use { crate::{ instruction::InstructionError, message::{AddressLoaderError, SanitizeMessageError}, sanitize::SanitizeError, }, serde::Serialize, thiserror::Error, }; /// Reasons a transaction might be rejected. #[derive( Error, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, AbiExample, AbiEnumVisitor, )] pub enum TransactionError { /// An account is already being processed in another transaction in a way /// that does not support parallelism #[error("Account in use")] AccountInUse, /// A `Pubkey` appears twice in the transaction's `account_keys`. Instructions can reference /// `Pubkey`s more than once but the message must contain a list with no duplicate keys #[error("Account loaded twice")] AccountLoadedTwice, /// Attempt to debit an account but found no record of a prior credit. #[error("Attempt to debit an account but found no record of a prior credit.")] AccountNotFound, /// Attempt to load a program that does not exist #[error("Attempt to load a program that does not exist")] ProgramAccountNotFound, /// The from `Pubkey` does not have sufficient balance to pay the fee to schedule the transaction #[error("Insufficient funds for fee")] InsufficientFundsForFee, /// This account may not be used to pay transaction fees #[error("This account may not be used to pay transaction fees")] InvalidAccountForFee, /// The bank has seen this transaction before. This can occur under normal operation /// when a UDP packet is duplicated, as a user error from a client not updating /// its `recent_blockhash`, or as a double-spend attack. #[error("This transaction has already been processed")] AlreadyProcessed, /// The bank has not seen the given `recent_blockhash` or the transaction is too old and /// the `recent_blockhash` has been discarded. #[error("Blockhash not found")] BlockhashNotFound, /// An error occurred while processing an instruction. The first element of the tuple /// indicates the instruction index in which the error occurred. #[error("Error processing Instruction {0}: {1}")] InstructionError(u8, InstructionError), /// Loader call chain is too deep #[error("Loader call chain is too deep")] CallChainTooDeep, /// Transaction requires a fee but has no signature present #[error("Transaction requires a fee but has no signature present")] MissingSignatureForFee, /// Transaction contains an invalid account reference #[error("Transaction contains an invalid account reference")] InvalidAccountIndex, /// Transaction did not pass signature verification #[error("Transaction did not pass signature verification")] SignatureFailure, /// This program may not be used for executing instructions #[error("This program may not be used for executing instructions")] InvalidProgramForExecution, /// Transaction failed to sanitize accounts offsets correctly /// implies that account locks are not taken for this TX, and should /// not be unlocked. #[error("Transaction failed to sanitize accounts offsets correctly")] SanitizeFailure, #[error("Transactions are currently disabled due to cluster maintenance")] ClusterMaintenance, /// Transaction processing left an account with an outstanding borrowed reference #[error("Transaction processing left an account with an outstanding borrowed reference")] AccountBorrowOutstanding, /// Transaction would exceed max Block Cost Limit #[error("Transaction would exceed max Block Cost Limit")] WouldExceedMaxBlockCostLimit, /// Transaction version is unsupported #[error("Transaction version is unsupported")] UnsupportedVersion, /// Transaction loads a writable account that cannot be written #[error("Transaction loads a writable account that cannot be written")] InvalidWritableAccount, /// Transaction would exceed max account limit within the block #[error("Transaction would exceed max account limit within the block")] WouldExceedMaxAccountCostLimit, /// Transaction would exceed account data limit within the block #[error("Transaction would exceed account data limit within the block")] WouldExceedAccountDataBlockLimit, /// Transaction locked too many accounts #[error("Transaction locked too many accounts")] TooManyAccountLocks, /// Address lookup table not found #[error("Transaction loads an address table account that doesn't exist")] AddressLookupTableNotFound, /// Attempted to lookup addresses from an account owned by the wrong program #[error("Transaction loads an address table account with an invalid owner")] InvalidAddressLookupTableOwner, /// Attempted to lookup addresses from an invalid account #[error("Transaction loads an address table account with invalid data")] InvalidAddressLookupTableData, /// Address table lookup uses an invalid index #[error("Transaction address table lookup uses an invalid index")] InvalidAddressLookupTableIndex, /// Transaction leaves an account with a lower balance than rent-exempt minimum #[error("Transaction leaves an account with a lower balance than rent-exempt minimum")] InvalidRentPayingAccount, /// Transaction would exceed max Vote Cost Limit #[error("Transaction would exceed max Vote Cost Limit")] WouldExceedMaxVoteCostLimit, /// Transaction would exceed total account data limit #[error("Transaction would exceed total account data limit")] WouldExceedAccountDataTotalLimit, /// Transaction contains a duplicate instruction that is not allowed #[error("Transaction contains a duplicate instruction ({0}) that is not allowed")] DuplicateInstruction(u8), /// Transaction results in an account with insufficient funds for rent #[error( "Transaction results in an account ({account_index}) with insufficient funds for rent" )] InsufficientFundsForRent { account_index: u8 }, } impl From for TransactionError { fn from(_: SanitizeError) -> Self { Self::SanitizeFailure } } impl From for TransactionError { fn from(err: SanitizeMessageError) -> Self { match err { SanitizeMessageError::AddressLoaderError(err) => Self::from(err), _ => Self::SanitizeFailure, } } } impl From for TransactionError { fn from(err: AddressLoaderError) -> Self { match err { AddressLoaderError::Disabled => Self::UnsupportedVersion, AddressLoaderError::SlotHashesSysvarNotFound => Self::AccountNotFound, AddressLoaderError::LookupTableAccountNotFound => Self::AddressLookupTableNotFound, AddressLoaderError::InvalidAccountOwner => Self::InvalidAddressLookupTableOwner, AddressLoaderError::InvalidAccountData => Self::InvalidAddressLookupTableData, AddressLoaderError::InvalidLookupIndex => Self::InvalidAddressLookupTableIndex, } } }