#![allow(clippy::integer_arithmetic)] extern crate byte_unit; use { byte_unit::Byte, clap::{crate_description, crate_name, Arg, ArgMatches, Command}, serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}, std::{collections::HashMap, fs, ops::Sub, path::PathBuf}, }; #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)] struct IpAddrMapping { private: String, public: String, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)] struct LogLine { a: String, b: String, a_to_b: String, b_to_a: String, } impl Default for LogLine { fn default() -> Self { Self { a: String::default(), b: String::default(), a_to_b: "0B".to_string(), b_to_a: "0B".to_string(), } } } impl LogLine { fn output(a: &str, b: &str, v1: u128, v2: u128) -> String { format!( "Lost {}%, {}, ({} - {}), sender {}, receiver {}", ((v1 - v2) * 100 / v1), Byte::from_bytes(v1 - v2).get_appropriate_unit(true), Byte::from_bytes(v1).get_appropriate_unit(true), Byte::from_bytes(v2).get_appropriate_unit(true), a, b ) } } impl Sub for &LogLine { type Output = String; #[allow(clippy::comparison_chain)] fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { let a_to_b = Byte::from_str(&self.a_to_b) .expect("Failed to read a_to_b bytes") .get_bytes(); let b_to_a = Byte::from_str(&self.b_to_a) .expect("Failed to read b_to_a bytes") .get_bytes(); let rhs_a_to_b = Byte::from_str(&rhs.a_to_b) .expect("Failed to read a_to_b bytes") .get_bytes(); let rhs_b_to_a = Byte::from_str(&rhs.b_to_a) .expect("Failed to read b_to_a bytes") .get_bytes(); let mut out1 = if a_to_b > rhs_b_to_a { LogLine::output(&self.a, &self.b, a_to_b, rhs_b_to_a) } else if a_to_b < rhs_b_to_a { LogLine::output(&self.b, &self.a, rhs_b_to_a, a_to_b) } else { String::default() }; let out2 = if rhs_a_to_b > b_to_a { LogLine::output(&self.a, &self.b, rhs_a_to_b, b_to_a) } else if rhs_a_to_b < b_to_a { LogLine::output(&self.b, &self.a, b_to_a, rhs_a_to_b) } else { String::default() }; if !out1.is_empty() && !out2.is_empty() { out1.push('\n'); } out1.push_str(&out2); out1 } } fn map_ip_address(mappings: &[IpAddrMapping], target: String) -> String { for mapping in mappings { if target.contains(&mapping.private) { return target.replace(&mapping.private, mapping.public.as_str()); } } target } fn process_iftop_logs(matches: &ArgMatches) { let mut map_list: Vec = vec![]; if let Some(("map-IP", args_matches)) = matches.subcommand() { let mut list = args_matches .value_of("list") .expect("Missing list of IP address mappings") .to_string(); list.insert(0, '['); let terminate_at = list .rfind('}') .expect("Didn't find a terminating '}' in IP list") + 1; let _ = list.split_off(terminate_at); list.push(']'); map_list = serde_json::from_str(&list).expect("Failed to parse IP address mapping list"); }; let log_path = PathBuf::from(matches.value_of_t_or_exit::("file")); let mut log = fs::read_to_string(log_path).expect("Unable to read log file"); log.insert(0, '['); let terminate_at = log.rfind('}').expect("Didn't find a terminating '}'") + 1; let _ = log.split_off(terminate_at); log.push(']'); let json_log: Vec = serde_json::from_str(&log).expect("Failed to parse log as JSON"); let mut unique_latest_logs = HashMap::new(); json_log.into_iter().rev().for_each(|l| { if !l.a.is_empty() && !l.b.is_empty() && !l.a_to_b.is_empty() && !l.b_to_a.is_empty() { let key = (l.a.clone(), l.b.clone()); unique_latest_logs.entry(key).or_insert(l); } }); let output: Vec = unique_latest_logs .into_values() .map(|l| { if map_list.is_empty() { l } else { LogLine { a: map_ip_address(&map_list, l.a), b: map_ip_address(&map_list, l.b), a_to_b: l.a_to_b, b_to_a: l.b_to_a, } } }) .collect(); println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&output).unwrap()); } fn analyze_logs(matches: &ArgMatches) { let dir_path = PathBuf::from(matches.value_of_t_or_exit::("folder")); assert!( dir_path.is_dir(), "Need a folder that contains all log files" ); let list_all_diffs = matches.is_present("all"); let files = fs::read_dir(dir_path).expect("Failed to read log folder"); let logs: Vec<_> = files .flat_map(|f| { if let Ok(f) = f { let log_str = fs::read_to_string(f.path()).expect("Unable to read log file"); let log: Vec = serde_json::from_str(log_str.as_str()).expect("Failed to deserialize log"); log } else { vec![] } }) .collect(); let mut logs_hash = HashMap::new(); logs.iter().for_each(|l| { let key = (l.a.clone(), l.b.clone()); logs_hash.entry(key).or_insert(l); }); logs.iter().for_each(|l| { let diff = logs_hash .remove(&(l.a.clone(), l.b.clone())) .map(|v1| { logs_hash.remove(&(l.b.clone(), l.a.clone())).map_or( if list_all_diffs { v1 - &LogLine::default() } else { String::default() }, |v2| v1 - v2, ) }) .unwrap_or_default(); if !diff.is_empty() { println!("{}", diff); } }); } fn main() { solana_logger::setup(); let matches = Command::new(crate_name!()) .about(crate_description!()) .version(solana_version::version!()) .subcommand( Command::new("iftop") .about("Process iftop log file") .arg( Arg::new("file") .short('f') .long("file") .value_name("iftop log file") .takes_value(true) .help("Location of the log file generated by iftop"), ) .subcommand( Command::new("map-IP") .about("Map private IP to public IP Address") .arg( Arg::new("list") .short('l') .long("list") .value_name("JSON string") .takes_value(true) .required(true) .help("JSON string with a list of mapping"), ), ), ) .subcommand( Command::new("analyze") .about("Compare processed network log files") .arg( Arg::new("folder") .short('f') .long("folder") .value_name("DIR") .takes_value(true) .help("Location of processed log files"), ) .arg( Arg::new("all") .short('a') .long("all") .takes_value(false) .help("List all differences"), ), ) .get_matches(); match matches.subcommand() { Some(("iftop", args_matches)) => process_iftop_logs(args_matches), Some(("analyze", args_matches)) => analyze_logs(args_matches), _ => {} }; }