHeader { signature: Signature::default(), shred_variant: ShredVariant::LegacyCode, index, slot, version, fec_set_index, }; let coding_header = CodingShredHeader { num_data_shreds, num_coding_shreds, position, }; let mut payload = vec![0; Self::SIZE_OF_PAYLOAD]; let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&mut payload[..]); bincode::serialize_into(&mut cursor, &common_header).unwrap(); bincode::serialize_into(&mut cursor, &coding_header).unwrap(); // Tests may have an empty parity_shard. if !parity_shard.is_empty() { let offset = cursor.position() as usize; debug_assert_eq!(offset, Self::SIZE_OF_HEADERS); payload[offset..].copy_from_slice(parity_shard); } Self { common_header, coding_header, payload, } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use { super::*, crate::shred::{shred_code::MAX_CODE_SHREDS_PER_SLOT, ShredType, MAX_DATA_SHREDS_PER_SLOT}, matches::assert_matches, }; #[test] fn test_sanitize_data_shred() { let data = [0xa5u8; ShredData::CAPACITY]; let mut shred = ShredData::new_from_data( 420, // slot 19, // index 5, // parent_offset &data, ShredFlags::DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED, 3, // reference_tick 1, // version 16, // fec_set_index ); assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Ok(())); // Corrupt shred by making it too large { let mut shred = shred.clone(); shred.payload.push(10u8); assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidPayloadSize(1229))); } { let mut shred = shred.clone(); shred.data_header.size += 1; assert_matches!( shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidDataSize { size: 1140, payload: 1228, }) ); } { let mut shred = shred.clone(); shred.data_header.size = 0; assert_matches!( shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidDataSize { size: 0, payload: 1228, }) ); } { let mut shred = shred.clone(); shred.common_header.index = MAX_DATA_SHREDS_PER_SLOT as u32; assert_matches!( shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidShredIndex(ShredType::Data, 32768)) ); } { let mut shred = shred.clone(); shred.data_header.flags |= ShredFlags::LAST_SHRED_IN_SLOT; assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Ok(())); shred.data_header.flags &= !ShredFlags::DATA_COMPLETE_SHRED; assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidShredFlags(131u8))); shred.data_header.flags |= ShredFlags::SHRED_TICK_REFERENCE_MASK; assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidShredFlags(191u8))); } { shred.data_header.size = shred.payload().len() as u16 + 1; assert_matches!( shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidDataSize { size: 1229, payload: 1228, }) ); } } #[test] fn test_sanitize_coding_shred() { let mut shred = ShredCode::new_from_parity_shard( 1, // slot 12, // index &[], // parity_shard 11, // fec_set_index 11, // num_data_shreds 11, // num_coding_shreds 8, // position 0, // version ); assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Ok(())); // index < position is invalid. { let mut shred = shred.clone(); let index = shred.common_header.index - shred.common_header.fec_set_index - 1; shred.set_index(index); assert_matches!( shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidErasureShardIndex { .. }) ); } { let mut shred = shred.clone(); shred.coding_header.num_coding_shreds = 0; assert_matches!( shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidErasureShardIndex { .. }) ); } { let mut shred = shred.clone(); shred.common_header.index = MAX_CODE_SHREDS_PER_SLOT as u32; assert_matches!( shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidShredIndex(ShredType::Code, 557_056)) ); } // pos >= num_coding is invalid. { let mut shred = shred.clone(); let num_coding_shreds = shred.common_header.index - shred.common_header.fec_set_index; shred.coding_header.num_coding_shreds = num_coding_shreds as u16; assert_matches!( shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidErasureShardIndex { .. }) ); } // set_index with num_coding that would imply the last // shred has index > u32::MAX should fail. { let mut shred = shred.clone(); shred.common_header.fec_set_index = MAX_DATA_SHREDS_PER_SLOT as u32 - 2; shred.coding_header.num_data_shreds = 3; shred.coding_header.num_coding_shreds = 4; shred.coding_header.position = 1; shred.common_header.index = MAX_DATA_SHREDS_PER_SLOT as u32 - 2; assert_matches!( shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidErasureShardIndex { .. }) ); shred.coding_header.num_data_shreds = 2; shred.coding_header.num_coding_shreds = 2000; assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidNumCodingShreds(2000))); // Decreasing the number of num_coding_shreds will put it within // the allowed limit. shred.coding_header.num_coding_shreds = 2; assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Ok(())); } { shred.coding_header.num_coding_shreds = u16::MAX; assert_matches!(shred.sanitize(), Err(Error::InvalidNumCodingShreds(65535))); } } }