//! configuration for network inflation #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Copy, AbiExample)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct Inflation { /// Initial inflation percentage, from time=0 pub initial: f64, /// Terminal inflation percentage, to time=INF pub terminal: f64, /// Rate per year, at which inflation is lowered until reaching terminal /// i.e. inflation(year) == MAX(terminal, initial*((1-taper)^year)) pub taper: f64, /// Percentage of total inflation allocated to the foundation pub foundation: f64, /// Duration of foundation pool inflation, in years pub foundation_term: f64, /// DEPRECATED, this field is currently unused __unused: f64, } const DEFAULT_INITIAL: f64 = 0.08; const DEFAULT_TERMINAL: f64 = 0.015; const DEFAULT_TAPER: f64 = 0.15; const DEFAULT_FOUNDATION: f64 = 0.05; const DEFAULT_FOUNDATION_TERM: f64 = 7.0; impl Default for Inflation { fn default() -> Self { Self { initial: DEFAULT_INITIAL, terminal: DEFAULT_TERMINAL, taper: DEFAULT_TAPER, foundation: DEFAULT_FOUNDATION, foundation_term: DEFAULT_FOUNDATION_TERM, __unused: 0.0, } } } impl Inflation { pub fn new_disabled() -> Self { Self { initial: 0.0, terminal: 0.0, taper: 0.0, foundation: 0.0, foundation_term: 0.0, __unused: 0.0, } } // fixed inflation rate at `validator` percentage for staking rewards, and none for foundation pub fn new_fixed(validator: f64) -> Self { Self { initial: validator, terminal: validator, taper: 1.0, foundation: 0.0, foundation_term: 0.0, __unused: 0.0, } } pub fn pico() -> Self { Self::new_fixed(0.0001) // 0.01% inflation } /// inflation rate at year pub fn total(&self, year: f64) -> f64 { assert!(year >= 0.0); let tapered = self.initial * ((1.0 - self.taper).powf(year)); if tapered > self.terminal { tapered } else { self.terminal } } /// portion of total that goes to validators pub fn validator(&self, year: f64) -> f64 { self.total(year) - self.foundation(year) } /// portion of total that goes to foundation pub fn foundation(&self, year: f64) -> f64 { if year < self.foundation_term { self.total(year) * self.foundation } else { 0.0 } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] #[allow(clippy::float_cmp)] fn test_inflation_basic() { let inflation = Inflation::default(); let mut last = inflation.total(0.0); for year in &[0.1, 0.5, 1.0, DEFAULT_FOUNDATION_TERM, 100.0] { let total = inflation.total(*year); assert_eq!( total, inflation.validator(*year) + inflation.foundation(*year) ); assert!(total < last); assert!(total >= inflation.terminal); last = total; } assert_eq!(last, inflation.terminal); } #[test] #[allow(clippy::float_cmp)] fn test_inflation_fixed() { let inflation = Inflation::new_fixed(0.001); for year in &[0.1, 0.5, 1.0, DEFAULT_FOUNDATION_TERM, 100.0] { assert_eq!(inflation.total(*year), 0.001); } } }