//! Provide fast iteration of all pubkeys which could possibly be rent paying, grouped by rent collection partition use { crate::bank::{Bank, PartitionIndex, PartitionsPerCycle}, solana_sdk::{epoch_schedule::EpochSchedule, pubkey::Pubkey}, std::collections::HashSet, }; lazy_static! { pub static ref EMPTY_HASHSET: HashSet = HashSet::default(); } /// populated at startup with the accounts that were found that are rent paying. /// These are the 'possible' rent paying accounts. /// This set can never grow during runtime since it is not possible to create rent paying accounts now. /// It can shrink during execution if a rent paying account is dropped to lamports=0 or is topped off. /// The next time the validator restarts, it will remove the account from this list. #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct RentPayingAccountsByPartition { /// 1st index is partition end index, 0..=432_000 /// 2nd dimension is list of pubkeys which were identified at startup to be rent paying /// At the moment, we use this data structure to verify all rent paying accounts are expected. /// When we stop iterating the accounts index to FIND rent paying accounts, we will no longer need this to be a hashset. /// It can just be a vec. pub accounts: Vec>, partition_count: PartitionsPerCycle, } impl RentPayingAccountsByPartition { /// create new struct. Need slots per epoch from 'epoch_schedule' pub fn new(epoch_schedule: &EpochSchedule) -> Self { let partition_count = epoch_schedule.slots_per_epoch; Self { partition_count, accounts: (0..=partition_count) .into_iter() .map(|_| HashSet::::default()) .collect(), } } /// Remember that 'pubkey' can possibly be rent paying. pub fn add_account(&mut self, pubkey: &Pubkey) { let partition_end_index = Bank::partition_from_pubkey(pubkey, self.partition_count); let list = &mut self.accounts[partition_end_index as usize]; list.insert(*pubkey); } /// return all pubkeys that can possibly be rent paying with this partition end_index pub fn get_pubkeys_in_partition_index( &self, partition_end_index: PartitionIndex, ) -> &HashSet { self.accounts .get(partition_end_index as usize) .unwrap_or(&EMPTY_HASHSET) } pub fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool { self.partition_count != 0 } } #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_add() { let mut test = RentPayingAccountsByPartition::new(&EpochSchedule::custom(32, 0, false)); let pk = Pubkey::new(&[1; 32]); test.add_account(&pk); // make sure duplicate adds only result in a single item test.add_account(&pk); assert_eq!(test.get_pubkeys_in_partition_index(0).len(), 1); assert!(test.get_pubkeys_in_partition_index(1).is_empty()); assert!(test.is_initialized()); let test = RentPayingAccountsByPartition::default(); assert!(!test.is_initialized()); } }