use crate::{ client_error::{ClientError, ClientErrorKind, Result as ClientResult}, http_sender::HttpSender, mock_sender::{MockSender, Mocks}, rpc_config::{RpcLargestAccountsConfig, RpcSendTransactionConfig}, rpc_request::{RpcError, RpcRequest}, rpc_response::*, rpc_sender::RpcSender, }; use bincode::serialize; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use log::*; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use solana_account_decoder::UiAccount; use solana_sdk::{ account::Account, clock::{ Slot, UnixTimestamp, DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SECOND, DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT, MAX_HASH_AGE_IN_SECONDS, }, commitment_config::{CommitmentConfig, CommitmentLevel}, epoch_info::EpochInfo, epoch_schedule::EpochSchedule, fee_calculator::{FeeCalculator, FeeRateGovernor}, hash::Hash, pubkey::Pubkey, signature::Signature, transaction::{self, Transaction}, }; use solana_transaction_status::{ ConfirmedBlock, ConfirmedTransaction, TransactionStatus, UiTransactionEncoding, }; use solana_vote_program::vote_state::MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY; use std::{ net::SocketAddr, thread::sleep, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; pub struct RpcClient { sender: Box, } impl RpcClient { pub fn new_sender(sender: T) -> Self { Self { sender: Box::new(sender), } } pub fn new(url: String) -> Self { Self::new_sender(HttpSender::new(url)) } pub fn new_with_timeout(url: String, timeout: Duration) -> Self { Self::new_sender(HttpSender::new_with_timeout(url, timeout)) } pub fn new_mock(url: String) -> Self { Self::new_sender(MockSender::new(url)) } pub fn new_mock_with_mocks(url: String, mocks: Mocks) -> Self { Self::new_sender(MockSender::new_with_mocks(url, mocks)) } pub fn new_socket(addr: SocketAddr) -> Self { Self::new(get_rpc_request_str(addr, false)) } pub fn new_socket_with_timeout(addr: SocketAddr, timeout: Duration) -> Self { let url = get_rpc_request_str(addr, false); Self::new_with_timeout(url, timeout) } pub fn confirm_transaction(&self, signature: &Signature) -> ClientResult { Ok(self .confirm_transaction_with_commitment(signature, CommitmentConfig::default())? .value) } pub fn confirm_transaction_with_commitment( &self, signature: &Signature, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> RpcResult { let Response { context, value } = self.get_signature_statuses(&[*signature])?; Ok(Response { context, value: value[0] .as_ref() .filter(|result| result.satisfies_commitment(commitment_config)) .map(|result| result.status.is_ok()) .unwrap_or_default(), }) } pub fn send_transaction(&self, transaction: &Transaction) -> ClientResult { self.send_transaction_with_config(transaction, RpcSendTransactionConfig::default()) } pub fn send_transaction_with_config( &self, transaction: &Transaction, config: RpcSendTransactionConfig, ) -> ClientResult { let serialized_encoded = bs58::encode(serialize(transaction).unwrap()).into_string(); let signature_base58_str: String = self.send( RpcRequest::SendTransaction, json!([serialized_encoded, config]), )?; let signature = signature_base58_str .parse::() .map_err(|err| Into::::into(RpcError::ParseError(err.to_string())))?; // A mismatching RPC response signature indicates an issue with the RPC node, and // should not be passed along to confirmation methods. The transaction may or may // not have been submitted to the cluster, so callers should verify the success of // the correct transaction signature independently. if signature != transaction.signatures[0] { Err(RpcError::RpcRequestError(format!( "RPC node returned mismatched signature {:?}, expected {:?}", signature, transaction.signatures[0] )) .into()) } else { Ok(transaction.signatures[0]) } } pub fn simulate_transaction( &self, transaction: &Transaction, sig_verify: bool, ) -> RpcResult { let serialized_encoded = bs58::encode(serialize(transaction).unwrap()).into_string(); self.send( RpcRequest::SimulateTransaction, json!([serialized_encoded, { "sigVerify": sig_verify }]), ) } pub fn get_signature_status( &self, signature: &Signature, ) -> ClientResult>> { self.get_signature_status_with_commitment(signature, CommitmentConfig::default()) } pub fn get_signature_statuses( &self, signatures: &[Signature], ) -> RpcResult>> { let signatures: Vec<_> = signatures.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(); self.send(RpcRequest::GetSignatureStatuses, json!([signatures])) } pub fn get_signature_status_with_commitment( &self, signature: &Signature, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> ClientResult>> { let result: Response>> = self.send( RpcRequest::GetSignatureStatuses, json!([[signature.to_string()]]), )?; Ok(result.value[0] .clone() .filter(|result| result.satisfies_commitment(commitment_config)) .map(|status_meta| status_meta.status)) } pub fn get_signature_status_with_commitment_and_history( &self, signature: &Signature, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, search_transaction_history: bool, ) -> ClientResult>> { let result: Response>> = self.send( RpcRequest::GetSignatureStatuses, json!([[signature.to_string()], { "searchTransactionHistory": search_transaction_history }]), )?; Ok(result.value[0] .clone() .filter(|result| result.satisfies_commitment(commitment_config)) .map(|status_meta| status_meta.status)) } pub fn get_slot(&self) -> ClientResult { self.get_slot_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::default()) } pub fn get_slot_with_commitment( &self, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::GetSlot, json!([commitment_config])) } pub fn supply_with_commitment( &self, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> RpcResult { self.send(RpcRequest::GetSupply, json!([commitment_config])) } pub fn total_supply(&self) -> ClientResult { self.total_supply_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::default()) } pub fn total_supply_with_commitment( &self, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::GetTotalSupply, json!([commitment_config])) } pub fn get_largest_accounts_with_config( &self, config: RpcLargestAccountsConfig, ) -> RpcResult> { self.send(RpcRequest::GetLargestAccounts, json!([config])) } pub fn get_vote_accounts(&self) -> ClientResult { self.get_vote_accounts_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::default()) } pub fn get_vote_accounts_with_commitment( &self, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::GetVoteAccounts, json!([commitment_config])) } pub fn get_cluster_nodes(&self) -> ClientResult> { self.send(RpcRequest::GetClusterNodes, Value::Null) } pub fn get_confirmed_block(&self, slot: Slot) -> ClientResult { self.get_confirmed_block_with_encoding(slot, UiTransactionEncoding::Json) } pub fn get_confirmed_block_with_encoding( &self, slot: Slot, encoding: UiTransactionEncoding, ) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::GetConfirmedBlock, json!([slot, encoding])) } pub fn get_confirmed_blocks( &self, start_slot: Slot, end_slot: Option, ) -> ClientResult> { self.send( RpcRequest::GetConfirmedBlocks, json!([start_slot, end_slot]), ) } pub fn get_confirmed_signatures_for_address( &self, address: &Pubkey, start_slot: Slot, end_slot: Slot, ) -> ClientResult> { let signatures_base58_str: Vec = self.send( RpcRequest::GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress, json!([address.to_string(), start_slot, end_slot]), )?; let mut signatures = vec![]; for signature_base58_str in signatures_base58_str { signatures.push( signature_base58_str.parse::().map_err(|err| { Into::::into(RpcError::ParseError(err.to_string())) })?, ); } Ok(signatures) } pub fn get_confirmed_transaction( &self, signature: &Signature, encoding: UiTransactionEncoding, ) -> ClientResult { self.send( RpcRequest::GetConfirmedTransaction, json!([signature.to_string(), encoding]), ) } pub fn get_block_time(&self, slot: Slot) -> ClientResult { let request = RpcRequest::GetBlockTime; let response = self.sender.send(request, json!([slot])); response .map(|result_json| { if result_json.is_null() { return Err(RpcError::ForUser(format!("Block Not Found: slot={}", slot)).into()); } let result = serde_json::from_value(result_json) .map_err(|err| ClientError::new_with_request(err.into(), request))?; trace!("Response block timestamp {:?} {:?}", slot, result); Ok(result) }) .map_err(|err| err.into_with_request(request))? } pub fn get_epoch_info(&self) -> ClientResult { self.get_epoch_info_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::default()) } pub fn get_epoch_info_with_commitment( &self, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::GetEpochInfo, json!([commitment_config])) } pub fn get_leader_schedule( &self, slot: Option, ) -> ClientResult> { self.get_leader_schedule_with_commitment(slot, CommitmentConfig::default()) } pub fn get_leader_schedule_with_commitment( &self, slot: Option, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> ClientResult> { self.send( RpcRequest::GetLeaderSchedule, json!([slot, commitment_config]), ) } pub fn get_epoch_schedule(&self) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::GetEpochSchedule, Value::Null) } pub fn get_identity(&self) -> ClientResult { let rpc_identity: RpcIdentity = self.send(RpcRequest::GetIdentity, Value::Null)?; rpc_identity.identity.parse::().map_err(|_| { ClientError::new_with_request( RpcError::ParseError("Pubkey".to_string()).into(), RpcRequest::GetIdentity, ) }) } pub fn get_inflation_governor(&self) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::GetInflationGovernor, Value::Null) } pub fn get_inflation_rate(&self) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::GetInflationRate, Value::Null) } pub fn get_version(&self) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::GetVersion, Value::Null) } pub fn minimum_ledger_slot(&self) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::MinimumLedgerSlot, Value::Null) } pub fn send_and_confirm_transaction( &self, transaction: &Transaction, ) -> ClientResult { let mut send_retries = 20; loop { let mut status_retries = 15; let signature = self.send_transaction(transaction)?; let status = loop { let status = self.get_signature_status(&signature)?; if status.is_none() { status_retries -= 1; if status_retries == 0 { break status; } } else { break status; } if cfg!(not(test)) { // Retry twice a second sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); } }; send_retries = if let Some(result) = status.clone() { match result { Ok(_) => return Ok(signature), Err(_) => 0, } } else { send_retries - 1 }; if send_retries == 0 { if let Some(err) = status { return Err(err.unwrap_err().into()); } else { return Err( RpcError::ForUser("unable to confirm transaction. \ This can happen in situations such as transaction expiration \ and insufficient fee-payer funds".to_string()).into(), ); } } } } pub fn get_account(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> ClientResult { self.get_account_with_commitment(pubkey, CommitmentConfig::default())? .value .ok_or_else(|| RpcError::ForUser(format!("AccountNotFound: pubkey={}", pubkey)).into()) } pub fn get_account_with_commitment( &self, pubkey: &Pubkey, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> RpcResult> { let response = self.sender.send( RpcRequest::GetAccountInfo, json!([pubkey.to_string(), commitment_config]), ); response .map(|result_json| { if result_json.is_null() { return Err( RpcError::ForUser(format!("AccountNotFound: pubkey={}", pubkey)).into(), ); } let Response { context, value: rpc_account, } = serde_json::from_value::>>(result_json)?; trace!("Response account {:?} {:?}", pubkey, rpc_account); let account = rpc_account.and_then(|rpc_account| rpc_account.decode()); Ok(Response { context, value: account, }) }) .map_err(|err| { Into::::into(RpcError::ForUser(format!( "AccountNotFound: pubkey={}: {}", pubkey, err ))) })? } pub fn get_account_data(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> ClientResult> { Ok(self.get_account(pubkey)?.data) } pub fn get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(&self, data_len: usize) -> ClientResult { let request = RpcRequest::GetMinimumBalanceForRentExemption; let minimum_balance_json = self .sender .send(request, json!([data_len])) .map_err(|err| err.into_with_request(request))?; let minimum_balance: u64 = serde_json::from_value(minimum_balance_json) .map_err(|err| ClientError::new_with_request(err.into(), request))?; trace!( "Response minimum balance {:?} {:?}", data_len, minimum_balance ); Ok(minimum_balance) } /// Request the balance of the account `pubkey`. pub fn get_balance(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> ClientResult { Ok(self .get_balance_with_commitment(pubkey, CommitmentConfig::default())? .value) } pub fn get_balance_with_commitment( &self, pubkey: &Pubkey, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> RpcResult { self.send( RpcRequest::GetBalance, json!([pubkey.to_string(), commitment_config]), ) } pub fn get_program_accounts(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> ClientResult> { let accounts: Vec = self.send(RpcRequest::GetProgramAccounts, json!([pubkey.to_string()]))?; let mut pubkey_accounts: Vec<(Pubkey, Account)> = Vec::new(); for RpcKeyedAccount { pubkey, account } in accounts.into_iter() { let pubkey = pubkey.parse().map_err(|_| { ClientError::new_with_request( RpcError::ParseError("Pubkey".to_string()).into(), RpcRequest::GetProgramAccounts, ) })?; pubkey_accounts.push((pubkey, account.decode().unwrap())); } Ok(pubkey_accounts) } /// Request the transaction count. pub fn get_transaction_count(&self) -> ClientResult { self.get_transaction_count_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::default()) } pub fn get_transaction_count_with_commitment( &self, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::GetTransactionCount, json!([commitment_config])) } pub fn get_recent_blockhash(&self) -> ClientResult<(Hash, FeeCalculator)> { let (blockhash, fee_calculator, _last_valid_slot) = self .get_recent_blockhash_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::default())? .value; Ok((blockhash, fee_calculator)) } pub fn get_recent_blockhash_with_commitment( &self, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> RpcResult<(Hash, FeeCalculator, Slot)> { let (context, blockhash, fee_calculator, last_valid_slot) = if let Ok(Response { context, value: RpcFees { blockhash, fee_calculator, last_valid_slot, }, }) = self.send::>(RpcRequest::GetFees, json!([commitment_config])) { (context, blockhash, fee_calculator, last_valid_slot) } else if let Ok(Response { context, value: RpcBlockhashFeeCalculator { blockhash, fee_calculator, }, }) = self.send::>( RpcRequest::GetRecentBlockhash, json!([commitment_config]), ) { (context, blockhash, fee_calculator, 0) } else { return Err(ClientError::new_with_request( RpcError::ParseError("RpcBlockhashFeeCalculator or RpcFees".to_string()).into(), RpcRequest::GetRecentBlockhash, )); }; let blockhash = blockhash.parse().map_err(|_| { ClientError::new_with_request( RpcError::ParseError("Hash".to_string()).into(), RpcRequest::GetRecentBlockhash, ) })?; Ok(Response { context, value: (blockhash, fee_calculator, last_valid_slot), }) } pub fn get_fee_calculator_for_blockhash( &self, blockhash: &Hash, ) -> ClientResult> { Ok(self .get_fee_calculator_for_blockhash_with_commitment( blockhash, CommitmentConfig::default(), )? .value) } pub fn get_fee_calculator_for_blockhash_with_commitment( &self, blockhash: &Hash, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> RpcResult> { let Response { context, value } = self.send::>>( RpcRequest::GetFeeCalculatorForBlockhash, json!([blockhash.to_string(), commitment_config]), )?; Ok(Response { context, value:|rf| rf.fee_calculator), }) } pub fn get_fee_rate_governor(&self) -> RpcResult { let Response { context, value: RpcFeeRateGovernor { fee_rate_governor }, } = self.send::>(RpcRequest::GetFeeRateGovernor, Value::Null)?; Ok(Response { context, value: fee_rate_governor, }) } pub fn get_new_blockhash(&self, blockhash: &Hash) -> ClientResult<(Hash, FeeCalculator)> { let mut num_retries = 0; let start = Instant::now(); while start.elapsed().as_secs() < 5 { if let Ok((new_blockhash, fee_calculator)) = self.get_recent_blockhash() { if new_blockhash != *blockhash { return Ok((new_blockhash, fee_calculator)); } } debug!("Got same blockhash ({:?}), will retry...", blockhash); // Retry ~twice during a slot sleep(Duration::from_millis( 500 * DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT / DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SECOND, )); num_retries += 1; } Err(RpcError::ForUser(format!( "Unable to get new blockhash after {}ms (retried {} times), stuck at {}", start.elapsed().as_millis(), num_retries, blockhash )) .into()) } pub fn get_genesis_hash(&self) -> ClientResult { let hash_str: String = self.send(RpcRequest::GetGenesisHash, Value::Null)?; let hash = hash_str.parse().map_err(|_| { ClientError::new_with_request( RpcError::ParseError("Hash".to_string()).into(), RpcRequest::GetGenesisHash, ) })?; Ok(hash) } fn poll_balance_with_timeout_and_commitment( &self, pubkey: &Pubkey, polling_frequency: &Duration, timeout: &Duration, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> ClientResult { let now = Instant::now(); loop { match self.get_balance_with_commitment(&pubkey, commitment_config) { Ok(bal) => { return Ok(bal.value); } Err(e) => { sleep(*polling_frequency); if now.elapsed() > *timeout { return Err(e); } } }; } } pub fn poll_get_balance_with_commitment( &self, pubkey: &Pubkey, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> ClientResult { self.poll_balance_with_timeout_and_commitment( pubkey, &Duration::from_millis(100), &Duration::from_secs(1), commitment_config, ) } pub fn wait_for_balance_with_commitment( &self, pubkey: &Pubkey, expected_balance: Option, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> Option { const LAST: usize = 30; for run in 0..LAST { let balance_result = self.poll_get_balance_with_commitment(pubkey, commitment_config); if expected_balance.is_none() { return balance_result.ok(); } trace!( "wait_for_balance_with_commitment [{}] {:?} {:?}", run, balance_result, expected_balance ); if let (Some(expected_balance), Ok(balance_result)) = (expected_balance, balance_result) { if expected_balance == balance_result { return Some(balance_result); } } } None } /// Poll the server to confirm a transaction. pub fn poll_for_signature(&self, signature: &Signature) -> ClientResult<()> { self.poll_for_signature_with_commitment(signature, CommitmentConfig::default()) } /// Poll the server to confirm a transaction. pub fn poll_for_signature_with_commitment( &self, signature: &Signature, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> ClientResult<()> { let now = Instant::now(); loop { if let Ok(Some(_)) = self.get_signature_status_with_commitment(&signature, commitment_config) { break; } if now.elapsed().as_secs() > 15 { return Err(RpcError::ForUser(format!( "signature not found after {} seconds", now.elapsed().as_secs() )) .into()); } sleep(Duration::from_millis(250)); } Ok(()) } /// Poll the server to confirm a transaction. pub fn poll_for_signature_confirmation( &self, signature: &Signature, min_confirmed_blocks: usize, ) -> ClientResult { let mut now = Instant::now(); let mut confirmed_blocks = 0; loop { let response = self.get_num_blocks_since_signature_confirmation(signature); match response { Ok(count) => { if confirmed_blocks != count { info!( "signature {} confirmed {} out of {} after {} ms", signature, count, min_confirmed_blocks, now.elapsed().as_millis() ); now = Instant::now(); confirmed_blocks = count; } if count >= min_confirmed_blocks { break; } } Err(err) => { debug!("check_confirmations request failed: {:?}", err); } }; if now.elapsed().as_secs() > 20 { info!( "signature {} confirmed {} out of {} failed after {} ms", signature, confirmed_blocks, min_confirmed_blocks, now.elapsed().as_millis() ); if confirmed_blocks > 0 { return Ok(confirmed_blocks); } else { return Err(RpcError::ForUser(format!( "signature not found after {} seconds", now.elapsed().as_secs() )) .into()); } } sleep(Duration::from_millis(250)); } Ok(confirmed_blocks) } pub fn get_num_blocks_since_signature_confirmation( &self, signature: &Signature, ) -> ClientResult { let result: Response>> = self.send( RpcRequest::GetSignatureStatuses, json!([[signature.to_string()]]), )?; let confirmations = result.value[0] .clone() .ok_or_else(|| { ClientError::new_with_request( ClientErrorKind::Custom("signature not found".to_string()), RpcRequest::GetSignatureStatuses, ) })? .confirmations .unwrap_or(MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY + 1); Ok(confirmations) } pub fn send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner( &self, transaction: &Transaction, ) -> ClientResult { self.send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_config( transaction, CommitmentConfig::default(), RpcSendTransactionConfig::default(), ) } pub fn send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_commitment( &self, transaction: &Transaction, commitment: CommitmentConfig, ) -> ClientResult { self.send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_config( transaction, commitment, RpcSendTransactionConfig::default(), ) } pub fn send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_config( &self, transaction: &Transaction, commitment: CommitmentConfig, config: RpcSendTransactionConfig, ) -> ClientResult { let desired_confirmations = match commitment.commitment { CommitmentLevel::Max | CommitmentLevel::Root => MAX_LOCKOUT_HISTORY + 1, _ => 1, }; let mut confirmations = 0; let progress_bar = new_spinner_progress_bar(); let mut send_retries = 20; let signature = loop { progress_bar.set_message(&format!( "[{}/{}] Finalizing transaction {}", confirmations, desired_confirmations, transaction.signatures[0], )); let mut status_retries = 15; let (signature, status) = loop { let signature = self.send_transaction_with_config(transaction, config)?; // Get recent commitment in order to count confirmations for successful transactions let status = self .get_signature_status_with_commitment(&signature, CommitmentConfig::recent())?; if status.is_none() { status_retries -= 1; if status_retries == 0 { break (signature, status); } } else { break (signature, status); } if cfg!(not(test)) { sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); } }; send_retries = if let Some(result) = status.clone() { match result { Ok(_) => 0, // If transaction errors, return right away; no point in counting confirmations Err(_) => 0, } } else { send_retries - 1 }; if send_retries == 0 { if let Some(result) = status { match result { Ok(_) => { break signature; } Err(err) => { return Err(err.into()); } } } else { return Err(RpcError::ForUser( "unable to confirm transaction. \ This can happen in situations such as transaction \ expiration and insufficient fee-payer funds" .to_string(), ) .into()); } } }; let now = Instant::now(); loop { match commitment.commitment { CommitmentLevel::Max | CommitmentLevel::Root => // Return when default (max) commitment is reached // Failed transactions have already been eliminated, `is_some` check is sufficient { if self.get_signature_status(&signature)?.is_some() { progress_bar.set_message("Transaction confirmed"); progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); return Ok(signature); } } _ => { // Return when one confirmation has been reached if confirmations >= desired_confirmations { progress_bar.set_message("Transaction reached commitment"); progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); return Ok(signature); } } } progress_bar.set_message(&format!( "[{}/{}] Finalizing transaction {}", confirmations + 1, desired_confirmations, signature, )); sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); confirmations = self .get_num_blocks_since_signature_confirmation(&signature) .unwrap_or(confirmations); if now.elapsed().as_secs() >= MAX_HASH_AGE_IN_SECONDS as u64 { return Err( RpcError::ForUser("transaction not finalized. \ This can happen when a transaction lands in an abandoned fork. \ Please retry.".to_string()).into(), ); } } } pub fn validator_exit(&self) -> ClientResult { self.send(RpcRequest::ValidatorExit, Value::Null) } pub fn send(&self, request: RpcRequest, params: Value) -> ClientResult where T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned, { assert!(params.is_array() || params.is_null()); let response = self .sender .send(request, params) .map_err(|err| err.into_with_request(request))?; serde_json::from_value(response) .map_err(|err| ClientError::new_with_request(err.into(), request)) } } fn new_spinner_progress_bar() -> ProgressBar { let progress_bar = ProgressBar::new(42); progress_bar .set_style(ProgressStyle::default_spinner().template("{} {wide_msg}")); progress_bar.enable_steady_tick(100); progress_bar } pub fn get_rpc_request_str(rpc_addr: SocketAddr, tls: bool) -> String { if tls { format!("https://{}", rpc_addr) } else { format!("http://{}", rpc_addr) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{client_error::ClientErrorKind, mock_sender::PUBKEY}; use assert_matches::assert_matches; use jsonrpc_core::{Error, IoHandler, Params}; use jsonrpc_http_server::{AccessControlAllowOrigin, DomainsValidation, ServerBuilder}; use serde_json::Number; use solana_sdk::{ instruction::InstructionError, signature::Keypair, system_transaction, transaction::TransactionError, }; use std::{io, sync::mpsc::channel, thread}; #[test] fn test_send() { let (sender, receiver) = channel(); thread::spawn(move || { let rpc_addr = "".parse().unwrap(); let mut io = IoHandler::default(); // Successful request io.add_method("getBalance", |_params: Params| { Ok(Value::Number(Number::from(50))) }); // Failed request io.add_method("getRecentBlockhash", |params: Params| { if params != Params::None { Err(Error::invalid_request()) } else { Ok(Value::String( "deadbeefXjn8o3yroDHxUtKsZZgoy4GPkPPXfouKNHhx".to_string(), )) } }); let server = ServerBuilder::new(io) .threads(1) .cors(DomainsValidation::AllowOnly(vec![ AccessControlAllowOrigin::Any, ])) .start_http(&rpc_addr) .expect("Unable to start RPC server"); sender.send(*server.address()).unwrap(); server.wait(); }); let rpc_addr = receiver.recv().unwrap(); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_socket(rpc_addr); let balance: u64 = rpc_client .send( RpcRequest::GetBalance, json!(["deadbeefXjn8o3yroDHxUtKsZZgoy4GPkPPXfouKNHhx"]), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(balance, 50); let blockhash: String = rpc_client .send(RpcRequest::GetRecentBlockhash, Value::Null) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(blockhash, "deadbeefXjn8o3yroDHxUtKsZZgoy4GPkPPXfouKNHhx"); // Send erroneous parameter let blockhash: ClientResult = rpc_client.send(RpcRequest::GetRecentBlockhash, json!(["parameter"])); assert_eq!(blockhash.is_err(), true); } #[test] fn test_send_transaction() { let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string()); let key = Keypair::new(); let to = Pubkey::new_rand(); let blockhash = Hash::default(); let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&key, &to, 50, blockhash); let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx); assert_eq!(signature.unwrap(), tx.signatures[0]); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("fails".to_string()); let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx); assert!(signature.is_err()); // Test bad signature returned from rpc node let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("malicious".to_string()); let signature = rpc_client.send_transaction(&tx); assert!(signature.is_err()); } #[test] fn test_get_recent_blockhash() { let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string()); let expected_blockhash: Hash = PUBKEY.parse().unwrap(); let (blockhash, _fee_calculator) = rpc_client.get_recent_blockhash().expect("blockhash ok"); assert_eq!(blockhash, expected_blockhash); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("fails".to_string()); assert!(rpc_client.get_recent_blockhash().is_err()); } #[test] fn test_get_signature_status() { let signature = Signature::default(); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string()); let status = rpc_client.get_signature_status(&signature).unwrap(); assert_eq!(status, Some(Ok(()))); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("sig_not_found".to_string()); let status = rpc_client.get_signature_status(&signature).unwrap(); assert_eq!(status, None); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("account_in_use".to_string()); let status = rpc_client.get_signature_status(&signature).unwrap(); assert_eq!(status, Some(Err(TransactionError::AccountInUse))); } #[test] fn test_send_and_confirm_transaction() { let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string()); let key = Keypair::new(); let to = Pubkey::new_rand(); let blockhash = Hash::default(); let tx = system_transaction::transfer(&key, &to, 50, blockhash); let result = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx); result.unwrap(); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("account_in_use".to_string()); let result = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx); assert!(result.is_err()); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("instruction_error".to_string()); let result = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx); assert_matches!( result.unwrap_err().kind(), ClientErrorKind::TransactionError(TransactionError::InstructionError( 0, InstructionError::UninitializedAccount )) ); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("sig_not_found".to_string()); let result = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx); if let ClientErrorKind::Io(err) = result.unwrap_err().kind() { assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::Other); } } #[test] fn test_rpc_client_thread() { let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_mock("succeeds".to_string()); thread::spawn(move || rpc_client); } }